Leaving India: My Family's Journey from Five Villages to Five Continents (68 page)

BOOK: Leaving India: My Family's Journey from Five Villages to Five Continents
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I am grateful to those family members, and a few others, who agreed to be interviewed for this book. Not all of their stories ended up in the manuscript, but all contributed to the whole. Most interviews were conducted in person in 2001–02, with a few subsequent in-person and phone interviews.

In Australia:
Ashok Narsey, Hemant and Dipika Hazrat, Hemlata Kumar, Kaushaliya Kumar, Manjula Hazrat, Mukesh and Alka Hazrat, (late) Ranchhod Hazrat.

In Canada:
Damayanti and Dhiraj Motiram, Jaisri Khatri, (late) Kanchan Gowri, Lila Sholanki, Neena Sen, Roger (Raju) and Judy Sholanki, Uttam and Vanita Morriswala.

In Fiji:
(late) Bhagwan Gokal, Brijlal Kapadia, Jagmohan Narsey, Jiten M. Narsey, Jiten'T. Narsey, Lili Narsey, Mahendra and Panna Hazratwala, Pratibha Kumar-Aniawala, Pushpa Vrajlal, R. I. Kapadia, Ratilal and Dhangauri Narsey, Tara Gopaldas, Thakor ("Tom") Narsey, Uttam Narsey, Venilal Narsey.

In Hong Kong:
Hemesh Chhiba, Mahendra Gokal.

In India:
Amrat Khatri, Bimal Barot, Harish Kapadia, Jaswant Kapadia, Jaydeep Parmar, (late) Jekisan Narsai Chohan.

In New Zealand:
(late) Manilal Narsey, Pravin and Laxmi Narsey, Rama Khatri.

In South Africa:
Bina Nagar, Gangaram Ramjee, Harilal Ramjee, Mahendra Kapitan, Praveena Ramjee, Renuka Kooverjee, Savita Nagar, Veena Kapitan.

In the United Kingdom:
Anil Hazratwala, Chandraprakash Khatri, Harilal Narsai, Kamlaben Khatri, Minal Khatri, Mukesh Khatri, Sumita Khatri, Rajnikant Khatri, Shashikant Khatri.

In the United States:
Bhanu Hajratwala, Bharti Damudar, Bhupendra Hajratwala, Dhiren Narotam, Kokila Kalidas, Mala and Madhukant Kumar, Moti Dullabh, Nainesh Ramjee, Nayan Hajratwala and Heidi Naasko, Ramesh Gokal, Tara Narotam, Vinay Kumar, Vrajlal Ramjee.

Family Trees

means marriage
Male main character of a chapter in
Female main character of a chapter in
Male names in roman
Female names in

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