Just One Drink (175 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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Wild Affair


Chapter 1

Pursuing a degree in fashion was never easy.  The odds of actually finding a job, of actually making it big with a degree that usually ends up hiding away in some drawer as you work a nine to five mundane job at some investment firm, were very slim.  But, with daddy’s money backing her up, what did Felicia Kelly have to lose? 

She could have dropped out of college at any point in time and her father would have bailed her out.  Her father, Morris Kelly, knew all about being bad, about following unrealistic dreams.  When he was younger he was a typical bad boy.  He used to ride a motorcycle (without a helmet) to school, he used to get into fights, he used to get hurt, and he used to get arrested.  If you wanted a perfect bad boy, with the gorgeous looks and the midnight charm that got you in bed in a moment’s notice, that got any girl dripping wet, Morris Kelly was your man. 

Everyone thought Morris’ bad boy tendencies would vanish once they heard of Meagan Trinity’s pregnancy. Morris and Meagan had been dating since freshman year of high school.  They were the typical good girl bad boy relationship. 

Good girls always end up falling for the bad boys, there is just something in their eyes, something in their looks that makes girls fall for them, makes them want to fix the tattered souls of the streets.  Meagan was no different.  She fell for this boy, she fell for him hard, until she was carrying his child.

Everyone thought this would make Morris change.  It didn’t.  Instead, Morris led a double life.  He was a bad boy in the streets but a saint in his home.  No one treated Meagan better than Morris did.  He was good to her in every way possible, but he wasn’t so good to the people in his rival gang.  He didn’t hesitate before stabbing someone, before pulling the trigger, before taking a life.  He did what he needed to do.

But that bad boy reputation soon got the best of him.  Morris quickly got caught up in the wrong crowds, the ones that would cause him trouble if he ever crossed them and one day he did.  He didn’t pay the wrong person and the next thing he knew, Meagan was dead on the couch and his daughter, Felicia, was crying in her crib, now without a mother.

That day had changed Morris’ life.  When he picked up his crying daughter he vowed to protect her until his last dying breath.  From that moment forward, he started to play his cards right.  He didn’t lose his bad boy habits, those would stay with him until the end of his days, but he decided to start using his skills to his advantage. 

He had experience with drugs, lots of drugs, he never took them (well the hard ones at least), but he knew how to make them.  He was a pro and soon enough he had a spot in the community college chemistry class.  Before he knew it he was working at a large pharmaceutical company and soon enough he ran his own pharmaceutical. 

By the time Felicia was ten, Morris had millions of dollars in taxable income and billions of dollars in illegal currency.  His company was just a front for the black market operation he ran underground.  He was known in his city as the best supplier of the hardest drugs on the streets, if you needed a fix then you would pay a visit to Kelly. 

But no one except the underground knew anything about his operation.  Instead, his bad boy status was pushed aside.  To everyone around him, including his growing daughter, he was just a father who was always busy and who always brought home some new woman in a slutty dress.  Felicia had come to accept her father’s actions as a way for coping with her mother’s death.  She had tried to get rid of his motorcycle time and time again to no avail.  Morris would be a bad boy until the end. 

However, this didn’t mean that he didn’t know how to put on a good show: give him a good suit and a comb and he cleaned up very nicely. 

This was exactly what he did before one of his meetings with his pharmaceutical company.  This was also when his daughter stepped through the door, back from college and now on winter break.  As she walked in the door, a girl with medium length brown hair, dark intelligent eyes and refined eyebrows followed her inside.  She looked amazed when she saw the mansion for the first time. It was beyond anything she had ever experienced before. 

As Morris saw this girl, his heart quickened in his chest as he felt his life reel back.  In that moment, he thought back to his wife.  This girl looked nothing like his dead wife and yet she was exactly like her.  Everything about her, her look, her expression, the way she presented and held herself, reminded him of Meagan.  He had to take a moment to compose himself before he looked at his daughter. 

“And who might this be Felicia?” 

“Hey, dad!  This is my friend Grace, I hope you don’t mind her staying with us for winter break.”  The girl blushed a bit before stepping forward and presenting her hand to the imposing gentleman standing before her.  She bit her lip as she looked at him from under her eyelashes.  She could feel her heart beat quicken and wondered why she was having such a reaction to her friend’s
.  She tried to reprimand herself but there was no use, something in that moment had clicked for her as she looked at the older gentleman standing before her.  What was it?

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Any friend of Felicia is welcome in our home.  Please call me Morris.”  Grace could feel her cheeks redden as her blood boiled with emotion.  She didn’t know what was coming over her, but soon she would find out that she wouldn’t be able to repress these feelings and that they would drive her toward actions she would never expect herself to commit. 

Chapter 2

Morris couldn’t stop thinking about Grace. Felicia had brought home a multitude of friends home before for parties and sleepovers and various other occasions, but this was the first time he wanted to pick up one of her friends and bring her to bed.

As the three of them had dinner together he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.  He tried to restrain himself but he couldn’t help himself, her every curve, her every blush, her every laugh was enough to drive him wild.

The girls, however, laughing and chatting together at the other end of the table paid him no mind, or so he thought.  Grace kept peeking small glances at her friend’s father, watching him as he ate, as he watched them.  There was something about this man that was doing something to her. 

Grace was a good girl.  She had never been in a relationship before.  She was raised as a good Catholic girl and she followed all the rules, but there was something about this man that made her want to break all the rules.  She knew about sex, she wasn’t dumb but she, of course, had never done it before but for some reason as she looked at this man she wanted to be with him.  She wanted to be with him in more ways than one.  

Suddenly, Morris’ phone started to ring and he excused himself from the table.  He walked to the nearby hallway and took the call. 


“Yeah… boss… we need you to get down here as soon as possible.  We have a problem with one of our distributors… it seems like they might be stealing from us.”  Morris quickly hung up his phone and his face got serious.  The problem with running an underground operation is that you never know when trouble will arise and when it does you have to be ready to take it down.  Sighing, Morris walked back to the dining room. 

“I’m sorry girls, but I have some business to attend to,” he said with a gruff voice.  Felicia looked at him. 

“Business, rightttt.  Have fun dad, tell her I said hi.”  Felicia taunted her father, thinking he was off to see one of his mistresses.  Grace looked between father and daughter, wondering what was going on.  There was a knot inside her chest that refused to go away as she interpreted her friend’s words.  This man slept around.  But why wouldn’t he?  Why wouldn’t he sleep with any woman he pleased?  Why had Grace even entertained the thought of being with him?  He would never love her. 

Grace was quiet for the rest of the night and when she went to bed all she could think about was Mr. Kelly.  There was something about him, something in his eyes, something that drove her insane.  As she laid in her bed, looking at the ceiling, she did something she had never done before.  Her hand started to creep down into her panties.  She started to experiment with herself slowly, thinking about her friend’s father as she laid in the guest room. 

Grace knew this was wrong, everything about the whole situation screamed taboo, but she couldn’t help herself.  She would be damned to hell, but there was nothing that could stop her from sinning in that moment.  She was too far into the act, too close to finishing to pull her hand away and soon enough she was moaning in pleasure into her pillow, climaxing for the very first time.  It was something she had never done before, something that would condemn her in the eyes of her family, but Grace didn’t care. 


Meanwhile, Morris rode his motorcycle throughout the city traffic.  He had long ago stopped paying attention to the traffic laws.  It was nice having friends in the law enforcement.  He swerved left and right through the bumper to bumper traffic that plagued his city during a Friday night. 

Soon enough he reached a warehouse and parked his bike outside the building.  The building looked run down and it was no place for a man wearing a $5500 suit to find himself.  Yet, there he was, walking up to the back entrance.  He told the guards what they wanted to hear and soon he was inside the building. 

Inside he was not afraid to use questionable methods to retrieve his stolen goods.  The thieves went home with broken spirits and broken bones, glad to be alive.  It seemed like the older Morris got the more ruthless he became.  He no longer had any fear of people hurting him, of people getting in his way and causing his family any harm.  His home was guarded at all times and he had more security around his family than the president did in foreign countries.  

After the men had returned the stolen goods, one hundred pounds of premium dope, Morris made his way home.  As he entered his home he thought about Grace in one of the guest bedrooms sleeping.  He thought about himself creeping into that bedroom, laying with her, wrapping his arms around her and just laying with her.  He thought about kissing the top of her head and making her feel loved. 

He wanted to cherish that girl and make her feel special.  Even though he was literally old enough to be her father, he wanted to be more to her than just her friend’s father, even though such a thing would be frowned upon.  A man could dream and as Morris laid in bed he dreamed, he dreamed all night about all the things he wanted to do with the young woman that slept in one of his guest bedrooms. 

And so father and guest thought about each other in different rooms, both of them with hands down their pants, and their minds filled with dirty but yet romantic thoughts.  Both of them were oblivious to the type of emotions running through the other.  If they only knew then their night would have been very different indeed. 

Chapter 3

“Hey, do you want to go shopping together?  I need to get a dress for that winter ball that Jamie is having at his house.  I have to dress to impress you know.  Jamie just dumped his girlfriend and I am tempted to walk in there and take him.”  She winked at her best friend.  Grace bit her lip before shaking her head, she had a plot in her mind, something she needed to do when her friend wasn’t home.  It wasn’t something she was proud of, but it was something she needed to do if she was ever going to sleep again. 

“No… I am actually feeling a little under the weather so if you don’t mind I will stay here.”  Felicia pouted and gave her friend a puppy dog face.  When she saw that Grace wouldn’t relent she sighed.

“Fine, but get better soon okay so that we can go to the winter ball.  I don’t want to go alone.”  She kissed her friend’s cheek before leaving the room. 

As she left her father entered the dining room.  Grace blushed a little when he entered the room and looked away.  If he knew what was going through her mind, he would run away. 

“Are you okay?”  He asked concerned.  He had overheard the girls’ conversation and was concerned for the girl that had been on his mind so often.  Grace nodded.  “Good, you should get some sleep, though,” Morris suggested, giving her a concerned look.  She nodded again. 

“Do you mind escorting me to my room?  I don’t feel too good… a little light headed.”  He frowned but nodded.  He walked over to her and held out his hand so that she could take it in hers and he smiled when he felt her soft skin for the first time.  It was very warm and soft and it reminded him endlessly of his wife Meagan. 

He helped her out of the chair and to her room, being very gentle with her, thinking she was actually sick, not knowing that it was all just a ploy, a ploy to do something that she never thought herself capable of.

She never expected herself to betray her best friend, but she couldn’t keep these emotions pent up forever.  For the entire week that Grace had been in the Kelly household, she had done nothing else but think of this man.  She would have him one way or another, even if it damned her forever. 

Chapter 4

As soon as Mr. Kelly entered the room and closed the door Grace allowed her instincts to get the best of her.  As he set her down on the ground she pushed him up against the door, locking the door as his back pressed against the solid oak wood.  Morris was surprised but before he could react Grace had her lips pressed into his. 

Grace had never done anything like this before, but she had fantasized plenty of times before to know what she was doing.  So, as Grace continued to kiss the father of her friend, her lips parted until her tongue darted out of her mouth and traced the contours of his lips, searching for a way into his mouth, until finally he relented and let her inside.  Their tongues danced inside his mouth as they made out against the door. 

As they did, Grace moved her hands down his body until she finally made her way to his belt.  She started to unbuckle it when Mr. Kelly pushed her away.  No, he couldn’t do this.  This was insane.  This was his daughter’s best friend.  This woman was in her twenties and he was in his forties.  This was insane.  Did she want his money?  What was she after?  All of these questions ran through his head as he looked down at the girl keeping her at arm’s length. 

Grace looked up at the man with crimson cheeks.  She couldn’t believe what she had just done, but it had felt so good and she didn’t regret it.  Sure she felt embarrassed and ashamed for what she did but she didn’t regret it.  It had felt good and from the apparent tent in his pants he had liked it too.  She finally looked away as Mr. Kelly tried to make eye contact with her. 

“Grace… what are you doing?” Mr. Kelly asked as he tilted her head gently until she was forced to look at him.  Grace had expected him to be angry, but his voice was calm.  There seemed to be something like understanding in his voice and Grace held on to the hope that maybe, just maybe, he wanted her too. 

“I… I… I don’t know what it is, but there is something about you that really turns me on…  I know I shouldn’t say that because you are Felicia’s father and I am a good catholic but I can’t hold back my emotions.  I am extremely attracted to you.  You are a real man and in credibly handsome and I want you… if you would take me…” 

Mr. Kelly looked shocked as he looked down at Grace.  He didn’t know what to say, what to do, how to feel.  He had plenty of 20 year olds in his time. This one felt different. She wasn’t just another fuck. He looked into her eyes and saw her innocence. But he had to make sure.  He had to make sure that she really did want him before he did anything he would regret. 

“If that is true… let’s go out, shall we?”  Grace looked at him confused.  She hadn’t expected him to ask her out on a date and yet that was exactly what he was doing.  Grace was confused. 

“But what about Felicia?”  Grace asked, concerned.  She didn’t want to lose her friend but at the same time she couldn’t tone down the emotions flowing inside of her, building up in her chest until it threatened to explode.  She knew she had to do this and she knew there was no backing away from it if she wanted to be with this man.  But was it the right thing to do?  Was it right for her to be with her best friend’s dad?  Grace bit her lip. 

“Well… don’t worry about her right now… we will figure it out.” He grinned and leaned down pinning a strand of her hair behind her ear.  Grace could feel her heart beat faster as Morris touched her and she felt like she would pass out from the adrenaline coursing through her veins.  No one had ever made her feel this way before. 

Grace eventually nodded and with prompting from Morris she got dressed in something more acceptable.  When she entered his room he smirked upon seeing her, “You look nice.”  There was a glint in his eye, something akin to the look he used to have when he was younger and enjoying his bad boy days.  Grace saw that glint and even though she did not know what it meant it still sent shivers down her spine.  This man was mysterious and she liked that.  She liked that a lot. 

Eventually, they made their way outside.  Grace had expected them to get in a car together, but instead they moved toward a motorcycle.  Morris had changed into tight jeans, a black V-neck t-shirt, and a leather jacket.  He no longer looked forty.  He no longer looked like someone’s father.  Instead, he looked like any other twenty-year-old man with a motorcycle, it was as if he had teleported himself back in time as Grace looked at him. 

Grace had never been on a motorcycle before and she was slightly afraid of it.  She knew how unsafe they could be and how many deaths they caused every year.  She shuddered a little as she watched Morris get onto the black sports bike.  Despite her fear, there was no doubting the excitement running through her every nerve, making her jitter in the anticipation.  

“Hop on.”  Morris referenced to the back of his bike and Grace hesitated a moment.  If this girl couldn’t handle his second life then what would be the point, not that they were there yet, no sense wasting time.  He would have to take her on a test run if he ever had hopes of being serious with her.  It was insane wanting to be with a girl so young and so quickly but people had done crazier things and he had dated younger so what was the harm in trying to be with a smart and intelligent young woman? 

Finally, however, Grace got onto the bike behind Mr. Kelly.  She blushed a little as the shape of the seat forced her to touch his body.  His body felt good against hers and she tightened her legs around him.  Her pussy tingling. Morris smirked.  “Hold on tight to me, okay?” 

As he said this he revved up his engine and Grace shuddered in excitement.  She felt like such a bad girl in that moment, something she had never felt before.  She had been such a good girl all her life it felt nice to finally do something “bad “in her life.  Throwing caution to the wind she wrapped her arms around his well-toned torso and squeezed him tight.  Once Morris was sure she was safe he rode away. 

Morris made his way to the highway.  He wanted to make sure to give this girl the ride of her life.  As he got on the highway he drove faster and faster until they were at least twenty miles over the speed limit.  Grace’s arms wrapped around him even tighter as she closed her eyes.  She was scared and excited all at the same time as she felt the wind slap into her face, stinging her skin, making her shiver.  She had never felt anything like it before.  She had never felt so alive. 

Soon, their ride came to an end as Morris pulled over at a campsite.  It was deserted and he was about to ask her what she thought of the bike ride when she was suddenly all over him.  Her legs were wrapped around his waist and she had her hands on his face, pulling it toward hers.

This time, however, Morris didn’t pull away from her, instead he kissed her back, hard.  He pushed her up against a tree and tore away her blouse with one of his hands.  He pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss and nibble her breast until his teeth sunk into her flesh and he heard her moan loudly. 

Her moan carried on the wind and soon enough they were naked on the dirt path.  He looked down at her and grinned.  Grace smiled up at him and wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer until his member touched her soaking wet pussy.  She had never felt like this before.  This would be her first time, but she was more than ready for it. 

Morris grinned as he saw the excitement on her face.  He had never been with someone so eager.  He reached down and started to finger her gently, getting her ready for him.  Soon enough he plunged deep inside of her.

Grace moaned out loudly, a mixture between a gasp and a muffled groan as her best friend’s dad broke through the wall of her womanhood.

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