Lea's Menage Diary

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Authors: Kris Cook

BOOK: Lea's Menage Diary
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Ménage Diary


2012 Kris Cook


by Forbidden Passion Press


[email protected]








When Lea’s fiancé
breaks off their engagement, she is sad but actually more relieved. Life with
him would’ve been nice but boring—especially in bed. But what options are there
for her, a single woman, size sixteen, in the dating pool?

Her cousin, Mia, plans
a special night out for Lea to get her out of the dumps. The instant they
arrive at the BDSM club, she bumps into Kane and Reed, twin brother Masters who
are mouth-watering, muscled, male perfection. Shocked at their advances but
ready for adventure, Lea jumps at their offer to train her as a sub.

It’s much more than
the cuffs and ropes that bind her submissive heart to the brothers. Can Kane
and Reed prove to Lea that they love her and her curves, or will she refuse to
surrender all, holding onto a false body-image that destroys her only chance at





Copyright 2012 Kris

Edited by Chloe Vale

Cover Art: Kendra

Formatting: Chloe


ePub ISBN:


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Table of Contents

Feb 9

Feb 10

Feb 11

Feb 12

Feb 13

Feb 14

Feb 19


About the Author


Feb 9th



Jerry just left.


Sobbing, he ended our relationship. Me? I couldn’t even
muster a single tear. Isn’t that weird?

We’ve been together for six years and engaged for four. We’d
actually set a wedding date last November. Even then, I didn’t jump for joy.
Instead, I actually dreaded June, the month of our pending nuptials. I’d felt
so guilty about it but thought it was my own version of illogical cold feet.
But deep down, I knew better.

Even though Jerry is a good man and will make some woman
very happy one day, life for me with him would’ve been so dull, I would’ve
ended up resenting him.

I’m actually glad he ended things between us because I know
I never would have done it no matter how gray I thought our future would be

I guess at my very core, I’m a coward.

I would’ve rather kept letting the clock tick away until I
was in a white gown headed down the aisle than confront him. I don’t deal well
with conflict. I turn into a frozen icicle whenever things get tough. I hate
that about myself, but I just can’t help it. There are two kinds of people in
the world: the takers and the givers. I fall into the later category, God help

But what am I to do now? I haven’t been in the dating scene
in years. Being twenty-six and size sixteen, I can’t imagine I’m going to see a
bunch of prospects lining up for a chance to date me.

Probably not a good idea to be eating this chocolate ice
cream, but damn it, I just got dumped.

I can start working on getting into my dating weight





Feb 10th



My cousin Mia came over this afternoon. Sometimes I wonder
if she’s psychic. She always shows up whenever I need someone to talk to.

She looks amazing. I was still in my pajamas, still numb,
and still trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I’ve never seen her happier. She’s got a man in her life
that clearly is responsible for her turnaround.

Last time I saw Mia, she was a mess, worrying about her
master’s thesis and a ton of other things. She was single and hating it. Now,
she and her guy have moved in together. I’m thrilled for her.

Mia is coming back to get me tonight. She’s taking me to her
boyfriend’s club, The Cell. I’ve heard about it before. Apparently, it’s a club
that caters to a very wealthy clientele who like their kink served up in such a
way that their Versace bags and Manolo shoes don’t seem out of place. Damn,
what was I thinking when I said “yes” to Mia? Obviously I wasn’t thinking at
all. I am curious, though. Very.

My past sex life with Jerry was blah at best. I’ve never had
an orgasm. Even masturbating, I just can’t seem to get there. I’d thought about
asking him to mix it up in the bedroom with some play and experimentation, but
never did. I knew how he would feel about it.

Jerry’s life has always been and always will be about
numbers. That’s why he is in the perfect job. He’s an actuary for a major insurance

I’m looking in my closet for something that will not be
hideous to wear tonight, which is sending me into a complete funk. Even though
I’m only supposed to get a tour of the club with Mia and Lex, I still want to
look good. Is that even possible with the crap I have? Probably not.

Maybe I should call Mia and cancel.




I called Mia. Of course, she wasn’t about to let me back out
of it. When I told her I didn’t have anything appropriate to wear, she came up
with an apparent solution. “I’ve got the answer, Lea. I’ll text you an address.
Meet me there in twenty minutes. Viv can fix you up.”

And, per normal, I gave in to her demand. Why don’t I have
any backbone? I’m sitting in my car outside this store that caters to the kinky
set, waiting for Mia and completely dreading trying on clothes.




I am totally spent and still vibrating from what happened
tonight at The Cell. Wait—I want to get everything down so I won’t forget it.

Let me go back to the outfit that Mia and the store’s owner,
Vivian, picked for me to wear. I have avoided anything white for years,
preferring dark colors. But when I looked at myself in the full-length mirror
in the white gown they’d chosen, I was actually pleased with my reflection,
which almost reminded me of a fairy-tale princess.

Mia’s eyes were wide with apparent awe. “You look amazing,
Lea. Don’t you agree, Viv?”

“I certainly do agree,” she stated. Vivian looked to be in
her late twenties. Her dark bob haircut was stunning, as was the ink on both
her arms. She seemed like a woman who could hold her own just about anywhere.

“Compared to who?” I asked, pointing at Mia in her black
vinyl teddy. “I’m betting the second your man gets an eyeful of you, he’s going
to cancel my tour and take you back home for some hot sex.”

Mia laughed. “Actually, he’s set up a scene for us at

“What’s a scene?” I asked, realizing I was headed into a
whole new realm I knew little about.

“Lex worked in the movie industry for a brief stint before
he opened his club. He loves creating new realms for his customers. There are
lots of rooms that are set to bend reality for the participants. We’re going to
have fun in the Villain and Superhero room tonight. We were a hit when he
played the criminal and bested me. I wore a red cape and everything. Tonight, I
get to be the villain, but he’s still going to win. He always does.” Her lips
curled up into a sweet grin.

“What do you mean ‘you were a hit’ in that room?” I felt my
cheeks get hot, thinking about Mia being so wild and open. She definitely had
changed, and how. “People can watch?”

Mia nodded.

Viv laughed. “Lea, you’re going to be quite the hit tonight

I didn’t believe her, but smiled broadly. “No way. Mia. This
is only a tour, right?”

My cousin giggled, but didn’t answer. She’d always been a
bit of a jokester, even when we were younger. I was certain she was just
teasing me. There was no way I would ever be intimate with a guy tonight, let
alone in front of people.

Lex had sent a limo for Mia and me. I was wringing my hands
the entire drive, wishing I had figured a way out of this whole evening. I
would’ve much rather been watching the movie with Leonardo and Kate that never
failed to make me cry than headed off to The Cell.

When the limo stopped by the side door entrance, my heart
was pounding hard in my chest.

Mia got out of the vehicle like a giddy schoolgirl. “There
he is.” She pointed to a very handsome man standing to the side of the door. He
wore a jacket, jeans, and boots. She’d told me he’d worked in the movie
industry, but I had no idea that he was leading-man material. He was no pretty
boy, but had a manly, rugged look that could’ve landed him many lucrative
roles. No wonder she was so gone on Lex. He was quite the sexy hunk. “Come on,
Lea. I can’t wait for you to meet my guy.”

She didn’t wait for me, but actually ran into his arms.

Lex hoisted her up and spun her around. “How’s my little sub

“I’m really excited to show you off to my cousin.”

He lowered her down to her feet and extended his large hand
to me. “You must be Lea.”

“In the flesh. Nice to meet you, Lex.”

He reached out, and his large hand engulfed mine, making me
feel tiny. “Same here. Mia’s told me a lot about you.”

I wondered how much she’d shared with him. “She’s told me
quite a bit about you, too. You’re the reason for the permanent smile on her
face, I assume.”

He placed his arm around Mia. “She’s done the same for me,
Lea, and more.”

Mia leaned into him, and I could clearly see the utter joy
and happiness on her face. These two were completely in love, not the lukewarm,
lackluster fondness I’d felt with Jerry, but the head-over-hells, heart racing,
can’t-live-without-you, wild and crazy kind of love. My own heart ached for
that, but I doubted I could ever feel such a thing with anyone. Hell, I had
trouble feeling anything at all. Whenever I did reach into my emotions, they
were always muddled and hard to explain. Often, I felt cut off from my own

“Shall I show you what I’ve set up for you, Lea?”

Set up? He must be
talking about the tour.
I choked out, “Yes. I’m ready. Lead on.”

We walked into the reception area.

“Give me a consent form,” Lex said to the woman sitting
behind the desk. She nodded and pushed over a pen and some papers attached to a
clipboard. He wrote on the last page and then handed it to me. “Lea, read this
and sign it for me please.”

Though he’d said “please,” it didn’t sound like a request
but more of a command. I found his demeanor odd, but somehow comforting. Still,
I wondered what kind of place required a person to have to sign release forms.
It wasn’t like I was going to be bungee jumping tonight. Or was I?

I skimmed the contents, which caused my hands to shake.
Along with the legalese of the release, it had some information on what a new
client could expect. There were some Dos and Don’ts, and more. Being a single
woman here apparently did have its privileges. No one was allowed to approach
me without the permission of the Dom acting as my guide in the club. Lex had
put his name in that field. Strangely, I felt relieved to sign the thing.

After I signed my name and dated it, I gave it back to Lex.

He looked it over and nodded. “Perfect.”

“Where are we going, Master?” Mia asked.

I was shocked to hear her call him that, but in an odd way,
it did seem appropriate.

“To one of the training rooms. Reed and Kane are waiting for

“What?” I squeaked out.

Lex grinned. “Not a what, Lea, but a couple of whos.”

I frowned. “

“You’ll be perfectly fine with the twins,” Mia chimed in.

My cheeks burned hot. I wasn’t ready to meet any new men,
but it was clear that Mia had put Lex up to finding me a date. Apparently, I
was being given a choice between two. Or was I? Did they mean for me to jump
into this hot pool with both feet and into my first ménage?

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