Kate Sherwood - Dark Horse 1.3 - Riding Through Fire (4 page)

BOOK: Kate Sherwood - Dark Horse 1.3 - Riding Through Fire
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"Jesus, Jeff, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased, that was bad, I'm sorry, just, please, Jeff…."

Jeff cuts him off with a short, hard kiss. "No, don't be sorry. You should have teased, and I should be teasing, and it won't kill you to slow things down a little."
"Jesus, Jeff, I think it might!" There's a hint of laughter in Evan's

Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood
voice, but there's desperation, too, and Jeff takes pity. He can work on the kid's discipline some other time.

Jeff eases back a little, and he can tell from the desperation on Evan's face that the kid thinks he's leaving altogether, but he's really just trying to get a bit more room to work. When his hands fall to the button of Evan's pants, Evan's hips shoot up in anticipation, so hard that Jeff is almost bucked off his perch on the kid's legs. "Take it easy, now," he admonishes, and once Evan has stilled Jeff undoes the button and then the fly, and eases his hands around towards the back. Evan lifts his hips willingly, but this time he's just helping Jeff to pull the pants down. Jeff doesn't bother to take them right off; he doesn't need to for what he's got in mind.

Jeff sits just above Evan's knees and takes a moment to appreciate the view. His sheets are dark red, and Evan's golden skin makes a jeweltoned image against them, the shadows around his muscles enhancing the richness of the image. Jeff's suddenly tempted to paint the picture, even though he gave all that up when he left school and had to get a real job. With subject matter like this, maybe he could find time for a hobby.

Evan's black underwear doesn't really interfere with the image, but the shape of it does call Jeff's mind back to the task at hand. "Okay, kid, we'll take the edge off." He has a flash of self-consciousness when he realizes that maybe he's planning a longer night than Evan had been expecting, maybe longer than Evan had wanted, but he remembers how desperate Evan had been in the living room and feels confident that the kid will want to stick around for a while, at least.

He slides up for a quick kiss, and for the first time Evan doesn't respond as if Jeff's mouth is the center of the universe - he seems a little distracted. "Want my mouth somewhere else, Evan?" Jeff teases. Evan just groans in frustration, and Jeff takes pity on him, sliding his lips down over the strong muscles of Evan's neck and chest, down along the sharp definition of his abdomen, all the way to the waistband of Evan's boxers. He stays there for a while, nipping and licking along the exposed skin,

Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood

using his mouth and chin to edge the elastic down slowly, so slowly, while at the same time he brings his hands up under the legs of the underwear, doing their own teasing, hard massaging mixed with gentle circles, working closer to the center and then fading away before coming back for more.

"Jesus, Jeff, come on!" Evan's begging now, his voice high and needy, and it goes straight to Jeff's cock. He'd been planning on teasing Evan, but he hadn't realized how exciting he would find it himself.

By the time Jeff's hands are up to the waistband, his mouth has pushed it down to well below the start of Evan's pubic hair, and the band itself is putting pressure on Evan's cock, the only direct contact it's gotten for quite a while. Evan seems desperate enough to take any release he can get, but Jeff doesn't want to be denied the privilege of getting the kid off himself, so the underwear has to go.

Evan is eager to help, lifting his hips so fast and so high that his swollen dick hits Jeff in the face, damn close to his eye. Evan looks apologetic, but he's also laughing, so Jeff gives him a dirty look. But now that they're so close, there's no way Jeff's going back a step, so he lifts the waistband up and over and eases the underwear down Evan's thighs.

Jeff's first view of Evan's cock doesn't disappoint. The kid is big all over, and he's beautiful all over too. The newly rediscovered artist in Jeff wouldn't mind taking a while just to enjoy the view, the dark, tight skin, the graceful ridge around the head; even the thick vein along the bottom seems beautiful, somehow, running straight and true. But Jeff isn't all artist, there's a man in there too, and it's that part of him that wants to touch.

He starts with a gentle kiss to the head, savoring the taste of the precome and the sound of Evan's moan. He has to fight to keep his cool, but he manages it, and he spends the next several minutes teasing Evan's cock the way he'd already teased the rest of him, quick kisses, long, slow,

Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood

light sweeps with his tongue, his hands running wherever they can reach, spending quite a bit of time with Evan's balls, softly pulling and kneading, rubbing with his fingernails, anything that feels right.

He can tell when Evan's right on the edge, and it's only then that he closes his lips around the head and pushes down as far as he can manage, using his hand to make up the difference, and now he's intense, now it's real, and with only a few bobs of his head, Evan is coming, great, creamy gobs straight down Jeff's throat. The kid's almost shouting as he comes, just sounds, no words, and it's the sweetest thing Jeff's heard in a long time.

He works through the orgasm, and then kisses his way up Evan's body to his mouth. Evan's relaxed now, finally, and the kiss is slow and sweet, the kind of kiss that can last all the way through a rainy afternoon. But it's nightime, and the skies are clear, and Evan has other ideas. "Your turn now?" He suggests hopefully. "You could fuck me, if you want…."

"Oh, I absolutely want, Evan. But not quite yet."


Evan looks like he's going to argue, but he catches himself, and nods. "Okay. You're driving."


"Jesus, kid, you have any idea how much I like hearing you say that?"


"Got yourself a little kink, there, Stevens?" Evan looks delighted.

"Maybe a little one, yeah." And if he wants to keep satisfying the kink, he needs to keep moving, stay in charge. So he leans forward and eases the shirt off the bed board, then smooths the sleeves down over Evan's muscular arms. The kid is free, but he stays still on the bed, waiting for instructions. "We're going to go take a shower, okay?"

Evan nods obediently, but glances down at the tent in Jeff's pants. "You're sure you don't want me to return the favor, first?"


Jeff shakes his head. He figures he can come three or four times in a
Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood
night. He's going to save the first one for as long as he can. Evan, on the other hand, is twenty-two, and Jeff plans to milk him dry.

Jeff leads the way to the en suite bathroom and carefully adjusts the shower temperature before nodding Evan into the tub. Jeff takes a moment to grab a clean washcloth and some soap, and then he reaches into the side drawer and pulls out a condom and a bottle of lube.

Evan's eyes see the later additions and flare with interest, but he keeps his mouth shut, just stand under the stream of water and lets it wash down over his face. He's already half-hard again, and Jeff is happy about his decision to hold off on his own orgasm. Although he's not sure how much longer he'll be able to last if Evan keeps watching him like that.

He feels stupidly self-conscious as he pulls off the shirt that Evan had unbuttoned in the living room, and then undoes his belt and pants and lets them drop. Underwear still to go, and Jeff feels like a dolt. He's got nothing to be ashamed of, he knows— he's kept himself fit, and he's never gotten any complaints about his cock. He just feels like a stripper, with Evan watching him so intently. Still, he wants to be naked around this guy at some point, so he might as well get it over with, and so he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear and eases them over his erection before dropping them to the floor. He's trying for a nonchalance that he definitely doesn't feel, and he forces himself to take his time as he crosses the floor and steps carefully into the tub.

Evan's hands come up to grip and steady him, and Jeff doesn't really need the support but he appreciates the contact, anyway. But then he remembers that he's supposed to be in charge, and he gently runs his hands up over Evan's chest before easing him backwards until he's leaning against the wall. They just stay like that for a bit, Jeff pressed up against Evan, kissing and exploring, and Jeff's glad that he spent the extra money for hot water on demand, because he's going to want to stay like this for quite a while.
Evan's fully hard again by the time Jeff picks up the soap and

Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood

washcloth and makes a good lather, and then starts running it all over Evan's body. He hits all the important spots, but towards the end he definitely focuses on Evan's ass, and the kid notices. "Should I turn around?" he whispers, and Jeff nods.

"Yeah, I think so."

Evan turns, bracing his hands on the wall and reaching his ass out, and it's obvious what he's expecting, but Jeff's not quite there yet. Instead, he drops to his knees and uses his hands to gently part Evan's ass cheeks before bringing his head forward, stretching his tongue out to touch Evan's puckered hole. Evan jerks in surprise, obviously having expected something else, and Jeff pauses for the kid to regain his balance before he returns to his ministrations. He sucks, licks, even nips a little, and Evan responds beautifully, writhing and moaning as if it's the best thing he's ever felt. Jeff has to push down firmly on his own cock to keep from wasting his orgasm before he even makes it inside.

Once he's got himself back under control, Jeff finds the lube and adds his fingers to the mix, stretching Evan out, but also stealing forward to cup his balls, stroke his cock, anything to get the kid ready to come, because Jeff is pretty sure that he's not going to last long enough to fuck the kid to orgasm without a serious head start.

Evan's gasps become increasingly desperate, and when Jeff thinks the kid is just about on the edge, he reaches back for the condom, rolls it on himself and gives one last, deep kiss to Evan's ass. Evan's hips start rocking as soon as Jeff's face is out of the danger zone, and once Jeff lines himself up, Evan's pushing back, trying to get things moving. Trying to take charge, Jeff decides, and he pulls back enough to have room for a single slap to Evan's ass. It isn't anything near full strength, probably didn't even sting, let alone hurt, but it gets the message across and Evan's hips still. He turns to look over his shoulder at Jeff, and he doesn't look hurt, just a bit surprised. "Okay, yeah, you're driving. Sorry. Any chance you

Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood
could drive a little faster?"

Jeff locks his eyes with Evan's and reaches up one hand to tangle the kid's hair in order to keep him from turning away, and then he pushes in, hard and fast and deep, bottoms out and keeps pushing a little, and Evan's face transitions through so many expressions so quickly that Jeff can't keep track of them all. They're all hot, he knows that, and he keeps Evan's head turned as he pulls out and drives in hard again, and again, and Evan's making a high, breathy grunt with each stroke and it sounds perfect, looks perfect, feels perfect, and damn it, Evan needs to come soon, because Jeff wants to feel that happening from the inside, and Jeff really isn't going to last much longer.

He brings his free hand around to Evan's cock and grips it tight, stroking hard and in time with his own thrusts, and Evan's grunts get longer, start blurring together, and Jeff can see the kid's fingers claw and curl into the tile of the shower stall as his ass tightens around Jeff's cock, and then they're both coming together, and Jeff tries to keep up with his hands and his hips but he knows he loses the rhythm, and he doesn't really care.

He stays inside Evan for a few moments after his orgasm fades, and he really hates the condom, not because it affects the sensation, but because he loves the idea of leaving something behind, a part of himself still inside Evan. But reality intrudes, and Jeff eases himself out and pulls the condom off, although he doesn't release his hold on Evan's hair. He tosses the condom into the wastepaper basket just outside the shower, and then turns Evan around, only releasing his grip on Evan's hair when they're in a position that Jeff likes.

He leans in for another slow, wet kiss, and then pulls back far enough to see Evan grin back at him when he smiles. "You good?" Jeff asks.
Evan stretches languorously. "I'm great. Sore in all the right places."

Riding Through Fire | Kate Sherwood
"Sore?" Jeff doesn't like the sound of that. "Are you okay?"

Evan just nods. "I'm perfect. Seriously." His grin turns mischievous. "Are you still driving, or am I allowed to suggest that we get dried off and sleep for a while, and then do all of that again?"

"No, kid, I'm still driving. But you're riding shotgun, so you're the navigator, and those sound like pretty good directions to me."

So Jeff gets out of the tub and finds his warmest, fluffiest towels to wrap Evan in, and then dries himself off with what's left over, and they go back into the bedroom and climb into Jeff's bed, and Jeff lies on his back and Evan lies on his front, snuggled up against Jeff's side and using his arm as a pillow, and it's perfect. Jeff has no idea how he's going to feel about all this in the morning, but for the time being, he's completely content.


Jeff's got breakfast figured out and mostly ready by the time Evan stumbles into the kitchen, and it's hard to act nonchalant about the situation while he's wondering whether Evan's going to want to settle in or if he's looking for a fast escape from his one night stand. Evan's fully dressed in clothes from the night before, but he hasn't tucked his shirt in— an ambiguous message, for sure. Still, Jeff drove when it was fun, so he guesses it's his job to drive over the rough parts, too. "I've got juice and coffee, if you just want something to drink, but I was thinking we could have bagel BLTs, if you've got time to stay for breakfast."

"Bacon? I'm in." Evan's smile is easy, and Jeff relaxes a little. Evan's closer now, and Jeff decides to go for it, leaning in for the kiss. Evan meets him half-way, and it's starting to feel familiar, now, Evan's initial rush, combined with his willingness to follow Jeff's lead and gentle the

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