Krewe Daddy (14 page)

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Authors: Margie Church

Tags: #M/M Erotic Romance, #gay romance, #m/m, #Margie Church, #Krewe, #suspense novels, #gay novels, #Krewe Daddy, #erotic m/m, #contemporary m/m romance, #police drama, #New Orleans stories, #police stories, #cross dressers, #transvestites, #gay suspense, #contemporary erotic m/m, #Daddy, #contemporary gay romance, #erotic gay romance, #erotic m/m romance, #men in uniform

BOOK: Krewe Daddy
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Luis smiled. "You've changed. I like what I see. Very much."

When they passed the bar, Rush waved goodbye.

* * * * *

As he drove them to his penthouse, Luis glanced at Drew, slouched in the passenger seat.

"You gonna make it, Drew?" A sinful thought came to mind. Luis reached over and caressed Drew's swollen cock.

He pushed Luis' hand away. "Don't. I'm going to need a doctor if I don't get out of these jeans soon."

Luis chuckled. "Unzip. Be my guest. I'll be happy to ease your pain tonight—

repeatedly." He reached for Drew's zipper tab. A thrill ran through him when Drew didn't resist. His own body wasn't immune to this erotic foreplay, but Luis enjoyed the pain of waiting. "Help me, and yourself, out."

Drew straightened out his legs and unbuttoned his jeans.

"Unzip them." His voice sounded like gravel, even to his own ears. With the zipper open, Luis slid his hand into Drew's underwear. The front was soaked with pre-cum. Luis smiled.

"Seems you're suffering from severe anticipation." He pulled Drew's cock through the opening in his shorts. The head was slick with Drew's personal lubricant.

Luis used that to slide up and down the shaft. "Feel good?"

"Jesus, you know it does."

Luis navigated with one hand, while he stroked Drew with the other. "I know you're going to shoot your wad any second." He reached lower. "Your balls feel like two hot rocks."

His body tensed. Drew groaned. "How much farther?"

Luis pulled into the parking garage. "Open your eyes, love. Just a minute longer."

Tires squealed as he took the turns faster than he should have, but all Luis could think about was getting his lips around Drew's shaft before it was too late. He pulled into his designated spot and threw the car into park. The keys jingled as he shut off the ignition.

Luis leaned over and took Drew's cock into his mouth. With his other hand, he worked Drew's balls. He savored the salty musk in his mouth. He ran his lips up and down Drew's sensitive skin. He knew there wasn't much time. Security would come through the parking ramp if he didn't get out of his car soon. He licked his finger.

"Slide forward a little more."

Drew didn't hesitate. He sucked in his breath. "Do it."

With one hand wrapped around the shaft and his lips working Drew's tip, Luis slipped an index finger into Drew's ass.

Drew bucked his hips, shoving his dick into Luis' mouth at will.

Luis finger fucked Drew, trying to hit his sweet spot every time. He would have loved to be stretched out in bed next to him, but right now, he could only take the edge off Drew's sexual frenzy. He used his fingertips, and a lot of pressure on Drew's length, to change the sensations Drew felt.

Drew panted. "Ah, ah, ah!"

A second later, the first burst of semen hit Luis' throat. He gulped it down, then three or four more followed.

Drew's body relaxed. "Oh,
. That was something else."

Luis grabbed him by the chin and kissed him, letting him taste his own cum.

"That was just the beginning. Get yourself together before security cruises by. I'm not in the mood for a threesome tonight."

"Me neither." Drew tucked his cock back inside his pants and zipped up.

Luis used the key fob to lock the car doors before ushering Drew toward the elevator. He waved to the security guard as they walked by and slid his electronic key across the reader. The door opened.

Luis couldn't believe how excited he was about having Drew come home with him. It wasn't just the physical relationship he was anticipating, but the emotional, too.

So many times, he'd thought about how things should have been different. He imagined what he'd do if he got a second chance. Tonight, the second chance was riding in the elevator with him. He glanced at Drew. Their eyes connected. A lump formed in Luis' throat.
Jesus, I'm still in love with him.

As though he read Luis' mind, Drew leaned in for a lingering kiss. He had to know how aroused Luis was, but somehow that kiss gave Luis another measure of patience, allowing him to hang on.
The release will be extra sweet. And so damn wild.

The soft, golden glow of overhead lighting cast romantic shadows inside Luis'

penthouse. He always hated the glare of bright lights unless he was throwing a party.

While he intended to have a celebration of sorts with Drew tonight, shadows were perfect for lovemaking. He locked the door behind him.

"Make yourself at home."

Wearing a bold expression, Drew took off his navy blue T-shirt and flung it in the direction of the couch.

Luis watched with great interest and a sense of déjà vu.
He hasn't forgotten.

With deliberate slowness, Drew unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned his pants. He never broke eye contact with Luis.

Heat flared in Luis' gut. He loved watching Drew strip. No other man had done that for him. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and took it all in. Silently letting his body react, he let his imagination take over.

While rocking his hips, Drew unzipped his jeans.

The sound of the metal zipper teeth unclenching seemed over-the-top erotic to Luis. He was impressed with Drew's skill, and attributed that to his experience in front of the camera.

Drew tugged down his shorts until his pubic hair showed. He leveled a
down to
gaze at Luis.

Luis' breath left him in a hiss. "You're not making it easy to be patient."

Drew smiled, and then turned his back to Luis. By slowly wiggling the waistband of his jeans, he revealed his muscular rear end.

Luis' heartbeat thudded in his ears. When Drew leaned over and shoved his jeans around his knees, Luis thought he was having an out-of-body experience. He couldn't believe he was still standing there so nonchalant, when an inferno raged between his legs.

"You're even sexier in person. The photos don't do you justice."

"Those photos aren't for seducing a lover." Drew's soft, Mid-South accent caressed Luis' psyche. His hazel eyes smoldered with desire.

It had been ages since he felt this strong an urge to please another man. Drew hadn't laid a finger on him, yet Luis knew tonight would change them both. The years they were apart were packed up and shelved as
recreational sex

Drew stepped out of his jeans with the grace of a dancer. Confident, bold, he approached Luis with the stealth of a big cat.

Accustomed to being the seducer, Luis enjoyed the role reversal immensely.

Drew grasped Luis' shirt collar tabs, then drew him close until their lips were almost touching. "Do you want some of me?"

Luis didn't hesitate. "All of you."

Drew nipped at Luis' lips, then worked his way down his jaw to the sensitive spot below Luis' ear. He rimmed Luis' ear with his tongue and ended by suckling Luis'

plump lobe.

Desire surged through Luis.
This foreplay needs to end soon.

Drew opened the buttons on Luis' shirt and pushed the garment over his broad shoulders. "Beautiful ink."

Luis fought the red fog of lust that obliterated clear thought. "Thanks."

After tracing the outline of the ornate cross with his tongue, Drew pulled a few tight curls on Luis' chest with his lips. Tugging and releasing, he moved to Luis'

nipples. He swirled his tongue around the areola before suckling the nubbins—first the left, then the right.

Luis grasped Drew's hands and pressed them against his hips, moving them toward the clasp on his slacks.

"That's enough teasing. You've streaked the front of my pants with your wet dick. Time to play with mine."

Drew snorted, then opened the tab. His movements were deliberate, aggressive.

When the zipper was down, he dropped to his knees, and pulled Luis' pants around his ankles.

He caressed Luis' ass, while rubbing his cheek against his hard shaft. Drew blew on the length before taking it into his mouth.

Luis' knees buckled. He dug into Drew's shoulders with his fingers as Drew worked him over with all the expertise of a well-seasoned lover. Luis needed more. He held the sides of Drew's head, working his cock in and out of Drew's mouth, losing control faster than he'd have liked.

"Enough!" The word flew from Luis' mouth as fast as his cum would leave his dick if he didn’t stop Drew. Luis yanked him to his feet. While backing him up to the couch, Luis crushed his lips against Drew's.

Drew laughed. "Feeling anxious, Daddy?"

"You better believe it." He arched an eyebrow. "You ready for this?"

"Never more." Drew bent over the back of the couch and spread his legs.

Then Luis did something he hadn't done since the last time he and Drew were together. He dropped to his knees and licked Drew's puckered hole. Of all the lovers he'd had since Drew, none had inspired him to eat ass. He gave into the feelings of homecoming, and licked and stroked the entire area with his tongue until Drew's legs quivered.

"You're gonna make me come if you keep that up." Drew's voice was a hoarse whisper.

Standing again, Luis took his cock in his hand. On the verge of losing all his self-control, he wondered if he'd be able to stroke more than a couple times before he shot his load. He fingered Drew's sphincter, opening him a bit at a time.

"I can't wait much longer. Are you going to be able to take me?"

Drew looked at him over his shoulder. "Do it."

Luis spat on his hand, then rubbed it over his tip. "I'll try not to be too rough."

He pushed forward, trying hard to pay attention to the sounds Drew made. He didn't want to hurt him, but the beast had to be unleashed. He pushed more.

Perspiration covered Luis' forehead. "You okay?"

Drew nodded. His body was shaking, his breathing rapid.

Luis spit on his hand one more time to lubricate Drew's ass. "I can't hold back."

He thrust forward, feeling the tight muscle give. Gripping Drew's hips, Luis stroked in and out fast and deep.

Drew moved with him.

Luis could only edge for so long. Unless Drew screamed, he'd be helpless to stop what had been set in motion. His hips smacked against Drew, sending zings of pain to mix with the pleasure of fucking his lover's ass.

"You're such a perfect bottom."

Drew arched his back. "Only for you."

In the context of what they were doing, Luis had to believe the remark was honest. There were aspects of lovemaking they'd kept separate from all their other partners. The revelation stunned him. Heat roared into his groin, making Luis clench his jaw. He slammed forward and paused. Withdrawing, he then pumped into Drew one more time, shooting his semen into Drew's tight canal.

Luis almost collapsed. His heart was beating as fast as a flat tire at freeway speeds. He leaned forward, draping his body over Drew's sweaty back. He'd been so preoccupied with his own orgasm he didn't even know if Drew had reached his.

He kissed Drew's shoulder. "Let me get you washed up."

"I think you'll need to clean your leather, too." Standing, Drew looked sheepish.

"Sorry about that."

Luis shrugged. "Why do you think I chose leather?" He snorted, and then gave Drew a peck on the lips. "I'll be right back."

Luis walked into the bathroom and gave a fist pump.
Fuck yeah. Fuck. Yeah!
things keep up the way they are tonight, it won't be long before we're back together.
A couple.

The way it should be.

After a quick washing up, he took some bath linens to the living room.

Drew had a throw wrapped around his shoulders. "Did you get lost?"

"Sorry, let me take care of you." Luis wiped Drew clean, then dried him with the towel. "I'll put these away and be right back." He pointed toward the built-in wall cabinet. "Liquor cabinet is over there."

"I'd better not. I have to get to work in six hours. I need to get some sleep." Drew sat with the throw covering his hips.

"Do you want me to drive you home now, or do you want to spend the night?"

Luis hoped the answer would be the latter.

"I need to get some rest. My job is demanding and unpredictable."

Luis arched a brow. "Are you saying you want to leave?"

He shrugged. "If you can let me sleep, that would probably be better, since I'm relaxed now. You can bring me home at five."

"You sure you can't call in sick?" Luis kissed Drew's shoulder. "Then we wouldn't have to call it a night."

Drew shook his head. "Can't. Decide now. I need to get some sleep, one way or the other."

"I don't want you to leave yet." Luis rose and took Drew's hand. "Come on. I'll tuck us in."

Laughing, Drew got off the couch. He gazed into Luis' eyes with serious intent. "I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, either."

Putting an arm over Drew's shoulder, Luis smiled. "Bedroom is this way."
I hope
I'll be creating shelf space for you in the bathroom very soon, too.

Luis pulled back the covers. "You still like the left side?"

Nodding, Drew got in. "Not everything changed."

Luis settled in behind him, hating the idea of not spending the entire night making love to this man he'd missed and longed for so much. Tonight, he'd have to be content with what he had, which was much more than he'd ever hoped.

"It feels so good to be in your arms again, old man."

You have no idea.
"Look who's talking? You're the wuss who can't stay up all night anymore."

When Drew didn't respond, Luis lifted himself on his elbow.

Drew's eyes were closed, his breathing even and deep.

Luis watched him for the longest time, marveling at the fact that Drew was actually in his bed. They'd made some huge steps in their relationship today, and a sense of peace and hopefulness filled him that he'd never felt. If Drew could look at him without the veil of insecurity shrouding his vision, Luis was optimistic they could have a future together.

Feeling lighthearted, Luis set his alarm, and then dozed off with Drew in his arms.

Chapter Twelve

Five hours later, Luis shook Drew's shoulder. "Drew, wake up. It's five in the freaking morning. Time to get up."

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