Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (106 page)

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One Hundred Fifteen

A few days after the holiday, as I’m lounging in Joe’s bed, he calls to me with the sexy voice, “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey, yourself,” I tease. “What do you want?”

“I just wanted to make sure that you keep next Thursday open. Jared and Maggie confirmed there’s nothing listed for either Naturally Me or Raven Media,” he presents.

“Why?” I inquire, studying him.

“Because,” he returns, kissing my nose. “I haven’t officially taken you on a date since we’ve announced our relationship to our friends and family, and . . . .”

“And?” I ask, nervous by the smirk on his face.

“And, it’s Valentine’s Day,” he mentions.

“I don’t do holidays. You know that,” I challenge, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

“You do for the Chinese New Year and a few others, even if it’s low key,” he presents.

“Not holidays like the one you just mentioned,” I challenge.

“Well, you do now,” Joe comments, following me.


“Really,” he confirms.

“How so?”

“It’s a day for
. . . .”

“A day for what?” I ask, pushing to see what he was going to say.

“It’s a day for people who are in relationships,” he recovers. “And, I want to officially take you out on a date.”

“No,” I reply.

“Why not?”

“We’ve already had a date,” I remind.

“A date you denied was even a date,” Joe reminds. “Besides, we weren’t technically dating then and we are now.”

“So,” I counter.

“So,” Joe continues. “I want to take the woman I’m with out for the night and it just so happens to be on a holiday.”

“You can go,” I tease. “But, I won’t be there.”

“Yes, you will,” Joe declares, pinning me against the wall.

“What are you going to do?” I charge. “Tie me up until Thursday?”

“If I have to, yes,” Joe verifies.

“Yeah,” I giggle. “I’d like to see you try.”

Two seconds later, Joe has my hands secure above my head and is using his body to hold me against the wall. He dives his tongue into my mouth several times before it works its magic on my neck. “I’ll refuse to let you cum,” he announces, grazing my sex with his fingers.

“I . . . can,” I gulp, “. . . please myself.”

“Not if I have B.O.B. and his friends hostage,” he chuckles. Joe spins me around to face the wall.

My arousal fully returns even though we just finished having sex twenty minutes ago.

He positions my arms behind my back, holding them by the wrists. A sting on my left butt cheek catches me off guard, forcing me to suck in some air. Another blow is administered to my right, hardening my nipples. His fingers brush against my burning skin, soothing it pleasantly before a third smack is provided. Joe kneels behind me, using his tongue to tantalize my sex, bringing me close to orgasm with each strike to my rear. Right as I’m about to orgasm, Joe stops.

“Fuuuuuuuck,” I whimper as my legs shake.

Joe announces his enjoyment with a wicked laugh. “Do you want to
, beautiful?”

“Yes,” I moan.

Joe swirls his tongue in the right location, causing my release to rise, but never letting it surface.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck,” I groan.

He stands up, placing his lips against my ear. A finger or two slips into my wetness. “Do you want a taste?”

“Yes,” I breathe out, opening my mouth.

Joe’s sticks his fingers close to my lips but pulls away just as I’m about to get a lick.

“Please,” I whine.

“No,” he comments, sucking his fingers.

“Please,” I beg.

“If you’re going to
,” he states, taunting me. “You need to agree to Thursday.”

“No,” I protest, not wanting to surrender so easily.

God, I love his sex games and banter.

Joe slips his fingers back inside and my eyes flutter. I growl my disapproval when he removes his hand after several strokes.

“Yes,” Joe repeats.

“No,” I weakly mutter.

“Yes,” he hums, penetrating me again. “Say it with me.”

“No,” I challenge.

“Yes,” he coaxes, flicking his fingers.

“Nooooo,” I whimper.

“Yes,” he replies with the authoritative voice.

My head shakes as I swallow hard.

“Yes,” he repeats.

“Okay,” I whimper.

“What?” he searches with a chuckle.

“Okay . . . yes,” I confirm.

Suddenly, Joe’s cock is deep inside me, thrusting only about ten times before my climax hits me like a tidal wave. My arms pull to be free, but Joe continues to confine them while pumping.

“Say it again,” he says, asking more than demanding.

“Yes,” I gulp. “Yes.”

He releases my hands and holds my hips as he presses more firmly into me.

“Fuck, Joooooe,” I moan as I orgasm again.

About twenty seconds later, Joe groans his release.

It takes us a minute or two to collect ourselves.

“You can’t use sex to get me to agree with you,” I state.

“Yes, I can,” Joe answers with a smile and kiss.

“No, you can’t,” I argue.

“If you can, so can I,” Joe challenges.

“No,” I counter before his lips take mine.

“Mm hm,” Joe hums into my mouth.

My head shakes in opposition.

“It’s a date,” Joe announces, pecking me on the lips.

“Fine,” I whine. “But, no more using sex.”

“Okay,” Joe agrees quickly. “As long as you agree.”

I growl my disapproval. “It’s not fair. You don’t play fair,” I charge.

“You’ve used sex to get what you want from me,” he returns.

“Only to get sex . . . not deliberately to have you agree with me or do something I wanted you to do,” I share.

Joe studies me for a moment like he’s considering my argument. “I’m sorry,” he says sweetly. “We don’t have to go out.”

“No,” I bark.

Joe looks at me funny.

“I agreed and that’s fine, but . . .” I loose my train of thought when I see a pained expression on his face.

“I’m sorry, beautiful,” he repeats.

“I know,” I soothe, kissing his palm.

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t really want to . . . I just . . . .”

“I know,” I reply, cutting him off. “I . . . just ask me. It might take me some time, but you know I’ll come around when you present your reasons,” I say, stopping as I try to find the right words to explain more.

“You’re right,” he states. “Will you join me for a date on Thursday? Regardless of what day it is?”

I smile sweetly, wanting him to know we’re good. “Yes.”

“You sure?” he checks.

“If a woman says yes, Joe, she means it,” I share.

“Thank you,” he says, beaming with excitement.

“Just . . .” I start, waiting for his attention.

“Just what?”

“Just, nothing too crazy, okay?” I ask. “I want to enjoy it . . . enjoy you. Just don’t go crazy where you know I’ll panic, okay?”

“Okay, beautiful,” he confirms. “Thank you.” He kisses me repeatedly.

One Hundred Sixteen

The next couple of days after agreeing to a date with Joe for Valentine’s Day find me anxious. Holidays with Maggie, Jared and Nathan are easy. We keep things simple, even with Maggie’s family, where our attention is focused more on spending time with each other rather than the full need to buy gifts just because, not because of guilt, need or obligation. If someone gives something, it’s small and from the heart. With Joe, I have the distinct notion that it may not be the same even though I’ve asked him to keep it low key.

Today, Maggie and I are hanging out at her house while Joe and Henry attend their MBA class. We’ve scheduled a little mini spa day together, having the massage therapists come to us along with a facial, manicure and pedicure. I was waxed this morning, so I can relax and really enjoy my pampering.

“Hey, Mags,” I call while we have our pedicures, which are our last treatment.

“Yeah, Em?” she returns.

“Can I ask you something?” I say apprehensively.

“Of course. What is it?” she returns.

“Promise you won’t laugh,” I preempt.

“Why would I laugh?” she asks confused by my statement.

“I don’t know,” I sigh. “It’s . . . this question I have is something new and foreign to me . . . and . . . .”

“Emma,” she says sweetly, cutting me off. “It’s me you’re talking to.”

I take a large breath in. “What do you get a man as a gift?”

With a grin, Maggie asks, “What do you mean?”

“You know,” I say. “For . . . for Valentine’s Day?”

“This is so much fun,” she remarks with a scary sparkle in her eye.

“Forget that I asked,” I instruct.

“What? Why?”

“You’re enjoying this too much,” I present.

“No,” she returns. “I’m excited because I get to finally help you with a guy thing rather than you help me. I’m happy to help. Please, let me.”

My lips press into a timid smile. “What do they like to get? Do they just want things like hot lingerie on you and then sex . . . or, do they want it kicked up a bit where it’s a little kinkier?”

Maggie giggles.

“You said you wouldn’t laugh,” I remind. “That’s it, don’t answer. I’m done.”

“No. No, Emma,” she soothes. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I promise. I’m just laughing because I’m excited. Honestly.”

“If this conversation gets out to anyone, and I mean anyone, you’re dead,” I disclose.

“Okay,” she replies confidently. She thinks for a second. “Men are simple. Sex can work, but on many occasions, sex is more of an added benefit to the gift.”

“Seriously?” I whine.

“Yes,” she confirms. “They don’t need big, showy type of gifts like we do to feed their egos, but they do secretly want and desire gifts from the heart.”

“Shit,” I huff under my breath.

“I know sharing your emotions isn’t easy,” Maggie reminds. “But, a lot can be said in a gift that is simple but meaningful rather than just expensive.”

“What did you get Henry for Valentine’s Day?” I ask.

“He’s been wanting to see an opera, but we’ve been so busy, so I got us tickets and arranged his schedule so we can go,” she shares. “I also booked us a hotel that night so we can really be alone and bought some sexy lingerie and a couple of toys to use.”

“Shit,” I exhale. “He really is kinky like Jared said.”

“Yeah,” Maggie giggles. “He’s just not as comfortable expressing it as I am . . . especially to others.”

“I have no clue what to give Joe,” I comment.

“Gifts don’t have to cost anything, Emma,” she states. “Does joe have any pictures of you or the two of you at his place?”

“I think just on his phone,” I share, not wanting to mention the ones that are on his computer screensaver.

“I don’t doubt he’d want a framed picture of you for his office or bedroom from when you aren’t there,” she mentions.

“We’re together every night, except for when he goes to New York,” I reply.

“See,” she says excitedly. “He might not have a photo for his place back in New York.”

“He has photos on his phone,” I remind.

“Framed pictures still hold meaning, Emma,” she says. “He’s got photos of his family in both places. I remember seeing pictures when we had dinner with him, Jimmy and Allen at their place back in January.”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “What else?”

“Henry has been eyeing a couple of classic cars and I found one online,” she mentions. “I got a really good deal on it with Joe’s help and it’ll be delivered to us on Valentine’s Day morning with a large ribbon on it.”

“Shit,” I exclaim. “I thought the gifts don’t have to be big.”

“Size doesn’t matter,” Maggie chuckles. “It’s the fact that I got him one of the exact cars he’s been wanting. The price doesn’t hold the true value of the gift.”

“Well, aside from a photo and sex, I’m screwed,” I inform. “I have no idea what to get Joe and I’ve got only tomorrow to figure out something.”

“What does Joe have planned?”

“I don’t know,” I reply. “Do you really think he’d clue me in on what he’s planning for me . . . for us?”

“Good point,” Maggie giggles. “Sometimes the most meaningful gifts are staring you right in front of your face. Don’t really think about it, let it come to you.”

“What if I can’t think of anything and all I give him is a stupid framed picture?” I complain.

“Stop beating yourself up about it,” Maggie instructs. “Besides, this is your first boyfriend and your first Valentine’s Day with someone other than Jared, Nathan and me. Joe’s going to be happy just with the fact that you’re willing to spend it with him.”

“I guess,” I reply frustrated. “But, I know he’s going to give me something. That’s just how he is and I’ll feel really shitty if I don’t have something for him.”

“Emma,” Maggie calls. “We give because we care not because we expect anything in return.”

“Then, why does there have to be a day where you feel obligated rather than just show it on a daily basis?” I ask.

“That’s a great point and something you should bring up to Joe,” Maggie suggests. “In the meantime, do what makes you feel the most comfortable.”

After our pedicures, Maggie and I have some tea in her sunroom while we wait for Henry and Joe to arrive. Our conversation is light as my mind desperately searches for a gift for Joe. I do my best to chat with Maggie about how she’s doing and all, especially with the pregnancy. She shares a little bit, but always changes the topic back to Joe and me, asking questions about things we’ve done together. I get it. She’s hoping to spark an idea for my gift, but I keep coming up with nothing. My anxiety increases a little when we hear footsteps coming toward us. I look at the clock and notice it’s only six-thirty.

“Hi, honey,” Maggie beams, jumping up to greet Henry.

“Hi, sexy,” Henry says, kissing her. “How was your day?” He drops to his knees and kisses her belly.

“Great,” Maggie answers excitedly, running her fingers through Henry’s hair. “We got all dolled up and we’ll be ready for Valentine’s Day.”

Henry looks to me. “Hi, Emma.”

“Hi,” I huff, standing to give him a hug.

“What’s wrong?” Henry asks with concern.

“Nothing,” I reply, not wanting to be so obvious when Joe sees me. “Where’s Joe?”

“He’s finishing up a call,” Henry informs. “He’ll be in in just a second.” Henry looks back and forth between Maggie and me. “What happened to a relaxing afternoon?”

“We’re good. We’re relaxed,” Maggie answers with a smile.

“Emma doesn’t look relaxed,” Henry remarks.

“It’s nothing, Henry. I’m fine,” I fib.

“You’re more than fine, beautiful,” Joe says with a smile, headed right for me.

“Hey, you,” I say.

Joe wraps his arms around me, planting a huge kiss on my lips. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I reply with half truth.

“Emma was telling me how excited she is to have her first Valentine’s Day with you,” Maggie announces.

Joe laughs. “Really?”

I do my best fake smile and nod my head.

“Don’t lie, beautiful,” Joe says. “You know what happens when you lie.”

“Now that, I’m excited about,” I tease, grabbing his ass.

“There you are,” he comments, kissing my nose.

“What happens when she lies?” Maggie pries with a devious grin.

My fingers dig into Joe’s ass, prompting him to keep quiet.

Joe doesn’t reply, but his facial expression gives enough of an answer.

“Ooo, I like that,” Maggie comments.

“I think it’s safe to say you like almost anything, honey,” Henry says under his breath, but loud enough for Joe and I to hear it.

“Well, now I’m horny,” Maggie announces.

“When are you not?” I goad.

“It’s more,” Henry snickers slightly with a proud smile. “A benefit to pregnancy.”

“That’s the kind of stuff I don’t want to know,” I reply.

“Trust me,” Henry begins. “It’s better hearing about that than some of the other stuff Amy and Kim have told her.”

“Don’t,” I say, holding my hand up. “We can stop there.”

“Well, we better go eat or else I’m going to ravish this man right here,” Maggie states, kissing Henry several times while feeling him up.

“Emma and I can let you two go,” Joe offers. “If you need some alone time.”

“No,” Maggie disagrees. “No. We’re good . . . for now.” She turns and smacks Henry on the ass before heading towards the dining room.

I can’t help but smile at Henry’s slight uncomfortableness at the situation. He’s definitely in love with Maggie, all of Maggie, but she does have her moments of over sharing and I feel for the guy.

“Shall we?” Henry asks, gesturing for us to follow Maggie.



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