Kelly's Quest (NYC LOVE Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Kelly's Quest (NYC LOVE Book 2)
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There have been nights when I’ll lay in bed wondering what would’ve happened if I had stayed with Erik and never given Theo a second chance, or if I hadn’t come to New York at all. I guess sometimes it’s the little decisions in life that lead to the future meant for you, even if you’re unaware how significant they’d become at the time you’re forced to choose. If ever there was a time I would believe in fate, or the alignment of stars, this would be it.

The day before Thanksgiving, when I’m to meet Theo’s entire family, I’m finishing my shift at the bar as a cheerful young guy brings me a delivery in a large white box. I’m pleased to discover instead of flowers, it’s a large “bouquet” of chocolate candy bars.

“Someone’s smitten with ya,” Mick remarks, admiring the gift from behind the sink.

“You have no idea.”

With an ear-splitting grin, I read the card.


Can’t wait to see what I can get you to do with this much chocolate


I clutch the note to my chest, feeling a blast of fluttering in my stomach. “Mick, there’s something about this guy. I don’t want to jinx it, but....I think I’m actually
in love
. I can see myself having an actual future with him.”

“Sound like you’re happy with the lad.” Mick stops washing the bar to wink up at me. “And to think this is comin’ from someone who was once ready to trade her life for a new one.”


Right on time, Theo strolls
into my room early on Thanksgiving morning with a delicious smirk, his eyes more alive than I’ve ever seen. “Hey, Cavenaugh.”

I left the door to the apartment unlocked so he could come up while I was getting ready. Beneath a leather coat and gray scarf, he wears a similarly snug-fitting sweater and jeans as the night of our first date. I grow warm all over when reminded of how he looked
them as well.

Oddly enough, I’ve begun to see him as being even
attractive than the first time we met. He hasn’t changed much aside from his hair being longer, but now that he’s finding his way into my heart, it’s almost like my lungs can’t deal each time he steps into the room. The rush I get around him is better than any drink, or even the pot I tried last year at a concert.

After Jewels returned this summer from her trip with Adam and told me she was in love, I noticed so many changes: the way she carried herself, the change in her voice when she said his name, the bright spark to her eyes whenever he was around. I wonder if anyone has noticed those changes in me. I wish I would’ve known this kind of joy much sooner.

Theo scans the room, without
looking, as if nervous or incredibly preoccupied. He’s up to something. “It’s definitely a downgrade from the last place. I’m just glad you have
roommates this time.”

I finish securing my earrings and turn to him. “
they’re both pretty decent. They aren’t home much, though, and they went to stay with their families last night. I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to introduce you.”

My heartbeat anxiously rakes my body. The temperature of the room spikes with Theo standing so close, and his musky smell mixed with the leather of his coat nearly sends me over the edge of control. Usually there’s some kind of distraction when we’re together, or the threat of someone walking in on us to keep things from going too far. We’ve purposely avoided hanging at each other’s places so there wouldn’t be any added temptations.

We’re completely alone with a bed in the room.

I dig my fingernails into the palms of my hands and sit on the mattress.

Theo pulls a silver gift box from the pocket of his leather coat, a little bigger than his hand and tied with a red bow. “I got you something.”

I take the expensive looking box, my eyes still locked with his. “Since when did it become customary to exchange gifts on

Removing his coat, he stands at the edge of the bed at my side, suddenly appearing shy. It’s incredibly hot, and I have to resist throwing him down and have my way. “Just open it.”

“Should I check to see if it’s ticking?” I ask, holding it up to ear. “Seriously, you’re acting like a twelve year old without his Adderall.”

“Cavenaugh, you’re killing me.”

“Okay,” I concede, removing the ribbon and opening the box. I pull out a clear plastic container with the word “Amant” written in gold cursive above a small, silver bullet. A tan cord runs from a small, silver bullet down to a plastic box. I glance back at him.

His eyes sparkle mischievously, like they’re made of diamonds. “I know we’ve backed things down because you’re afraid of losing control, but you mentioned you’re allowed to masturbate. If it’s okay with you, I want to give you another memory to work with until you’re ready to take this to the next step.”

“Oh,” I say, letting his words run through my head. “
! You mean, you want to...”

I can’t choke out the rest of the words.

“Do you trust me?” he asks. When I nod, he leans down, letting his lips brush against my ear. “Lay down, sweetheart. I promise I won’t let you lose control.”

The rest of my body heats to dangerous levels. The idea of him touching me sends a title wave of shivers racing down my spine. I reach for the package to pop it open and place the small, smooth object in my hand. His cool fingers reach out to take it from me, letting his pinkie drag across the palm of my hand. I’m already so turned on I feel as if I’ll erupt.

Theo’s gaze darkens. The hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. “If we’re going to do this, you have to take your jeans off.”

I swallow, though my throat is suddenly paper dry. Shimmying my skinny jeans down to my ankles, I struggle to yank them off before settling my head against the pillow. As terrified as I’ve been that I’ll give in to Theo, I’m also thrilled to know that I can put my complete trust in his hands.

His intense green eyes lock with mine. “I’m going to make you come now, Cavenaugh.”

He flips the switch, bringing the bullet buzzing to life. I become so hot that it’s a struggle to swallow. Just thinking about what he’s going to do makes me throb eagerly.

“Halfway there already,” I manage to squeak out, bending my legs and flexing my hips seductively.

“Save it for me.”

He lowers down to the mattress, sitting by my knees. His free hand reaches for my undies, brushing his fingers over the material with a feather-light touch, turning my senses insane with need. Gasping, I bite down on my lip. He removes my undies before pressing the vibrator to the sweet spot that throbs with anticipation. When the cool metal vibrates against my warm folds, I close my eyes and cry out with instant pleasure.

...” I gasp, clutching his arm. “How many megawatts are in that little thing? I mean...

His eyes are lit with satisfaction and excitement. “Be quiet and let it happen.”

I gulp down a squeal as the vibration sparks a warm feeling that spreads down my legs, shooting into the sensitive nerves at the base of my feet. I dig my fingers into his hair, bending my back and moaning his name.

As the electric glow builds between my legs, Theo slips his free hand under my shirt, finding the piercing on my nipple. With a firm tug, I teeter over the edge of bliss, losing myself in a mind-numbing explosion that rakes my body. Bending back, I cry out so loudly that I’m sure whoever’s working in the bar downstairs can hear.

Once the convulsing waves have subsided, I turn my head to grin at Theo. I didn’t even notice he had already removed the bullet. Instead he lazily runs his bare hands along the inside of my thighs.

“You’re totally amazing,” I say, touching his cheek. “You know that, right?”

The look on his face speaks loudly of content and pride. “Damn it, Cavenaugh, you are one sexy woman. I really want to kiss you right now, but I made you a promise, and I don’t think I’d be able to stop there.” After kissing my forehead, he rises from the bed.

I glance down at my low-cut top I covered with another one of Felicity’s scarfs. If anything, I still look like a Midwestern girl trying to blend in with the fashionistas. What if his sister thinks I’m some kind of hick? “I should change. I don’t know that I’m wearing the right thing.”

“I would agree with you there.” He chuckles, eyebrows raised. “If my cousins see you half-naked, I’ll have to spend the entire day fending them off, never-mind what Aunt Carmela would think. I’d suggest putting your panties back on, at the very least.”

I shoot him a “very funny” look while slipping back into my clothes. “I just mean I wish I would’ve found something...I don’t know...more impactful. I want to make a good impression on your family.”

“Cavenaugh, you could slap water on your face and show up in sweats, and it would still take everything I’ve got to keep my hands off of you.” Crossing the small distance between us, he takes my hand to help me back on my feet and grins. “Trust me, my family will be totally smitten.” He presses a sweet kiss against my lips.


New York is a complete
madhouse with the Macy’s parade in full swing. Theo directs the driver to stop by for a part of it on our way to his aunt’s so I can experience a bit of what it’s like to see the parade in person. We only watch a few floats pass by before I decide I’ve had my fill. As much as I’ve come to love the city, I prefer it when the entire population isn’t attempting to jam into one section.

Theo’s aunt lives in a clean, upscale neighborhood in the Bronx. When we pull up outside of the two-story, Tudor-style home with peaked roofs and meticulous landscaping, a dozen cars already line the driveway. One’s a sparkling Mercedes, but the rest are otherwise average and well used. As we step out of the car, my eyes fall on the handicap ramp leading up to the front door.

Theo takes my hand. “I’m going to apologize in advance for anything my cousins say to you. They’re a rowdy bunch. Aunt Carmela does a decent job of keeping them in line, but they’re sometimes like a bunch of wild animals.”

I squeeze his hand with a blunt laugh. “Sounds like my kind of people.”

I don’t ask about the handicap ramp as we side-step it to enter the house. Theo walks in without knocking, leading me into a world of chaos and a blend of heavenly smells. The house, spacious and open from one room into the next, is divided only by pillars and clusters of Theo’s animated relatives.

“Theo!” someone yells above the racket.

A young woman comes at us, unmistakably Theo’s little sister with the same eyes, except her dark eyebrows are waxed down and perfectly shaped. She has his other features, only in a feminine size, and her long flowing locks are in the same brown hue as her brother’s. The navy dress she wears is simple, yet trendy. She rolls along in a high-tech wheelchair like she’s been doing it her whole life.

“Gwenny!” Theo bends down to take her in his arms, lifting her from the chair by a few feet before carefully setting her back down. He kisses her forehead before standing at her side, beaming down on me. “Gwen, this is Cav—er…I mean…

“Holy shit,
it’s about time
!” Rolling her eyes, Gwen pulls on a belt loop of Theo’s jeans. “My big brother here
gets himself a good girlfriend, only he hides her away from our family like he’s afraid we’ll ruin it.”

“We haven’t been together that long,” I assure her.

Gwen draws her eyebrows down in an expression very similar to her brother’s usual confused look. “Aren’t you the friend who came here from Wisconsin? I’ve been hearing all about you for

I flash Theo a look of surprise. He’s been talking about me for that long to his little sister? I guess he wasn’t kidding when he first claimed he was interested in more than a one-night stand. My spirit warms with his responding smile, and suddenly I feel the surge of a pang deep in my chest. For a minute the room takes on an unnatural slant, and my legs feel as if they’re about to give out.

I’m so in love with this man it scares me.

Before any of us can say more, we’re surrounded by a gang of their male cousins who are eager to introduce themselves. They’re all basically as handsome as Theo with dark eyebrows and sharp features, making it clear Theo got his looks from his mother’s side of the family. They’re loud and constantly speak over each other, bringing the noise level of the house up by several decibels. Still, I can’t stop taking my eyes off Theo who beams proudly at his sister’s side, laughing and bantering with his family.

The way I feel each time I look at him, I’m confident it won’t be much longer before I give in and allow myself to be with him.


After spending the entire day
with Theo’s boisterous family, enjoying his aunt’s sinfully delicious cannelloni and listening to his cousins’ wild stories of family reunions gone bad, we decide to call it a night. I’m exhausted from working a long shift the night before, plus keeping up with Theo’s family. As sweet as they were, being around that much energy was draining.

Outside of Flanagan’s, Theo steps out of the town car, holding the door for me. The clamor from inside the bar spills out in a muffled mix of bubbling laughter, live music, and shouted conversation. I peer inside, finding it packed. Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to fall asleep with so much noise below my room and I have to wear my noise-canceling headphones to bed. It looks like tonight will be one of those nights.

I turn back to Theo. “I had a lot of fun today. Your family’s amazing.” Then I bite my lip and reach for his fingers, lacing them with mine. “You never mentioned your sister was in a wheelchair.”

“I try not to make a big deal out of it,” he shrugs and glances down at our hands. “She wants everyone to act as normal as possible around her, and not dwell on the fact that she lost the use of her legs shortly after she turned eight.” When he looks back up at me, I can see layers of concealed hurt and pain. “Some
struck her down while she was riding her bike to the pool. She had a brain-stem stroke after it happened and her leg muscles quit working.”

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