Kiss Me Crazy (28 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Kiss Me Crazy
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Baron was seated behind the desk in his office, the only place he found solace these days. In the last three weeks, his home had become his private hel. It didn’t matter that he only went there to sleep and change. Even though Valerie’s sister had agreed to stick around for a little while, cooked, and chauffeured Valerie to and from the hospital, Valerie often found a way to corner him and ask for money to buy things, ignoring the fact that her sister was the one Baron dealt with when it came to finances. The arrangement was far from ideal but it had suited him. Things were about to change now that Sandra was out of the coma.

A knock at the door interrupted him and his mother breezed in. “Hey, baby. I heard the wonderful news about Sandra.” She searched his face. “But I can see that hasn’t improved your disposition.”

Baron got to his feet. “What are you doing here, Mother?”

“Visiting you. I don’t see you these days except at the hospital. Is everything ready for the grand opening on Saturday?” They had to push it back three weeks. “Yes. Rick has everything under control.”

“But you plan to attend?” She remained standing but waved at him to sit.

“Of course.” Baron sat but couldn’t relax. His mother was here for a reason.

“Good because we plan to be there too.”

He frowned. “We?”

“Your sisters and brothers, uncles and aunts…me. We’l fly down Saturday morning for the evening event. In fact, I went by Kara’s store to see if she’s coming too. Have you seen what’s she’s doing with the store? Impressive.”

His heart picked up tempo at the mention of Kara.

Watching her leave his galery three weeks ago had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. As for her store, he drove past it every chance he got, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. “Is she?”

“Is she what, dear?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Coming, Mother.”

“No need to be snippy. She can’t attend. She’s busy right now.”

The pounding in his chest intensified. He recaled how angry and hurt she’d sounded during their last telephone conversation, hardly the right state of mind to start a new business. Yet, she was doing it. He was proud of her. Humbled by her strength. He missed her. Her smile. Her scent. The way she liked to trace the scar on his chin. Every time he felt the urge to cal her, he remembered his vow to go to her baggage-free, his most idiotic move to date.

Kara belonged with him, in his home, not Valerie. He needed her. Together, they would deal with Valerie. Kara with her kindness and capacity to love would make a wonderful mother to Sandra and a wife to him, if she forgave him after the way he let her go. Would she understand why he did it? He hoped so.

Estele cleared her throat and drew his attention. In her hand was an envelope with his name, which she slid toward him. He picked it up. “What is this?”

“Your photographs. Before I go, I want you to know that this moping around of yours has gone far enough. I didn’t raise you to run and hide from things just because they’re difficult or complicated.”

Baron smiled. He’d wondered how soon it would be before she lost patience with him. Kara’s sister hadn’t wasted time tearing into him, caling him every name in the book. At least she’d calmed down long enough to listen to him and see things from his point of view. Would Kara?

“You’re not fooling me with that smile. You have a woman who loves you working herself to death in that little store of hers and the one who’s a known liar instaled in your home. What’s wrong with you?”

Baron’s heart leaped. “Did Kara say she loves me?” Estele shook her head. “I’ve got eyes, don’t I? As for Valerie—”

“She’s my business.”

“Then take care of it and stop making everyone who loves you miserable. I refuse to see another child of mine go through an unhappy relationship to prove a point. Fix this, Baron, or I’l do it for you.” Estele turned and swept out of his office.

Shaking his head, Baron picked up the phone and dialed his cousin’s cel phone number. It went straight to her voicemail, which meant she was probably showing a house.

“Hey coz, find me a furnished apartment pronto…two bedrooms…three-month lease and make it happen yesterday.” The next cal was to his uncle. “Could you recommend a probate firm, Uncle Mo?”

“Who’s the plaintiff?”

“Stu Granger’s widow…Valerie. She needs to chalenge the Granger family’s claim on his estate.”

“I know just the firm. Expect a cal later today. And son?”

“Yes, Uncle Mo.”

“I know a lab that can expedite a paternity test.” Baron grimaced. Was there no privacy in his family? His uncles must be discussing his situation over brandy and cigars. As for his aunts, he shuddered at what passed for gossip in their living rooms these days.

“Thanks, Uncle Mo, but I’ve taken care of it.” Baron hung up and reached for his coat. Whatever the outcome of the results, he was going to claim his woman.



Kara put her laptop and keys on the counter then reached inside the fridge for bottled water. She guzzled half of it and let out a deep sigh. How long was she going to push herself before she colapsed? Working herself to death wouldn’t bring Baron back into her life.

Part of her was ticked off at him for letting her go without a fight. The other part despaired that she might never see him again.

In the three weeks since she came back, she thought she’d seen him once outside her store. By the time she made it past the workers to the front, his SUV was gone.

Kara put the water bottle on the counter and took inventory of the leftover foods in her refrigerator. Pizza from a few days ago that probably tasted like cardboard by now. Half-eaten chicken
from last night wasn’t appealing either. She dumped the leftovers into the garbage and reached for the phone.

“I’d like to order oven-roasted chicken pasta,” she said to the voice on the other side of the line.

“Salad or bread, ma’am?”

Baron loved salad. Scenes from Idaho flashed in her head and Kara swalowed past a knot in her throat before saying, “I’l take the bread, thanks.”

While she waited, she turned on the computer and opened the program the contractor had given her. For a moment, she studied the virtual display of what her store would look like when completed. She clicked on different lighting systems, color schemes, paneling, floor designs, display shelves, and cabinets. They al looked professional and wonderful yet she couldn’t muster enthusiasm to deal with them now.

Kara clicked the design she’d picked earlier in the day and studied it one more time. It was her favorite. Even Baron’s mother had liked it.

Kara shook her head. Estele Fitzgerald could give CIA agents a run for their money. In between oohing and aahing over the designs, the woman had pumped her for information about their trip to Idaho.

Kara hadn’t realized what was going on until Estele said,

“Why aren’t you standing by my son when it’s obvious you love him? This hasn’t been easy for him.”

Kara had recovered long enough to say, “Why should I go where I’m not wanted?” But it never crossed her mind to deny she loved Baron.

“Hmm, just as wel. You wouldn’t recognize him if you saw him.”

Kara had wanted to know what the woman meant but bit her tongue. Then Estele had asked, “Are you coming to the grand opening of the galery in San Francisco? It would be a wonderful opportunity to market your business.”

She’d said no. It would be pointless to go and torture herself by being in the same room with the man who belonged to another woman. Besides, Rick already had plenty of her business cards for the gift bags.

Eyes misty, Kara went to the bathroom, started a bath, and added bubble liquid. She sat on the toilet lid and waited as it filed, her glasses becoming foggy. The doorbel rang and snapped her out of her funk. Her takeout was here. She turned on the jets, grabbed her purse on her way to the door, and opened the door without looking through the peek hole.

The delivery boy stood before her with a wide grin but al she saw was the taler man behind him with a guitar slung on his back like a penniless musician searching for a gig.


Her pulse kicked up a notch and her breath became suspended in her throat. She adjusted her glasses, hoping her sight wasn’t playing tricks on her. Her gaze roved over him, the black T-shirt, the jeans molding his powerful legs. His beautiful features were partialy bathed by the security light, the hunger in his eyes so intense Kara gripped the door frame to support knees turned into noodles.

His mother was wrong, Baron looked wonderful.

Kara thrust a twenty dolar bil in the delivery boy’s hand and murmured, “Keep the change,” then put the takeout bags on the table inside her halway, her eyes locked on Baron as though he was an apparition that might disappear if she looked away.


Just one word, filed with so much longing and regret, and the anger and pain of the last three weeks disappeared. Kara wanted to run straight into his arms, but pride held her back. She dug in her heels and hugged herself.

He stopped in front of her, looking sinfuly gorgeous, remorse shimmering in the depth of his blue eyes.

“What are you doing here, Baron?”

“I want you to give me a second chance.”

Her chin shot up. “Why?”

“Because I love you.”

She wanted to grab his shirt, swalow his declaration, and own it. He didn’t fight fair.

“And I think you love me,” he added.

He was arrogant too. “Sometimes love is not enough.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” He stepped up to her, bringing with him heat, the scent of him clouding her senses. “When two people belong together, it is. I didn’t fight hard enough for us and went back to the way I did things before you. I made a mistake, baby, and hurt you. Give me a chance to love you again, to make it up to you.”

Kara’s defenses were pools around her feet. She searched his face and saw the truth, remorse, and love. “I didn’t mean the things I said during that last phone cal. You were pushing me away, so I reacted.”

“It was my fault for thinking I needed to come to you a free man.”

Kara shook her head. “You can’t put a pause on love, Baron. Or shelve it and pick it up when it suits you.”

“I know that now. Wil you give me another chance?” She studied his face, so beloved, so dear. How could she say no to what her heart wanted? “I wil on one condition.” He released a breath. “Name it.”

“Don’t ever push me away. I may hate the baggage you carry, you may tick me off or I you, but don’t ever lock me out like you did these past weeks. It hurt, Baron. It hurt so much and I never ever want to feel that way again.”

“I promise.” He reached out and ran his knuckles down her cheek, then lowered his head and their mouths met. Heat against heat. Need meshing with need. Al the love she felt for him went into that single kiss. When he puled away, he touched her face with his fingertips, her hair, her face again. “I love you, Kara Michaels. I was a fool to let the mess with Valerie keep us apart. I thought I could shield you from my past mistakes, wait until some of it got resolved, but I was wrong. I want you by my side, always. Through good and bad times.” He buried his face on her neck.

Was that a proposal? Kara refused to read too much into it.

She hugged him close. “We’d better get inside the house before the neighbors recognize you. I had enough of them when Jim and Briana were here.”

“She’s something else, your sister.”

Kara stopped. “She came to the galery again? I told her to leave you alone.”

“She was right about everything she hurled at me. I’l have to woo her and your parents al over again.” Baron closed the door with his foot and removed the guitar from around his neck. “Want me to grab that dinner?”

“No. It can wait.”

“Good. Because I can’t. I’m starving…for you.” He scooped her up in his arms.

“Oh no, you don’t. We have some talking to do.” She stil wrapped her arms around his neck. Her gaze went to the guitar, then his face. “What were you planning to do with the guitar?”

“Serenade you into taking me back. Thank goodness I didn’t have to. The new songs are stil raw. ” He continued toward the bedroom. “What’s that sound?”

“The tub.”

“Good. I’ve missed taking a bath with you.” He headed toward the bathroom and let her slide down his body to the floor, a wicked grin on his face when she gasped at his erection. Then he started on the buttons on her shirt.

“You just want to get me naked, don’t you?”

“It’s been three weeks, baby. I missed your touch.” Put that way it kind of made it hard to resist him. Kara pushed his hands aside and puled off her shirt. She started on her jeans, feasting on him as his T-shirt came off and his inviting broad chest came into view.

“How’s Sandra?”

“She’s doing better, except,” he sighed, “she’s not mine.” Kara’s hands stiled. “When did you find out?” Instead of answering, he appeared mesmerized by her movements as she shimmied out of her jeans.

“When?” she asked again, impatiently.

He shrugged. “This evening. I wanted a paternity test done when I first got here from Idaho, but Sandra slipped into a coma and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

“I had no idea you had doubts.”

He grimaced. “I did and felt guilty about it. Valerie manipulated the situation from the moment I walked inside that hospital. Change that to from the moment my brother Lex went to see her. She knew Sandra wasn’t mine but instead chose to lie because she doesn’t have a dime to her name. She claimed she never had an abortion in the first place, but was afraid I’d go after her if I knew.” He kicked his shoes off then yanked at his socks. “I wasn’t about to trust her again. So I waited for Sandra to wake up before doing the test. I was on my way to make Valerie an offer then come and beg for your forgiveness when a friend caled me from the DNA lab with the results.” Baron stopped undressing al together and pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders.

Kara pressed the bra against her breasts and shook her head. “No, baby. Talk first, play later.”

Baron grinned. “I’m crazy about you. Do you know that?” Kara worked hard to keep a straight face. “I hope you intend to show me.”

“Damn right, I do. Okay, where was I?” He unbuckled his pants but stopped shy of puling them down as he continued. “When I confronted Valerie this evening with the results, she broke down and confessed to everything. Her marriage was going down the toilet so she paid one of Stu’s men to take pictures of our meeting at the airport. I don’t know what she hoped to accomplish but from her attitude, I gathered she wanted to make Stu jealous. When that didn’t work, she lied to Stu that Sandra was mine and she was leaving him for me. Instead of begging her to stay, he cut her loose, threw her things in the car and was bringing them to my mother’s house when the accident happened.”

“What about Sandra’s birthday? Did she lie about that too?”

“No. She cheated on me with Stu while we were dating.” His eyes shadowed. “When she got pregnant, she wasn’t sure whether the baby was mine or Stu’s. Stu wasn’t wiling to marry her at first, so she used me to make him jealous. The entire time we were engaged and planning a future together, she stayed in touch with Stu, always hoping he’d come for her. She loved him, not me.

As soon as Stu came around to her way of thinking, she left me.”

“Why did she have to claim she had an abortion? That’s so cruel.”

Baron shrugged. “I have no idea how her mind works.” Kara hugged his waist, melding his hardness against her softness, wishing she could pay Valerie a visit and smack her.

“She’s not important, you are.” Baron lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry about the pictures in the tabloids, baby. I should have told you about them but we were leaving for Idaho the next day and I didn’t want anything to spoil our stay there.”

Kara kissed his chest then leaned back. “I understand.

What’s going to happen to Valerie now?”

“I leased for them an apartment and found a legal firm to sort out Stu’s estate. For now, I’l pay Sandra’s medical bils but I want that woman out of our lives. Once she gets her share of Stu’s estate, we’l never have anything to do with her again.” He kissed Kara’s shoulder, her neck. “Hmm, you taste good.” She puled his face away from her skin and looked into his eyes. “Why are you helping her? She doesn’t deserve your generosity after what she did.”

“Stu was my friend once. I see this as taking care of his little girl.”

Kara shook her head, marveling at how complex and amazing he was. She’d never known anyone like him. “I love you, Baron Fitzgerald.”

He grinned. “Finaly. I thought I’d have to drag those words from you.”

“I love you too much to play games, baby. On that note, forget about the bath and start begging for forgiveness. I’ve missed your touch too.” She grabbed his hand and puled him toward the bedroom.

“Does that mean you’l want me to touch you everyday for the rest of our lives?”

Kara’s heart skipped a beat then thundered away. This time she wasn’t mistaken. She turned on the edge of the bed and cocked her head.

“Is that your idea of a marriage proposal, Baron Fitzgerald?

Can you imagine me explaining how you proposed to our grandchildren?”

“That was just so you know my intentions. I plan to ask your father first.” He puled down his jeans and kicked them off until he stood nude before her, his manhood jutting majesticaly between his thighs.

She hopped on the bed and extended her hands to him.

“Your intentions are duly noted. Now, come to me.” Grinning, he joined her.







EDNAH WALTERS grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and dreaming of one day writing her own stories.

She finished her PhD in chemistry, married the love of her life, and decided to be a stay-at-home mother. She now lives in a picturesque valey in Utah with her husband, five children and two American short-hair cats. When she is not writing, you can find her doing things with her family, reading or traveling, online chatting with fans.

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