Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (103 page)

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Once the condom is on, Joe steadies me with his right hand on my hip and the other guides the tip of his penis to my wet, swollen sex. He teases me, dipping just a small amount of his head past the threshold of my opening.

I moan from the sensation and at the anticipation of being filled by him. “Fuck me!” I shout, reaching back and grabbing his side. My hand yanks him forward and I whimper with rapture when his rock hard penis penetrates me entirely. “More,” I coax, pulling at him again.

With both hands on my hips, Joe holds us in place, repositioning my waist a few inches back from the edge of the desk. As he regains his momentum, I feel the heat from his hand as it sweeps under and find my clitoris, circling it with deliberate strokes. Using my arms to steady myself, I press back into his oncoming body, matching him stride for stride. Moaning uncontrollably, my body riles as Joe thrusts inside, bringing me closer to release.

“Don’t . . . stop,” I direct him, hardly able to mutter the words. “Yes . . . yes . . . .” My panting can barely bring in enough oxygen to my lungs as I sharply gasp, sucking in air that pains my chest as my orgasm explodes. “Mmmmmm . . . ” I let out as my cave becomes as slick as an oil field.

“Emma . . .” Joe mumbles as he grips my shoulder and thrusts in as deep as he can go.

“Don’t . . . stop,” I instruct, so close to another climax. “I’m going to . . .” I begin before a wail of a moan leaves my throat from the onslaught of another, more intense orgasm.

“Emma,” Joe cries.

Within about five more strokes, Joe collapses his body over mine, wrapping his arms around my ribs and rocks his forehead between my shoulder blades. After several gentle kisses, Joe groans as he removes himself from me. Unable to move, I stay in place as I hear him head to the half bath that is connected to the office. A warm, wet sensation cleans my sex. Once he’s done cleaning himself, Joe sweeps me up and lowers us to his chair. My head rests on his shoulder and my legs drape over the armrest as Joe leisurely skims his fingers up and down my thigh.

“That was hot. You’re hot,” he hums.

We sit quietly for a few minutes, soaking in each other.

Joe’s lips trail softly along my cheek, but when I turn to give him easier access to my neck, my eyes catch something on his computer screen. “Where did you get that?” I ask, surprised to see the few pictures that have revealed themselves.

“What?” Joe replies, keeping his face attached to my neck.

“Those,” I answer, shifting in his lap and leaning forward to the computer screen. “How the fuck did you get them?” My voice goes up about an octave.

“What?” Joe returns, leaning into me. “Oh . . . those.”

,” I state, getting up and reaching for my underwear.

“I got them awhile ago. The day I came over and Mia was there. You had just gotten the photo books for Maggie, Henry, and the family. Why?” he says.

“Why?” I snap, stepping into my dress. “Because, I never gave them to anyone.”

Joe puts on his boxer briefs. “What’s the big deal?”

I don’t answer as I finish getting dressed, mad at how he’s had the candid photos of us from Maggie’s and Henry’s wedding all this time — the ones I haven’t shown to anyone.

“Emma,” Joe calls. “Why are you mad?”

My gaze jumps to his face, but I refrain from commenting.

“Emma, talk to me,” Joe requests, taking a hold of my arm.

I yank away, continuing to give him the silent treatment. The funny thing is, is that I’m not really mad at him for having them, sneaking copies for himself behind my back. I’m mad at myself for not being mad — does that even make sense?

“Emma,” Joe says sternly, almost on the edge of it being that authoritative tone that turns me on. He blocks me from moving. “Talk to me. Yell at me. I don’t care which one. I know you’re mad.”

“No,” I snap, pulling away, but he holds onto me firmly.

“We talk about everything, except if it’s about us,” he adds.

“Joe,” I sigh.

“We never argue, Emma,” Joe presents. “You get mad and walk away.”

“Joe,” I plea.

“Tell me how it makes you feel,” he presses.

I don’t say anything.

“You’re not going anywhere until we talk about it,” he charges.

“Let it be, Joe,” I direct.

“I can’t,” he replies.

“Why not?”


“Because, why?” I press.

“Because, I need to know what you’re thinking . . . what you’re feeling. Usually, I can guess, but I can’t on this one and I’m not about to let you walk out the door without giving me something. I’m not letting you walk out on me, not again,” he presents.

“I don’t know what to say,” I return as a lump forms in my throat.

I wouldn’t be walking out on him — not like that — not like Christmas. I just need some time to think.

“Try,” he coaxes. “Something. Anything.” He waits patiently.

My head shakes and words fail to form in my mouth.

“It’s okay to be scared,” Joe offers.

“I’m not scared,” I reply.

“Then, why can’t you talk to me about it?”

I don’t say anything.

How am I supposed to talk to him about it when I don’t even understand it. I’ve never been good with my emotions.

“Emma, please,” he begs. Joe tugs me gently to follow him. He positions me to sit on the edge of his desk as he lowers himself in his chair. His warm hands gently but firmly hold onto my thighs.

“I’m . . . mad,” I state calmly after a few seconds.

“Mad is to be expected,” he replies.

“Not . . . not at you,” I continue.

Joe’s brows furrow, but he doesn’t say a word.

“I’m mad that I’m not mad at you,” I explain. “I know that doesn’t make any sense.”

“No,” he soothes. “It does.”

“No, it doesn’t,” I challenge. “I don’t get it. Why aren’t I mad at you?”

Joe chuckles. “I don’t know,” he says with a cocky grin.

“That’s not helping,” I state, crossing my arms in front of me.

“Sorry, beautiful,” he laughs. “Please, continue.”

“This is weird and new for me,” I remind.

“Talk to me like I’m Jared or Maggie,” he suggests. “What would you say to them?”

“How are you not mad right now?” I ask in the hopes of evading expression of my own feelings.

“Because,” he starts. “There isn’t anything you do that really makes me mad . . . other than not talking to me . . . which I get mad at the situation rather than you because I know that it’s challenging for you . . . and, you’re talking to me right now. At least, you’re trying to.”

My body fidgets as I try to explain, but I’m left with nothing and offer a pleading expression.

“Are you mad that I have them?” Joe checks.

“Yes . . . and no, not really,” I answer.

He nods. “Are you mad that I found them and didn’t tell you?”

“A little,” I huff. “I’m mad at myself since I’m not really mad at you. I don’t understand why I’m not mad at you.” My head jerks up from a thought that pops into my head. “Has anyone seen them?”

“No,” he reassures.

“Are you sure?” I check. “Jimmy, Allen, your dad or mom could have used your office at some point and saw them.”

“The only person who may have seen them, other than me and you, would be Anna when she’s cleaning,” he states. “Anytime I knew someone would be here, prior to us coming out to our friends and family, I changed the screensaver.”

My lips purse and my head bobs.

“Would it matter if someone saw them now?” he checks.

“As in who?” I ask nervously.

“As in our friends and family?” he answers with a chuckle.

“No,” I comment. “I guess not. Not since we’re a . . . couple.”

“Can I ask you something?” he says.


“Did you hide them because you didn’t want people to see them?” he inquires.

My shoulders shrug.

“I know from a number of those photos that they give away . . . .”

“No,” I cut him off. “They don’t give away anything.”

I know they do, but I don’t want to admit it.

Joe tilts his head to the side and raises a brow in disbelief to my comment.

“Okay, fine,” I huff. “Yes. Happy?”

“Thank you,” he says sweetly.

“For what?”

“For being honest with me,” he answers. “For trusting me. For letting me in. I know it’s not easy.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I reply, trying to brush it off.

Joe stands up, continuing to hold my hand as he moves closer. “How about some lunch?”

“Okay,” I sigh. “But, Anna’s not here.”

“Good,” he states with a smile. “Maybe it’s time to break-in the kitchen.”

“Depends on how good lunch is,” I return with a smirk.

Joe steps more into my body, pressing himself firmly against me. His cock pulses against my belly. Is he still hard from before, or is he getting aroused again? He proceeds to kiss me — my mouth — my neck. I’m instantly lost within his arms and I suddenly don’t care about the photos, more happy with the thought he’s had them this long and wanted them too.

One Hundred Thirteen

The next couple of days I’m doing research online about either what company to consider investing in or starting, but nothing comes to mind. Most days, Joe and I are together and we’re able to discuss a variety of options even though we get distracted from time to time and end up getting naked.

Last night, Joe stayed at my place since we’ve spent the past couple of nights at his penthouse.

“Come back to bed, beautiful,” Joe groans, rolling over onto his back.

“I can’t,” I reply, putting on the rest of my workout clothes.

“Please,” he begs, reaching for me.

“No,” I return flatly while trying to hide a smile.

“Pleeeeeeease,” he repeats, pulling me on top of him and rolling us so I’m underneath.

I peck him on the lips. “No.”

Joe takes my mouth with his, in an attempt to sway me. “Why not?” he complains.

“I have things I need to get done,” I answer.

“Things. What things? What’s more important than doing me right now?” he asks, sucking on my neck.

“I don’t have time,” I counter, doing my best to not be persuaded by his sexiness. “The New Year is almost here and I have some prepping to do. Besides, Sadie needs to be fed and taken out.”

Joe blows raspberries onto my skin, causing me to laugh and squirm. “Just give me a key to your place then.”

“What?” I ask in a serious tone.

“For Anna to come and take care of Sadie when I stay,” he explains.

“No,” I argue. “She does enough by taking care of Sadie when I’m at your place. I’m not expecting her to come here on the days you stay over.”

“Why not?”

“She’s your maid, not mine,” I remind.

“So?” Joe continues to try to persuade me with his lips.

“So, it’s not going to happen,” I declare, tickling his sides. Joe moves enough to evade my hands, allowing me to get on top and pin him to the bed.

“I like this dominant thing you’re doing,” Joe jokes after I hold his arms down. He bucks his hips up, popping me in the air a little.

“Very funny,” I remark.

I move to get off the bed, but Joe pulls me back in. “How about when you get back from taking Sadie out?” he asks.

“No,” I answer. “What I have to do will take all day, so if you want to get lucky, you’ll have to wait until the evening.”

“What do you have to do?” he inspects.

“There’s a ritual in the Chinese culture that I do every year a few days before the New Year,” I explain.

“Can I help?” Joe asks, kissing me on the shoulder.

“I think you’ll just get in the way and try to distract me,” I reply.

“How would I get in the way? I know I’m distracting, especially when I’m naked,” Joe states with a grin as he yanks down the covers to reveal his naked body, including his erection. “A little distraction would be good.”

I laugh at his antics as I try to get up, but he continues to fight me, keeping me with him in bed. “That’s exactly the reason why I’m kicking you out when I get back,” I share.

“Beautiful,” Joe coaxes with the sexy voice.

“Unless you want to postpone getting laid for several days, I’d stop begging right now if I were you,” I inform.


“Yes, seriously,” I affirm.

“Fine,” Joe playfully huffs his disappointment.

I make my way to the kitchen and get Sadie’s meal prepped. Right as I signal her to eat, Joe comes out of the bedroom dressed in his workout clothes.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Joining you ladies,” he answers, kissing me on the cheek.

“I think you’re going to need a few minutes before going outside,” I laugh, noticing his cock that is poking through his shorts like an arrow.

“What?” Joe questions with a smile.

“You know what,” I enforce.

“What?” Joe repeats, turning so the end of his dick purposefully hits my thigh.

“You’re going to poke someone’s eye out with that,” I remark.

Joe laughs and kisses me. “It’s your fault, you know.”

“What is?”

“That,” he states, looking down at his crotch.

“No, it’s not,” I giggle.

“Yes, it is, beautiful,” Joe says. “That’s what you do to me.”

“Put it away,” I direct.

“Well, I did ask for assistance in that department, but you turned me down,” he reminds. “So, it’s going to take a little longer.”

“You’re not going outside with Sadie and me like that,” I command.

“Why not?” Joe muses.

“You want your erection in the tabloids?” I inquire.

“Sure,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “As long as they know it’s because of you, I don’t mind.”


“What?” Joe goads.

I shake my head, realizing that he’s toying with me and walk away to get Sadie’s leash.

During our elevator ride, I purposefully say several things to help make
, Joe’s erection, go away — specifically asking how many times he thought his parents may have had sex in order to have seven sons. By the time we exit the elevator, Joe’s bulge has subsided.

“That’s not funny” Joe charges.

“Well, it worked,” I comment.

“What do you mean?”

“Your erection . . . it went away,” I point out.

“You’re going to get it for that,” Joe threatens.

“If your twitchy palms can wait until tonight, I’d say I’m excited,” I reply, exiting the gate of the apartment community.

After giving Sadie some time at the park to do her business and sniff around, Joe and I take her for a jog around town for about thirty minutes. All three of us are eager to get back inside from the cool nip in the February morning air.

As soon as the elevator doors close and the box begins to ascend, Joe launches his body, pressing me against the wall while his mouth explores mine. His fingers curl into my ass after he hoists me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist. I don’t mind the attention, so I let him continue his exploration while he carries me back to my apartment. Once we’re inside, I try to wiggle down, but Joe won’t let me get away.

“Joe,” I say.

“Hmmm,” he answers with his mouth on my neck.

“I told you you’re going to have to wait until the evening,” I remind.

“And, I told you you were going to get it after talking about my parents having sex,” he shares.

I try to get loose, but Joe blocks me. He carries me all the way into the bathroom. Sadie lays on the floor while Joe props me up on the counter. I try to squirm away as he removes my shirt, but his hands are moving way too fast.

“Hold still, beautiful,” Joe commands.

“No,” I bite back playfully. “I told you that you have to wait until tonight.” I do my best to hide my grin as I push him away.

“Stop fighting,” Joe directs. “You’ll just make it worse for yourself.”

“Really,” I ask as my hands fight to keep my sports bra on. “How so?”

“The more you fight, the longer it will take for me to make you cum,” he states coolly.

“That sounds like a performance challenge on your end,” I tease.

Joe manages to get my bra off and yanks my body closer to him, holding me firmly by the side of my neck with one hand and a fist full of hair in the other as his lips are an inch from mine. “Let me clarify, beautiful,” Joe begins. “I won’t let you cum that easily if you continue to fight me. It won’t be a matter of performance on my end. It will be the matter of me not letting you
until you’re begging me for it, and even then, I might not let you.”

I gulp, unable to respond right away. I stare at him, enjoying his confidence — there’s nothing hotter than seeing him know what he wants and demanding it, even if it’s just with that look in his eye. The thought that he wants me so badly is beyond exhilarating.

“I told you,” my voice mutters, clearing my throat. “I have things I need to do.”

“Me doing you is the first thing on your list,” Joe dictates. “Once I fuck you every which way you need, then you can do what you need to do.”

“But . . . .”

“No buts,” Joe says, cutting me off, “. . . not unless it’s me spanking your butt for arguing with me. Got it?”

Fuck he’s so hot when he talks like this.

“So, does that mean you’re going to let me
?” I inquire.

“Yes,” he chuckles. “But, how quickly is up to you.”

“That’s not fair,” I whine. “You could take all day.”

“Don’t pout,” Joe requests.

“Why? Is it working?” I check.

“No,” he laughs. “I promise, I wouldn’t take all day to make you
.” His hands loosen their grip.

“Why’d you stop?” I blurt, wanting his hands to stay on me.


“I like the playing,” I admit.

“You do?” he searches.

“Mmm hmm,” I answer, biting my lip. “It turns me on.”

“So, you
want to have sex right now?” he checks.

“Yes,” I giggle. “You’ve got me so turned on I can’t remember what I’m supposed to do today.” My palm rubs up and down his shaft.

Joe’s hand slides off my neck, down my chest, over my belly to my sex and inside my pants. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

As Joe sucks my juice off his fingers, I lean in and whisper into his ear, “Spank me. Fuck me. Make me
. Please.” My lips journey to his neck, tasting the sweat from our run. “Please.”

“Will you let me stay and help you?” Joe asks sweetly.

“Why do you want to stay?”

“We have a lot of fun when we’re together . . . sex or no sex, but the sex is always an added benefit,” he comments.

I laugh. “I’ll be cleaning all day. Are you sure you want to stay?”

“Cleaning? Why? I thought Mia cleans for you?”

“The week of the Chinese New Year I always give her a paid week off,” I answer. “The cleaning is a cleansing ritual. It’s believed to clear out old energies and bid farewell to the passing year while getting ready for the new one.”

“What do you have to clean?”

“Everything,” I reply.


“Yep,” I confirm. “Everything. Then, I sage the place.”

“How long does it take?”

“All day,” I state. “Last year, I didn’t finish until around eight-thirty or so.”

Joe shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t care how we spend the day, as long as I’m with you, I’m happy.”


“Really,” he affirms. “Besides, two of us cleaning should knock off a few hours . . . and, you might need a break . . . a sex break?” Joe’s brows wiggle. “Especially sex afterward to celebrate.”

“Perhaps,” I say, kissing him.


“Mmm hmm,” I reply, keeping my lips stuck to his skin. My hands slide up the edges of his shirt and he helps me to remove it. “Now . . . where were we?”

“Hmmm,” Joe returns, pressing his lips to mine. “I think you might need to remind me.”

“I think,” I begin, kissing him several times. “I think you were going to spank me, then fuck me and then make me

“Mmmm,” Joe hums. “I like the sound of that.”

“I liked it while you were holding me like this,” I say, placing his one hand back on my neck and the other in my hair.

“You liked that?” Joe double checks.

“Yes,” I reply. “I liked how you were explaining that you were going to have your way with me, but . . . .” My mouth moves to his chest.

“But . . . ?”

“I don’t like the idea of not
,” I admit.

“No?” Joe laughs.

“No. But, everything else . . . ” I pause deliberately.

“What?” Joe tilts my head to the left with the hand that is holding my hair. His tongue and lips trace along my skin.

“Everything else was hot,” I present.

“You enjoyed that?” he checks.

I take his hand from my neck and slide it under my panties. “Do you need a reminder?” I ask as I push his hand past my underwear to feel the wetness.

“How could I have forgotten?” Joe muses. One of his fingers slide in.

“I hope . . .” I gasp as his finger pulses, “. . . you don’t forget that in the future.”

“Never,” he states, guiding at least another finger inside me.

Joe’s mouth slowly moves around my body, tasting my lips, my neck, my shoulders and my breasts as his fingers wiggle. I groan when he stops penetrating me, but he’s quick to resume his task after he removes my bottoms and the rest of his clothes. As my legs dangle off the edge of the sink counter, Joe continues to stroke my mounds as his mouth ventures south, finding solace at my clitoris. My right hand moves back, supporting my body weight and to give better access to his touch as my left grabs the back of his head. Joe works me, graciously allowing me an orgasm.

Before my body finishes vibrating from the aftershock of my climax, Joe takes me off the sink and bends me slightly over it, facing the mirror. Liquid trickles down the inside of my leg after the second time he spanks me. My fingers curl under the edges of the granite, steadying my body for the next burst. I yelp when Joe’s teeth nip at my skin after his tongue cools the stinging. He teases me several more times with a smack, his lips caressing my ass and his tongue licking up my wetness. Joe guides me to open my legs a little further and steps away where I don’t feel him any longer.

“Please,” I beg.

“Please, what?”

“Please,” I repeat. “More.”

Joe’s hand makes contact and my toes curl from the blow. Suddenly, his fingers push inside my sex.

“Fuck,” I moan.

He pulls his fingers out most of the way and then lunges them back in, keeping them still when he spanks me with his other hand. Two seconds later, my other cheek burns from another sensual assault.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” Joe grunts. “You clamp down on my fingers each time.”

“Yeah?” I ask, not aware of the sensation.

“Yes,” he states. Joe thrusts his hand back inside me. “See,” he chuckles as I whimper with delight.

“Mmm hmm,” I agree.

“Do you think you could cum like this?” he checks eagerly.

“I don’t . . . know,” I whimper between breaths from him striking my rear.

“Do you mind if we try?” Joe’s palm slaps my skin two times.

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