Kpop Club (12 page)

Read Kpop Club Online

Authors: YR Choi

Tags: #music, #korean, #korea, #pop, #boyband, #kpop, #girl group

BOOK: Kpop Club
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“Kind of, but
I want to show you something,” said Andrew, grinning.

tomorrow at Seoul National University it is,” said Krystal,
cracking a smile.

“Great! Well,
I better get back to rehearsals. See you tomorrow,” said Andre,
before jogging off down the hall.

Krystal could
hardly contain her excitement and quickly texted Rebecca.

Hey! Sorry
I’ve been so M.I.A. recently – can you do a coffee today? x

As usual, the
reply came back almost instantly.

Sure! I’m sat
in the Coffee Bean in Shinchon right now – can you make it over
now? x

Krystal pinged
over a quick reply.

Yup! On my way
Becs! x

Krystal said
goodbye to the others and made her way to Shinchon. As she
approached the coffee shop she felt a sudden rush of excitement –
she hadn’t seen Rebecca since starting at KYM and suddenly realised
how much she’d missed her.

Rebecca was
fixated on her laptop screen when Krystal arrived; so much so that
Krystal had to give her a little pat on the shoulder to get her

“Oh! You’re
here! Sorry darling, I’m in a world of my own at the moment,’ said

“Come here,”
said Krystal, leaning down and giving Rebecca a big hug.

“I’m sorry
I’ve been so quiet, Becs,” said Krystal, as she took a seat in a
wing-backed chair opposite Rebecca.

“That’s okay –
I know you’ve got a lot of things on right now.”

“Still, I
should’ve made more of an effort – I have been thinking of you
though,” said Krystal.

“I know you
have,” said Rebecca. “Now that I have you here though, I’m not
letting you go until I’ve got the full update!”

grinned widely, finally she could share it all with Rebecca.

“Well! I have
some great news – I’m going on a date with Andrew tomorrow!”

“Oh, are you
now?!” said Rebecca, performing a little clap. “You lucky girl! How
did that happen?”

“Well, we’ve
seen each other around the KYM building and he basically just came
up and asked me!”

“Amazing! So
where’s he taking you?”

“Well, it’s
quite random, but he wants me to meet him at Seoul National
University tomorrow – apparently it’s a surprise.”


“Yes, indeed!
Anyways, we’re always talking about me these days, how are you?”
said Krystal.

“Your life is
much more interesting than mine, darling! We’ll get on to me later
but first, I want to know how all the training has been going? What
are the other girls like?”

“Well, okay
I’ll update you first but then I definitely want to hear about
you,” said Krystal with a warm smile. “The training has been fun so
far – hard work but fun. We’ve basically had an introduction to
everything – the recording studio, the gym, the canteen, etc. We’ve
also met the styling team and recorded our first track!”

“Oh, wow!
What’s the song like?”

“It’s really
catchy – I really like it! I think you will too.”

“And the other

“They’re all
lovely. KYM has been really good and made sure that we’ve had a
chance to get to know each other – I’ve met them all alone for
coffee and things and they seem like a really nice bunch.”

“Well, that’s
a relief. Just don’t go getting too close to any of these girls – I
don’t want to lose my status as BFF!” joked Rebecca.

“That would
never happen, Becs!”


though – no one could be a better friend than you, Becs. You’ve
been here for me the whole time and I wouldn’t have even known
about the KYM audition if it wasn’t for you.”

“Ah shucks!
Don’t worry about it – what are friends for?”

“I do worry
about it! I feel like all I do is take from you these days.”

Krystal! You’ve done plenty for me and always have my back.”

“I definitely
have your back, Becs, and your front! I’ve got you covered!”


“Now, can you
please tell me about you? What’s new?”

“Well, okay
then – there is one interesting development.”

“Yes… go

“Well, I’ve
been talking to my parents recently about what I should do now that
we’re done with school. You know I’m not the academic type?”

“You’re very
brainy, Becs, but I know you don’t like studying and would rather
do something more hands on, yes.”

“Well, you
know how I love coffee right?”

“Do you?” said
Krystal, jokingly.

“I can tell
you’re going to be hard work today! Well, my parents have offered
to help me open up a little coffee shop somewhere in the city!”

“Really?! That
sounds awesome!”

“Yup! I’m
totally stoked!” said Rebecca brimming with joy. “I’ve been looking
at potential places online today – there’s lots of cool ones out

“This is
amazing news, Becs. You would do an amazing coffee shop!”

“Thank you! So
yeah, that’s me at the moment – no potential kpop star boyfriend
just yet, I’m afraid.”

“Hey, you’ve
just given me an idea – I don’t want to get ahead of myself but do
you like any of the other guys in the Andre Project?”

“Well, they’re
all very good looking aren’t they? I don’t know that much about
them as group to be honest, though.”

“That’s on my
list now – I’m going to try and hook you up, Becs!”

Rebecca burst
out laughing.

“Me and a kpop
star? Why on earth would they want to date a nobody like me?”

“First of all,
you’re not a nobody - you’re Rebecca! Second of all, you’re a total
hotty yourself and any guy would be lucky to even think about
dating you!”

“That’s very
kind of you,” said Rebecca, chuckling. “Okay then, I’ll let you try
and work your match-making magic!”

“Leave it with
me,” said Krystal. “Now, I need to get a coffee and when I come
back I want to hear more about your ideas for your coffee


“Can I get you
another drink?”

“I’ll have
whatever you’re having, hun.”


The date


Deciding what to wear on her date was
difficult. After mulling things over with Rebecca the night before,
talking with the girls in the house and putting on a mini fashion
show, Krystal opted for a pair of washed blue jeans, black heels
and a purple short sleeve top. Following a few last minute words of
advice, she did her make-up and left the house.

It was a nice
sunny day, less humid than usual, which made things that little bit
more bearable. Keeping with tradition, Krystal arrived early and
stood waiting outside exit 3 of Seoul National University subway
station. She surveyed the surrounding streets to try and find a
clue as to where Andrew would be taking her. There was nothing that
stood out, just a number of businesses catering to students: cheap
restaurants, internet cafes, small coffee shops and book

stakeout didn’t last long as Andrew showed up bang on time. He
looked gorgeous - wearing a pair of khaki chino trousers, boat
shoes and a short-sleeved plain white shirt that hugged his torso.
His hair was slicked back, giving him a completely different look
to anything she’d seen before - she liked it.

“I hope you
haven’t been waiting long,” said Andrew.

“No, not long
at all and besides, I was early!”


“Good good -
let me show you where we’re going then,” he said, pointing towards
the university gates.

As they
started walking their hands accidentally knocked. Neither of them
said anything but Krystal wished he’d grab her hand.

They continued
walking until they reached the main gate where they found
themselves at the bottom of a footpath and road that snaked around
a mountain.

“I’m afraid
we’ve got a bit of a walk – I hope that’s okay?” said Andrew.

“Yes, that’s
fine but where are you taking me?” said Krystal, wishing she hadn’t
worn her heels.

“It’s a
secret, you’ll find out soon enough,” said Andrew, looking quite
pleased with himself.

grinned and they began their ascent. Once they were half way up the
mountain, Andrew stopped abruptly and turned to face the bushes
that lined the footpath.

“I hope you’re
going to be okay in those shoes?” he said, “We’re going slightly

“I should be
fine,” said Krystal, excitedly.

To Krystal’s
delight, Andrew took her hand and guided her through a gap in the
bushes into a relatively flat, forested area at the side of the
mountain. They ducked and dived their way through a number of pine
trees until they reached a stone slab footpath.

“We’re almost
there,” said Andrew.

They continued
walking along the path until the forest opened up to a reveal an
emerald green pond. At the bottom of the pond was an elegant wooden
pavilion that looked out over the water.

“This is what
they call the secret garden,” said Andrew.

Krystal was
lost for words.

“Come, have a
look at these guys,” he said, pointing to the pond.

Krystal walked
over and peered down to see a number of brightly coloured carp
gracefully gliding around in the water.

“They’re so
pretty,” said Krystal.

“Yup! Koi are
some of the most beautiful things in the world, in my opinion. You
see that white one there?” said Andrew. “His name is Monty.”

“Oh yeah, and
how do you know that?” said Krystal.

“I’ve been
coming here for ages. Monty’s my favourite – I could watch him for
hours. Who’s your favourite then, Krystal?”

Krystal walked
around the pond, examining the fish as they showed off the patterns
on their scales.

“I like this
one here, with the red markings.”

“That’s Mandy
- she’s a beauty too.”

“Yeah, she’s
elegant but she also looks powerful.”

“A bit like
you, then,” said Andrew, with a cheeky smile.


“Come, let’s
go have a seat in the pavilion,” said Andrew, again taking her hand
and leading her to a wooden bench that looked out over the

heart started beating twice as fast as normal.

“This place is
amazing – how did you find it?” said Krystal.

“My parents
met at Seoul National and came here all the time when they were
dating. They used to take me here to feed watermelons to the fish
in the summer. Did you know that koi like watermelons?”

“No I didn’t –
that’s a bit random isn’t it?! Why don’t you come here with your
parents anymore, then?” said Krystal.

Andrew paused
as he thought about the best way to explain things. Krystal’s whole
body went cold.

“They’re not
with us anymore,” he said.

“I’m so sorry
– I… I feel awful for bringing it up,” said Krystal.

“That’s okay,”
said Andrew, “it was a long time ago and it’s not your fault.”

There was a
brief silence before Andrew continued. “Do you know that a lot of
people think that koi symbolise love and friendship?”

“No, I’ve
never heard that before,” said Krystal.

“Yeah, so
whenever I’m feeling down, I come to this pond and the fish help me
to relax and remember all the good times I had with my

“That’s really

“I know you’ve
got a lot of hard work ahead of you and I just wanted to show you
this place so that you can come here too – you know, if you’re ever
feeling down or just want to get away from things. I guarantee
you’ll leave feeling better about stuff. I came here before the
Andre Project launched and it helped me a lot – I hope it helps you

“I don’t know
what to say,” said Krystal. “This must be a very special place for
you - thank you for sharing it with me.”

“It’s my
pleasure,” said Andrew.

Krystal felt
awful for Andrew and gave him a big hug. As she did, she couldn’t
help but notice how solid his chest was; it was like hugging a
brick wall. She warmed up again.

“Right, well
if you don’t mind. I’d like to check on the fish for a while and
then I’ll take you for that lunch I promised you?”

great,” said Krystal. “I want to say hello to the fish too.”

Krystal went
into a bit of a trance as she watched the fish. She began to ponder
a number of things: did the fish swim about when no one was
watching or did they only spring into life when they had an
audience? What were Andrew’s parents like and where were they now?
Were they with her mum watching down on them?

After about 15
minutes it started drizzling with rain.

“Come on,
let’s go,” said Andrew, putting his arm around her and leading her
back down the path.

Just before
they got to the main gates at the bottom of the hill, it started to
pour down with rain. Resourceful as ever, Krystal reached into her
handbag and took out a mini umbrella. The umbrella was hardly big
enough for one person but this was fine as far as Krystal was
concerned; it provided them with the perfect excuse to walk

“I originally
had somewhere else in mind but as it’s raining, you know what
Koreans say you should eat right?” said Andrew.

“No, what?”
said Krystal


“Oh, yeah!
I’ve heard my Dad say that before.”

“Well your dad
is obviously a very wise man!” said Andrew. “Come, I know a good

They continued
walking until they reached a modest looking restaurant where an
elderly lady was sat, waiting for customers. She jumped up to
welcome them and took them straight to a table by the window.

Andrew poured
them a glass of barley tea each and laid out their chopsticks and

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