Read Just Me Online

Authors: L.A. Fiore

Tags: #Romance

Just Me (30 page)

BOOK: Just Me
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Me too, but there is email, texting and Skype if we can't bear not seeing each other.


Did you hear about Poppy and Caden?” I asked.

Yeah, he told me the other day. I don't know…I can see them together.”

Me too.”

His glanced over at me. “But?

Well, if it doesn't work out with them, I think we need to consider Caden when we work out our plans for the fall. I don't want him to be alone and considering he thinks of us as his family, I don't want to leave him behind.

He reached for my hand and brought it to his lips so he could kiss my palm. Unconsciously, I curled my hand around the kiss he planted there and when he saw this, he grinned.

I remember when you curled your hand into my kiss that first night after Damian's party. Seeing you do that, knowing you were holding my kiss there, sent me flying high that night.


Oh, yeah, I spent the entire weekend thinking about you and when I saw you on Monday, I knew I'd do anything to make you mine.

I am.”

Fuckin' straight.” But his tender gaze stopped my heart.

Chapter Sixteen

Harrington, Maine wasn't what I expected. As we drove through the main part of town, it felt a bit like the fictional town of Amity from
. Everything was just slightly on this side of weathered and worn, but instead of giving the place a desolate feeling, it seemed both welcoming and charming.

We followed the directions to Logan Dupree's house and when a lighthouse loomed before us, I couldn't control my awe.

He lives in a lighthouse.

Bastian looked over at me. “That's really freaking cool.

He climbed out and came around to open my door. I finished texting Poppy and Sophia to let them know we had arrived and climbed from the car. The sound of the water lapping at the shore lulled me into an almost hypnotic state.

I could really get used to living this way,” I said just as the door opened to reveal the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her long hair was a dark chestnut and full of curl and her eyes were the exact shade of turquoise as Bastian's. Her belly stood out quite a bit from her slender form, and peering from around her legs was a black-haired, green-eyed boy, who was, hands down, the most adorable child I'd ever laid eyes on.

You must be Larkspur and Sebastian. I'm Saffron and this little fella is Hunter. Please come in.

She held the door wider as Bastian touched my back so I could precede him. As soon as Saffron closed the door, she turned to me and smiled. “We are so glad you're here, Larkspur.

Please call me Lark.

At that moment, a giant of a man entered the room. He stood an inch or two taller than Sebastian, and his face was covered completely under black whiskers, but it was the eyes, as green as my own, which held my interest, because in them I saw a flood of emotions that I couldn't even begin to name. His voice was deep but soft when he greeted us

Lark, welcome.”
He moved toward me and held out his hand.

It's nice to officially meet you.

And when his large hand closed over mine, I felt something move through me. Chalking up my reaction to being tired, I said, “It's very nice to meet you. This is my fiancé , Bastian.”

Logan turned to Bastian. “Welcome to Harrington.”

It's nice to meet you, sir.”

Please call me Logan.”

We'd love for you to stay, maybe have something to eat, but you must be tired, so if you would rather we can take you to the house,” Saffron said.

We could stay for a bit,” I said.

Great. Come
there are others who would like to meet you.”
We were whisked through the house and out the back. A mouthwatering spread of food stretched across a table and a fire pit burned. Sitting around the fire pit were two guys who looked so much like Logan, I knew they had to be his brothers.

As soon as we stepped outside, a dog—more like a pony—came barreling toward me.

His name is Reaper. He looks scary, but he's really very sweet,” Saffron said, and as if to prove to the new people his mistress was right, Reaper rolled onto his back with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. The sight was so ridiculous, I bent down to rub his belly.

You've done it now. He'll love you for life,”
Logan said. When I looked up at him, I saw that his brothers had approached.

Lark and Bastian, I'd like to introduce you to my brothers Broderick and Dante.”
Both had the same black hair as Logan—Dante's hair was cut short and spiky and Broderick's was shoulder-length—and those intense green eyes. They were all roughly the same height and build and could have easily passed for triplets.

Broderick took the opportunity to ask Bastian,

I hear you're looking for some work while you're here?”

I am, sir.

Just Broderick. Logan mentioned you had an apprenticeship this summer.

Yes, through the Donnelly brothers in Concord. We're restoring an old sea captain's house. Descendants of the original owner want to return her to her former glory.

Wow, I'm a lawyer by trade, but having spent time working on my place, I definitely have the bug. Is restoration what you want to do?

Yeah, I'm starting an engineering program in the fall at Columbia with a focus in restoration.

I'm jealous. I think I'd do that if I had it to do all over again. I could definitely use you for as long as you're here. Once you and Lark get settled, give me a call and I'll take you out to the site.

Bastian offered his hand to Broderick as a smile spread over his face. “Thank you.”

Dante chimed in. “Let's eat.


Later that night, Logan and Saffron drove in front of us to the house that was going to be our temporary home. As soon as I saw it, I loved it: the weathered cedar shakes, green shutters and brick chimney.

Bastian was just helping me from the car when Logan and Saffron stepped up next to him. Logan's attention was on my car.

This is a beauty,” he said.

Bastian nodded at the Porsche Logan had ridden over in. “So's that.

Logan's grin in response looked wicked.

Did you do the restore work?

I did.

It's beautiful, you've got a gift.”
I didn't miss the pride in Bastian's eyes at the remark, someone who actually appreciated what he was capable of doing with cars and not embarrassed by it.

I wanted it perfect, but safe for Lark,” Bastian said.

It's her car?”
Something moved across Logan's expression but I couldn't discern what it was.

Can I help you bring your things in?”

That would be great.”
Bastian turned to me, his hand still wrapped around mine.

We'll do this. It's been a long day and I think Saffron looks like she wouldn't mind getting off her feet.

You can say that again,

Saffron muttered which earned her a chuckle and a kiss from Logan.

I knew the house was stocked with food; it was one of the things Saffron contacted me about.

Okay, if you're sure. Maybe I'll put on some warm milk.

Tenderness looked back at me.

Warm milk sounds great,” Bastian said.

I turned then and reached for Saffron almost without thinking, because she was huge and I didn't want her to fall. A smile touched her lips at the gesture.

Does warm milk have a special meaning?

The last time I moved, Bastian made me warm milk before I went to bed.”

The last time you moved?”

When I turned eighteen, my aunt kicked me out of the house, so I moved in with Bastian for a time.”

Saffron stopped walking and turned to face me.

Your aunt kicked you out of the house? Why on earth would she do that?

It's a long story, but basically she loved my uncle, my mom saw him first, she became the consolation prize and I was the constant reminder.

Anger gave her a funny pinched look.

She took her jealousy out on a child?


I noticed she curled her hand into a fist and the sight of this very pregnant woman doing so, pulled a smile from me.

Come, I'll make you some warm milk too.”

Once you are settled, I'll show you around town,” she said.

I'd like that.” We made our way into the house.

Are you sure there isn't more than one in there?”

I know, right? I’m the size of a small car.

For the next hour I watched as Saffron drank three mugs of warm milk and ate at least a pound of cookies. I realized she was pregnant, but I didn't know anyone could eat that much in so short a time. When they left, Logan had her wrapped tightly in his arms since she was half asleep. Bastian and I watched from the door as he helped her into the car and with a quick wave, he climbed in himself and drove off.

We closed up the house and went to bed where Bastian edged up next to me. “So, what do you think of the Duprees?

I like them a lo

I said sleepily.

Yeah, they seem like really good people. Very welcoming.”

My eyes found his. “They were, weren't they?”

Yes, but it was nice.”

It was.” I shifted so I was leaning over him. “I'm really glad you're here.”

He flipped me to lay under him and when his mouth took mine, yep, I was really, really glad he was here.


By Wednesday, Bastian and I were unpacked enough to take Saffron and Broderick up on their offers. After breakfast, Broderick stopped by the house to take Bastian to the site and as Broderick waited in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, Bastian stuck his head into the bedroom.

Have fun today. If you need anything, call me.”

Okay. Are you excited to see Broderick's house?”

I am. I can't lie. I'm really eager to get my hands involved in a project.

I joined him at the door, my fingers gripping the waistband of his jeans.

I'm happy you have work and that it's with Broderick. I like him.

His arms came around me.

Me too.


An hour later Saffron and I were walking down the main street in town. I worried the walk might send her into labor, but she seemed completely unconcerned.

Saffron spoke up from my side.

I have to warn you we are a very small town, so you and Bastian are big news. We don't get newcomers here often, so please don't mind the stares. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they dedicated a festival to you.

A festival?

Yes, we are festival-crazy in Harrington. I think it's because we have no other major forms of entertainment, so we make our own.

I did notice the flyers for the swordfish festival coming up.

A big smile spread over Saffron's face in response.

That is my favorite festival.

BOOK: Just Me
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