Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole (2 page)

BOOK: Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole
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, I might as well be married to myself!

Letting me have my way
whether it was right or wrong was so unhealthy for a girl like me. I throw my hands up in disgust because to some of you reading this, a relationship like ours might actually sound great…
but not to me!
I need two-way interaction… someone to simply bring balance to my twisted mind. To be able to talk and laugh with someone on a daily basis was the key to holding my heart.

I needed someone to push and encourage me, comfort and console me, and someone to stand up and protect me. Isn’t that the definition of what a husband should be?

Diego, had let me down one too many times and wasn’t there for me like I needed him to be. The way he acted these days just wasn’t
in my book. He should have been my rock, my support system, my hero, but instead he was nothing but weak and soft… a disappointment.

Something is seriously wrong with that picture, at least through my eyes it is. A man should be a man and wear the pants in the relationship or at least be an equal partner in it.

Fellas, a little word of advice: At least pretend you still have your balls attached! It’s okay to put your foot down and hold your ground. We women can’t be right all the damn time. Stand up for yourself or she will lose all respect for you in the end. Treat your wife like a queen and she will
honor you
as her king. A happy wife really does equal a happy husband.

Diego spent most of the week working brutal sixteen-hour shifts as a computer programmer, which was actually good for me because it usually took those five days he was at work to get over the two days
he was at home.

What could two people possibly fight about when they only saw each other twice a week? Everything and anything. Just the sound of his voice irritated me.

There was no love left in this marriage, at least not on my end there wasn’t. My eyes no longer light up when he walked into the room. Nor did my heart flutter when he touched me, but with all that being said, Diego was still off in
Lala Land
somewhere acting like things couldn’t get any better and that this was how everyone’s marriage was behind closed doors.

I however, lived in reality where the sky wasn’t purple.

Well, most of the time anyway!

When I look at him, all I could see was what he stole from me. What he keeps on stealing from me. My sanity or what little I have left of it.

I don’t even think he fully understands how slowly he is killing me. Just bleeding me dry… day in and day out. Every week was the same, repeatedly without change.

Next thing I knew… five years of my life was missing and I have absolutely nothing to show for it.

I had hit rock bottom after my father passed away less than a year ago and it went right over Diego’s head. I was so lost and he just left me there to claw my own way out of the deep, dark hole of depression that I had sunk into all by my lonesome.

It was a thousand times worse than him not being there for me. Diego had FAILED ME miserably.

Since I hadn’t inform him that your wife crying herself to sleep every night was a bad thing, he just let my despair go on unchecked which lead to my complete and total withdrawal from him… from the world. The straw that broke the camels back as some would say and I knew that in my heart, I would never be able to find the strength to forgive him for not being there when I needed him the most.

His selfishness had left a crater in my chest so vast that it had swallowed me up whole. He had let me down for the last time, so as far as I was concerned, from that point on, we were no more than two mere strangers, living under the same roof.

Knowing Diego got home from work around midnight, I started preparing for bed around eleven so that I would be fast asleep by the time he got here.

Warm soapy water bubbled on my face, removing all the days grime. I had only done two massages that afternoon, but my body felt unusually drained and worn out for some odd reason, which must have caused the tension headache forming at the back of my head.

Rubbing the base of my skull, trying to relax myself, a sudden chill ran down the entire length of my spine.

I smiled slightly, remembering something someone told me eons ago. “
Whenever you get the chills, that’s just me thinking about you,
” he purred in my ear, causing all the little hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

That was years ago, a lifetime ago really, but I remember it like it was only yesterday.

It was my first serious relationship. I caught him staring at me as we sat on the hot asphalt, stretching during gym class one sunny afternoon.

He stole my heart in that moment... I was a complete goner. Mister tall, dark and handsome with some killer dimples to boot that really brought out his smile. Brand new to the school, to the neighborhood… he was a total stranger.

At first glance, he appeared rough and tough with a bad boy feel, but when he was alone with me, he was nothing but gentle and sweet. When together, I had his undivided attention as if we were the only two people left on the planet and that time actually stood still for us.

Young love is so beautifully warped, isn’t it?

I wasted no time and snatched him up quick before any of the other girls at the school could sink their hooks into him.

I shook myself out of that memory. I haven’t thought about him much these days, but I always remember and hear his voice when a sudden shiver rolls through me.

Flipping off the bathroom light, I stumbled over to the bed in the dark. After finding the edge of the covers, I drew them back and slid in, engulfing myself in cushy warmth.

This was my favorite time of the day and I eagerly anticipated my return to dreamland where I could get into all kinds of mischief, but consequences could never touch me. Unwinding, burying my head deep into my pillow, I shut my eyes and smirked since I knew I would be with my sexy love slave again shortly. I think I will let him lick every inch of me clean...

And just like I imagined I would.
I lay cocooned in his muscular arms, stark naked and wrapped around him like a fresh baked pretzel.

I love my dreams! They were so vivid and at times, felt amazingly real.

Slave boy was running his long, warm fingers ever so softly up and down the slope of my spine. With my eyes still closed, I shifted my head from his hard chest to his ear. “I missed you my pet. You may service me now,” I whispered seductively as I nibbled away on his earlobe.

“You haven’t had enough of me yet?” A deep penetrating voice answered me back.

Hold up a minute, people!
Usually I would get all warm and tingly when a sexy double meaning was in play, but instead I just froze. My breathing cut off as I rewound what he had just said in my mind.

It wasn’t the comment that had brought me up short exactly… it was his voice! I would have known the sound of it anywhere. In fact, I had just heard it in the bathroom before crawling into bed tonight. Needless to say, that was
so not
the voice of whom I was expecting.

“Are you alright, love? Cat got your tongue,” he said pressing his lips to the top of my long wavy, chocolate-brown hair.

I had forgotten that he once called me that. My eyes opened slowly to find myself staring into big, beautiful chestnut colored orbs. Gently placing a hand upon his cheek, I caressed the contours of his high cheekbones… I knew every inch of this face; I’d stared at it thousands of times before. My eyes never left his as they started to water from the sheer joy of seeing it once more.

I cannot remember the last time I had dreamt of him. It had been that long, but it was so good to see him again, even if he was just a fantasy.

“I’m perfect,” I finally replied after my heart started pumping blood again, while he continued to gaze deep into my eyes for a few more moments as if he were searching for something.

That look pierced right thru me, reaching my very core, melting some of the ice that my heart had been encased in.

, I wanted him. My body started screaming at me, but his eyes had me locked in place. His hand slid around to the back of my neck and gently pulled me forward to close the two-inch space between our lips. I’d never tasted anything so sweet or felt lips so soft, I thought to myself as his warm tongue danced with mine.

An unfamiliar feeling ignited somewhere deep down in me that I hadn’t felt in forever.


Warm. Hot. Burning desire.

I moaned from the heat of it as it consumed every inch me. This was the kind of kiss that should have set the whole damn bed on fire. I haven’t wanted a real man in Gods knows how long… but I sure did
him… BAD!

Before I could even stop myself, I was straddling him. With our mouths still tongue-tied, I marveled at the sheer size of his manhood as I plunged it deep inside of myself. I gasped for air, finally breaking our kiss. Not wanting to lose the feel of his lips on my body altogether, I arched my back and leaned in close, allowing him to lick a trail down my throat, past my collarbone, where he attached himself firmly to my awaiting breast.

, this is even better than I remember, I shuddered as my pelvic pace quickened. Benefiting from my pleasure spike, he growled deep in his throat as I rode him hard into the mattress.

Rocking backwards a little too far broke the suction to my nipple. He tried to sit up, but I couldn’t allow that… not when our current position felt so damn good!

Leaning forward, I let my other breast dangle in his face like bait until he caught it with his teeth. When my pace quickened once more, I sensed his urgency start to build. My body melted into his as his melted into mine and together we clinched at each other, willing ourselves closer (as if that were even possible). Unable to deny what our bodies needed the most, we both exploded and rippled with pure, unsaturated bliss.

Oh my God! Burn baby burn.

Sleepily, I opened my eyes in the morning to the feel of someone’s arms wrapped around me. I was taken back since I don’t remotely let my husband physically touch me nowadays, let alone, sleep in his arms.


It felt like he was actually twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. Why the hell is this dude even embracing me in the first place?

It was just like him to ruin my mood after a perfect dream like that. About to say some smart-aleck remark about his ass not being at work, he admitted to me, “I don’t know what got into you last night, but I liked it. No, let me rephrase that… I

Before I could even comment back, he was literally laying on top of me. Those beautiful chestnut orbs held me locked in place again as I stared back at him dumbfounded.

This was definitely not my husband.

He smoothed out the eyebrow that I must have held up and then kissed my lips tenderly.

This is one long ass dream I’m having. Oh well, it must be my body’s way of telling me that I’m sexual deprived.

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