Last Heartbeat (15 page)

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Authors: T.R. Lykins

BOOK: Last Heartbeat
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She tells me that it doesn’t bother her about my possibility of dying and that we need to live our life to the fullest each day. She is the smartest girl in the world. Holding her hand and sitting on the beach with her makes this day the best ever. My heart keeps growing with love for her with each word she tells me. She seems to know about loss and what it means that we could die any time, when our time is up. She looks sad when she talks about this and I wonder why. I decide to ask her to live life to the fullest every day with me. I really don’t think she will tell me yes, but I guy can hope for the best.

Still holding my hand, she turns and smiles and says yes. I think for a minute and wonder what she is really saying yes to. Is she really saying that she will be my girl? I ask her and that is what she meant.
! She is going to be mine.

I grab her out of her seat and sit her in my lap so fast that I even surprise myself. I start kissing her and I lose control of myself. I kiss her like there is no tomorrow and I don’t even want to stop, but I know I should. We keep kissing, and the more we kiss, the more I get turned on right here on the beach, but I can’t stop. She sets me on fire as she starts rubbing herself on my lap. I know if she doesn’t stop soon that I think I am going to explode.

She keeps kissing me, and
do I love they way she kisses me, and she even moans. Good grief, I can’t stop myself. I want to strip her of her clothes right now. She has me even moaning with those lips and her rocking on my lap. I can feel the passion all the way down my body and definitely in my lap. When I can hardly take much more, I hear someone clear his throat behind us.

That makes us stop really fast. I look into her eyes and see that this has embarrassed her. I smile at her to let her know that it is all right. The guy let us know that kids were watching us, so we should stop making out on a public beach before he leaves. Thank goodness. If he’d seen how turned on I am, he probably would call the cops. I tell her that I’m sorry for acting that way here on the beach. I thanked her for being my girlfriend, which makes me the happiest guy ever.

I ask her to go out on a date with me since she is my girlfriend now. I at least should take her out on a first date seeing as we already skipped the first date and went straight into a relationship. Really it seems like we have known each other longer and it feels right to have her to be mine.
. I love the sound of her being mine.

She tells me that she is a virgin and I’m not surprised. I tell her that I wish I had waited for her. I really mean that too. Having sex isn’t the same if you don’t love the person you’re with. When Alexia and I do go down that road it won’t be sex, it will be making love. Making love, because I’m in love with Alexia.

Alexia jokes about already sleeping together and being in a relationship before going on a date. She sure is funny, this girl of mine. I tell her to pack an overnight bag. I’m not going to bring her back once she is at my condo. I let her know we that won’t go any further than she wants to and I will keep that promise even if I have to go take several cold showers just to have her next to me.

I help get all her stuff back to her car, but I can’t leave until I kiss her once more. I even grab her butt and pull her close to me. She laughs at me and asks me if I can keep it PG tonight. She even calls me sweetie, and I hope I can keep it PG tonight. I tell her yes and that she better get going so I can pick her up tonight.

Alexia leaves me first and I can’t help the smile that comes across my face. I am so far gone and head over heels in love with her. I climb into my car and send her a text. I hope she waits and reads it when she gets back to her dorm. I don’t want anything to happen to her by reading my text and driving.

I head toward my condo when my phone rings. I see that it is Tyler, so I answer it, “Hey, what’s up Tyler?

“Nothing much. Jacob and I are thinking about going a football game tonight and thought we would ask you to come along. Do you want to come with us?”

“Any other night I would. I am going on a real date tonight with Alexia,” I tell him.

“What? I thought you just hooked up with girls to get what you wanted and didn’t get tied down to them. You never take them out on a date. She must be special to get you to go on a date.”

“You are right. That use to be me until I met Alexia. I never took a girl on a date before. I don’t know, man. She is really special. So special that I even asked her to be my girlfriend. She even told me yes. To make it official, I’m taking her out to celebrate tonight.” I smile while saying these words. I know the guys think I am a player but I never was.

“I can’t believe my ears! Phillip is off the market. That is good for the rest of us guys. Now we have no competition for the girls. I know one girl who will be mad at you, and I really wouldn’t want her mad at me. Megan is going furious with you and Alexia. She has been waiting for you to ask her out. She keeps coming to me and asking if I could get you to go out with her.”

“I really don’t care about what Megan will do. She already tried to get in between Alexia and me, but it didn’t work out for her. I told her to leave us alone and not to even talk to either of us.”

“Wow, Megan must have it bad for you or she is crazy. I believe she must be obsessed with you to keep at you the way she has over the past year. I wish you luck with your girl tonight. Hope you don’t mess it up with her either, being that she is your first girlfriend. Jacob and I will miss you at the game. Have a good time with her.”

“I hope I don’t mess it up with her either, because I really like Alexia. She is different and special. I will keep her as long as she will have me. I plan on taking her somewhere nice and then we have to study. If you guys drink tonight, don’t drink and drive, okay?”

“I won’t drink anything tonight because knowing Jacob he will be plastered by the time we get to the game. Don’t worry. I will be his driver. Have fun and talk to you tomorrow, Phillip.”

“Bye, Tyler.” We hang up as I pull into my condo garage.

I hurry to my condo so I can make reservations and straighten up around the condo. I have to make sure everything is perfect for my girl to stay with me. I check out my food and make sure I have everything she might need while she is here. I wonder if I should try to make her pancakes in the morning. I look to see if I have everything to make them, but I notice that I need a few things. I make a list of what I need and so I can stop at the store. Now time to get ready to pick up my girl.

I shower and shave because I want to look nice tonight for Alexia. I put on my dress slacks and a button-up shirt. As I button up my shirt, I notice my scar and it reminds me of how really lucky I am to be here and how lucky I am to have Alexia in my life. No more guilt between us because she understands more about me than anyone. It seems we connected from the first day we met. I’m out the door quickly. I can’t wait to see her.

I get to her dorm room and knock. I hope Alexia opens the door. If she does, I will grab her up in my arms and kiss her. The door opens, but it is Kristen and she is smiling up at me. Darn, no kiss yet. I smile back at Kristen. She starts off wanting to know if I’m here to take out her girl. I almost laugh at her.
Her girl?
Then she finishes by telling me not to hurt Alexia ever or she would hurt me. I tell her that I don’t ever plan on hurting Alexia.

I look up from Kristen to see Alexia behind her, smiling at me.
Breathe Phillip
. I tell Alexia how beautiful she is. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I ask her if she needs a few minutes, but she says that she is ready now. As she gets her things together, Kristen whispers something in her ear that makes her smile. Before we leave, Kristen starts telling us to use protection and have fun. I look at Alexia and notice how flushed her face is. She is really embarrassed, and it is time to leave now.

I grab her bag and we head out to the car. I open her door for her to get in. As she starts to enter the car, I brush her hair up off her neck and kiss her under her ear. She moans when I do this and I know that tonight is going to be hard. I want her with me more than anything. I close her door without further teasing and walk around to get in the car. I hope I don’t mess up our first date. All I want is to have our many firsts of anything together to be special - like our first date tonight.



Chapter Nineteen




When we get to the car, he opens the door just like a gentleman does. As I get in the car, he raises my hair and kisses my neck. This makes me I moan; I can’t help it. What in the world is he doing to me? He finally lets me get in and closes the door. This date is really going to be hard for me to keep my hands to myself off him if he keeps that up. I am already blazing inside from that kiss. He makes his way into the car and we are off.

“Where are we going to eat?” I smile wide and bat my eyes at him, hoping my eyes will get an answer out of him.

“I can’t tell you, my beautiful girl, and stop batting those big, beautiful eyes at me. Most of the time, eye batting would work. I am going to be strong and keep it a surprise because I don’t want to spoil a minute of our first date. I will try my best to make tonight special for you.” Phillip smirks at me like he has a big secret.

“It already is special for me, so you can tell me now if you’d like to. It was special as soon as you told me I was beautiful.”

He grabs my hand and kisses the palm of it. Kissing my palm makes me feel loved. I have only ever read about that happening to the girls in books when a guy loves her. I keep holding his hand as we drive. The place he is taking me too must be close to the beach because we are getting closer to the beach area.

We arrive too the restaurant too quickly for me. Now I have to let go of his hand to get out of the car. I notice the restaurant and then instantly fall in love with this place. It looks like it used to be a house on the beach a long time ago and now it has been turned into a cozy restaurant on the beach. I hope we get a seat close to the window so I can look out at the ocean.

Phillip grabs my hand as we walk into the restaurant. He goes up to the hostess and tells her that we have reservations. She looks up at Phillip and smiles really wide at him before saying that we should follow her. We do, but the looks she keeps giving him are upsetting me. I start to think that she better quit or I might have to tell her off.

. How did I become so jealous this fast? Maybe because he is mine now and no other girls can have him anymore.

As we get to our table, Phillip lets go of my hand, so that he can pull my seat out for me to sit in. He smiles at me. “Have a seat my, beautiful girlfriend and look out the window.” I sit down and look up to see what he is talking about. What I see is the most spectacular view, and it takes my breath away. He must have asked for this table so that I can see this. The sun is glistening over the waves, and they sparkle like diamonds.

I look back at Phillip, who is only looking at me. “Phillip, this is the best first date a girl could ever have and we are just getting started. I love this view, and this place is perfect. I haven’t even tried the food, but I believe it will be the best ever.”

“I am here to provide you with best date ever, my beautiful girl. I have eaten here with my parents and my brother. The food has always been the best. You are the first person I have ever brought here. No girls or even my friends. This is another first for us. I requested this seat, because when I was little, I remembered how the sun setting over the ocean always looks like sparkling diamonds. To a little boy, I guess it was magical, but now with that smile and the brightness in your eyes, I will always remember your sparkle and not the ocean’s sparkle. Every time I see you I will remember this look on your face and see how magical you can be. I am officially under your spell and I like being under your spell. Let’s order and enjoy our evening together.” He reached over, grabbed my hand, and kissed my palm. Phillip kissing my palm here makes me blush, because his doing that feels so intimate.

I gaze into his eyes and see a man who could be the one I could love forever. He has this passion and absolute caring about him that I never want to let go. I smile at him and bring his hand to my lips to kiss his hand - the same as he did mine. We never take our eyes off each other the whole time we do this. Our waiter soon interrupts us to take our order. We order our food and take a minute to catch our breaths. I believe we both have been holding them in for a while.

I decide that I need to know more about Phillip. He has told me some things about himself, but not enough. “You know, Phillip, we hardly know anything about each other. Let’s talk while we wait on our food. Tell me where are you from?”

“That is a easy question. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio. It is easy flying from Cleveland to here, being that it has a direct flight. You were on the plane with me. Are you from Cleveland or did you drive to that airport?”

“I am from Cleveland too. Wow. What a small world? All this time we have been talking and we were even on the plane together, but we didn’t even find this out. That should have been the first thing we had in common, but we keep doing everything backwards. I live in a suburb close to the city about twenty minutes away. Where in Cleveland are you from?”

“I live in the city. It is easier for my parents to be closer to their jobs. We used to have a house when my brother was alive. I think they just missed him, so we moved to a condo in the city. They really work extra hard since he died and I think they do it because they haven’t accepted that he has died. I miss him too. I know he wouldn’t want them to be in pain because of what happen to him. Are you and your parents close?”

“Yes, I’m very close to them. They stay by my side no matter what, and I can tell them anything. Maybe it is because I am an only child. They work hard too and they truly spoil me so much, but I’m not going to complain. They didn’t want me to drive from Cleveland to here by myself. They even had all my things and my car delivered. All I had to do is just pack my last bag and get on the plane we flew together on. See what you’re getting into with me?”

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