Last Heartbeat (18 page)

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Authors: T.R. Lykins

BOOK: Last Heartbeat
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She reminds me about getting back to finish our homework. She looks toward Megan’s house, and I know what she must be thinking, ‘
Another party’
. I’m glad we went the other direction. I wander if Tyler and Jacob ended up at the party. I sure hope they didn’t. For once, I want to be selfish and not leave Alexia tonight to be a designated driver. She notices that I am worried and suggests that I call my friends as we get back to our condo. She is smart to pay attention to me, and how I worry about my friends. Especially Jacob, since he has already started this year off partying everyday.

She says that she is going to shower. I can call my friends while she is gone. I joke with her and asked if she needs any help showering, but she giggles and says that she doesn’t. I will wait until she is ready and not push her because that would be a big step in our relationship. While she is in the shower, I call the guys to see where they are and I am surprised that they didn’t go to the party and only went to the football game. The biggest surprise is that Jacob didn’t even drink one beer tonight or any hard liquor. That is shocking, but I am glad. I get to be selfish and spend the rest of my night uninterrupted with Alexia.

I decide to jump in the other shower while she is taking hers. I am back out on the balcony and getting comfortable for a few minutes before I hear Alexia coming out of the bathroom. I get a whiff of her scent before she arrives outside and I suddenly remembered how hard it would be to keep tonight at a PG rating. I have to get a hold of myself and not scare her off because I can’t keep my hands off her. She comes out the looking so sexy in her tank top and short pajamas, I barely can think straight. She walks over to look over the balcony and leans against the rail then turns toward me with a smile. The moonlight is still shining on her and I barely can concentrate on anything but her beauty.

She asks if I called my friends, which brings me back to my senses, and I tell her that I did. I tell her that I was even shocked about Jacob. While she is standing next to me, I get another whiff of her amazing scent and lose it instantly. I pull her down on my lap and kiss her like I am a starving man. She is kissing me with everything she has and she definitely knows how to kiss. I am getting so turned on, and I my hands have started roaming her body. She is touching me the same way. I know I have to stop before I can’t, but I need a few minutes longer. Alexia tastes like heaven and smells sweet as a breeze. I have to stop now and force myself to do it. I tell Alexia if we don’t stop now before I won’t be able too.

She tells me that she is sorry for her behavior. Apologizing for kissing me like that is something she should never do. I enjoyed it way too much. I let her know, I was part of that to blame and not to be sorry. Alexia tells me about saving herself for that special person and I want to be everything she deserves and more.

I get up to get our books. I have to take a breather before I take back what I said to her and take her right out on the balcony. When I get back out on the balcony, I have calmed down enough to study. After a while, I notice Alexia yawning a few times and I tell her that it is time for bed. I hope I can control myself when we get to the bed better than when we were hot and heavy on the balcony earlier. I must not think about her kissing me on the balcony and keep myself in check.

We get ready for bed like any other couple would. Watching her do this makes me happy to have her as mine and she doesn’t even realize she is turning me on by doing this normal thing. She turns and smiles at me. I ask her what that smile is for, and she surprises me by saying that she is thankful to be with me and being my girlfriend. Alexia bites her lip as she smiles at me. Biting that lip makes me want to grab her and throw her on the bed so I can have my way with her. I tell her this and to stop but she bites it again teasing me and testing to see if I will do what I said I would. Now she will believe me.

I tell her that I warned her. I growl like a predator ready to devour its prey. I grab her up and we land on our bed. Kissing her with a passion I have never felt before, I get so caught up with what I’m doing to her that I forget about waiting for a second. I start kissing her down her neck and she moans likes she is ready for more. That makes me even want more. I keep kissing her neck and then slowly move down to her shoulder.

Alexia’s taste is intoxicating causing me to release a kissing frenzy on her body. She is moaning and grinding her body into mine making me want even more of her. I keep moving down her body, getting closer to her breasts. All I can think of right now is that I have to taste her breast so I start to push her shirt down and keep on kissing her. I am close to my destination and we both are into the moment. I don’t think we could possibly stop if we keep this up. I don’t stop, and Alexia hasn’t stopped me yet. I keep kissing and push her shirt down even more. I am kissing between her cleavage and headed over to the nipple. I open my eyes so I can see how beautiful her breasts will be and notice a scar on her sternum. I pay no attention to it because I have another destination in my mind.

All of a sudden Alexia jumps up and pulls her shirt back up telling me once again that she is sorry for teasing me. She asks me to forgive her. I tell her that there is nothing to forgive her for, but we need to stop now before I can’t. I tell her that we need to get in bed so we can hit the beach in the morning. I excuse myself to go to the restroom. I really have to go splash cold water on my face and cool down before I get back in bed with Alexia. I dry my face off and look in the mirror. I see man who has to calm down and now. Then I remember the feeling of her body and how beautiful she is and that is keeping me from cooling off. I have to think of something else, but what?

. What kind of scar was that on Alexia’s body? How did she get that long scar? She must have had to have a lot of stiches and have been hurt extremely bad to have that big of a scar. Is that why she took a year off for school when she was younger? Should I ask her about it? Is that why she stopped me from going further? Why has she not told me about what happened to her? So many questions unanswered, but I’m not going to ask her about tonight. I will wait until she feels that she can trust me enough to tell me, and I hope that will be soon.

I hurry back out and notice that she is gone. Did I scare her off? I look into the hall and hear her in the other bathroom. I go back to our room and get the bed ready. I decide to get into it and wait on Alexia. Not long after I get in the bed, she walks in and smiles. I pull the cover back and pat the bed inviting her to join me. She comes right over and gets right in beside me. She tells me that today was perfect and I let her know that I plan on making everyday even better. I mean that.

She kisses me, and I tell her goodnight and to dream of me, which makes me laugh. Alexia tells me that her dreams already came true, because I am already hers. She curls up next to me and goes to sound asleep.

I watch her sleep for a while and I feel peace for the first time in a long while. I still wonder though what she had to go through to get that scar. I know one thing it had to be bad, but she had to be strong to over come that kind of pain. I will ask her about it soon if she doesn’t tell me. I want to be the one to take care of her and protect her from now on. While lying with Alexia curled up next to me, I am content. Today with Alexia has been amazing. I soon fall into a deep sleep.



Chapter Twenty-Three




I wake up still curled up to Phillip. He is still in a deep sleep, and I watch him for a little while until I have to go to the bathroom. I ease out of his arms without waking him. I hurry to the bathroom to do my business and brush my hair and teeth. I decide to treat him to breakfast since he is always treating me like a queen. I can’t cook much. I will see what is in the kitchen and figure something out.

When I come out of the bathroom, I look to see if he is still a sleep and he is. I quietly exit the bedroom and close the door so I don’t wake him. I head to the kitchen and see that the sun is shining through the large windows and glistening over the water. It is extremely beautiful out today and I can’t wait to spend it on the beach with Phillip. I check to see what we have to fix and decide on pancakes and bacon. I hurry to fix everything before Phillip gets up and when it is almost finish, Phillip walks in the kitchen. He smiles sleepily at me and kisses me on my check. I kiss him back on his.

“Wow, you fixed me breakfast. Everything smells good and it looks amazing.” He snags a piece of bacon.

I playfully smack his hand. “You better not spoil your appetite. I worked hard to make you breakfast. We can eat as soon as the coffee is finished. I hope I didn’t mess up the pancakes. I’m not a real good cook. Do you want to eat on the balcony? It is a perfect day out.”

“A piece of bacon won’t spoil my appetite. I’m a growing boy and need lots to fill this tummy.” He pats his rock-hard abs. “Outside will be a perfect place to eat. What do you need me to do to help?”

“You can go have a seat and relax I am treating you this morning. How do you like your coffee? What else do you like to drink in the morning?”

“I take my coffee with sugar and no cream. A glass of milk would be great with those pancakes. Are you sure you don’t need any help carrying anything?”

“No baby I got it today. You just go out and relax.” I smile and wink at him.

He laughs before kissing my cheek and heading outside. I get the plates and silverware out. I stack everything up and take it to the table outside. Phillip grins at me and I hurry back to get the rest. It doesn’t take me long to have everything set up outside and then we are ready to eat. I am glad because I have worked up an appetite.

Phillip starts filling up his plate as soon as I sit down. I laugh at him. “I hope this food will be good enough to eat. You sure have piled your plate up high.”

He takes a bite of the pancakes and moans. “Baby, these pancakes are delicious. And you said you couldn’t cook. I believe you lied. Take a bite and see for yourself.” He keeps digging into his plate like they are good.

I take a bite and can’t believe I made good pancakes. That hasn’t ever happen before. Maybe we are just hungry, and that makes them better.

“Well how do you like them, Alexia? Am I right?”

“Yes they are good. These are the best I have ever made. I think it has to be that we are hungry and anything would be good. I am surprised with these. How did you sleep last night? I slept really good and didn’t wake up once.” I notice Phillip thinking about something for a few seconds and smile. He must be trying to make me feel good about my cooking. That is how he is, always making me happy.

“Well I slept like a baby curled up to this sweet, beautiful girl. Then I woke up and she was gone. I was hoping she would be there when I woke up so that I could kiss her awake. Then I started to smell the bacon and I knew she hadn’t run out the door early to leave me. Thank you for this sweet surprise. No one has cooked for me since I left home. I usually grab something easy. You keep surprising me, Alexia. How can one person be so thoughtful?” He reaches over and squeezes my hand.

As I squeeze his hand back, I can feel the tingle I always feel when he touches me. “What time did you want to head out to the beach? We slept late this morning and I needed the extra sleep. You must have needed it to. You slept later than I did.”

“I was tired once I fell asleep last night. I had to watch you sleep because you are my angel and you were curled up next to me. I slept the best sleep for the first time in a long while. You know what that means don’t you?” He grins and winks at me.

“No, I’m sorry I wish I did. What does it mean?” I asked, and he squeezes my hand looking me in the eyes.

“It means you have to stay with me every night so I can sleep. Since you’re my angel, I need you with me to protect me while I sleep.”

“You would get tired of me if I stayed with you every night. What would my parents say about paying for my dorm room if I don’t stay in it? Kristen might not like me leaving her alone every night either.” I actually think he is kidding about me moving in.

“Since the semester just started, I’m sure you can withdrawal from your dorm room. I am sure they have a waiting list of students waiting on a room. I will even go with you to registration to check it out. That would save your parents a lot of money and you can spend that money on when we fly home. I hope you’ll go with me when we get a break. Kristen can come over here to see you and you can spend girl time with her too. I don’t want you to feel like I have taken away any space from you to do your things. I hope you will take me up on my offer and move in with me. We will take our time and get to know each other that way. Take today and think about it. There is no rush. I would love to have you with me. Don’t answer now. Just think about it okay?” He looks serious about this and I believe he means it.

“Okay. I will think about it and it also depends on if I can get a refund on my dorm room. I will have to talk to Kristen and see if she will be mad at me for leaving her when we are becoming friends.” I also should speak to my mom about this first to make sure she will not be angry with me.

He kisses my hand. “I will wait on you until you’re ready to give me an answer. Now let’s get ready to head to the beach.” He pulls me up and gives me a heated kiss. Right when I can hardly take much more, he stops and starts gathering the dishes. I help take the rest in and we put them in the dishwasher.

“You can take the bathroom in our bedroom and I will grab my clothes then hit the other one. That way we can change into our beach clothes. Are you sure I can’t get you on a surf board today?”

“Not today and maybe never, I would be too scared. I will sit on the beach and watch you. I will enjoy watching you. I have a really good book I want to finish too. Let’s see who can change first, I bet I can bet you.” I tease him.

He grabs his clothes out of the dresser and smiles. “I will win this bet.” He is already headed to the other bathroom. I grab my things and run into the other one. We both come out of each bathroom at the same time.

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