Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1)
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Chapter 16

Saying goodbye to my parents was hard. We decided to travel back with the Kerrigan’s and give my parents some time to get their affairs in order. The kids were asking Coop a million questions. They wanted to know what it was like to be famous, and what celebrities did he know. Liam and Rose were sleeping, Elena was knitting something, Shamus was reading the paper. Killian was doing something on his laptop and Estelle was busy finishing up things for the event on her iPad and phone. I sat snuggled up to Easton as he rubbed my belly.

“When is your next appointment?”

“It's next week, I made an appointment with Rose's doctor. He got my records a few days ago and called and said he wants to see me as soon as possible. He usually doesn't take patients this late in their pregnancy, but once he heard the Kerrigan name drop I had an appointment.”

“I want to come with you.” He stops rubbing for a minute.

“You're the father, of course you can come. The doctor wants to do another sonogram so maybe we will get lucky and find out what we are having.”

“Baby, when we land I want you to come to the penthouse. We haven't discussed the living arrangements, but I want you with me. I want to take care of you. Estelle and Tristan can take your place. Estelle and Tristan both looked up at the sound of their names.

“Not fucking happening!” Rhydian said from his seat. “She isn't living with Tristan!”

Tristen spoke, “I had already talked it over with Killian. He said he was cool if I took his extra room until I find a place to buy, but I don't think Estelle should be living alone.”

“She won't be,” Rhydian said again. “She is staying with me!”

“No, I'm not! Are you mental? I'm not living with you!”

“I'm sorry princess. I didn't realize you thought you had a choice! When we get off this plane, I will grab your bags, and you're going home with me. You can either get there on your own two legs or I can carry your fine ass, but either way, you will be at my house tonight! Am I clear?”

“Kennedy!” Estelle said.

“No, don't look to Kennedy to cosign for you! I told you what's happening, so just sit back and finish your work. We still have two hours left in this flight.”

Easton and I hid our grins. Tristan couldn't keep the smirk off his face, and poor Estelle looked ready to kill. After landing, Estelle quietly got into Rhydian's car. Arriving at the penthouse filled me with dread, this didn't feel like home. It felt cold and sterile and not somewhere, I wanted to raise my children, but for right now, it would have to work because I had too much to do to add house hunting to that list. Waking up the morning of my doctor’s appointment, I was shocked to see everyone in the living room.

“Hey, what's everyone doing here?”

“They all came for your appointment, babe.”

“We cannot fit all these people in the exam room!”

“You're right, that's why they are going to watch from here. I will Skype them when the sonogram starts. By the time we get back we will be having a small celebration.”

“Well, where is Estelle? She never misses an appointment.”

“Baby, she is finishing up grand opening stuff. She will be here in time to see, but she said it was my job to hold your hand the rest of the way. So, let's get a move on!” Giving everyone a hug, we made our way to the doctor's appointment, filling out a few forms for the hospital. I was called back here goes.

“Well Ms. Brennen, everything looks good. The measurements are right on. You should be delivering your babies at the end of December. Twins usually come a little early so if there is any sign of labor it's not Braxton Hicks. I want you to come to the hospital immediately! Looking over your chart your last labs came back great. So now are we ready to look at these babies?” Dr. Felix says.

Easton grabbed his iPad, putting it on the counter facing the giant screen on the wall.

“This is going to be cold, but here we go.”

Once he put the probe on my belly, and I saw our babies all my worries disappeared. Easton was choking back tears. We could see everyone squished in front of the webcam at the penthouse smiling. Elena and Stacy were holding hands with tears in their eyes. Rose and Estelle were huddled together.

“Well, do you want to know the sex of your babies?” Before we could answer, we heard a chorus of yeses from the iPad.

“Okay, wait,” the doctor started moving the wand around. He was concentrating, “Can you hold on for a second?”

Another doctor from the practice came in and started looking at the screen.

“Please, is something wrong?” I can feel myself freaking out!

Easton demands, “Doctor ,what's going on? You're not saying anything!”

The doctor says, “No, it's nothing to worry about, just concerned that something like this wasn't caught before now. It’s that Ms. Brennan is higher risk.”

Then he started talking, “See these two babies right here? These are one egg that split into two giving you twins. What they didn't catch was this baby. So, in fact you’re having triplets!”

I feel Easton’s knees buckle. “Three babies! I'm having three babies?”

“Yes, I could see how it was overlooked when you had your first sonogram. The third baby is wedged behind and out of the way, so for a new sonogram tech they might have thought it was a shadow. Okay so, let’s see what we can see from the two right here. You have a boy and a girl baby, number three is hiding. I'm going to keep looking and get the baby moving so we can see the measurement.”

He moved the wand around and did some typing into the screen.

“Well we got all the measurements for baby three, but we’re unable to determine the sex. We can try again in a few weeks Ms. Brennan. I'm a little concerned since you now pose a higher risk. I want to put you on limited bed rest for the last eight weeks. We want your babies to stay as long as they can in your womb, so I'm thinking all of November and December. You need to be taking it easy.”

The doctor writes in my chart. “Ms. Brennan, I want to keep your chart listed as Siobhan Gallagher. I trust my employees, but I don't want to do anything to add any extra stress to you so your real identity will be known only to me. Thank you for bringing your complete medical history to me. It will help make your delivery run a lot smoother if we have all a patient's history.” He shakes my hand and tells me he wants to see me again in two weeks.

Easton's POV

Ms. Brennan! I don't like that! She should be MRS. KERRIGAN already! She wants to wait until after the birth to get married, I text my mom and her mom. I want to have a small, intimate ceremony with just the family this Saturday at the estate. I get a text from Stacy telling me she is on flowers and food. Rose texts and tells me she is going to do the cake and the officiant. I'm surprised when I get a text from Estelle saying she’s on her way to find a wedding dress and shoes. Tristan texts me,
We make our way back to the penthouse and I don't understand why it's empty.

“We were supposed to celebrate, where is everyone?” Kennedy asks.

“They all had things to do.”

She starts blushing, “Easton, since we are alone and it's been awhile…” Before she even finishes my lips are crashing into to hers.

“Baby, these have been the longest few weeks of my life! I missed everything about you.”

I continued to kiss her while slowly walking us backwards into the bedroom where I slowly sat her on the bed and ask.

“How about we get a little bit more relaxed before we get too carried away?”

I leave her sitting on the bed while going to run a bath.

“Come, baby. Let me help you relax.” We undress each other and get into the bath.

I took a washcloth, wet it and held it over Kennedy’s nipples. The mixture of warm water and the cool air has caused her nipples to get hard. “Damn baby, I'm so ready! Now that we know you’re carrying three of my babies in there, I want to take my time and worship you like the true goddess that you are. I’ve seen how much pregnancy takes out of a body, and I want to be there for you to help ease all your worries. Let me start here.”  

After playing with her body through the washcloth, I want skin on skin contact. I throw the washcloth and my hands start to travel her body in different directions. One hand goes to her breast with its nice hard nipple and the other hand travels lower to play with her clit. Soon I have one finger inside her tight pussy while the palm of my hand is still rubbing on her clit. She is looking up at me over her shoulder and starts a slow and sensual kiss. The mixture of the kiss and the pleasurable things that my hands are doing are causing her body to reach its breaking point. She leans forward to break the kiss, turns and straddles my legs.

“Please Easton, I can’t wait any longer! I need you now!”

“Prop up, baby, and let me ease that pressure for you.” She waits until I have just the head of my cock at her entrance and she can't hold back, she slams down on me enticing a moan of pleasure out of both of us. I start to suckle her breast and moan that they are getting bigger and feel so much juicier. Soon we are both reaching the point of climax.

I look Kennedy in the eye and say,” Come with me, baby! I want to feel your juices sliding down my cock.” Those words trigger Kennedy’s orgasm, and I follow right behind her. I look down at Kennedy and notice that she looks a little sleepy. “Now, come on baby, let's get you washed up, and we can go cuddle.”

Waking up, I look over and see Kennedy sleeping soundly. I try to hold back the anger I feel at myself for not being there for her those first few weeks, but have decided to make it up to her. It's going to start with breakfast in bed. As I'm cooking in the kitchen, I feel her chest press against my back, and she kisses in between my shoulder blades.

“Don't start something, baby, you gotta eat, and I have to get to the office.” She turns me around and kisses me.

“Let's eat and take a shower together,” she says and pouts.

“Nope, because we will just end up back in bed, and you have to meet Estelle and Stacy. If you're late it's me those two harpies will come after.”

I kiss her one more time and head to work. Walking into the office, I see my secretary with a very concerned look on her face.

“Sir, someone is waiting in your office.”

“Felicia, why would you let him in my office?”

I head to my office pissed off, stepping in I notice two men in black suits standing on the inside of my door as well as two additional men further inside the office. Sitting on my sofa, reading a magazine is the Governor of California, Alexander DeWitt. He stands.

“Mr. Kerrigan, so nice to meet you.”

“The same, sir. What brings you to Denver, and more importantly, what brings you to my office?”

“Straight to the point, I like that Mr. Kerrigan. Cian called me and said you having a surprise wedding. He has invited the Casey's as well as the Valle family. My team needs to walk the property, and I also hoped you wouldn't mind if I were to perform the ceremony.”

“That would be an honor, sir.”

“Please call me Alex, you're about to marry one of my favorite people in the world.”

I called my parents to let them know Governor DeWitt and his team would be out at the estate later today. I headed towards the Mad Batter to get my girl some muffins. She had eaten her last one. When I saw her laughing at the owner through the window, she had a little boy sitting next to her and I imagined what it would be like to see her with our own children. Getting out of my car, I see the town car stop in front of the bakery and Edwin Mayò get out and head towards the shop. I know she is safe. She is in public. I calm down calling my dad and Liam as I make way to the bakery.

Chapter 17

“Do you know who I am girl?”

I look up this man, this woman hating, wife killing, and child-abusing piece of shit.

“No sir, should I know who you are?”

I see Frankie look around nervously.

“Frankie, will you please get me another tea bag, this one tastes a little funny.”

“Sure thing! Come on, Sebbie,” she says, and they walk to the back.

It’s just me and Estelle's monster left in the bakery. “I am Edwin Mayò and I believe you have something that belongs to me, and I want it returned!”

“I’m sorry, sir,” I say with a smile. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

He slams his fist on the table.

“My whore of a daughter, you will send her home or you will be sorry!”

I take a bite of my muffin and wipe the invisible crumbs off my shirt.

“Sir, your daughter is an adult. She may come and go as she pleases.”

He lays his hands flat, and I smile as he pushes his body forward in an intimidation tactic. I pick up my knife and grab a piece of melon with it. He grabs my arm and attempts to apply pressure. What he isn't expecting is the knife to come down right in the center of his hand with such force it leaves him pinned to the table. At the same time, I bring my arm around grabbing the back of his head and slamming his head into the table opening a gash on the side of his head. While he’s disoriented, I pull out my Glock and put the barrel to his temple.

“Do you know who I am, boy? Let me tell you who I am not. I'm not your scared wife that you threw down the stairs, and I'm not your daughter who you beat down, abused and let your business associates rape as a child, so you could video tape it for blackmail. Now let me let you in on a secret, old man. I'm not fucking scared of you! You’re a weak coward!”

He can't move his head, and his hand is still stuck to the table. His eyes shift around like a scared animal. I get close to his ear and whisper.

“Just so you know, the last man that hurt one of my friends ended up at the end of a gun just like this. I unloaded a clip into his chest in front of a packed courtroom and fifty million viewers!”

I instantly smell the urine, “Oh, I see you finally realized who I am.”

I hear Easton say, “Kennedy, baby.”

I look up to see Easton, Shamus, Liam and Reed. I stand up straight, put my gun in my bag, grab my plate off the table and put it on the counter.

“Gentlemen, Mr. Mayò has had an unfortunate accident.”


“Get this crazy bitch away from me!” I grab the knife handle and twist it in his hand while bringing my fist around to punch him in the temple. His head lifts off the table and slams back down from the impact.

“Now Mr. Mayò, tell these nice gentleman you had an unfortunate accident!”

“Please,” he says with a whimper.

He is losing consciousness. I don't know if it's the nerve he has to beg that makes me see red, but I flip the table over and he collapses on the ground with the table on top of him.

I step on the table as I walk over to Easton. “I need to wash my hands!” I lift my bloody hands up. Once I'm done washing my hands I step back into the dining area and see the table has been removed and Estelle's dad is also gone and so is Reed. Frankie walks out of the back with a flash drive in her hand.

“Sorry about the mess, I will pay for the table and any other damage.”

“No need,” she hands me the flash drive. “This is footage from the cameras. I don't know how to delete it without downloading it, so I put it on the flash drive.” She looks down like she wants to say something.

“It has really good audio.” Then it clicks, she wants to know if I'm Kennedy Brennan.

“Frankie, can you please keep my identity secret for just a few more days? I'm holding a press conference. I was going to wait for the opening, but I can't live like this anymore.”

I call Estelle, “Can you please send a press release that Kennedy Brennan is ready to talk? I will hold a press conference Friday morning on the steps of the Conservatory.”

She says she will start making calls. The rest of the family is waiting outside the bakery, we all head across the street to the Conservatory. Standing in the lobby, I make my announcement.

“In two days it leaves exactly two weeks until the grand opening. I will be hosting a press conference on these steps. I know you run a business and being associated with me could affect that. If you need to distance yourself, I understand.” No one says a word.


Then on Friday morning, I'm standing on the inside of the Conservatory. What I thought would be the local Denver stations has turned into every single media outlet in America. They have about fifteen chairs set up behind the rows of microphones. I see people giving their intros, letting viewers know the press conference was to be held in a few minutes. Stay calm, breathe, don't show emotion. Estelle comes up, hugs me, nods and opens the door.


“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, Ms. Brennan will answer a few questions. When you first got here, everyone entered his or her name into a drawing. We will pull names; those are the reporters that will be allowed to ask a question,” Estelle said firmly.

None of the Kerrigan’s have showed up, I'm alone.

Calm down, take a deep breath, and show no emotion.

“Hello, my name is Kennedy Brennan.”

Flashes blind me. Just as I'm about to speak a police siren sounds It pulls to a slow stop, blocking off the traffic. I see a large parade of people; in the first row are all the Kerrigan’s, my parents, the Casey’s, and the Valle’s. They are linked, walking arm and arm, wearing shirts with a picture taken of the girls and me before we went out the night they died. Behind them are hundreds of people wearing shirts that say ‘Stop Violence Against Women’. The first row of people move to the stage. Easton comes next to me and holds my hand.


“Hello, my name is Kennedy Brennan.”

I pause for a moment, take a breath, and then continue, “I have made the amazing city of Denver my home. I am opening a music conservatory and a state-of-the-art recording studio in this amazing building behind me. However, the media isn't here for that. It has been almost four years since the attack at Barton Conservatory that left me critically injured and my three roommates and best friends dead. It has been almost two years since I shot and killed our attacker. In all that time I have remained silent, I wish to break my silence now—I will now take your questions.”

‘April Tanner Denver Channel News”

“Ms. Brennan, you're a convicted murderer. Do you really think parents are going to allow their children to come your Conservatory?”

“Ms. Tanner, I've never been arrested or convicted for any crime. I have never received so much as a traffic citation.”

“Follow up question please.”

“Sure, go head, Ms. Tanner.”

“You shot Henry Lloyd Burns nine times on live TV, in a crowded courtroom.”

“Yes, I did Ms. Tanner, but that isn’t a question it’s a statement. I was never arrested or convicted for that shooting, I was checked into a private mental health hospital by my parents. I was there for eleven months and fourteen days to deal with post-traumatic stress and depression due to survivor's guilt. Our current early enrollment is already at seventy-five percent. I'm not sure if parents will pull their students out after this press conference, but even if I teach one student for the rest of my life I will be content.”


“Next question.”

“James Ferguson HLN”

“Ms. Brennan, it's rumored that you have made a hundred million dollars from this tragedy and stand to make another two hundred million in a book and movie deal. How much more money are you trying to gain by the deaths of your friends?”

“She has no comment,” Easton said.

“Mr. Ferguson. I have almost a hundred and fifty million dollars. A large amount of that sum came from private donations. The reason for the donations were not specified. I was awarded an additional sixty million dollars. It was a settlement that I am not able to discuss due to a non-disclosure agreement signed by my family on my behalf.”

“My settlement money is what I have used to start this conservatory. I have never exploited the memory of my friends, of their horrific deaths for gain. As far as a book and movie deal, my parents were contacted while I was in treatment and declined on my behalf. As far as a movie is concerned, the families have come to an agreement that if all parties agree a on script, we will gladly sign off on the project. I have only touched the money I was awarded in the settlement that pertain to my personal injuries, so to answer your question, I have not gained a dime out of the death of my friends.”

“Gregory Smith MSNBC”

“How are you adjusting to your life four years after your attack?”

“To be honest Mr. Smith, until last year it was a very difficult adjustment. I struggled with the attack and death of my friends, I thought I had made progress before the trial, but I didn’t. Actually, I just kept telling everyone I was ok, but I really wasn't. After the trial, and the death of Henry Burns, I finally started to deal with the issues. After extensive therapy, I was able to get to a place where I was doing well mentally and physically. I recently got engaged and at this point, I'm trying to move on with my life. I want to teach music to kids, I want to have a family of my own, and I want to live a normal happy life.”

“I will answer one more question.”

“Mike Douglas TMZ”

“Tristan Cooper is behind you, is he going to be teaching at this Conservatory?

I turn to Tristan who walks up to the microphone.

“Hello everyone, I will be teaching Musical Theatre and Stage Acting here at The Hope Music Conservatory. While Kennedy was speaking, I received twenty-eight text messages from some of the hottest musicians and actors wanting to come teach or run workshops for students here. The arts programs in both private and public schools are disappearing due to funding cuts. What Kennedy is offering here is a place for kids to come explore music and acting for the first time, or for students to master their instrument or craft.”

“Thank you so much for coming, the opening of The Hope Music Conservatory will be on September Fourth. We look forward to seeing everyone there.”

Turning back into the building, I walked to the banquet room away from the windows and sank to the floor.

I was finally free! I didn't have to hide anymore! I walked out to the lobby and Easton came up and kissed me, “I'm so proud you! Let's go home, baby.”

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