Latin American Folktales (42 page)

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Sources for the stories are preceded by an asterisk and followed by the story number(s) in square brackets.

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Cuentos populares chilenos.
Santiago: Editorial Nascimento. Originally published 1910–25. [18/I, 18/III, 46, 99]

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42: 687– 749.

* ———. 1928. “Ergebnisse einer mit Unterstützung der Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft in den Jahren 1925/1926 ausgeführten Forschungsreise nach Mexiko und Guatemala.”
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Luna, Lizandro. 1957. “El pongo.”
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no. 19–20: 19–24.

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* Mason, J. Alden. 1914. “Folk-Tales of the Tepecanos.” Edited by Aurelio M. Espinosa.
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———. 1916. “Porto-Rican Folk-Lore: Riddles.” Edited by Aurelio M. Espinosa.
Journal of American Folklore
29: 423–504.

———. 1922. “Porto-Rican Folk-Lore: Folk-Tales.” Edited by Aurelio M. Espinosa.
Journal of American Folklore
35: 1–61.

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