Read Just Me Online

Authors: L.A. Fiore

Tags: #Romance

Just Me (37 page)

BOOK: Just Me
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Bastian leaned up on his elbow as his other hand cradled my cheek. “Yes, Lark, he wants you in his life; there's no question about that.”

I have a dad, Bastian.”

You have more than that. You really do have a guardian angel.”

What do you mean?”

The MacGowan franchise is huge. They have their fingers into everything. How much do you want to bet that it really is your dad behind the well-aimed and completely justified hits against my parents?”

Happiness burned through me to know that my dad had been watching out for me. Even from a distance, he had my back. “I bet you're right. If we had known him then, it would have made watching him maneuver your parents even more enjoyable.”

Agreed.” He pulled me down before pinning me under him as his lips brushed over mine. “So I'm like a panther, huh?”

You've the sexiest swagger. I love watching you move.”

His eyes burned hot when his mouth came down on mine.


The phone ringing early the next morning was a pretty good clue that Logan hadn't slept well the night before either. When I took the phone from Bastian, my hand shook a little from nerves. As soon as I heard Logan's voice over the line, I could tell he was nervous too.

How are you feeling this morning?”

I knew that wasn't what he really wanted to know, so I answered his unspoken question. “I'm not mad. In fact I think you handled it as well as it could have been handled. You didn't know about me and when you did, you made every effort and then some to get to know me. I genuinely like you and Saffron and your life here and I'm really happy you want to include me.”

I heard him exhale in relief
“I was worried that maybe I pushed you away with not being up front with who I was to you. I want you in my life however you'll have me.”

I've been wishing for a dad my whole life, so I'd like all of you, if that's all right. I don't want just a greeting card or occasional visit kind of thing. I'd like to get to know Saffron, my siblings, my uncles and my grandparents, but mostly I want to get to know you.”

I really want that too.”

Okay, Bastian and I are going to Columbia in the fall and I have friends and family I don't want to neglect at home, but nothing is set in stone so we'll just have to figure it out.”

I'd like that, and Lark, about Bastian…”

I felt my entire body tense. I knew they all got along, but as much as I wanted my dad in my life, I wanted Bastian more.

I like him. He really understands you.”

I practically sagged in relief. “Are you giving me your blessing?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

Can I ask you something?”


Would you mind if I called you Dad?”

I heard the hitch in his breathing and when he did finally answer me, his voice had thickened with emotion. “I would be honored.

Chapter Twenty

A few days later, Bastian headed off for his apprenticeship and saying good-bye to him was not easy. Trying desperately to hold it together, I watched as he loaded his bag into the trunk.

Please be careful and please wait until Friday morning to come back. You could fall asleep at the wheel if you try to come back on Thursday night.”

He walked around the car to stand not just in front of me, but pressing up against me, so he could frame my face with his hands. “Keep your phone close, I'll be texting you a lot.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist as I attempted a smile, but I was too saddened by his departure to pull one off.

I'll be back before you know it
” He

I know
I'm just going to miss you.”

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head before lifting my lips to his kiss: one that effectively turned my bones to goo.

I'll see you on Friday
” He
said before he brushed another kiss on my lips and allowed it to linger a moment. He stepped back and I moved to the side so he could climb into the car. He started up Baby, but his eyes never left mine.

I love you, Lark.”

I love you.

He pulled down the drive, and I was surprised at how hard it was to watch him go even knowing he would be back at the end of the week. I returned to the house, locking the door, and headed to the bedroom with Reaper at my heels. Saffron had dropped him off yesterday knowing that I would be alone starting today. Climbing into bed, I pulled the covers up and willed myself to sleep.

Sometime later, I awoke to the sound of my phone. When I saw who was calling, I smiled. “Hello

Lark. Just wanted to call you to see how you're doing with Bastian gone.”

I'm miserable.”

Well, it's only for a few days.”

I know. I'm being silly. How are things with you? How's Caden?”

The wistfulness of her response was answer enough. “He's wonderful. I'm falling hard for him.”

And I'm sure that feeling is completely mutual
” I said.

It is.”

How are your parents?” I inquired.

They're good. They miss you.”

I miss them. Poppy, I was right. Logan is my dad.” He had the paternity test fast-tracked and it was official, I was his daughter.

He told you?”

Yeah, it's a long story and one I'd really rather share in person, but he didn't know about me and when he learned of me, he moved heaven and earth to get to know me.”

I heard Poppy crying on the other end of the line. “I want you all to meet.”

Yes, I would like to meet them. Oh
Lark, I am so happy for you.”

There's more.”

More, what could be more than finding your dad?”

Bastian and I think it's my dad behind the taunting of the Rosses. His family is the one behind the MacGowan franchise.”

Holy shit.

I laughed out loud. “Yeah, that was Bastian's reaction too. When Dominic learned of it from Bastian, he not-so-subtly hinted that he wanted an invite to Scotland to see the distillery.”

Can I tell Mom and Dad and Caden?


Mom will be calling to make plans, and Dad will certainly be calling for scotch samples, so expect calls.”

I will. I miss yo

I miss you, but it looks like I'll be seeing you soon.”

I can't wait.”


Poppy wasn't wrong about her mom, and in fact she steamrollered me and went right to Logan, calling mere moments after I hung up with Poppy. A visit was planned for the upcoming weekend and I knew that was partly because the Wrights wanted to make sure we were okay, that Bastian and I weren't being conned or some such thing. This coming weekend was the swordfish festival, so we were all going to experience Harrington at its finest.

When the doorbell sounded. I made my way to the door and opened it to find Logan and Saffron on the front stoop.

” Saffron said.

Hope you don't mind the impromptu visit.” Logan added.

Not at all. Please, come in.” I pulled the door open wider.

Their attentions moved to the walls in the living room. Bastian had surprised me by making frames for most of my works and one day, when I was off with Logan, he framed a bunch of them and hung them on the walls. I didn't think about Saffron's reaction though as they entered the room.

We wrapped all of your pictures in bubble wrap and stacked them on the floor in the closet of the bedroom with the mural. I hope that was all right.

And what a mural; Logan had outdone himself with his depiction of life under the sea.

Saffron turned to me as Logan walked up and down the row of pictures. “Absolutely, it's fine but you're going to have to give us a minute.”

I had many of my older works, some of which I had shown Bastian that one day, but I had some new ones too. There was a sketch of the Fletcher twins sitting on a park bench in town square and, though they were identical, I noticed a few differences. There was the painting of the cove I had started that day with Callie and another was of a place Bastian had taken me. Never had I seen so beautiful a place. The jagged and wild rock cliffs butted up against the water and were in direct contrast to the lush green of the conifers and pines that surrounded those cliffs.

Logan stopped in front of the painting I had given Bastian and he pointed out a few things to Saffron. Finally they ended at the sketch of Bastian. I’d
insisted that sketch be placed over the fireplace because it was, after all, my very favorite. Logan turned to me, but his expression was not one I could place. “How would you feel about having your own showing?”

I had no doubt that I looked like a mental patient in that moment, because I was taken completely off guard by his question. My dad actually chuckled before he added
“Seriously, think about it. This…” he gestured to the works around the room, “would
drive the art world mad.”

I was almost speechless, almost. “I would love a showing, but what I would love even more than my own showing would be to have a showing with you, and not because you're Logan MacGowan or David Cambre, but because you're my dad.” My mind caught up to my mouth and I realized what I was suggesting, that my works should been shown with arguably the greatest artist of our time which immediately had me back-pedaling. “I mean unless of course you don't think I'm ready.”

I would be honored to have a showing with you.”



He walked to me and dropped a kiss on my forehead. “I'll have my folks get to work on it.”

The full impact of what that meant settled over me and I felt both excitement and humility.

Wait! You're supposed to be dead.”

I know, talk about turning the art world on its ear.”

But you can't...” He didn't let me finish.

Saffron and I have been talking about resurrecting my alter ego for a while and I can't think of a better way to come back into society than to do so with my exceedingly talented daughter. Whatever legal hurdles I have to tackle will be worth it. So no more arguments, okay?”


We came to take you to dinner, since we suspected you might be feeling melancholy with Bastian gone
” He

I am. I would love to go to dinner.


Saffron had called earlier to ask me to stop by the lighthouse because she had something she wanted to discuss with me. When I arrived after lunch, Logan and Hunter weren't home. They had been sent on a mission to get Saffron donuts. She really was addicted to those things. Next time I came over, I'd bring her a box of them.

I'm so glad you could come.” She looked nervous.

Are you okay?”

Yes, I wanted to offer you something and if you don't want it, please just say.”


Come, it'll be easier to show you.”

She led me up the stairs to her bedroom where she moved to the closet. After a minute, she pulled out a large garment bag. “I had this made but I was never able to wear it. I couldn't part with it because remembering the day I tried it on, the excitement I felt about Logan seeing me in it, I had to keep it. I hoped one day someone
would wear it and I can't think of a better person than Logan's daughter.”

And then she unzipped the bag to expose the most beautiful wedding gown I had ever seen. A white lace sheath that was simple, elegant and so me. “Oh my God, Saffron. It's exquisite.”

Isn't it? As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one.”

But I can't wear that, it's yours.”

I want you to have it, if you like it. It deserves to be worn. Think of it as something borrowed and new since I don't want it back. You could save it for maybe your own daughter.”

What if you and Logan are having a daughter?” I said, my gaze shifting to her belly.

He already has a daughter.”

My throat tightened and the back of my eyes burned at those words.
He already has a daughter.

BOOK: Just Me
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