La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours (16 page)

BOOK: La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours
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"I go to board meet
ings, I take clients to lunch. I get people to say yes, I am like the companies go to person," he explains, putting one arm behind his head, showing me his amazing biceps. I can't help myself and lean down to kiss his arm. He doesn't move but gives me that half grin. "Are we done with the questions?" he asks, still not moving as my lips move over his arm up to his shoulder, then to his neck. I feel his cock harden underneath me almost instantly. His arm comes down and back under the blanket as I kiss and suck my way up his neck to his jaw. 

"I'll take that as a yes."
A low animal growl comes from his throat that sends a shiver down my spine.

Just before his lips take mine, I hear my phone vibrating under a stack of papers on the couch. 

"Leave it," Liam warns in a low voice as my head turns to the direction of the phone.

"Shit, Liam, I've got class." My head suddenl
y clear, I grab for the phone. I see it is Jax calling. I swipe ignore, but not before Liam sees the name on the screen. 

Jax?" His jealous tone back, he wraps his arms around me tighter as I fight to get up. I can't miss class with only two weeks left. 

"Just a friend,
he's a classmate." I dismiss him with a wave of my hand. "I have to get in the shower, I can't miss class," I firmly tell him, my hands on his huge forearms trying to loosen his grip on me. It is a useless struggle. He laughs at my unsuccessful attempts to free myself. A deep throaty laugh that I could listen to all day, a sound that makes my heart flutter. It even makes me consider missing class, but my headstrong determination wins. I twist enough just to be able to slip out of the blanket.

I am standing before Liam
, bare-naked, leaving him with a 'what the hell just happened' shocked look.  He's holding the blanket as I streak down the hall, and I'm not able to help the squeal that comes out of my mouth when I hear him scrambling after me. 

He stops me just short of the bathroo
m, caging me against the wall. He grabs my wrists and pulls my arms over my head, pinning my hands above my head with one hand. His laughter is gone and he has a dead serious, dark stare in his eyes. 

"Petal, I don't care if it's
up against this wall, on this floor, or in the shower, but you are not leaving my sight until you have screamed my name." His voice is low and scratchy, fucking sexy as hell as he delivers his command. His free hand goes to my ass giving it a squeeze, he pulls me into him pressing his hardness into my belly. 

His words set my body on f
ire. I arch my back pushing myself into him, fighting at the restraint of his hands but he doesn't budge. I want to jump in his arms and wrap myself around him.

" I breathe, still squirming against his tight grip. "Please," I beg.

, what?" One corner of his mouth perks up as he gives me that devilish half smile. 

"Make me scream,
" I moan, reaching for his lips, my mouth aching to be on his, but am stopped just short of them. He finally lets my hands loose and I instantly have them wrapped around his neck. He unbuttons his jeans, pulling them down just enough to free his massive erection.  Lifting me up with ease he is in me so fast I can't even think.

, you feel so fucking good," he growls against my neck. My mind is a blur. I feel like I could come just from his words, when I realize we are not using a condom. 

" I yell, pushing myself away from him, my back pressing harder against the wall. He doesn't stop. I don't think he even hears me. He is fucking me so hard I almost say fuck it. 

"Liam, no condom,
" I scream, still wanting the pleasure of the thrusts. He stops but does not pull out. 

"I've never not
worn a condom, I'm clean, Petal," he says after a momentary pause, then starts moving in and out, getting deeper and deeper with every thrust.

"I'm not on birth control."
I would think this would make him shoot out of me like a bullet, but it doesn't. He stops still inside me and just stares in my eyes. It's like he is contemplating his options.  I'm just about to make the decision for him when he sets me down reluctantly.
What the hell was that?

I take his hand
, leading him into the bedroom. He pulls off his jeans and I kneel before him. I grab the condom on the floor that we didn't use last night and tear it open, rolling it on his throbbing cock. I glance up at him and I see he doesn't have that hunger in his eyes like before when he was demanding sex. They are different; softer, demure almost.

He sits on the floor leaning up against the bed then
takes my hand and directs me to sit astride his lap. As I lower myself back on to him, he watches my every move. Both of his hands splay on my back as he presses my body to him hard.  Our lips meet as I raise and lower myself on him. 

Ohhh!" I moan in his mouth, his lips are moving so gently over mine. It's like he is savoring every second that we are together. "I'm going to come," I cry, arching my back to get a better angle. I place my hands behind me on the floor as I grind my hips into him. One hand holds me at the hip and his other is caressing my breasts, his hand running from one breast to the other then in between and down my stomach. 

"Say my name when you come
, Petal," he demands, his thumb is now lightly rubbing my clit, and with that I can't hold back another second. 

"Liam, oh
God, Liam," I scream as my orgasm overtakes my body. He lets it roll through me before he pulls me back to him pressing me tight to his body, like he needs me there to breathe. 

he yells as his thrusts go deeper in me and his orgasm comes. He doesn't let me go, but holds me tighter to his hard body. I let him, our breathing in tune as he holds me so tight against him. 

"Liam," I whisper after
about 10 minutes.

Mmmm," he mumbles against my neck. 

, I need to get in the shower." I pull away from him and he reluctantly loosens his grip. I want to ask what's wrong, what was the hesitation with the condom thing. Instead I crawl off his lap and leave the room to take a shower. 

As the hot water runs down my
face I think about my options. There are no options. I am leaving in two weeks. I need to keep some distance. Just thinking of it makes my heart ache. I can't get any closer to this man, not with what I have to do. He won't even tell me about himself, this is not a relationship. This is hot sex, and that's all. A clean break, I will tell him that I can't see him anymore.  That we are in two different worlds, and soon we will be in two different states.

When I'm drying off I can't help the tears that are pricking my eyes as I plan out
what I want to say in my head. I can't do this before class, I will do it tonight. I just get dressed and am drying my hair when I hear loud voices. 

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I hear a booming voice coming from the living room.

"Get the fuck out of here before I knock you out," Liam shouts. I scramble to the door running into the living room. Jax and Liam are toe to toe. I see Liam's jaw clenching; his fists at his sides, Jax the same way as they stare off.

"What the fuck is going on?" I shout
, getting both of their attention. I scurry to get between them and Liam grabs my waist, trying to get me behind him.

"Stop it,
" I yell at him, swatting at his hand.  "What are you doing here?" I turn to Jax shooting daggers at him.

"You didn't
answer your phone, I got worried," he barks, his eyes still not leaving Liam's. "I thought you said you were done with this joker?" he digs sarcastically. I feel Liam tense up behind me. I push my back into his front to make sure he doesn't start swinging. He would have to move me first. 

's the fucking bean pole?" Liam booms behind me. His voice so deep I feel the vibration go through me. 

"I told you
, he's a friend." I am staring up at Jax who finally takes his eyes off Liam and puts them on me. I am pleading him with my eyes not to start something. 

"I thought you were smarter than this, Harper. I guess I didn't k
now what kind of guy you wanted," Jax sneers at me, making me wince. "I guess abusive meatheads are your thing. I'm glad I know now, so I don't waste another fucking second on you." He shakes his head in disbelief. Not only am I getting pissed, but so is Liam. I can feel the heat radiating off of him. 

"Fuck you,
Jax!" I shout before Liam has time to speak. "I thought we were friends?" I don't know if I am more pissed or hurt at his words. "Do you really think I would be with someone who is abusive? That one fucking sentence was probably the worst thing anyone has ever said to me in my entire life." This causes his eyebrows to shoot up in shock. 

"You know what I mean
t, Harper." He instantly takes to the defense. "There are rumors of him beating the shit out of women." Before I can stop it Liam has me pushed aside and is in Jax's face again. 

"Liam, no," I shout too late. H
is fist makes contact with Jax's face. Jax is a muscular athletic guy, but is not a fighter. Not sure if he even knows how to throw a punch, but after he is thrown against the wall from the blow, he looks like he is about to throw his first one. 

"Stop!" I
scream at the top of my lungs. It doesn't stop anything. Jax's arm is up and in motion when Liam punches him in the stomach. Jax instantly doubles over in pain. As if I am getting between my brothers, I put myself in front of Jax before Liam can hit him again. "Get the fuck out of here." I shout at Liam. Finally I get a reaction. 


"Get out of here
," I order again, ignoring the hurt on his face. 

ah, get the fuck out of here," stupid ass Jax mutters behind me.
Fucking idiot, I swear.

"You too.
I want you both out of my apartment now," I wail, making them both jump. "Fuck it." I grab my purse and bolt out the door. God, I don't need this shit. I get to my car and I hear Liam running behind me. 

"Harper, wait. I'm sorry," h
e pleads, but I get in my car before he reaches me and squeal my tires as I drive away. 






Chapter 18


I barely hear a thing the professor says as I sit through class. I had to turn my phone off, because it hadn't stopped buzzing since the second I sped away from my apartment.
Jesus, did a fight just break out in my apartment? What the hell am I going to do now?
I play the conversation I'm going to have with Liam over and over in my mind. I don't care that he punched Jax, hell after what he said the asshole deserved it. 

need to come to an end tonight. I need to end it so I don't lose track of my goals. Being a vet has always been my dream, but I am falling in love with Liam Tarseta. I am in love with him, there is no doubt in my mind. Even after he broke my heart I was still in love with him. He is not that type; he is not the love type. What is he going to do, drop his cushy lifestyle and follow me to Iowa?  Yeah, right! 

After classes
, I call him. 

, Harper!" he answers the phone and I can hear the relief in his voice. "Please don't ever run away from me like that again. I've been going insane all day. I'm so sorry, he is an asshole. I couldn't stop myself–" he rambles.

"Liam, where are you?" I stop him short. 

"Home. Where are you? I need to see you, Petal, I am so sorry–"

"I'm coming to you
," I stop his rambling again. "I'll be there in a few minutes." I hang up before he can say another word. I already have a growing pit in my stomach at the pain of what I am about to do. 


I have to be buzzed in to Liam's building, so he knows I'm there already when I get off the elevator. Just when I reach the door it opens. He is in sweat pants with a drawstring.
No fucking shirt
.   His hair is wet like he just got out of the shower.  He looks so amazing my heart skips a beat, just like the first time I ever saw him. I stop short of the door not wanting to do what I have to do with all my heart. I contemplate turning around and running, hoping he will be so mad he will never think of me again. I don't get that option, he has one arm wrapped around my waist and has me eye level with him. 

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