Leave the Lights On (19 page)

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Authors: Karen Stivali

BOOK: Leave the Lights On
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Parker tried to focus on eating dinner, but during every course someone came over to pay condolences, offer a story about how his dad had been such a great guy or put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. By the time the main course was over, Parker felt like he’d been at the banquet for a year.

“I’m gonna go grab another drink at the bar. Can I get you anything?”

Sophie shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m good. You want me to come with you?”

“No, there’s not even a line. I’ll be back in a minute.”

He headed to the bar, ordered a beer and stuck a dollar in the tip jar. His leg ached, and he tried to stretch and relax the muscles like Tanya had taught him. Just as he felt it starting to loosen up the tiniest bit, he heard Chrissie’s voice.

“So, you and Sophie are…a couple?”

Parker gripped the neck of the beer bottle and took a sip. “Yes, we are.”

Chrissie gave a shrug that set Parker’s teeth on edge. “That’s…unexpected.”

“Yeah, well, people surprise each other all the time.” The harshness in his tone surprised even him. He’d thought his anger toward Chrissie had dissipated with time, but now that she was standing in front of him, he could feel it percolating again.

He looked at her, waiting to see if she’d have a response, hoping she’d go back to her husband and leave him alone. He had enough to deal with tonight without adding her to the mix.

“I’m sorry, Parker. You have no idea how sorry I am. I must have written you three-dozen letters in the past couple of years, trying to tell you how bad I feel about how we ended. About what I did. I just really hope you know that I realize how awful I was. And I… It’s…I always…”

Jesus. Is she starting to cry?
Not wanting to draw any more attention than necessary, he grabbed a few napkins off the bar, shoved them into her hand and took her by the elbow to lead her to a more out-of-the-way location.

“What are you talking about?”

Chrissie dabbed at her eyes. “I’m talking about me. About how I screwed everything up so royally. I was an idiot, Parker. I had no idea what I was doing or how it would all turn out, for all of us.”

“Well, they say everything happens for a reason. Everyone’s fine now. Let’s just move on, okay?”
Like right now. Move on from this conversation. End this entire nightmare of an evening.

“Are you fine? Because I’m not.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I didn’t have to come tonight. I don’t usually go to these things with Jarrod. I came because I wanted to see you.”


Chrissie looked at him, her eyes surrealistically blue like they always were when she cried. “I miss you.”

He was neither expecting nor prepared to hear those words. “Miss me? You threw me away two years ago. You never once called while I was in the hospital.”

“I made a mistake.” She looked up at him, eyes now red. “I’m sorry. And I have to go. Jarrod’s looking for me.”

Before Parker could get in another word, she disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving him wondering what had just happened.
What the hell was she trying to say? A mistake?
Parker shook his head. It didn’t matter. Chrissie was the past, and he’d worked long and hard to put her and everything else about that time in his life behind him.

He started back to the table, wanting nothing more than to find Sophie and see if they could possibly sneak out and go home. Halfway there, Mr. Brown flagged him down.

“Parker, we’re ready for those photos now. Jarrod needs to get home. Something about his babysitter. Can we get those shots now?”

Scanning the crowd for Sophie, he saw her sitting at the table, alone, not looking any more pleased than he felt. He tried to make eye contact with her, but she didn’t look up. “Will this be quick?”

“Should only take a few minutes. The plaque’s been moved to the lobby. Follow me.”

Giving Sophie one last glance, he trailed Mr. Brown, wanting nothing more than to finish up this last obligation and get the hell out of this event.

Shaking hands with Jarrod with what he hoped was some semblance of a smile on his face was even more of a challenge than Parker expected. His entire body ached from both stress and from the strain of faking his way through everything for an entire evening.

“Thanks, gentlemen. You can look for these in the paper and the town newsletter. Parker, you’ll be notified when the plaque is actually placed in the park. Just a small ceremony. We hope to see you there.”

Take your time.
That’s what he wanted to say. Instead he said, “Thank you, sir. I appreciate all you’ve done on behalf of my father.”

He made his way back into the banquet room and didn’t see Sophie anywhere. She wasn’t at their table, wasn’t at the bar.
Did she leave? She couldn’t. I drove.
He was about to head toward the lobby to see if she was there when he saw her walk in through the far door.

“There you are,” he said. “Please tell me you’re ready to go.”

“More than ready.” There was an edge to her voice that hadn’t been there earlier.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Fine,” she said.

“Okay, let’s go.”


Sophie sat in silence once again as Parker drove them home. He seemed less tense but was obviously deep in thought. Her heart beat unevenly as she wondered what had him so pensive. Memories of his father…or of Chrissie?

Hating the jealousy she felt, she tried to rationalize.
He didn’t know she was going to be there. He’d certainly looked surprised to see her. And less than pleased. But still.
She couldn’t shake the image of him taking Chrissie by the arm and leading her off to chat.

They were together for so many years. There must be countless unresolved issues between them. What if he still has feelings for her? What if…
It was too horrible to complete the thought.

Nate had cheated on her after only two months of marriage. And he’d had dozens of girlfriends before her. How could Parker possibly be content with her as his one and only? The likely answer scared her to death.
He probably can’t.

“You want to come to my house or should I take you home?”

Oh God.
In all the nights they’d spent together, he’d never phrased it like that before.
Does he even want to spend the night with me or is this him giving me the brush off?
She felt their entire meal sitting in her stomach, churning at an alarming rate.

“What do you want?”

“I just want this night to be over,” he said.

Well, there’s my answer.
“Take me home.”

Parker pulled into her driveway and put the car in park. He reached for the keys to turn off the ignition. “Don’t bother,” she said, undoing her seat belt and fumbling with the door handle.

“What do you mean don’t bother?” Parker turned the key and put his hand on her arm. “Are you pissed at me?”

Pissed. Hurt. Exasperated.
All she could do was grunt as she managed to get the car door open and climb out of his Land Rover. She slammed the door and walked up her front path as quickly as she could in her stupid high heels.

She heard his door slam. “Sophie, what the hell…”

Her hands were shaking so badly she dropped her car keys on the front porch. By the time she’d picked them up he was standing beside her.

“What’s going on with you?” he asked.

She stared up at him. He looked completely bewildered. “What’s going on with me? I’m not the one who’s been cranky as shit for the past few days. I’m not the one who couldn’t say two consecutive words all night.”

Parker ran his hand through his hair and paced a few steps away. “I’m sorry. You know I didn’t want to go to this thing. I’ve had a lot on my mind.”

“I know. That’s why I didn’t say anything. I tried to be supportive. I kept telling myself it wasn’t me. You were just upset. Then I noticed that it was just me you seemed to be having a hard time talking to. You had plenty to say to Chrissie.” Sophie’s chest tightened to the point that she wondered if maybe she was having a heart attack.

“Chrissie? What are you talking about?”

“When you went to get that drink and you didn’t come back after a few minutes I went looking for you. I thought maybe you were upset and needed to leave or needed to be rescued from some overzealous guest who was talking your ear off. Instead I found you huddled deep in conversation with Chrissie. It seemed like you had plenty to say to her.”

“She was doing all the talking, trust me.”

Trust me.
He couldn’t have asked for her to do anything more difficult than that. “I just…never mind.”

“Look, I didn’t want to be talking to Chrissie any more than I wanted to be at this whole event. And, if you recall, I told you a hundred times you didn’t have to come.”

A loud growl rumbled out of her. She fumbled with her key ring, desperate to find the house key.

“You’re right. You did. And stupid me, I didn’t listen. All I could think about was you and how hard it was going to be on you and how I wanted to be there for you because that’s what you do for people you love.” The second the words came out of her mouth she nearly dropped the keys again.
Oh, fuck

Parker stopped pacing, and she could feel him staring at her. “You love me?”

Sophie felt cold from head to toe with the exception of her burning-hot cheeks.
Oh God. What’s wrong with me?
She considered saying no, but every last bit of bravado had drained out of her body.

“Yes, okay? I love you. Are you happy now?”

To her complete dismay he started laughing.

“You’re an idiot,” she said.

“No argument. But I’m an idiot who’s very much in love. With you.”

The keychain clattered to the ground. “What?”

“Sophie, I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ve been a pain in the ass and moody as shit and I have no idea how you put up with me, but I’m glad you did. And I’m sorry I was being a dick tonight, I really am. Jesus, when you got mad, I thought you’d finally realized I was too fucked up and were giving me the brush off.”

Sophie bent and picked up the keys, fidgeting with them to avoid looking at him. Her heart drummed so fast she couldn’t even count the beats.

“Look at me,” he said, tucking a finger under her chin and tilting her face up toward his. “I should have told you this weeks ago, but I didn’t want to look like a total dork.”

“Should have told me what?” Her voice came out so softly she wasn’t even sure she’d said the words out loud.

“That I’m so in love with you I can barely see straight. That spending time with you is the best part of my day, every day, and that the days I’ve spent with you are the happiest I’ve had in as long as I can remember. I love you, Sophie.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Saying the words out loud made Parker feel bold and vulnerable at the same time. He held his breath as he waited for her to respond. Anything other than pulling away would be good. Having her angry at him had made him realize just how much he didn’t want to lose her.
Say something. Anything. Please.

She held his gaze, features still clouded with uncertainty. “Do you really mean all that?”

“I promised you, Soph, I’ll never lie to you. I love you.”

A tear rolled down her cheek and over his hand. “I love you too.”

Parker swallowed hard letting her words sink in.
She loves me too.
He stroked her cheek with his thumb, brushing away the tear then kissing the trail it left on her face. Sweet. Salty. Warm. She tasted like home. His lips grazed hers in a gentle pass. Once. Twice.

She took a step toward him, rising up onto her toes, her fingers sinking into the hair at the back of his head, her mouth opening beneath his. Parker deepened the kiss, his tongue caressing hers as his hands pulled her closer. Kissing Sophie always felt amazing, but this kiss felt heavenly. He breathed her in, letting her words repeat in his head.
I love you too

Reluctantly he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers, eyes still closed, not wanting to break the spell that seemed to surround them. “I’m thinking maybe we should go in the house.”

Sophie giggled, her sweet breath soft against his lips. “I think you’re right. But I seem to be having trouble with these tonight.” She placed her keys in his hand.

Parker grinned as he unlocked the door and held it open. Sophie tossed her purse on the hall table and started toward the kitchen. “Do you want a drink? I’m dying of thirst.”

“Water would be great.” He hadn’t realized how parched his throat had become until she asked.

Watching her get glasses out of the cupboard, his eyes raked over her sexy silhouette. Heat spread throughout his body. She grabbed ice out of the freezer, dropping the cubes into both glasses before filling them.

She took a sip from one as she handed him the other. He gulped down two mouthfuls then set it down, tugging her closer.

Her lips were cool and firm under his as he pressed her against the cabinets. She teetered, and he realized she was still wearing her heels. Wrapping his hands around her tiny waist, he lifted her up onto the kitchen counter. He heard her shoes drop to the floor as her legs wrapped around him.

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