Just One Drink (170 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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I walked around her, looking at her. Her eyes flicked up to mine, wanting to trust me, my intentions. Damn it if that look didn’t kick me in the gut. I could tell this wasn’t something she usually did, that much was painfully obvious, but I never expected her to look at me so openly.

I ran my hands up her bare arms to rest them on her shoulders wanting to take some of the nerves away.

“I don’t know how to do this.” She whispered.

“Your job is to relax. Our job is to do the rest.” Evan said from behind her, his hands poised at his sides until she gave a stiff nod. Once he saw her consent he skimmed his hands over the soft fabric at her waist and up her back, easing the tension in her muscles.

I tried to do the same, but she hadn’t taken her eyes off of mine, hadn’t broken the connection that she seemed to be holding onto. But when Evan’s fingers reached her shoulders, expertly smoothing the muscles there, her eyes drifted closed, a soft sigh escaping.

I forced myself to move then, to look away from her face. My hands moved to the hem of her dress, fingertips brushing the bare skin of her thighs before lifting it up her body and over her head.

Her eyes popped open and focussed on me once again. There was a flicker of uncertainty there before it mellowed into that soft trusting gaze of earlier. That small detail was powerful and I used it to propel myself forward, her lips no longer able to be avoided. I wanted to give her something for showing me her vulnerability, for trusting me with it.

I ran the pad of my thumb over them, the top first then the bottom, before touching my lips to hers. I wanted to devour them, to nibble and nip, but she was not one to rush. And I would have regretted it if I had rushed this. She responded to my kiss, but when she tried to raise her hands to me she found them shackled in mine. I smiled against her lips.

“No thinking. Let us take care of you.” I said.

Evan’s hands wrapped around her bare midsection, fingers still caressing. They moved their way down her body until they were hooked into the scrap of lace she wore. He moved them down her legs and with a light pop to her thigh he instructed her to step out of them. After placing a kiss to the back of each leg he stood up and unfastened her bra. It too fell away and he kissed a trail up her spine.

The feel of her under my hands was heavenly. From the creamy smoothness of her skin to her decadent breasts I took my time savouring the feel of her. Her scent wrapped around me, sweet like the rest of her.

I stepped away, letting Evan take my place, letting him take a taste from her lips, her neck. Moving to the built in chest of drawers I pulled open the first drawer knowing exactly what I needed for her. Removing the length of cream colored silk I silently closed the drawer and went back to them.

Madeleine eyes were closed again, lips parted as Evan’s fingers plucked at a pink nipple and his mouth pulled at the skin at the base of her neck. Sensing me beside him, Evan captured her hands in his.

“Alex is going to tie your hands so you can’t move them. If you’re not good with that let us know, okay?”

She turned her eyes to the length of silk in my hands. I held it out to her and Evan released a hand. She touched the cool fabric before looking up at me.

“It won’t hurt, but it will take away your control. To some that’s a good thing, to others maybe not. If you let us do it and decide it’s not for you we’ll stop. You never have to do anything you don’t want to.”

She licked her lips, a small detail but a nervous habit I was beginning to learn. She placed her wrist back in Evan’s hand. “Okay.”

Her agreement meant more to me than she realized. I hadn’t known her long enough to test the waters and bondage was, admittedly, skipping ahead a step or two. But this was just as much about finding a match for us as it was her finding a match in us. Her trust and her compliance in the face of something this new wasn’t something to ignore. It was something I wanted to reward.

I carefully weaved the length from behind her neck to the front of her body, intersecting it so it crossed over her breast bone, using the curves of her body as my guide. Passing it under her breasts to her back, I then used the end of each side to wrap around her wrists, giving her a small range of motion out from her sides. I moved back to admire her, the cream silk contrasted against her tanned skin, her breasts framed.

“Is it too tight?” I asked her.

“No.” She whispered.

“Do you like it?”

Her eyes never left mine and she must have seen the same fire that I saw in hers because she gave an imperceptible nod of her head before her eyes fluttered down, inspecting my work. That little detail went a long way. The fact that I could hear her suck in a breath at the sight of the silk crossing her body helped too.

“You’re beautiful.” Evan said, moving past me. His easy smile had vanished and he was looking at Madeleine with hunger. “Do you feel it now? The thrill of being displayed, coveted?”

He ducked his head and took a long, slow lick across her nipple, drawing it into his mouth. Madeleine’s hands shot up from beside her, taking up the couple inches of slack I had given her. I tisked her and came to her side.

“Easy, gorgeous. Turn off that part of your brain that wants to over think this and give yourself over to the moment.”

I guided her back to the bed and eased her onto it. I kneeled beside her in the middle of the bed near her head while Evan stayed near the foot, reaching his long body over hers to tease her other nipple. I swallowed her surprised gasp, covering her mouth with my own.

He moved down her body, running his hands down and over her hips until his fingers were smoothing over her clit, followed by his mouth. His tongue dipped into her, tasting the wetness there and swirling it over the tight bud. Her arms twitched at her sides as Evan’s mouth closed over her sex. It was perfection watching his tongue lap at her while her lips hungrily kissed mine.

He was deliberately slow, teasing her with his mouth, with his fingers. Her body was shaking with the inability to do anything but take the pleasure he was giving. Her fingers curled into fists as she chased it, and if I knew Evan he wasn’t giving her quite enough to follow through. His patience could be maddening.

I moved back from her until her seeking lips were too far away to make contact. As much as I wanted to keep tasting her I wanted her sole focus to be on how Evan was making her feel. Her eyes pleaded with mine but her mews of pleasure were the only sounds she made.

With one last lick along her slit he eased his fingers from her, retreating to her thighs. Madeleine turned to watch him. Evan positioned himself over her, his length in hand, tracing her slit. While her head was turned away from me I moved in again to nuzzle her ear.

“I want to hear you. I want to know what sounds you make when Evan makes you come. And after he’s done I’m going to fuck you so I can hear you all over again.”

Her eyes widened a fraction. A primal lust gleamed in them accompanying a low moan that slipped past her lips. We both watched as Evan pushed into her with one strong thrust, her hips rising to meet him. He was no longer slow and patient, he was haste and energy above her and she met his every movement.

In the low light her body shone with perspiration. She was perfection. I couldn’t keep my distance, couldn’t keep my hands off of her skin, sliding my hand down her body, fingers finding her clit as Evan fucked her. I moved in tandem with him, even when he gripped her legs, lifting her as he drove deeper. Her soft sweet sounds deepened until they were filling the room.

One look at Evan and I could tell that he was struggling to maintain his control. His brow was creased, his arms rigid. I leaned across Madeleine’s body, taking Evan’s mouth in a rough kiss, my free hand gripping the back of his neck. When we parted he looked to me, a look I knew from him well, a silent pleading to let him come. I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised that he was the first to break. It was an interesting detail.

I turned back to Madeleine and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Let me hear you come, gorgeous.”

Her lips sought out mine once again and within a few breaths she cried out against my mouth as her orgasm tore through her. I could see the grip Evan had on her thighs tightened and his pace become ragged as he too let go a shout of release.

He stayed above her until his breathing evened out and his cock lay drained at her entrance. With one more kiss pressed to her stomach, Evan rolled off over her coming to rest on the bed beside her.

I looked down at her sweet flushed body, a perfect contrast for her bindings. Need tore through me, but for a moment I hesitated, not sure if she was ready for me. Not wanting to push her boundaries too far. But then she looked up at me. Expectantly.

Damn it if I was strong enough to resist that.

I took Evan’s place above her, taking a moment to admire her languid body before I slid into her, slowly but completely. Her legs formed around me and I thrust into her with a restraint that I knew was starting to slip. I didn’t want to push her too hard.

I wanted to take my time and reward her for each and every morsel of trust she gave us tonight. But as much as I tried I could feel my movements becoming more forceful with each time she pushed up against me, with each sound of pleasure she gave, and I prayed she wouldn’t ask me to stop. I knew that if she did I would abide, but it might damn well kill me.

Her eyes shone with vulnerability, with trust. I rocked my hips into her, pitching against her clit and garnering a groan from her. It was so raw, so honest that I found myself drawn towards the edge. The feel of being inside her was overwhelming. I could feel her tightening around me and I let myself go with her. Watching her underneath me, her body rapt in ecstasy, and I found myself surprised by the unforeseen outcome of tonight.

I wasn’t expecting her to yield so readily, so freely. I had expected her to treat this like a game. Most treat this like a kinky way to get their kicks. A new story to tell the girls on ladies night. But the lax in her muscles, the thickness of her voice, the hooded look in her eyes told me it was more than that. I could see the lust, the genuine passion. With little more than a few simple commands she had entered subspace and she was mine.

It was in those details that I found what I wanted. I wanted her.



My phone beeped from the bedside table. Another text from Jamie asking how I liked the club last night. And where I had disappeared to. That’s the last time I would let her take me out. Jamie and her big ideas.

Thank goodness that place had private rooms, not just the public ones that I had seen. And can’t un-see. If Jamie ever found out what I did behind that maroon door she would drag me off to the nearest church. Or throw me a party. It was always hard to tell with her.

After I put myself back together and convinced Evan and Alex I was capable of functioning again I turned down their offer to drive me home and called a cab instead. I texted Jamie after I cleared the gate to avoid the risk of having to face her.

I probably didn’t want to know what connections she used to get me into that club. Memberships for a place like that couldn’t be cheap and to be there even as someone’s guest probably took some leverage. Not like I had ever had a desire to do so before last night. And not like I would ever go back.

I don’t know what had gotten into me. Other than it had been ages since I’d gotten laid. Boy, did last night make up for that. One minute we were taking in all there was to see and the next I was letting them bind my arms to my body. Here I though all that bondage and flogging stuff wasn’t my style. Not that I had anything to base that off of, those couple of guys I’d been with before were no comparison to Alex and Evan.

Still, with the memories of a few hours ago fresh in my head, I couldn’t say I regretted it. It was passion, intensity. And it definitely shook things up, which was what I wanted after all- a deviation from the expectations and the pressure. Even if I got more than I had bargained for.

Not for the first time I wondered what it would be like to be with both of them. That’s what they had wanted. To take me home. To meet with me again. Together. I turned them down of course. It was one thing to throw caution to the wind once in a while, but how could a person make that work full time? I had a hard enough time pleasing people individually, never mind two at once.

I shook the thought out of my head. To say they were out of my league was a huge understatement. Just the small taste of them last night showed me that they had experience and affluence beyond anything I could imagine. There was no way I was anywhere near their league. I didn’t give them my number; they didn’t even know my last name, so the sooner I forgot all about it the better. 

I let my alarm go off before I rolled out of bed, curling my toes against the frigid floor of my one bedroom apartment and stretching. Thank God for the two drink limit at the club. My muscles protested the movement, making me sore enough. Liquor would have only served to make things a lot worse today. And today wasn’t looking all that great no matter which way I looked at it.

Filing away the images from last night that kept replaying, I started getting ready for work. I took to it with a muster that I didn’t quite feel, but thought was necessary to help me make it through today. I paid special attention to my hair and my outfit, to at least look the part of an executive assistant. To try to be satisfied that four years of school and three years of experience was no match for the right connections.

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