Justice (13 page)

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Authors: Piper Davenport

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Justice
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“You could throw some clothes in a bag and shower at my place.”

Macey smiled. “Oh, really?”

He gave her a sexy smile. “Alone. I promise I won’t bug you… unless you want me to.”

“Or, I could soak. You do have that great tub.”

“The one you picked out, yes.”

“What do you mean? I think I would have remembered picking out such a cool tub.”

He nodded. “Remember when we went to that salvage place? The one on Hawthorne?”

“Like three or four years ago? You were looking for doorknobs or something like that.”

“Yeah. You kept dragging me back to that damn claw-foot tub like it was the second coming or something.”

Macey gasped. “That’s what’s in your bathroom? It doesn’t even look the same.”

“I know. Had to have it totally restored.”

They arrived at his car and she faced him. “Are you saying you did that for me? We weren’t even dating.”

“Oh, I’m aware. You were going through your ‘I’ve sworn off men phase.’”

She giggled. “Yeah, I’m sure you were really bothered by that, especially banging Bimbo number sixty-three… oh, and sixty-four.”

“A bit of exaggeration, don’t you think?” he countered.

“In my mind, there have been a million.”

“Babe, I’m good, but that’s probably impossible, not to mention, if it
possible, my dick might have fallen off by now.”

“Well, then sixty or so is probably low.”

He ran his knuckles down her cheek. “Bimbos number eighteen and nineteen lasted all of five minutes, Bimbo number nineteen losing her shit because I kept canceling on her to be at your beck and call.”


“Seriously. And yes, I did it for you, because I knew that one day, I’d have you in that tub. And I do mean
you.” He leaned down and kissed her. “But that part will come later. Tonight, you’re going to soak in that cast iron monstrosity and I’m going to ply you with wine until you’re drunk enough to let me hold you all night long.”

“As the last few days have proved, you don’t have to get me drunk to do that,” she said. “But I’ll still take the wine.”

“You got it.” He chuckled and kissed her quickly before opening the car door, waiting until she was seated before closing it and jogging to the driver’s side.

* * *

Dallas drove her home so she could grab some clothes, and then they took off for his house. He lived about twenty minutes from her in a mid-century ranch with a basement in North Portland. He’d essentially gutted the home when he bought it and redid the entire thing. He now had a kick-ass kitchen, living room, plus three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the main floor, along with a media room and bathroom in the basement.

Macey loved his home. The neutral tones and dark wood gave it a masculine feel, but the frosted glass fixtures and soft throw pillows kept it comfortable. She and her friends had watched many movies sprawled out across the large overstuffed sectional downstairs.

Dallas laid his gun on the table and pointed to it. “Pick it up, Mase.”

She rolled her eyes, but picked it up without argument. They’d gone twice to the gun range the week before and she was less and less leery of guns the more she handled them.

“What are the rules?” he asked.

“I’m to assume g
uns are always loaded. I never let the muzzle cover anything I’m not willing to annihilate. I keep my finger off the trigger until my eyes are on the target, and I must always know what my target is and what’s beyond it.”

“Yes.” He stood behind her and repositioned her body. “You know where the safety is, yeah?”

“Right here. And this is how you make it not safe.”

He chuckled. “Good job, honey. That’s perfect. Once you’re used to handling this, I’ll show you how to clean it and put it back together.”

She laid the gun back on the table, pointing away from them. “Do we need to go through all of that?”

“It’s important.”

“But I have you to do it for me,” she said, running a finger down his chest.

“Yes, you do, but you need to learn.”


He chuckled, leaning down to kiss her quickly. “I’ll go fill the tub.”

“Thank you.”

Dallas reholstered his gun and took it to the bedroom with him, and Macey opened a bottle of wine, letting it breathe while she grabbed two glasses. She slid a stack of papers Dallas had dumped on the island to the side to make room, and the one on top caught her interest. She knew it was none of her business, but the letterhead held her building’s dark blue logo, so she snuck a peek. As she stared at the bill for homeowner’s dues, her stomach roiled.

She picked it up and stalked back to the bathroom. He wasn’t there, so she headed to his bedroom. “Dallas?”

“Yeah, babe?”

She stalled at the sight of him shirtless and shoeless standing in the middle of his room.

“Mase? You okay?” he asked, granting her a sexy smile.

She got hold of herself and waved the paper in the air. “What’s this?”

“What’s what?”

Macey handed it to him.

“Ah, it’s a bill.”

“Yes, for homeowner’s dues in my apartment building, noting my apartment number. What I want to know is why you have it.”

“Ah…" Dallas stared at her, fuelling Macey’s anger.

She shook her head. “
. You didn’t.”

“Are you going to let me explain?” he asked, and crossed his arms.

“Do you own it? My apartment?”


Macey lowered herself onto the edge of the bed. “Ohmigod. I’m going to be sick.”

“Why are you going to be sick?” he challenged.

“Because you’ve been
to me for two years.”

Dallas slid between her legs and raised her chin. “Really, Mase? Lying? That’s what we’re going with?”

“Well, what would you call it?”

“Oh, I don’t know… taking care of the woman I love. Ensuring sure she’s safe?” He slipped a wayward lock of her hair behind her ear. “Taking the burden of making exorbitant rent payments off her shoulders.”

“How did you afford that place, Dal?”

“Grams left Alec and me a shitload of money in her will.”

“She died, like, ten years ago.”

“Yeah. So?”

“Never mind.” She bit her lip. “It’s none of my business.”

Dallas laughed. “Which has never stopped you before, babe.”

She shoved at his chest. He didn’t even budge. Instead, he covered one of her hands with his and smiled. “When Dad developed that building six years ago, he worked in a deal that a few of the units would be his. Well, ours, if we wanted them. Alec and I both bought apartments, at a steal, if you must know. Dad bought two.”

“But you’re paying a mortgage on this place, too.”

“There is no mortgage on this house, Mase. Grams owned it outright and I used part of the inheritance to buy out my dad. You know I’ve always loved it here.” He stroked her cheek. “Are you really concerned about my finances, Macey? Because if you are, I’ll show you everything. Assets and debt.”

“It’s none of my business.” She blinked back tears. “I’m sorry, Dallas. I have no right to pry or worry. It’s your life.”

“It’ll be yours too, honey.”

She stared at her hands. “Did you buy the apartment because of me?”

“No.” He lifted her chin and frowned. “At least not because of what happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’d hoped we’d live there and if you didn’t like it, I figured I got such a great deal, I’d make a ton when I sold it.”

She couldn’t stop a small smile. “You’d hoped we’d live there?”

Dallas chuckled. “Well, yeah.”

“But what about this place?”

“I want to keep it. Maybe rent it out. Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, but once I bought the condo on Naito, I knew it would be better suited for us as a couple.”

“You’re such a romantic.”

“I’m a pragmatist.”

Macey licked her lips. “Romantic

“I’ll take it.” He grinned and kissed her.

“Does Payton know you own it?”

“No. She thinks it’s one of my dad’s properties and he’s giving you guys a really great deal.” He stroked her cheek. “You wouldn’t let me in, babe. I needed a way to make sure you were safe without you knowing it was me. If you’d known, you would have never accepted the help.”

“Why aren’t you mad at me?” Macey asked.

“I can’t say I’m overly happy with being called a liar, babe, but I also speak ‘Macey,’ so I know that your comments are made out of concern for me and not because… well, because you fall on the dramatic side of life.” He smiled when she rolled her eyes. “I also know that you know me, so you know that I have every bit of information on you. I figure I should at least level the playing field.”

“I really do love the apartment. But what about Payton?”

“We’ll figure it out, honey. She’ll have plenty of notice and she could even rent here if she wanted. I’d give her a deal.” He smiled. “She took care of you for me.”

“Yeah, she did.” Macey gave him an evil grin. “But if she refuses to leave, I’m not above murder. Just so long as you can hide the body.”

He grinned. “Done.”

“Thanks for talking it through.”

“Always, baby.” He pulled her from the bed. “Bath time.”

She giggled. “
my arm.”



WEEK LATER, Macey walked out of the hospital and to her car, finding a note under the wiper blade. She wondered if someone was advertising something, but when she glanced around the crowded parking lot, she saw hers was the only car with anything on it. She grabbed the note and unlocked her door, climbing inside. Before she could read the note or even start the engine, her phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hi, babe. You left work yet?” Dallas asked.

“Sort of.” She shoved the letter in her purse, started the car, and pulled out of the lot. “I’m leaving now.”

“Do you want to go out for dinner or cook?”

“You cooking or me cooking?” she asked.

He chuckled. “If you come straight to my place, I’ll cook.”

“As tempting as that is, I really need to get out of these scrubs.”

“You know, if you kept a few things here, you’d be set.”

She smiled. They’d had this conversation before.

“I’ll run home and grab a shower, then meet you at your place. Sound good?” she asked.

“You could shower here while I cook.”

Macey bit her lip. “Next time. But I’ll be quick. I promise.”

“Pork chops good?”

“Sounds delicious.”

“Okay, see you soon. Love you.”

She grinned. “Love you too.”

She hung up and headed home.

After a quick shower, she decided to pack a small bag to leave at Dallas’s place. It was a huge step for her, but it was also nice to think that she’d have an alternative if she ever wanted one. She texted Payton to let her know that may or may not be home later, then texted Dallas to say she was leaving the apartment, before climbing into her car and pulling out of her garage.

The sun was setting when she’d left the hospital, but it was now fully dark and it brought to light the one thing she didn’t like about Dallas’s home. There was no garage and the only parking was on the street. She started to feel anxious about walking in the dark, but willed herself to calm down. She could always call him and he’d meet her outside.

As she neared his house, she saw him standing on the sidewalk, but he stepped into the road as she approached. She pulled up alongside him and lowered her passenger window. “Hi.”

He grinned. “Hi. I’m gonna move my truck, so you can park here.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“I know,” he said, and grinned. “Back up a bit.”

She nodded, her heart warming at his kindness. She backed her car up and waited for him to pull out before taking his spot. Macey gathered up her purse and bag, and climbed out of her car, closing and locking the door just as Dallas jogged up to her. He took her bag and leaned down to kiss her quickly. “Hi. This is a little heavy for one night.”

She grinned. “I brought a few things to leave here.”

“Perfect.” He kissed her again. “Come on, chops are almost done.”

Macey took his hand and followed him up the porch stairs and into the house. She walked into the kitchen and her stomach rumbled. “It smells amazing in here,” she said.

Dallas grinned and opened the oven. “Almost ready.”

“Shall I pour some wine?”

“That would be great. Merlot’s in the rack.”

Dallas prepared the stuffing while Macey opened and poured wine, and she was struck by how incredibly perfect she felt in the midst of such a domestic scene.

“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” he asked.

She sipped her wine and the smiled. “I’m just thinking how I could totally get used to this.”

“You working a long day and coming home to your man cooking for you?”

She chuckled. “Absolutely.”

Dallas wrapped an arm around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Anytime, baby. I’ll cook for you every night if it means you come home to me.”

Macey looped her arms around his neck. “Do you know what I want to do?”


She swallowed and bit her lip. Her heart raced as she considered saying out loud what she’d felt since they’d reconnected. “I want to try.”

His eyes widened. “We don’t have to.”

“I know, but I want to.”

Dallas smiled. “Whatever you want, baby.”

The timer sounded, effectively distracting them, and Dallas served everything up and carried it to the table. Macey couldn’t focus on dinner conversation, only managing to give Dallas one or two word answers to his questions. She forced herself to swallow her food, even though she tasted none of it.

After dinner, they did the dishes and Dallas took her hand. “Your pace, honey.”

She nodded. “I know. I still want to.”

“We can stop whenever you need to.”

“Dallas, would you please shut up?”

He smiled. “Yes ma’am.”

She squeezed his hand and tugged him to his bedroom in the back of the house. Once inside, Dallas pulled her close and kissed her. “Your pace.”

“I heard you the first fifty times you said it, honey.” Macey smiled and tugged at his shirt. “Off.”

He pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing his hard chiseled upper body. She’d missed him. Missed his body. In the times he’d held her recently, he’d slept with a T-shirt and shorts, which was sensitive on his part, but now she realized she was ready for more.

“My turn,” she said, and pulled her long-sleeved T-shirt over her head, revealing her favorite black lace camisole. It had a shelf bra, but no sense of support, unfortunately, however, it kept her scars covered, which was her objective tonight.

“God, baby, you’re magnificent,” he said.

“I’ve gained a little weight.”

He ran his knuckles along her cheek. “Perfect, Mase. You’re perfect.”

She felt her cheeks heat up.

Dallas smiled again after he removed the rest of his clothes. “You okay?”

She nodded and stretched out on the bed, her heart racing, but she tamped down her panic. Dallas lay down beside her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

She broke the kiss and shifted her body, trying to stamp down her nervousness.

He lifted her chin and frowned. “You look petrified.”

Macey swallowed. “Do I?”

“We don’t have to do this.”

“I want to.”

“I have an idea,” he said, and rolled onto his back and settled his hands behind his head. “It’s all you, baby. You set the pace and I will do whatever you tell me to do.”

“I feel like a virgin.”

“That’s not a bad thing, honey.”

She blinked back tears. “I want to be wild and sexy and uninhibited.”

sexy, baby,” he assured. “The wild and uninhibited will come.”

“Do you really think so?”

“I really think so.” He reached for her hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Macey smiled. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” He slid his hand back behind his head. “Okay. This is all you. You do whatever you want. Anything, baby. Yeah?”

She nodded.

“Condoms are in the nightstand,” he said.

“I’m on the pill, we don’t need them.”

“God, babe.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m gonna keep my hands right here unless you tell me otherwise, yeah?”

She nodded again and he smiled. Macey bit her lip. He was glorious. Totally comfortable with his nudity, his body and cock hard. Waiting.

Her breasts grew heavy and her nipples pebbled with desire as she thought about what she wanted to do with him. “Um… can you lean up against the headboard?” she requested.

Dallas grinned, shifting to do as she asked.

She took a deep breath and straddled his hips.

“Can I touch you?” he asked.

Macey smiled. “I thought
was directing.”

Dallas chuckled wrapping his hands around the headboard. “Sorry.”

“As you should be.” She giggled. “Yes, you can touch me.”

He reached for her neck, pulling her gently down so he could kiss her. Shifting his body slightly, he slipped a hand between their bodies, and ran a finger gently across her clit. She gasped, sitting up and dropping her head back. “Oh, wow.”

“You okay?” he asked as he eased up.

“Yes, don’t stop,” she rasped, gripping his arm.

“You’re so wet,” he said.

“I’m not surprised.” She smiled down at him. “I’m a little backed up.”

“You okay?”

Macey sighed. “Honey, if you keep asking me if I’m okay, we’re never going to get this done.”

Dallas chuckled. “Romantic.”

She lifted up, reaching between them to guide him inside of her. It was his turn to gasp; only it was much more of a manly grunt. “Fuck,” he breathed.

“That’s the plan,” she retorted.

Macey lifted up again, lowering herself, forcing the nervousness away. She loved him, but more importantly, she trusted him.

“You okay?” he asked again.

She pressed her lips together and nodded, getting used to his size.

“You’re tight, Mase. Is it hurting?”

Macey shook her head. She lifted up and lowered again, this time she relaxed a little more.

“Babe, you look like you’re going to cry.”

She opened her eyes and frowned, laying her hands on his chest. “I really need you to shut up, Dallas. I’m determined to do this and I need to work it out.”

He moved to shift her off of him. “No.”

“What?” she asked, refusing to budge.

“I’m not going to watch you do something that’s obviously upsetting you.”

“Oh my
, Dallas, shut up.”


She raised herself up again and lowered, then again faster than before and he finally shut up. Sitting up again, she leaned back, bracing her hands on his thighs for leverage so she could move more freely and rode him, letting the feeling of ecstasy wash over her. God, she’d missed this.

“Fuck, baby,” he said.

Macey dropped her head back and moved faster. Her orgasm hit her fast and hard and she found herself falling across Dallas, her breath coming in short bursts.

“Babe.” Dallas wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck.

“I’m so sorry, Dallas.”

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