Leave the Lights On (24 page)

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Authors: Karen Stivali

BOOK: Leave the Lights On
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“Nope.” Joey shook his head. “Not everything. You got Sophie.”

“Sophie’s not a thing.”

“No she’s not. But you tell me. Would you trade her for what I’ve got?”

Parker scoffed at the question.

“I’m serious, man. Would you?”

Looking into Joey’s face, he saw something he hadn’t seen in a long time. He looked lost. It seemed impossible. He was literally living the dream they’d shared since they were kids tossing a baseball back and forth in the park. But the question hit home. “Not in a million years.”

“That’s why I kissed her.”

The last thing Parker had wanted was to feel sympathy for Joey but he couldn’t help it. He’d spent so much time trying not to be jealous of what Joey had that it hadn’t occurred to him that Joey might be jealous too. Parker sat down on Joey’s black leather couch. “You’re such a fucking dick.”

“Pretty sure I admitted that the second you showed up.”

“You’re a dick because I have every right to hate you right now and I don’t.”


“I hate you some, just not as much as I want to.”

“You do know how much she loves you, right?”

Parker’s eyes shot up to Joey’s.

“‘I’m in love with Parker. I can’t even think about anyone else.’ Believe me those were the last words I wanted to hear from her. I’m remembering them with perfect accuracy.”

“You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

“Making me not totally hate you.”

“I really am sorry.”

Parker rubbed his eyes. It had to be nearly two a.m. and the entire day seemed to be catching up with him all at once. He looked at Joey, a long, hard look. He’d known him forever. He meant it. He was sorry. “I’m still pissed off.”

“As well you should be.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“You want a beer or something?” Joey took a step toward the kitchen.

Parker stood. “No, I think I’m gonna get going.”

“Okay. Tell Sophie I’m sorry?”

“I think she knows. You just freaked her out.”

“Man. That is so not what I wanted to do.”

“Well, someone had to ruin your perfect record.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Sophie awoke with a start. It took her a minute to realize she was on the couch then the entire night flooded her mind. Sitting up, she looked around. “Parker?”

She picked up the notepad that sat on the coffee table.


Hope I didn’t wake you. Had to go see Joey. Don’t worry. I’m fine. He and I just need to have a talk. Stop by if you have time before work tomorrow. If not, I’ll call you tomorrow night.

I love you. P


She glanced at the wall clock. It was nearly four a.m. She walked over to the window and looked at Parker’s house.
Thank God. His car’s there. He’s home.
She scanned the house, noting that all the windows were dark except for a tiny light glowing from the side of the house. She squinted to make sure she was seeing right. The lights were never on in that room. That was his dad’s office.

Sophie tugged on her shorts and grabbed a hoodie from the coat rack. She slipped on flip-flops and headed out into the cool night air.



Parker pulled the wheel of packing tape across the top of the box and smoothed it down to make sure it was sealed. He’d been putting off clearing out his dad’s office for long enough. When he’d gotten home from Joey’s, he felt the need to put some things in the past, starting with the wall of trophies. He’d gotten all but one row of them packed when he heard the back door open and Sophie’s soft footsteps coming down the hall.

“Hey,” she said, peering into the room. Her hair was loose and messy from sleep, her hoodie falling off one shoulder. He’d never been happier to see her.

“What are you doing up? It’s like four in the morning.”

“I woke up and you weren’t there. I read your note. Are you okay?”

He put his arms around her waist. “I’m better now.”

“Seriously. Did you go talk to Joey?”

“I did. I’m glad I did too.”

Sophie’s brow furrowed. “Did you two work things out?”

“Somewhat. We didn’t kill each other. That’s a good start, right?”

She frowned.

Parker kissed her downturned lips. “I think we need some time, that’s all. Don’t worry.”

“I can’t help it. I’m good at worrying.”

“You’re an expert. I know. But this is something you don’t need to worry about, okay? Joey and I are big boys. We’ll work it out eventually. I just want to know if you’re all right.”

“What do you mean?”

Parker ran his hand along her spine. His heart beat irregularly as he tried to find the words. “I guess what I really mean is, are we okay?”

Sophie stared up at him. “Why wouldn’t we be okay?”

He shrugged, continuing to rub her back, trying to soothe himself by focusing on the feel of her beneath his hands. “Joey’s a dick for making a move on you while you and I are together, but he’s a good guy. And he’s got a lot to offer. A lot of things I can’t offer you.” His voice felt thick, muddy. “I just want to make sure…I mean if you have doubts…if you think maybe…”

Sophie’s soft fingers slid over his mouth. “I love you, you big idiot.”

He pulled her hand aside. “I know you do but—”

“No buts. Joey’s great. And he’s got an awesome house and a cool car and will probably earn more money in the next year than I’ll earn in the next twenty, and I couldn’t care less. I want you. I love you.”

Those were the exact words Parker needed to hear. His chest tightened to the point he thought it might burst. “How did I get so lucky?”

Sophie grinned at him. “You’re just a great guy. And it doesn’t hurt that you’re amazing in bed.”

Parker laughed. “Is that so?”

“Very much so.” She went up on her toes and kissed him, her tongue licking its way into his mouth. Parker relaxed into her sweetness and warmth. As she lowered herself she looked around the room. “What are you doing in here, anyway?”

“Getting rid of some ghosts.”

She scanned the empty wall. “You put away all the trophies?”


“Why? You earned those.”

“Doesn’t matter. They’re my past. I want to concentrate on my future.” He turned her head, tipping her chin and kissed her, long and hard, until he knew neither of them was thinking about Joey or the trophies or anything else.



Sophie headed home the next morning, feeling totally at peace. Somehow the nightmare of events with Joey had brought her and Parker even closer. She heard her phone ringing as she keyed into her house.

She’d been avoiding her parents’ calls for weeks but today she felt like answering.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Well, I’m glad to know you’re still alive.”

Sophie sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. “One of your spies would surely have informed you if I’d died.”

“I suppose you think that’s funny.”

“Not particularly,” she said, reaching into the cookie jar and pulling out a chocolate chunk cookie.
Breakfast of champions.
“But it’s certainly true. Look, I picked up because I was planning to call you today anyway. There’s something I need to tell you.”

“What now?”

“Don’t say ‘what now’. I don’t deserve to be spoken to that way. And I’m sick and tired of you and mom acting like I’m some bad girl who needs to be punished. Try to hear me when say this. I. Did. Nothing. Wrong. No, my marriage didn’t work out. Yes, the whole town knew about it. Of course I’m sorry it happened that way, but you know what? It happened to me, not to you.”

“As a part of this family your actions…”

“My actions are my actions. And my actions didn’t cause my husband to have an affair. His actions caused that. And I’m done talking about all of that. What I want you to know before you hear it from someone else is that for the first time in my life I’m actually happy. I’m in love. With Parker. And he makes me happy.” Saying it out loud gave her such a burst of strength she felt an actual head rush. It startled her so much she giggled.

“Are you drunk?”

She laughed harder. “No, Dad. I’m not drunk. I’m not a fuck up. I’m not doing anything to disgrace you or mom. I’m just in love. And you can either be happy about that or not. When you decide, you can call and let me know.”

Before her father could answer she hung up. She could imagine the stunned look on his face. No one hung up on the great and powerful Mr. Vaughn. He was the one to do the hanging up.
Not today.
Sophie grinned as she made her way down the hall toward the bathroom, her bathroom, in her house. She breathed a sigh of relief as she turned on the shower, already feeling clean and refreshed.

Chapter Twenty-Six

It had been so long since Sophie had been at a bridal event as a guest she’d forgotten how to be at an engagement party without working. She was straightening the rows of favors when a woman she didn’t recognize came up behind her.

“You’re Sophie, right?” she asked.

“Yes,” Sophie took a closer look at her, trying to see if she could place the face.

“It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Tanya, Parker’s physical therapist. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Oh my God, I’ve heard so much about you too. Hi.” She held out her hand.

Tanya had a warm, firm handshake but Sophie could tell she was sizing her up. “Have you eaten yet? I’m starving.”

“No, I’ve been too busy trying to make sure everything’s going well. Professional hazard. I have a compulsive need to oversee parties.”

Tanya’s laughter had a warm ring to it. “I know what you mean. See that guy over there, standing with his arm against the door? I have an overwhelming urge to tell him to take a deep breath and drop that shoulder. Bet you anything his neck muscles on that side are tighter than the skirt on his date.”

Sophie glanced at the skintight minidress on the girl next to tense-shoulder dude and had to stifle a giggle. “Parker always said you make him laugh. I can see why.”

“I love Parker to pieces. He’s a great kid. But I don’t have to tell you that, do I?”

Tanya eyed her, and Sophie knew she was expecting a serious answer. “No. I know exactly how great he is.”

“Good. Then I think you and I are gonna get along just fine. Let’s eat.”

Sophie and Tanya chatted as they filled their plates with fruit, cheese and cocktail shrimp. She handed Tanya a napkin.

“Thanks. Is Parker coming? I haven’t seen him.”

“He’s on his way. He texted and said he’d gotten stuck in traffic. He should be here…now.” Sophie smiled as she saw him entering the room. She watched as he scanned the crowd, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. A flutter passed through her.

Tanya smiled and Sophie knew she’d seen it. Sophie’s cheeks heated.

“Ladies,” Parker said, giving Sophie a kiss on the cheek. “Judging by the smirks on your faces, I’m gonna say you two have already met.”

“Been talking about you the whole time,” Tanya teased.

“Pretty much.” Sophie giggled at the slightly worried look on his face.

“He’s so suspicious all the time. Have you noticed that?” Tanya asked, popping a grape into her mouth.

“Now that you mention it…”

Parker frowned. “All right, that’s enough out of both of you. What’s good to eat here? I’m starving.”

Tanya gave Sophie a wink. “Go help him find some food. I’m going to go say hi to a friend. It really was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Likewise.” Sophie picked up a cube of cheese and held it up to Parker’s lips.

He opened his mouth, nipping at her finger as he took the cheese. “So, how worried do I need to be about you two gossiping about me?”

Sophie laughed. “Not at all. She’s awesome, just like you said.”

“Did she give you the third degree?”

“Little bit. But not in a bad way.”



After Sophie had introduced him to the bride- and groom-to-be and some of her other friends, Parker decided to let her chat and excused himself to go get a drink. He dug around in the enormous barrel of ice looking for a Sam Adams. As he pulled out the bottle he heard Tanya’s voice.

“Now I see why you’ve been in such a good mood this summer.”

He grabbed the bottle opener hanging from the string on the side of the barrel and popped off the cap. “I told you she was awesome.”

“Yes, you did. I’m still glad I got to check her out myself.”

“You’re such a mom.”

Tanya shrugged and pulled a Corona out of the barrel. She held the bottle while Parker popped the cap for her. “I can’t help it. I’m pretty fond of you. And you’ve been through more than enough. You deserve some happiness.”

“I am happy.” Parker grinned and Tanya studied him.

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