Leave the Lights On (15 page)

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Authors: Karen Stivali

BOOK: Leave the Lights On
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“But you would have been too.”

A wistful smile crossed his gorgeous lips as he shook his head. “Not in the cards.”

Her fingers tightened around his. “You’re amazing, you know.”

Parker snorted. “Because I made it through a ballgame without a nervous breakdown?”

“No. Because most people would have fallen apart if they had to deal with even one of the things you’ve been through in the past few years, and you…you’re… I’ve never met anyone as strong as you.”

“I don’t think I’m as strong as you think I am.”

“Well, I don’t think you realize that I’m always right.”

Parker laughed, loud and hard.

He let go of her hand so he could parallel park up the street from Godfried’s. “Always right, eh?”

He turned to look at her. His eyes, dark and shining, melted her with their intensity. “Pretty much.”

“Then, I guess I’d better listen to you. What was that you said earlier about Joey not being the only one to score tonight?”

Sophie smiled so broadly her cheeks ached. “That was my prediction.”

“We’ll have to see if that comes true.” He leaned closer so slowly it was almost unbearable waiting until his lips reached hers. One soft kiss followed another and then another as he teased her, his nose brushing lightly against hers, his thumbs stroking her cheeks as his fingers sank into her hair.

“You’re so definitely going to score tonight.” She felt him smile against her mouth as his hands drew her closer. Everything other than Parker simply disappeared.

Chapter Seventeen

Godfried’s had remained unchanged since the days the three of them had snuck in together in high school to catch local bands play. One side of the enormous open room held two pool tables, a row of dart boards and assorted pinball machines that were probably way older than most of their clientele. The opposite end had a small platform stage with a tiny dance floor. The wooden floors were worn to the point that they were beveled in spots. It was like a sobriety test. If you could walk across the room without tripping in one of the natural potholes, you were probably still sober.

Parker and Sophie grabbed a table on the game side of the room. It was still loud, but any closer to the band there’d be no chance of being able to hear well enough to carry on a conversation. Parker ordered a pitcher of beer while Sophie headed straight for the old-fashioned popcorn popper and came back with two baskets heaped full of fluffy white kernels.

“Just as salty as I remember,” he said, chewing a mouthful.

“Perfect with the beer.”

“I got quarters from the waitress. You up for some pinball?”


They were still at it at side-by-side machines when Joey arrived.

“Well, if this isn’t a freakishly familiar sight,” Joey said, striding toward them.

Sophie only let herself glance at him, not taking her eye off the pinball that was snaking its way down the path on the side of the machine. At just the right second she thrust her hip forward and pressed the buttons, sending the ball straight into the super-score hole. Her machine lit up, bells ringing as her score scrolled up by twenty thousand points.

“Ha,” she yelped, shooting a glance at Parker just in time to see him get his own super score.

“Ha yourself,” he said, laughing as he winked at her.

In the second she let herself get distracted by his wink, she heard the sound of her own ball rolling straight down the center of her machine. She tapped the buttons as fast as she could, but it was useless. “Shit.”

“I feel like I’m in a goddamn time machine watching the two of you,” Joey said. “Do we have a table, or am I gonna have to stand here and try to beat Soph’s score?”

“Table,” Parker said, giving his machine a solid knock as his fingers worked lightning fast, getting another high-score spot.

They headed to the table, and Parker slid into the booth. Sophie grabbed her beer from the other side of the table and slipped in alongside him. She handed the empty glass to Joey and poured beer from the pitcher.

“Awesome game, man,” Parker said, raising his glass.

Joey clinked his beer against Parker’s, and they both drank. Sophie took a sip of hers, feeling like she was witnessing a peace offering between the two of them.

“Thanks. I’m glad you were both there.”

“Thanks for getting us the tickets,” Sophie said.

“Anytime. Seriously, either of you wants to see a game, just say the word. Sorry it took me so long to get here, by the way. It’s crazy how many people want to stop and talk after the game. I don’t mind, but at a certain point it’s like, dude, look, I wanna get out of here.”

Sophie rubbed her hand along the edge of Parker’s leg and was happy to feel him press back against her, shifting so his body was angled towards her. He looked much more relaxed than he had at the stadium, and she was relieved. She hated seeing him stressed.

Watching and listening as he and Joey caught up, she couldn’t believe she was sitting with the two of them. They were so different than they used to be, yet somehow still the same. One of the pool tables opened up, and Sophie stood.

“Who’s up for pool?”

Joey and Parker looked at each other and laughed. “Against you?” Joey said.

Parker snorted. “Not a chance.”

“Aww, come on. Neither one of you?”

The guy at the table next to theirs stood up, “I’ll play.”

Sophie looked the guy up and down. Typical meathead. Big muscles, tight T-shirt, short-cropped hair. He probably thought he was doing her a favor by offering to play. She winked at Parker and Joey. “What do you think, guys?”

“Sure,” Parker said, unable to keep from smirking.

“What do you say we make a friendly wager?” Joey said. “He wins, we buy his table another round of drinks. You win, they do the same.”

Meathead nodded. “Sounds good to me. Up for it, little lady?”

“It’s been a while since I last played, but I’ll give it a shot.” She strode over to the rack and selected a cue while he racked the balls.


Parker chuckled as he watched Sophie play the meathead. She was hands down the best pool player he’d ever known. The poor guy didn’t stand a chance. He tossed a few more pieces of popcorn in his mouth.

“So you and Sophie?” Joey asked.

Parker turned to look at him, eyebrows arched, head cocked. A smile tugged at Parker’s lips. “Yeah.”

“You fucking dog. What’ve you been back in town for, a week?”

“A few weeks. And it’s not like we didn’t already know each other.”

“Shit, tell me about it. But I mean, come on. It’s Sophie.”

The grin returned. “I know. She’s awesome.”

Joey looked at him with something that could only be described as awe. He shook his head. “Good for you, man. I’ll be honest—I was shocked as hell when I saw her standing next to you, but watching you two together, I don’t know, it makes sense. You look happy. Both of you.”

“We are.” Parker took a long swallow of beer and glanced at the pool table just in time to see Sophie sink three balls. The look on the dude’s face was priceless. Particularly after she lined up and sank her last shot.

“Looks like we owe your table a pitcher, little lady,” he said.

Sophie grinned. “Thanks for the game.”

“Not so fast there, what do you say you give me a chance to earn back my self-esteem.” He walked over to Sophie and ran his hand down her arm.

Parker instantly bristled.

Sophie took a step back. “Thanks, but I think I’m gonna sit this one out.”

“Come on,” he said, taking another step toward her.

Parker stood up, allowing Sophie enough space to slide into the booth. “She said thanks for the game. We’re just gonna go back to our drinks now.”

“I’m just trying to even the score and play with the lady a bit more.”

Oh, man, you’re asking for it.
Parker’s legs tensed as he planted them more firmly, prepared to deck the guy. He heard Joey behind him.

“Look, dude,” Joey said, his voice calm, “we’re just gonna finish enjoying our evening. The lady’s with us. Why don’t you go back to your friends? Maybe one of them will play with you.”

“What’d you say to me?” The guy, straightened to his full height, was easily as tall as Joey but not as muscular. One of his friends got up and came over.

“We have a problem here?” the friend asked, eyes darting back and forth between them. His expression changed from menacing to shocked as he took a closer look at Joey.

“Hey, aren’t you Joey Nardo? You are. Man, great game tonight.”

“Thanks,” Joey said.

“Hey, look who it is. It’s Joey Nardo,” the guy called to the rest of their friends.

Within seconds there were no fewer than ten people surrounding them, a few asking for autographs.

You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.
Parker shook his head.
He sat back down next to Sophie.

“Sorry,” she said. “You can’t take me anywhere.”

Parker chuckled. “You’re nothing but trouble.”

She winked at him. “Thanks for jumping to my defense.”

“Don’t thank me. Captain Wonderful over there’s the one who distracted them all.”

“Well, I think you’re pretty wonderful.” She leaned closer, the sweet smell of her hair wafting around him as he breathed her in.

One kiss told him it was time for them to head home.

Chapter Eighteen

Sophie followed Parker to the front door of his house, remembering how nervous she’d been just weeks before when she’d shown up, chocolate cake in hand. Now a whole different kind of nervous energy coursed through her. Sexual tension had been so thick between them on the ride home she was sure she could actually see it spiraling in the air. Watching Parker fumble with the keys, she wanted to knock him off the porch and into the bushes so she could have her way with him then and there.

The door swung open, and Parker quickly pulled her into the house, slamming the door shut behind them. Before Sophie could even think, his mouth was on hers. Claiming. Possessive. Hungry. His lips were hot and salty, his tongue velvety as he deepened the kiss, pushing her against the foyer wall.

She clasped at his shoulders, tilting her head as he kissed his way to her ear then down to the base of her neck. His fingers passed over her waist and around her hips before heading for the button of her jeans. As soon as he’d flicked it open and slid the zipper down, Sophie wriggled to help him remove them. He went down on his knees, kissing her belly, her hipbone, her thigh, as he tossed her shoes over his shoulder and tugged the jeans off each leg.

His fingers slipped between her legs as he stood, his mouth returning to hers. “Jesus, Soph,” he whispered. “You’re so wet.”

“I told you you were gonna score tonight.” She reached between them, giving his erection a firm stroke before she undid his belt and zipper.

Parker moaned as she shoved his jeans down and moved her hand back over him. He was impossibly hard, his skin warm and smooth as silk. He pressed her into the wall again, bending his knees as he lifted her. Sophie clutched at his shirt. She felt him poised at her entrance. Kissing him harder, sucking his tongue into her mouth, she wound both arms around his neck. Parker braced his legs as he pushed up and into her.

The gasp Sophie emitted seemed to reverberate around the two-story entryway of the house. The heat radiating from Parker’s body was overwhelming. His need contagious. She locked her legs behind him, feeling the muscles in his ass contracting rhythmically as he thrust inside her.

Sophie kept her shoulders pushed back against the wall. With Parker’s chest against hers and his hands on her hips, she could barely move other than to tilt her pelvis toward his on every stroke. That tiny bit of movement was well worth the effort. With each thrust, his pelvic bone ground against her in a way that sent shock waves of pleasure straight through her.

Shaking with intensity, Sophie focused on every sensation. The ease with which he held her up made her feel safe and wanton at the same time. Sex had never felt so passionate or so unbelievably good. She gripped Parker’s arms, feeling his muscles flex beneath her fingers. He nibbled her neck, her earlobe, her lower lip, before kissing her full-on, spiraling his tongue against hers. Concentrating on the friction between them, letting her body fill as the pressure built inside her, she thought she might spontaneously combust. Sweat beaded all over her, running down her chest, pooling in her bra.

Parker increased the speed of his movements, and Sophie felt herself cresting on the brink of orgasm. Tightening her internal muscles, she clamped down on him as hard as she could, loving the groan that rumbled out of him. The sound of him coming combined with the increased pressure as he ground his body against her sent her over the edge. He continued thrusting, helping her along.

She cried out, shuddering as she contracted all around him.

Sliding his mouth to her ear once more he whispered, “You’re killing me, Soph.”

“I hope not,” she said, panting against his neck, “because I’d really miss you.”

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