La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours (19 page)

BOOK: La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours
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Kissing my belly,
my body quivers. His hands at my ankles, he grabs one and places my leg over his shoulder. I have to lean into the wall to not fall over, but he steadies me with his hands now under my skirt by grabbing my hips. Holding my skirt up, he kisses my inner thighs just above the lace stockings.

"I can smell your arousal
, Petal," he growls against me, his fingers moving to my center to push my panties aside. Apparently, they are in his way because they are ripped from my body like they were made of paper. 

It takes seconds for his lips to be burie
d in my sex.  His tongue licks my clit and I grind into the pleasure, my hands in his hair. He inserts a finger inside me, followed by another.  

" I moan, my whole body trembling as I press my head against the wall. 

, Petal, say my name." The vibration of his voice on me sends me over the top. 

"Liam, I'm going to come," I scream and he becomes more frantic with his tongue. "Liam
, baby!" I scream his name when my orgasm takes me. My whole body weak against him, he gently removes my leg from his shoulder being careful so that I don't fall. He removes one high heel before he places it on the floor. Taking my other leg gently, he removes the other shoe. 

Still on his knees before me
, he pulls down my skirt and it falls in a puddle on the floor around my ankles. He stands and I can see his erection bulging in his pants. He gently brushes my shirt off my shoulders and unhooks my bra, pulling it down my arms. I am left bare-naked except for the stockings. 

Standing back he
takes me in from head to toe, still extremely weak I lean hard against the wall.   He sweeps me up in his arms like I weigh nothing and carries me into the bedroom where he sits on the bed with me in his lap.

"I love you s
o much. I can't believe you love me too," he whispers against my neck. I feel how hard he is under me, and still he has made no move to remove his pants.

"I do love you,
" I whisper back, his face nuzzled in my neck. "Are you going to make me beg for you?" I wiggle my butt on him.

"You never have to beg for me, ever
," he chuckles against my neck. 

why are you not fucking me then?"

"I will be soon.
I'm just savoring you right now."  He brings his eyes to mine. "I feel like I am going to lose you, Petal." His eyes are dark as night as he watches my reaction. I climb off his lap, he reluctantly lets me loose. 

"I'm not going anywhere, sweet cheeks."
I smile at him, standing in front of him in only the stockings.  "Now take off those fucking pants and fucking fuck me already," I order, biting my lower lip.  A huge smile bursts on his face. He stands in a hurry, kicking off his shoes and socks. He pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and hands it to me as he starts to unbuckle his belt.

"Condom." He nods at the wallet as I hold it in
puzzlement. By the time I pull out a condom, his pants and boxers are off. I push on his chest, making him fall on the bed. I tear open the foil wrapper and straddle his thighs. Rolling on the condom, I position myself on top of him. He grabs my hands and we intertwine our fingers. Using them for support, I lower my center onto his cock. 

With jus
t my weight, I take all he has. "Liam, fuck Liam!" I scream as I move up and down on him. I arch my back making him go in even further.  Letting go of my hands, he grabs my hips helping me move up and down.

"You feel so fucking amazing
," he groans as I slam onto him. It feels amazing. I feel my body tensing, another orgasm about to roar through me.

God, Liam," I scream. It hits me and I feel my center tighten around his cock. 

"Yes, yes, yes
," he yells as he comes seconds after me. I fall onto his chest with my ear flat against his heaving body and feel the thump of his heart beating rapidly. I lie with my head on him for a while as his fingers run up and down my back.

"Are you going to ask me
what my father was talking about?"

ou'll tell me when you're ready," I murmur, lifting my head to see his eyes. 

"I don't deserve you, Petal
," he sighs, cupping my face he pulls me to his lips. 









Chapter 21


weeks later, after finals.


"Guess what?" I use Liam's back as an anchor as I stretch my hamstrings. We just finished a 5 mile run around Lincoln Park. I had just checked my phone. 

"What?" He wipes the sweat from his brow
, looking over his shoulder at me. I run my hand down his chiseled back before I break contact. He turns to face me, his body glistening in sweat. I show him what is on the screen of my phone. I passed all my exams with flying colors. 

"I passed them all!" I beam at him.
He wraps one arm around my waist and lifts me in the air, swinging me in a circle. 

"Of course you did
, Petal. I never doubted you wouldn't." He kisses my lips then takes my phone with his free hand. "Look at that, 99%, 97%, 98%, oh and another 99%. I have me one smart girl." He expresses with another kiss, this one longer.  

"I need to get home and pac
ked before we celebrate tonight," I say after he has kissed me thoroughly. 

"I still can't believe
I'm not going to see you for a whole week." His face grows sullen immediately.  

"I know, but I haven't been home in a
while." We have already argued about this. Basically, if I wasn't studying on Liam's couch these past two weeks, we were in bed. We have had a lot of late night pillow talk. He doesn't want me going, and right now I don't want to introduce him to my family. Everything is still so up in the air with me not knowing where I'm going to school. 

Even though I trust him, there is somethi
ng that he is not telling me. He apparently thinks it will send me screaming so he skirts around his past.  Even when I ask him about his mother, he clams up. I keep telling myself he will tell me when he's ready, but even in my wildest imagination I can't think what would be so bad. 

ay, but do you have to go for a whole week?" he whines, pushing out his lower lip, pouting. He finally sets me down, and we start walking to his car. 

"Yes, baby
, my brothers are already complaining I won't be home long enough." I go to grab at his lip, but he moves before I can reach it. "Besides, you said you have a ton of work you need to get done." I laugh at him when he sticks his tongue out at me. He has been neglecting his job the past few weeks. Plus he's still really pissed at his father, which is not helping their family situation. 

, if I don't get to have you for a whole week, tonight you are getting fucked so thoroughly you will be sore until you get back." His eyebrows shoot up at the thought. 

se?" I raise one eyebrow at him and take off running to the car. He catches me in an instant and throws me over his shoulder like a caveman.  We get tons of looks as he carries me to his car that way. I'm laughing so hard I don't even care. 



Liam drops me off so I can pack and get ready
for our night out on the town. I hadn't been home in a few days and my mailbox full. I throw the pile of mail on the bed and hop in the shower. 

After I shower and dress I sit on the bed to go through the mountain of
mail. Most of it is junk or bills when the University of Illinois Emblem catches my eye. I rip the sucker open and gasp at what I see. 

Dear Ms. Troy, 

A work study spot has opened up. We are pleased to announce you have been accepted to the University of Illinois, School of Veterinarian Medicine......

Holy shit!
I'm so excited I start jumping up and down squealing to myself. I pick up my cell phone and call the first person I want to tell. 

," a woman answers Liam's phone.

Ummm, hello ... is this Liam's phone?" I ask the woman who is answering my boyfriend's phone.

, it is," she says.

"Who is this?"
I ask, as my heart drops into my stomach. 

"This is his wife, Chelsea." If words
could kill, those just did it. My head starts spinning as I feel like I am being cut to shreds.

"Can I speak with Liam?
" I am able to finally form words after a couple of seconds.

"He's in the shower. I'm just about to join him.
Do you want me to give him a message?" She giggles into the phone when I hear a door open and what sounds like water running. I hear Liam's voice plain as day in the background. "Chelsea?" 

, baby," the woman says, and the line goes dead. 







Part 2




I can't seem to wipe the stupid grin off my face. I am so happy. I can't imagine being happier, except for being away from her for a few days. That will be the longest week of my life. She's coming back, she's going to move in with me, and I am going to marry her soon. I haven't asked her yet, but I am already looking at rings. 

I hear my bathroom door open and my heart stops.
I had dropped Harper off at her apartment and no one else has a key. Then I hear her voice, the shrill voice I will never forget.

"Chelsea?" I grab a towel in a hurry wrapping it around myself.

"Coming, baby," she says. I throw open the shower door to see her standing in my bathroom.

"What the fuck?
How did you get in my apartment?" A thousand questions are running through my head.

"You know I can
sweet talk my way into anywhere," she swoons, coming up to me putting her hand on my chest. I'm holding onto my towel with one hand and grab her wrist with the other.

"Why are
you fucking here?" I grate through my teeth. 

"Well, I missed you.
Haven't you missed me?" She yanks her hand away from the tight grip I have on her wrist that's keeping her from touching me.

I shoot past her and go int
o my closet, shutting the door. I really need clothes on. After I dress in a hurry, I come out to find her sitting on my bed. It makes me physically sick to see a woman who is not Harper, on my bed.

"Chelsea, I don't know what fucking game you are playing now
, but I swear to God you need to get the fuck out of my apartment," I yell and go to grab her arm to escort her out. She is an old girlfriend, sort of. We fucked for a while, until she sold a story to the tabloids saying I got her pregnant then beat the shit out of her when she told me about the baby. I still don't know where she got the black eye, and don't care. All I know is my father paid her to leave. 

He was
so mad at me about the article. He still is by the way he treated Harper. I still don't know why, but my picture in a national tabloid really ticked him off. 

"Not so fast
, Liam," she says, twisting her arm out of my grip. She goes to my dresser and picks up the only picture I have of the mother I never knew. "I couldn't help but wonder why your father was so fast to get rid of me. I mean, he paid me a lot of money to leave. I started thinking maybe there was something he was hiding," she says vindictively, running her finger down the frame of the picture. 

"What are
you fucking talking about?" I snatch the frame from her hands. I found the picture of my mother in my father's closet when I was a teenager.  He allowed me to keep it, but told me never to tell anyone who it was. I still to this day do not know where my mother is or if she is even alive. All my father would ever tell me was that she was gone and that is it. I know he has never loved another woman like he loved my mother. He has also never tried. Whatever happened, it broke his heart forever. 

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