Labyrinth (10 page)

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Authors: Tarah Scott

BOOK: Labyrinth
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“You’ve gone and weirded yourself out,” she muttered. “You’ve seen weirder shit than this.” Yeah, but those things had been as a cop, where the things people did defied logic, not where computer photos reached inside her and—she shivered, her attention fixed on the blue screen. “You saw his picture somewhere and simply forgot.”

The clock bonged, causing her to jump. Three more chimes sounded.

“Damn,” Margot muttered, and clicked the start menu.

She opened Windows Explorer, clicked on tools, folder options, then the view tab. When she hit show hidden files, half a dozen folders appeared.


Creak of wood yanked her attention to the door. Someone had entered the anteroom
Margot dragged the mouse to the close button and closed Explorer. She leaped to her feet and scanned the room.
Nowhere to hide
The door knob jiggled. Margot dropped to the floor. She grabbed the chair and pulled it toward her as she scooted into the corner beneath the desk. She hugged her knees to her chest as the door opened. If Cat sat at her desk, there would be no explaining her way out of this.

The door creaked open in unison with Cat's soft laughter. "You are a rascal," she teased, her southern drawl miraculously intact.

"Ms. Bower, you're the one who’s teased me all evening."

Margot stiffened.
Franklin Williams.

"Will you punish me?" Cat asked in a petulant voice.

The door shut with a hard click and Cat grunted. Margot envisioned Williams pressing Cat against the door. He was a tall, good looking man with dark hair and large hands. A tiny vibration tickled Margot’s butt. She barely stifled a gasp. She’d set her Blackberry on vibrate, then put it in her pocket and forgotten it. The small phone vibrated a second time and she shifted so that the right butt cheek wasn’t pressed to the carpet where it might buzz. Williams groaned, and Margot’s heart thundered.

They were closer.

"You're one hot Southern girl," he said.

"You have no idea," Cat purred.

Something bumped into the front of the desk. Margot jerked back from the wood. The slow downward slide of a zipper froze her. Sweet Christ, they weren’t—another bump as if someone had accidentally kicked the front panel.

"That's what I’m talking about," Williams said.

Cat moaned, and Margot reflexively glanced upward. Williams had hoisted Cat onto the desk. Margot jammed shut her eyes, and her ears filled with the sound of Cat's moans. Margot couldn't halt the picture of Cat spread across the desk, nipples erect as Williams slipped inside her.

Margot tensed when Williams grunted. Cat gave a cry and Margot snapped open her eyes. Cat couldn’t possibly have climaxed that quickly. Cat giggled and Margot barely suppressed a gasp when Williams stumbled into view, Cat wrapped around his waist. He took two more steps and jammed her against the tapestry that hung on the wall beside the shield. Margot couldn’t tear her gaze from his ass as it bunched with the effort of pumped into Cat. He abruptly reached back with one hand and unclasped her legs from his waist. In one fluid movement, he lifted Cat off him, spun her around to face the wall,
rammed his cock into her pussy from behind. She cried out and Margot's mind reeled with memory of Colin Morrison shoving her against the wall just as Williams did

His hot breath washed over her ear.
“This is what you want.”

Williams' hand slid around Cat's waist and reached between her legs just as Colin had her.

He began vibrating Margot's swollen sex in a quick, insistent motion. Pressure mounted.
She shifted slightly and the spot he massaged leaped to life with a force that made her see stars behind her closed lids. Hard cock began to fill her. The scent of sandalwood enveloped her. Pleasure shot through to her core. Margot strained against the mounting orgasm.

Cat's cry yanked Margot from the trance. She stared, trembling, as the muscle in Williams' arm flexed in evidence of his finger working furiously on Cat's clit. She seized his hand and bucked against his fingers as he thrust into her from behind.
She screamed and spasmed in orgasm.
Williams tore his fingers from her channel, then pinned her against the wall and slammed into her with all his force.

Margot held her breath until he groaned with a final, hard thrust, frozen in that instant of orgasm, then let his head fall back as he gave three more slow thrusts. Margot’s heart thumped wildly in anticipation of the moment they would collapse to the floor and discover that she'd watched the erotic encounter. But Cat turned in Williams' embrace and entwined her arms around his neck.

"You sure know how to make a girl scream," she murmured.

"I aim to please." He lowered his head and took a nipple in his mouth.

Margot's stomach turned. Sweet Christ, a forty-seven year old man couldn't fuck a woman, then turn around and fuck her again two minutes later. Damn, Cat. It would be like her to keep an ample supply of Viagra in hand. And hard cock wasn't necessary for them to continue, Margot realized with horror. A picture flashed of Cat in the desk chair with Williams' head between her legs as he sucked her into another mind numbing orgasm. He straightened from Cat's breast and kissed her long and hard.

Cat pulled back, breathing hard. She reached between them and fondled his cock. "Mmm, it wouldn't take long."

Margot's heart fell.

Cat released him. "But I can't chance you distracting me too long. It's pushing four-thirty, and my office is the first one cleaned by the morning crew. I can't have them catching the boss fraternizing with the guests."

Please, please, please
Margot prayed, and closed her eyes to emphasize the supplication.

"As long as I can get a rain check," Williams said.

Margot opened her eyes in time to see Cat undulate her mound against Williams thickening rod. Margot grimaced. The man was a horse.

"I'll give you plenty of rain checks," Cat purred. He reached down, but Cat side stepped him and laughed. "We have lots of time." She skirted the desk and disappeared from view, Williams behind her.

Finally, footsteps moved toward the door and, a moment later, the door clicked shut. Margot remained under the desk, her insides still quivering. Only, it wasn't the possibility of getting caught that had her shaking, but the wonder of what sort of sick fuck she was to have recalled Colin Morrison while watching Cat and Williams. Margot recalled Cat saying the cleaning crew would soon arrive to clean the office. She shoved the chair away from the desk and scrambled to her feet.

Clearing the history on the computer took five seconds, the cache,
eight. She would have to return to get into the hidden files. She ignored the turn of her stomach and hurried to the door. She cracked it open an inch and peered into the anteroom. Empty. She crossed to the outer door, checked the hallway, found it empty, and headed for her room.



Chapter Nine


Margot stopped dead in the hallway. “Third time’s a charm.”

She ignored the chill on her shoulders and started past the locked doors she’d tried in the first two dreams. Short sleeve dresses weren’t meant to be worn in drafty castles. She turned the corner of the first hallway and kept going until she rounded the next juncture and the two doors came into view up ahead. Recollection surfaced of the very different encounters with the Scot in those rooms. She slowed. There had been something about him that second night…

Unease steered her away from the second door. She took three more paces to the first door on the left and swung it open. As before, a low fire burned in the hearth and the bed was turned down. Like the first two times, she experienced an urge to crawl beneath the covers. This soft but compelling need forced her forward two steps before she caught herself. This wasn’t right. Or was it? Instead of the uneasiness she’d steeled herself for, a sense of calm settled over her. Gooseflesh crawled up her arms and she swung her gaze to the right to see Lord Morrison standing in the doorway looking just as he had that first night.

“You,” he said in a growl.

“That’s right, sugar.” Margot started toward him. “It’s time I get this dream out of my system.”

“Are ye insane?” he demanded. “Or have you so little pride, you will sacrifice your life just to be bedded?”

She stopped in front of him. “Insane?
As for being bedded, we’ll get the deed done right now.”

His brow lifted.

The word washed over her like a Gulf water breeze and her body swayed as if she stood in the
surf. Margot released a breath. “Damn, but if I believed in bayou magic, I’d say you were working some powerful mojo.”

“Magick?” he repeated.

She raked her gaze down his body. Hell, yes.
Six feet of magic.
Dark hair, broad chest, long torso, and those legs…the man was built to please. Yet a man’s good looks hadn’t ever induced her to conjure a dream lover night after night. But this wasn’t nighttime. She’d discovered the hidden files in Cat’s office, then gone back to her room and lain awake until dawn. She'd finally given up and gotten out of bed.

When Cat wasn’t anywhere to be found, Margot had taken her morning bike ride, then eaten a light breakfast and gone back to her room. She glanced at the floor length curtains on the far wall. Sunlight peeked around the edges of the heavy brocade. Well, damn. She’d fallen asleep and it wasn’t even lunchtime yet.

She hadn’t taken a nap since she’d been four years old and stayed with her grandmother. Mamma hadn’t believed in afternoon naps. Afternoon drinks had been what consumed her attention. Those afternoon drinks resulted in liver disease and an early grave. A familiar pang stabbed at Margot. Mamma, a Louisiana Cajun, had married a
moonshiner who took her across the border to

bordered three
counties on two sides, once you got out of the borderlands, the Louisiana Cajun influence died fast. Mamma hadn’t ever really fit in. Despite the fact Daddy came from Cajun stock like Mamma, there were those who never let her forget she hadn’t been born on the
side of the border.

The memory of Margot’s latest discovery in Cat’s office shoved aside the past and she narrowed her eyes on Colin Morrison. “I still can't figure out how I knew what you looked like. Has to be the research I did on the castle after Cat called.” She lifted a hand and touched his broad forehead.
“So real.”
She traced a finger along his hairline, jaw, and mouth. “A man like you could rock my world—”

He grasped her fingers and yanked them away. Margot froze. He studied her with an intensity that forced her back a step before she halted the action. Sweet Christ, she’d forgotten many men, but how could she possibly have forgotten those eyes? She dropped her attention to his mouth. Could a woman memorize a man’s mouth? Could a woman forget that mouth? She leaned forward until every groove became visible, and brushed her lips against his.

He seized her shoulders and shoved her at arm’s length. “What do ye want?”

She grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him to within an inch of her face. “This.” Margot yanked his mouth against hers.

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