Just One Drink (174 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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Chapter 6

One day, Lily was all alone in the bus.  The two men were having a meeting with one of their producers.  As she sat there, she noticed that she was putting on some weight.  At first, she blamed all the fast food they were eating, but then she realized that she had always eaten a lot and never gained an ounce. 


This fat seemed different to her somehow.  She ran her fingers over her stomach for a moment, before her eyes went wide.  The entire time she had been with the two men, her period had not come once.  This was not good.  The realization of what this could mean, suddenly hit her hard as she tried to figure out what to do.  What would happen if she was indeed pregnant? 


She didn’t even want to think about it, as she paced around the bus.  Doing so, the door opened up and the two men walked inside.  Riley stepped past her, making his way into the bedroom, a sour look on his face as he closed and locked the door.  Lily looked at him frowning, wondering what had happened.  “Don’t worry about him.”  Anton suddenly assured her. 


She bit her lip, the worry of her realization still lingering there.  Should she tell Anton about her suspicions?  She didn’t want to be tossed out of their lives forever, but at the same time, she thought they should know if she was pregnant and carrying a child. “Anton…”  She suddenly whispered, knowing she had to confess her suspicions. 


“What is it?”  Anton asked, looking at her.  He could see the worry, painted on her face and frowned instantly before pulling her toward the couch and placing her on his lap.  She looked down for a moment, before staring into his crystal blue eyes. 


This would be one of the hardest things she had ever done in her life, but she also knew she had to do it now or she would never be able to live with herself. The longer she waited the worse it would get.  “I think… I’m pregnant.”  She whispered softly, but the words still seemed to be a scream that echoed throughout the bus, making her cringe. 


Anton’s eyes grew big at her announcement and he stared at her a moment, his hands still on her hips.  Was Lily pregnant?  Frankly, it made sense.  Not once had they used a condom or bothered to ask if she was on the pill.  He kicked himself for being so impulsive on their first night, but he just couldn’t help himself.


When he was around Lily, he was always consumed with this unsatisfying urge for love.  He was in love with her, that much he was certain of, and if she was pregnant, he would be there for her, no matter what.  


With this thought, he leaned forward and kissed her nose.  She scrunched her face in confusion for a moment, wondering what this meant.  “If you are pregnant… then I will gladly stay by your side.”  Anton said softly about to lean into a kiss when something stopped him:  the sound of boots thudding against the floor of the bus. 


He looked up to see Riley standing there, looking a little upset.  “You’re pregnant?”  He asked in an almost accusatory manner.  Lily cringed a bit, pressing herself into Anton who wrapped his arms tightly around her as if protecting her.  “Tell me.”  His voice was cold as he took another step forward. 


Anton reacted, getting up and placing Lily behind him.  “Riley.  Why are you talking to her like that?”  He demanded, his face getting red at the disrespect Riley seemed to be throwing her way. 


“I just want an answer.”  He retorted, his eyes boring down at his bandmate.  He waited, but Anton said nothing. 


“I don’t know for sure… but I think I am…”  She whispered meekly from behind her protector’s body.  Riley sighed before sitting down. 


“This isn’t good…”  He said with head in his hands.  Lily frowned, almost on the verge of tears at his words. 


“Don’t say that,” Anton said quickly, trying to make his bandmate realize that this was a happy occasion. 


“And why not?”  Riley shot back, hoping for an answer.  “How the hell are we going to keep this band alive if we have a baby in our midst?”  His eyes narrowed in the direction of the girl as if blaming her for the failure he saw coming. 


“Look, we have about two billion dollars between us, who says we can’t settle down, buy a house, and make music from the basement or something.  Old school, you know?”  Anton suggested, hoping it would, at least, calm the hostilities that had suddenly formed between them.  Riley seemed to think about it for a minute. 


“You know, that’s not so bad of an idea.  I am sure some of our fans would like that.  That we decided to become family men and settle down…”  He whispered more to himself than to his companions. 


Lily frowned a little.  It seemed like Riley didn’t even like her.  It seemed like all he cared about was profits and their fan base.  He never treated her quite so kindly as Anton did. 


“I’ll think about it…”  He finally said, before disappearing into the bedroom again.  Lily was numb.  She wasn’t even sure she was pregnant yet.  Still, she felt like her life would never be the same again.


“If you ask me… I’m glad you are pregnant.  I always wanted to be a dad.”  Anton whispered in her ear, before leaning forward and kissing her tenderly.  His arms wrapped around her waist.  A part of him wanted to keep her just for himself, but another side of him wanted them to be together as a happy trio. 

Chapter 7

Eventually, they confirmed Lily’s pregnancy after a trip to the doctors.  She was due to have the baby in seven months.  They had the option of finding out who the father was, but they denied.  Both of them had agreed to take care of the baby like it was their own.


The tour ended in five months.  They thought about canceling the rest of the tour, but Lily was adamant about finishing it.  She told them that countless women went to work each day, well into their third trimester and that it would be no harm if she followed them around the country for a while. 


As all this happened, a shift started to occur in Riley.  He was no longer so cold to the girl.  Instead, he was quite delicate, treating her nicely no matter what situation they were in.  At first, this had taken her by surprise, but she soon grew used to it and came to expect it.  It was a pleasant turn of events.  While she was pregnant the trio still managed to have their fun.  They made use of their tongues, hands, and, of course, their mouths.  It ended up being a fun tour. 


By the end of it, Riley was the one to tell their fans that they would be taking a little break.  He had brought Lily onto the stage and shown her off to the world with a sense of pride in his voice.  The fans were shocked at first when they heard the news, but soon enough they came to accept it and even showed their support by messaging them on social media and sending them bucket loads of fan mail.  In the end, everything had worked out. 




A few months later, they had finally settled on a house.  They were moving in, carrying boxes full of equipment into a large mansion.  Lily was standing on the lawn looking up at it in awe.  She had never expected to live in a place like this.  Less than a year ago she had been living in an old apartment, struggling to survive on her meager pay.               


Now here she was, living in the lap of luxury with two handsome men by her side.  She couldn’t have been happier.  By the end of the day, they were all moved in and the men were exhausted.  She looked at them and sat down on the couch, before kissing their cheeks.  “Thank you…”  She whispered softly, making them both blush in surprise. 


Riley wrapped his arms around her and laid her head on his shoulder.  “Hey, that’s my move.”  Anton pouted, looking at his bandmate.  Riley chuckled. 


“Well, she is my girlfriend too.”  Lily blushed at his words.  It was the first time he had ever called her his girlfriend.  It felt good.  She nuzzled into him and Anton soon joined, nuzzling into her, until she was sandwiched between the two men.


In this position, Anton’s hand reached out and slowly touched her now round stomach.  “Two more months?”  He asked, looking up at her.  She nodded and smiled. 


“Yes… I’m excited.” 


“Me too…”  Riley admitted, blushing a little.  Ever since the confirmation of her pregnancy, Riley had softened up quite a bit.  Now he was acting with a lot more affection, surprising Lily and Anton every day. 


“This is going to be amazing…”  Lily whispered to herself as she started to doze off in the comfort of her new home. 




Two months later, Lily was alone on the first floor of the mansion.  The two men were downstairs, recording a new album together.  Their music sales had climbed through the roof in the last month and they were all really excited for their next release. 


All the fans were overly excited about the baby and constantly asked for updates.  Lily was in charge of satisfying their need and now, as she was sending out a message to the social media world, she suddenly gasped, her phone dropping out of her hands, a wetness dripping down her legs.


She closed her eyes and took in a shuddering breath for a moment, trying to calm herself.  When the contraction was over, she slowly made her way downstairs, through a pure force of willpower.  The two men were too enraptured in their task to see her and she had to turn off all the lights to get their attention. 


Anton and Riley looked at her through the thick glass of the recording studio.  Eventually, Anton took off his headphones and walked out of the room to greet her.  “What’s up babe?”  He asked, about to kiss her.  Before he could, however, she winced once more and his eyes grew big.  He didn’t know what was going on and it scared him a bit. 


He moved forward and steadied her, so she wouldn’t fall as she started to sweat slightly.  “What’s going on?”  He pleaded, his eyes now full of concern.  As this happened Riley emerged, stepping toward them.  He could see by the look on her face what was going on. 


“She’s in labor,” he commented, before picking her up with ease.  He carried her up the stairs as Anton moved quickly to grab all the bags they had prepared for this occasion.  Riley carried her out to the car, before getting into the driver’s seat.  When everyone was strapped in safe and sound, he shot off toward the nearest hospital. 


By the end of the night, little baby Roswell was born.  Riley held him gently in his arms, looking down at his baby blue eyes:  Anton’s.  He always thought he would be a man who loved the wilder side of things, but now as he held this tiny boy in his arms he knew that his life had changed forever. 


While Riley had his moment with the baby, Anton held Lily’s hand.  She had done well and chuckled as she saw Riley smile down affectionately at their son.  She never expected him to be good with kids but was pleasantly surprised so far.

Chapter 8

When they eventually brought the baby home, Riley, as the songwriter was inspired to write about it.  There was a new found energy flowing through his body that he couldn’t quite understand.  Within hours, he had a song written.  Within weeks, they had it recorded and out to the public.  It was their number one hit of all time. 


It remained on the number one spot for three weeks in a row, getting them millions of dollars in revenue.  Things were looking great.  Their fans were loving every baby photo they sent out, and their fan base was increasing day by day.  Things were perfect. 


Now, it was one year later.  Lily was a natural mother and she had just put Roswell to sleep.  She was exhausted from a day of taking care of him and helping the men with some business.  She was now a permanent member of their band and the fans loved her voice. 


Lily still had a hard time believing what had happened to her in less than two years.  It was amazing and she never wanted it to end.  As she thought about their first time together, the two men burst through the door, talking amongst themselves.  When they spotted her they smiled. 


Anton walked up to her before pulling her off the couch and into his chest with ease.  Riley grinned and looked around, trying to find Roswell.  Lily noticed his glance and chuckled.  “He’s sleeping,” she explained. 


Riley grinned ear to ear at her response.  “Oh… so the grownups can play.”  With that, he snatched Lily out of Anton’s grasp, picking her up and running with her down the hall, into their bedroom.  Anton was shocked for a moment before he chased after them.  “Hey, you need to share!”  He pouted, bursting into the bedroom. 


As he did, the two of them were already partially naked.  He grinned and joined in, peeling his clothes off, until his well-chiseled body was on display.  Riley laid down and pulled Lily into his lap, teasing her entrance with his tip.  He grinned up at her, before pulling her down gently by her hair and kissing her lips hard. 


Anton watched for a moment as his dick throbbed between his legs, excited at the sight of the two of them teasing each other on the bed.  He couldn’t help himself as he jumped onto the bed as well, getting behind Lily.  His dick found her other entrance and toyed with it for a minute, before his fingers began to play with it, stretching it out a bit so it would be pleasurable for her.


Riley, as Anton was playing with her ass, rammed into her suddenly, taking her by surprise.  She screamed out and he suddenly kissed her to muffle her screams.  When he was balls deep inside of her, he stopped the kiss and whispered, “Shh or you will wake the baby.”  She blushed a little and bit her lip, trying to stay quiet as Anton slowly inched his way inside of her second entrance. 


With both men now balls deep inside of her, she felt impossibly full.  The men didn’t move for a moment as Riley leaned forward and kissed her chest, taking her nipple into his mouth, playing with the other until it was rock hard.  Anton also teased her as his lips trailed over her delicate neck and his fingers ran through her hair slowly, sending a shiver down her spine. 


His lips played around on her shoulders as he started to move in and out of her, ever so slowly until she was moaning softly.  As Riley felt his bandmate move, he too started to buck his hips, until the two men found a perfect rhythm with each other.  The room was filled with their sounds of pleasure. 


Soon, the thought of the baby sleeping escaped their minds and they started to get even rougher and harder with one another.  They didn’t have too much time to fool around now, so whenever they found a spare moment, they would go at it like never before.  Lily’s body began to rock back and forth as Anton started to pull her hair, arching her back and giving Riley more access to her small chest. 


She was in bliss as this happened and crawled toward the edge of her orgasm.  She knew she didn’t have much left to hold back, but nonetheless she squeezed herself around the two men, hoping it would give them added pleasure.  She was pleased when she heard Anton moan at her tightness.  They were close. 


As they picked up the pace, thrusting, she couldn’t hold back anymore.  She shivered in delight, climbing over the edge.  She collapsed onto Riley, who produced a few more powerful thrusts before exploding as well.  Anton was the last one to cum as he continued to fuck her hard.  Within a few minutes, however, he too was spent and laid on top of them.  Eventually, they untangled themselves and laid on the bed panting. 


“Wow…”  Lily whispered, blown away by the sudden passion of the two men.  They had always been amazing lovers, but today it had been something different.  She smiled happily, looking at the ceiling.  As she did this, Anton leaned forward and kissed her cheek gently.


“I love you…”  He whispered softly, cuddling and pulling her against his body.  Riley looked at him and nearly pouted before getting closer, trying to pull her in his direction. 


“I love her too…”  He finally admitted.  She chuckled looking at the two men. 


“Stop fighting.  There is plenty of me to go around.” 


“I don’t like to share,” Riley said, trying to look serious.  All of a sudden the three of them burst out laughing, knowing they would be sharing the rest of their lives together.



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