Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (51 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Her feet seemed to melt into the plush cream carpet, looking round the room she pointed at a door and said, “Where does that lead to?”  Boastfully he replied, “That’s the en suite.” It had a walk in shower cubicle, sink and toilet, along with luxury gold fittings. Showing her two further bedrooms; the first one had a mulberry wine and cream colour scheme, a double bed with bridging unit, light oak fitted wardrobes. The next bedroom was virtually identical except for the colour scheme, which was duck egg blue and cream.

When they entered the family bathroom, stunning was her first thought as she looked round. Complete with jacuzzi, shower cubicle, bidet and toilet, luxury gold fittings and marble walls completed the room. Maria said, “I thought you said there were four bedrooms?” “There are, but I’ve saved the best till last.” “Really, I wouldn’t think there were many bedrooms that could better the master one.” “Well maybe you’re right babe, wait and see.” As he opened the door she was momentarily overwhelmed, it was a large bedroom; that had been furnished as a nursery. “Oh it’s just lovely Jimmy. I’ve only seen rooms like this in magazines.” It was furnished with white fitted wardrobes and matching chests of draws,  a gorgeous cot with a lace canopy and musical mobile was placed next to a rocking horse along with several other large cuddly toys, including a four feet tall Winnie the Pooh. A built in book case with several children’s books already housed on it. She noticed there was also a babies changing unit and several things hanging from the walls, including a Winnie the Pooh children’s height chart and a Winnie the Pooh wall clock.

Putting her arm around him she joked and said, “It’s fabulous, but we haven’t got any kids yet!” “That’s was why I left the nursery ‘til last.” “I’m not sure what
you mean.” Running his hand down to her bum and squeezing it, he said, “I deliberately left the nursery ‘til last, in the hope you might want to get some practise in for making a baby to go in it!” “I’d love to, not that you need any practice!”

They made their way back to the master bedroom, it’s was only a matter of minute
s before they were making love. Lying together afterwards he smiled at her and said, “We’ve only got ten more rooms to Christen.” Giggling she replied, “Not all of them today though, hey Jimmy!” Pulling her on to him he joked and said, “We can probably manage another three or four!” “Dream on lover boy,” she replied with a giggled. When they finally got up it was around three that afternoon. “Shall we stop at a café on the way home for a coffee,” said Jimmy. “Yes that would be lovely.” “Maybe it would be a good idea to buy a few things for here, like tea and coffee, as we’ll be living here.” “Good point, come on then let’s get going.”

As they drove, she said, “What will you do about the apartment?” “Not really sure, we could sell it or rent it out.” “I love it there but I can’t wait to move into the house. Maybe we could start moving a few things in over the next week or two? Perhaps we could even stay over a couple of nights?” “Sounds good to me, but remember Monica will be staying with us.” “I don’t think that’ll be a problem, especially if Mickey stays over at the apartment with her for the odd night.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon just talking about the house. “I can’t wait to get married Jimmy so we can start a family. If we have a boy I’d like to call him James Michael Shaun Dixon, Jimmy junior for short! If it’s a girl it’ll be Melanie Joanne after my friend from the orphanage and your mum Joan.” Smiling he replied, “Do I have any say in the matter?” “Of course not, you would have done your bit nine months earlier!” Continuing their talk about babies, she said, “That reminds me, my contraceptive injection is due in two weeks.” Jimmy had a tiny smirk on his face as he replied, “Don’t bother babe, especially if we’re going to have all these babies.” “You’ll make a wonderful dad Jimmy.” In that instant he felt an over whelming sense of pride; he had often thought about fatherhood, now it would be a reality.

During the drive back, all she talked about was the house and babies.

When Mickey arrived at the apartment, she couldn’t resist telling him all about it, but not once did he let on that he already knew about the house. He listened intently, even acting surprised when she said about certain features.

Finally she went to dress for dinner and he was able to tell Jimmy that he had passed the tape on to George Davage. “How did it go,” said Jimmy. “Everything went well; George implied that he hoped to be able to arrest Samuels once the tape has been verified. Shame my friend Jeff Black is away on holiday in America, or he would have dealt with Samuels. Despite all the evidence it will take several weeks, if not months, before it goes to court and no doubt Samuels will try everything he can to have the case thrown out; he’ll probably hire the best barrister London has to offer. Under normal circumstance I could imagine him getting away with some of it, maybe even getting a paltry sentence, which in theory could mean he won’t serve any actual prison time.” “Shouldn’t be allowed Mick, Samuels is as dirty as dogs shit!” “I agree whole heartedly; but as a solicitor I know only too well that the laws in Britain are as corrupt as some of the criminals, basically if you can afford the best, you can save yourself prison time. You only have to look at child sex offenders to realise that. In a nut shell, you only have to be someone important with money to get away with it. However, that’s where our old friend Quinton will prove useful, especially if he wants to keep himself out of prison, which I’m certain he will. There’s another added bonus;
internal affairs will be taking a good look into Samuels. One thing is pretty much a certainty; he’ll be kicked out of the force. The last thing the government want is a dirty cop slapped all over the papers.” “When are you going to see Quinton, do you want me to come with you?” “No, I’ll look at the court rota to see when he’s available, I can probably talk to him at the courts, I just need to tell him to make certain he gets the case.” Jimmy was just about to call Maria when she appeared. “I’m ready, sorry I’ve taken so long I wasn’t sure what to wear.” Both men said she looked great.

Throughout dinner she talked about the house and the family they were going to have, although she did express to Mickey how bad she felt about Monica not being able to have children. Typically of him he replied, “There are always babies that need a good home, in fact I know several people who had even travelled to places like Romania to adopt babies; if that’s what Monica really wanted to do I’d be happy look into it.” “Oh Mickey it would be wonderful if our children could grow up together.” Grinning he replied, “Shall we get the wedding over with first, before we start thinking about kids?” They all laughed.

The evening passed quickly. Mickey arranged to call him the following day as they said goodnight.



With the wedding drawing closer the days seemed to fly by. Maria was thrilled to hear that Monica was being discharged from hospital that day, which meant they would have almost three weeks to go over all the final wedding arrangements. She had picked up Monica’s wedding dress, so once she was home she would be able to try it on, just in case it needed any last minute adjustments.

“They’re here,” she called as she watched Mickey and Monica get out of their car. Jimmy had helped her to decorate the apartment with balloons and banners that read welcome home. There was a bottle of champagne and some tasty nibbles placed on the table, with a huge bouquet of flowers taking pride of place on the coffee table.

Maria embraced her friend as she entered the apartment. Monica said, “It’s great to finally be out of hospital.” “I know I’ve really missed you, how are you feeling?” “I feel fine, just a little weak.” Jimmy piped in and said, “With Maria cooking for you, you’ll have your strength back in no time. Actually girls as you’ve got lots of things to discuss; perhaps me and Mickey could pop down to the club for a couple of hours later? Leave you girls to talk about the wedding and stuff.”  Maria joked with Monica and said, “Any excuse.” Then smiling at Jimmy added, “Its fine, I’d love nothing better than to sit and chat to Monica.” Looking rather sheepish, Mickey looked at Monica and said, “Are you sure its ok babe, you’ve only just come home?” “It’s fine darling, I think you’ve earned a few hours out.”  They didn’t need telling twice; as soon as they had finished dinner they kissed their ladies goodbye and left for Dixie’s.

Billy was on the door, it was quiet they had only been open an hour. Jacky Boy and Kevin were inside.  After stopping briefly to talk to Billy they entered the club. Inside Mickey said, “Everything ok lads?” Jacky boy was happy to reply, “Everything’s fine, it’s always quiet for the first couple of hours.” They were talking as a pretty young girl came over and spoke to Jacky Boy, Jimmy recognised her as his girlfriend Lisa. With a grin he said, “Alright babe, how’s it going? I hope Jacky Boy is taking care of you?” Smiling at him she replied, “Yes he’s lovely. We’re really looking forward to the wedding. We’re looking for a place to live so we can move in together and then hopefully get married” Mickey teased her and said, “So you’re going to make an honest man of him then Lisa? Where do you intend living?” “Anywhere, as long as it’s near to work we’re not fussy; property is like gold dust, especially in our price range. We hope to rent until we’ve got enough money for a large deposit.” Jimmy liked her; she was a decent sort, hard working, honest and reliable. Joking he said, “If you want some extra cash babe Jacky Boy could always get you a couple of night’s pole dancing at sweet cheeks.” Jacky playfully grabbed her arse and said, “Cheers Jimmy, but I’m the only one who’ll be grabbing this bootie!” Lisa blushed and said, “Behave!”

They had only been there two hours when to their surprise George Davage walked in; he was accompanied by a very pretty young woman, she was blonde in her early twenties. After he introduced her as his sister Rubie; he asked if he could talk to them in private. They asked Kevin to look after Rubie; adding her drinks were on the house. Kevin was only too happy to oblige, because he liked the look of her and he quite fancied getting to know her.

The three men went into the office; George was off duty so he readily accepted the offer of a drink; before telling them the reason why he was there. Looking quite smug he said, “Thought you might like to know this very afternoon Samuels was arrested; internal affairs are now looking at him.” Laughing he added, “Samuels protested his innocence; until I told him about the tape I had in my possession, but even then he tried to convince me he’d been set up.” Mickey replied, “Can you make the charges stick?” “Absolutely, all the evidence points to Samuels being corrupt. There’s also the fact that the Jamaicans appear to have returned to the Caribbean; so there’s no one to collaborate his story.” “Really, must have been the Jamaicans who took the drugs from the office then?” Mickey grinned at Jimmy when George said,” No doubt about it.” They both noticed that the off duty detective had a sort of a smug grin on his face when he’d said that. They were both thinking, was he indicating to them that he thought there was something dodgy about it, but letting them know he didn’t give a shit? George continued, “Things will move quickly once internal affairs have collected all the evidence; the powers that be will want the case dealt with as soon as possible. Nobody likes to hear about dirty cops, especially high ranking officers like Samuels, it makes everyone look bad. Oh there’s one more thing, thought you might like to know Samuels has engaged the legal services of Alistair Fulton Monroe, I’m surprised he can afford him on a detective’s salary.” “I agree,” said Mickey, “It would cost a small fortune to have him; he’s probably one of the best barristers in London. I dare say it’s probably Samuels’s ill-gotten gains from drug dealing that will pay his bill. Just out of curiosity do you know whose representing the people?” “Virginia Hollingsworth I believe.” “Yeah I can understand that, she’s very high profile, she takes on some of the most difficult cases.” Jimmy interrupted and said, “So George do you think Samuels will be found guilty and if so is he likely to serve any real time?” Without hesitation George replied, “With the evidence we have against him; they can’t find him anything but guilty, as for the sentence that will depend on the judge.” Jimmy smiled and said, “Well let’s just hope we get a decent one then.” Mickey grinned at his friend before looking back at George and saying, “Thanks for coming over to tell us George, we appreciate it. We’d like you and your sister to enjoy the rest of the night as our guests.” “Thanks, will you two be joining me and Rubie in the club.” “Of course,” said Mickey. They talked about Rubie after George said, “She’s my half sister from my dad’s second marriage. That’s why there’s a large age gap between us, my dad’s second wife is younger than him.”

Back inside the club they chatted about Monica and the wedding, they knew she had invited George. Jimmy smiled at Rubie before he looked at George and said, “Will you be bringing Rubie along to the wedding.” “Unfortunately I’m on duty that day, but I did tell Monica I’d try and drop in at the reception later in the evening.”  Kevin interrupted and said, “If Rubie wants to go to the wedding, I’d be happy to take her as my guest.” Before George had time to answer, Rubie replied, “Thanks Kev, I’d love to.” It was obvious to her brother that they liked each other, so George replied, “I’ve no objections to her going she’s old enough to decide for herself.”

It was around midnight, when Mickey said, “We ought to be thinking about getting back to the girls Jimmy.” Then he looked at George and added, “Please stay, Kev and the lads will look after you.” “Thanks all the same, but I’ll be going soon I’ve got work the in the morning.” Rubie piped in and said, “I’d like to stay.” Immediately Kevin said, “I can take her home later George.” “Thanks Kev I’d appreciate that and I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that I’m a copper, so I’ll expect you to drive her straight home when the club shuts.” They all laughed as Rubie said, “Listen to him, anyone would think he’s my dad to hear him talk!”

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