Just One Drink (179 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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“Your father was a natural with the bow, it makes sense that you have the same affinity. Not to mention that prayer you said over the buck. That’s something I witnessed your father do on many hunts.” He nodded and looked over at Karla. “I understand why you were so wary of me then and I forgive you.”


“Well, is it true?” Karla felt the words come out of her mouth before she really even considered if she wanted to know. If they were untrue than that meant her father banished an innocent man. If they were true it meant she was stuck in the home with a man who had no problem disfiguring women. It seemed like a lose-lose situation for her. However, for some reason he laughed.


“It is both the truth and a fabrication.” Rolki crossed the room again and sat down on the bed where Karla had been sleeping not long before. “You see, the woman in question was my new bride. We had attempted to have a child before the ceremonies even took place which we knew was frowned upon by the gods, but we took the risk.” Rolki’s tone got much softer and his piercing blue eyes fell to the floor. “When the baby was due we were so excited. However, the gods had punished us.” Rolki coughed a few times and wiped a tear away from his eye.


“The baby was dead before he was born and it tore my wife apart. She killed herself not long after and it was your father that found me with her. She was loved in that community and I didn’t want to see her to be seen as weak, so I had your father create a story in which I broke her down to that point.” Rolki looked up at Karla who felt nothing but sadness for him. “The story has clearly evolved over the years, but your father did me a great service.”


Karla stood up and walked towards him. When she reached him, she held out her arms and allowed Rolki to fall into her bosom where he breathed heavily in her scent. She stood like this for a moment and then, slowly at first, she began to gently stroke his hair.


His large hands were wrapped around her thin waist and she couldn’t help but feel safe in his arms. She had never really seen a man be that open before and she felt as though it brought them closer together.


As her fingers began to tangle in his hair Karla felt those strong hands beginning to massage at her back. His fingers caressed her lower back and they traced the curve of her body. His fingertips played at the waistline of her pants and she felt his breath growing hot on her chest. Karla had never been with a man and had only ever played with herself so the feeling that she was growing up in her loins was startling.


She thought on this for a moment and was taken out of the thought when she felt Rolki’s face shifting in her chest. He had turned his face so that he was no longer seemingly laying his head on her chest but rather was nuzzling into her breasts. She felt goosebumps cascade across her arms and down into her hands as he did this and she felt a heat and warmth coming from her legs.


Rolki must have felt this as well because his hands that were just a few moments ago toying with the waistband had now slid inside. He looked up into Karla’s face and saw that her cheeks were flush red.


Smiling he craned his neck upward and began to kiss her. His lips were even gentler than his hands, Karla thought as their lips connected. Her lips felt dry but within a few moments she felt their lips sliding and locking in perfectly.


He now had one hand down the back of her pants, his fingers grasping at her ass. He squeezed them and laughed as Karla moaned. His hands were full of knowledge and experience and she wanted to see what he could do with them


His other hand slid up the back of her shirt and rubbed her back, his strong fingers kneading the sore muscles. She followed his lead and allowed her hands to slide down his back, her nails dragging across his skin. She felt the goosebumps travel down his back, following her hands.


Karla felt Rolki shifting and stepped back, their lips still connected in a passionate kiss and without breaking a sweat he lifted her up with him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, both of his hands were now firmly planted on her ass, kneading and massaging her butt.


Her nails dug further into his skin, but he didn’t seem to mind. He took one hand and knocked the plate off the table, the food falling to the floor. Within an instant the dog was on top of it, cleaning the mess.


He laid her down firmly with a soft “thump,” and she looked down to see his large hands delicately unfastening her blouse. In a moment of passion she reached down and tore the shirt off. Looking up she saw a smile on Rolki’s face and heard his wondrous laugh thunder out.


She laughed out with him and felt the wind get knocked out of her lungs when the man leaned in and began to lick her nipples. The sensation sent a wave of pleasure across her body that caused her to let out a small gasp,


His tongue flicked at her soft flesh and she felt her nipples hardening. His beard tickled at her skin and her hands raised up to clutch at his hair again. He stayed like this for a few moments, spending time latching onto each breast until she felt his hands once again working the fastening on her pants.


She allowed him to deftly untie the string that held her pants up and lifted herself up slightly so that he was able to pull them off. That was when Karla had the closest thing to a religious experience she’d ever had.


She was confused at first at the fact that Rolki abandoned her breasts to kiss her stomach, but felt like she saw the face of Thor when he reached her pussy. His lips kissed and touched her inner thigh and she felt herself jump what felt like a foot off the table.


His beard tickled once again at her skin but this time it wasn’t funny, but rather erotic. She had thought his lips were gentle against her own but she didn’t even know that they could be this gentle.


He turned his attention to her pussy then and began to kiss her lips. She felt her legs shaking and her fingers clutched at this hair, trying not to scream. She moaned loudly then when the kissing turned to his tongue and his long tongue began to lick her moist folds.


The heat that she had felt before got much more intense when the tip of his tongue flicked at her clit as he had done moments ago to her nipple. She pressed him further in as he passionately began to eat her out.


He continued like this for a few minutes, his tongue making long strokes up and down the entirety of her pussy and then switching up to short, fluttered strokes right in the center and upwards toward her clit.


She felt herself lose control twice and cum, but there was nothing she could do about that. Her legs shook uncontrollably and her fingers pulled at his hair, all the while he continued to eat. As she came for the third time she felt him shifting once again, this time he was raising up.


With one hand he unfastened his own pants, with the other he wiped away her juices from his beard. She didn’t know what was coming over her, but she reached up and pulled him down close to him and she kissed him passionately, tasting herself on his lips made her moan and she felt her body beginning to lose control again. In that moment, Rolki’s pants hit the floor and she felt him pressing up against her


Karla had only ever touched herself and didn’t know what to expect so as she looked down and saw his dick, she let out a small yelp. Rolki looked down at her and chuckled slightly as he slid his finger inside her.


She moaned gently as he did this and felt him allowing his fingers to feel around inside her. After a few moments he inserted a second finger and she felt how tight she was. Rolki continued to finger her, using this as a time to stretch her out slightly.


Before long though he started to test the water and slid the head of his penis inside her. With a loud moan she clawed at the table trying to find something to hold on to. Slowly he pressed himself in further as Karla struggled to catch her breath.


Before she knew it he was entirely inside her and she felt her eyes rolling into the back of her head, her body was in a constant state of euphoria. She had thought that being alone in the forest was nice but there was something to be said about spending it alone with another person.


That was when Rolki began to thrust, his pelvis grinding into hers. She was unable to contain herself and with each thrust she let out a loud moan. Soon, with each thrust she was yelling his name and she no longer had control over her body.


Her fingernails dug into his back and every time she came she felt her legs wrap tighter around his waist. After a few moments of this she felt him beginning to slow down and felt his cock pulsating inside her. With one long thrust that caused her to let out the longest moan, she felt him cum inside her.


He pulled out and fell back into the bed, breathing heavily. Karla stood up from the table and looked over to see him, arms outstretched. She staggered over to the bed where she also collapsed into his arms. Within minutes she felt herself drifting to sleep, her breath linked up with his. The last thing she saw before falling asleep was the bow that was sitting on the floor.




Karla was getting irritated with being woken up in bad situations. In the span of a few days she had been woken up by a jumping father, woken up after being knocked unconscious, and now she was woken up by the growls and snarls of a wolf.


However, that could only mean one thing. Her eyes snapped open and she rolled out of the bed onto the floor once again. She looked at the wolf who was standing at attention in the corner looking at the door. The hair on the nape of his neck was standing straight up.


“Rolki,” she whispered under her breath. He didn’t move however. “Rolki,” she hissed louder. Still nothing. With a swift punch to the stomach he shot upright swinging.


“What,” he yelled and quickly adjusted to the situation. His eyes darted to see Karla on the ground and then snapped to his companion who had looked over at him waiting for direction. “What in the hell?” His voice trailed off as he glanced out the window.


In the distance he could see a number of men that were approaching the house. They were clearly trying to be stealthy, but nothing could get past his guard dog. “It looks like your brothers came looking for you.” He slid onto the floor next to Karla. “And they brought friends.”


“That must be my brother’s raid party. They’d do anything for him.” Rolki cracked his neck and deftly slipped back into his pants that were still laying on the floor.


“Well I hope they’re ready to die for him.” Karla’s hand darted to his arm and held him back.


“Don’t kill anyone, they’re just doing what they think is right.” Rolki shrugged off her hand and pulled his shirt over his head.


“I do what needs to be done.” As he said this he crouch walked over to the door and peeked through the window that was just beside it. He turned back around to look at her and he held up his hand. “Stay here.” He turned to his wolf that was still standing at attention. “You’re with me, pup.” The wolf quickly ran to his side and stood next to him, also crouched. Karla had to admit it was impressive how well trained the dog was.


He gently pushed the door open and slid hugged the wall of the house so that he was able to get behind his house without any of the Vikings approaching realizing he was headed there.


Karla felt her pace quicken and was unsure exactly what to do, so she took a deep breath and listened to what was happening around her as she had done when she was in the forest just a day ago.


She heard her brother’s voice in the distance and listened as he called out a few orders to the others. She also could hear the snarl of the dog out back and the sound of a log falling to the ground which must mean that Rolki is using his wood cutting axe as his weapon of choice. If it can cleave these trees, Karla didn’t want to see what it could do to her brother or the other people that she had grown up with.


Karla quickly snapped into action and quickly pulled her clothes on, realizing that tearing her shirt may not have been the best option, but she quickly fixed it so that it looked like a mistake, not the result of being in the passionate moment.


She grabbed her bow off the ground and snagged an arrow out of the quiver. Slamming open the door, she kneeled, pulled the bowstring back to her cheek, and fired in the direction of her brother.


She heard the sound of her arrow connecting with wood and there was a brief moment of silence. And then, after a beat a voice called out for her.

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