Languish for you (My soulmate) (2 page)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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I laugh in my mind, remembering how I put all my effort to stay away from every guy. Of course, except my brother. With him I spent most of my time. And even thoughts that one day I will get married, have scared the hell of me, because it meant that I will be with a guy. Yea, for some reason they had that scary effect on me. But right now in that guy's arms...I felt like this was my place which I had to never leave if I wanted to be happy.

“You are strong, Vanessa,” he whispered into my ear. I felt his warm breath against my skin, forcing me to forget everything in this world and feel strange vibes. My heart in my chest started to reach a record of how many times it could pound in my chest per second.

I dared to open my eyes and look at his face. In the darkness I couldn't see much, but what I saw, was enough for me to feel warmer inside.

“We will be at home soon. There we will explain you everything,” he promised.

“Okay,” I said silently.

I didn't have courage to say anything more, and he himself didn't know what else he could tell me without letting me be more scared. So, he carried me in silence, although we weren't in the world with
out noises. Tall and old trees w
ere slowly moving in ever side when the wind decided to hit them. Those creaking noises in the ni
ght, in which I couldn't notice
any stars or the white pancake hanging in the sky, created uncanny and horrific atmosphere. And also we should add that we were in the graveyard, in the most terrifying place for a living being.

I had never liked graveyards, but I liked to write about them and how my characters did magnificent things in them. Yea, I was a writer. I had a dream to become one of the most famous writers one day. I believed that I had an imagination which could change this world. It was silly to thing like that, but still. If you have a dream, make it big, because in hard days it could be the only motivation for you to move forward.

Suddenly somewhere a crow cawed. I stirred in that guy's arms. He grinned.

“Hush, little one. It is only a crow. It won't hurt you.”

If I hadn't b
so damn dread, I would have said something to him about calling me little one. I wasn't a little one. Also, I wasn't Vanessa. My name was Trinity and I wasn't a small child which needed to wear diapers.

After another few minutes, we stood up next to a black car. He put me on my feet and hurried to open the car door for me before my gelatinous legs would let my body touch the ground. He moved so calmly and easily, like breaking into the graveyard at night was an usual thing for him. Maybe it was.

I hugged myself and sat inside the car. He closed the door and took a driver's seat. I noticed that he was staring at my reflection in the mirror. I could be sure that he saw a frightened girl.

And when our eyes met, I lowered my head down to see my hands on my legs. My arms were filthy, wet and cold. But not that stole my attention. My hands were also lying on the grey fabric which had been white once. I quickly checked myself only to see a white dress on my body. In some places I could see holes.

“Don't think. Just relax,” I immediately lifted my eyes up when his voice touched my ears. I liked his voice. It somehow comforted me and let me forget everything.

I nodded.

“Please, be patience,” he asked me.

I nodded again, because really, what
have said


Chapter two

That woman came back after some minutes. She seemed exhausted and dreaming only about a warm bed. At least I was dreaming about it.

“Done?” he asked her.

She nodded quickly and glanced at me. I pretended to be asleep, although I wasn't. I didn't know why I decided to act, but for that second it seemed the best thing for me to do. In my stories people found out the truth only when they pretended to be stupid or asleep. I knew that this wasn't one of my stories in which could happen only what I wanted. This was the reality which I didn't understand fully right now.

“Awakening exhausted her,” the guy said, let
ting the engine cry. The car sh
ot forward.

“Poor little thing,” the woman said in a whisper. “I don't even want to imagine what she is feeling right now. “

“You don't need to do that,” the guy smirked, turning the wheel to the right. “After all, this isn't your first case when someone was brought back to life.”

The woman sighed.

“But none of them had her destiny,
Christopher,” I heard
complain in her voice. She wasn't pleasant with something what was related with my destiny.

“She will understand.”

“But it doesn't mean she will obey. In her place, I would just... die again in order to avoid pain.”

He didn't reply. I was wondered why. I risked and opened my eyes. He was staring to the road in which I couldn't see any other car. We were the only people in this darkness, floating in it like ships on the water's surface.

“You know that we need to find out why it had happened,” he said after a long pause. The woman nodded and I quickly closed my eyes. I didn't want to meet his or her eyes and kill their conversation. They thought I was sleeping. So be it.

“Yes, the star had to put her into a new body. Not to leave her in her old one,” irritation. That was what I heard in his voice.

“Yea, that seems really strange,” the woman agreed and made herself more comfortable in the seat.

“How do you think, does she remembers what has happened to her?” and now I heard curiosity in his voice.

“My previous souls didn't,” she said simply. “At least, not all of their life. Yes, they had recollections about one or another thing, but that was all; no faces, no names. I wonder too if she remembers anything.”

Both of them decided to close their mouths now and just let the silence surround us, although it could never win. The car engine was purring like a cat. But not that finally defeat me. It was that gentle and calming swinging. That was the enemy which was waiting for the right minute to strike. And when he got it, he use


I was dreaming. This time it really was a dream, because when I pinched myself, I couldn't feel pain. So, it wasn't the reality. It was just some kind of product of my imagination. But was it? Maybe it was a memory which was hiding deep in my head, waiting for the right minute to be remembered.

The darkness was surrounding, hugging me like a mother her child. But I knew that this darkness and the peace, which I found in it, could never be my friend or anything good. But still, it was the only thing which I had... most of the times. Sometimes this friend released me and I could...see the light. I should have been happy, but the things which this light decided to show me, wasn't pleasant.

She is dead,” a man, wearing white clothes, said to my mother and father. They all were standing in the corridor where many people were buzzing around with their own business. They didn't care about a dead girl or anything else what was happening around them. They all were living in their own little words.

No,” my mother whispered and gripped my father's hand tighter.

We couldn't do anything. The car accident...” he started, but didn't finish, because my father shook his head, giving that man a sign to shut up. The doctor nodded, putting a sad man's mask on his face, although everyone knew that he wasn't really sad. He just ...had to be sad at that moment.

I nodded to myself and another memory touched my mind. Yea, I didn't die in school. I died in the car accident. I was walking home. It wasn't late. The sun was still hanging, barely, but still, it hung in the sky. I was alone. I was not far away from my home, when I heard a car which souped up the speed.

It was strange for me. So, I stopped and turned around only to see how a black and huge car drove straight to me.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Pain, tears... sounds...blackness... But it wasn't the same blackness in which I was now. Now, it was... another kind.

Come here, little spirit,” I heard a man's voice in the blackness. I nodded to no one specific and tried to come to that person to whom this sweet and warm voice belonged to. “Good spirit,” he said to me and the light touched me cheek. “Now, follow that star,” he took my hand and put something on my palm. I looked at a white ball, which lifted up and flew forward.

Come, little spirit,” the light said. I shook my head. I didn't want to follow anything.

I felt how the light smiled. It was strange to feel that.

Don't be afraid, little spirit. He is waiting for you. You should go.”

He?” I asked, frowning.

Yes, he. Your soulmate, my little spirit.”

Only that little start, which was waiting for me to come, was the only thing fighting against the darkness.

Soulmate,” I repeated that light's words. I believed in them... after all, many stories which I had written was about a true love...which I didn't have opportunity to taste.

The light lifted impatiently up and down, like telling me to hurry up. But before I did what I was told, I wanted to know what had happened. Was I dead? If so, where was I now?

She is not moving,” a woman's whisper touched my ears.

She is special,” another whisper.

She has the gift of the God.”

We were forced to do that.”

It's unthinkable.”

They killed him.”

We had to do something.”

More and more whispers surrounding me, reminding me movies in which ghosts tried to scare their victim. I only laughed seeing how people got scared in them. After all, it was only whispers. They couldn't kill you. But now... I was frightened. What was happening?

Everything will be fine.”

We will make sure.”

There could be some serious consequences.”

We don't have time for...”

I didn't hear for what whispers didn't have time, because someone killed all noises, leaving me alone in the silence, which was even worse than hearing voices. At least I felt not alone when they were around me. And now... I was...

The little star started to sparkle in order to steal my attention and remind me what I had to do.

Yea, I nodded to myself. I had to go. I followed that little light ball.

With every step I could see how darkness retreated and profiles of many things appeared. There were– a sofa...a cars...birds...cats.. dogs... I lifted my eyes up... the blue sky greeted me, before a white ceiling hid it from me.

One more time,” a man's voice yelled. I looked immediately to him. He was ordering to a poor woman, who was a birth. She seemed exhausted, but in the same time I could see happiness in her big brown eyes.

The little star was hovering above the woman. I didn't understand what was happening. Why I was here? But I didn't have much time to think, because soon I heard a loud baby's cry.

It's a girl,” a man quickly informed the woman, who slowly put her head on the pillow.

Is she...” she started, but didn't finish her question.

Yes,” the man answered with a big smile on his face. He put the baby for some minutes on the woman's chest. The baby was so small... and red...cute.

The star suddenly appeared only inches above the baby. I didn't know how, but I knew that the star was ordering me to come closer and touch that little thing, which was staring at my direction, like she knew I was here.

I came closer, avoiding people in this room. Then, I lifted my fingers up and touched the little girl's arm. At the same second as my fingers
touched her skin, the star sho
t into the baby and my vision changed. I was seeing ceilings.. I couldn't move...and when I looked to my left, I saw the happy woman's face.

My little baby,” she whispered and kissed my nose.

For some reason I felt good, safe... although I knew deep inside me that I should be shivering from fear. Something was happening and I didn't have a clue what exactly. One minute I was alive, and another one -dead and the third the baby?

But those few comfort minutes soon disappeared. I felt fire in my chest. It started burning me, forcing to cry as loudly as my little lungs let me.

Doctor,” I heard a young woman's voice, ”something isn't right.”

The fire only grew in me.

The doctor looked at me. His face changed immediately. He started giving commands to every woman in the room. My new mother was confused and scared. Maybe she understood that something was happening...bad?

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