Leaving Triad (13 page)

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Authors: K.D. Jones

Tags: #erotic romance, #scifi romance, #other worldly, #jk publishing, #kd jones

BOOK: Leaving Triad
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“You don’t trust me either.”

“I trusted you with everything, until you
lied to me.”

“Everything except yourself.”

She paused and looked up at him for a second,
what the hell did he mean by that? She zipped up her bag, ready to
leave the rest of her belongings behind.

“See? You’re not even willing to talk this
out with me, you’re willing to give up and never let us get
anywhere. I’ve heard you and that human argue plenty of times. He
did a lot worse to you than lie, yet somehow I have become the bad
guy in this.” Zor stormed out of his room, slamming the door behind

Emily sat on the bed, tears falling from her
eyes. She didn’t mean for the fight to end like this. She just
didn’t want him to lie to her anymore. She took her stuff, walked
back to her old room, and just threw herself on the bed, allowing
herself to cry herself to sleep. She hated herself for what she
said. He was always good to her and the only thing he asked was for
her to let him take care of her.


She woke hours before her shift and sought
out a shoulder to cry on. She walked to Talia’s room, she had
nowhere else to turn. She knocked on the door, trying to ignore her
rapid beating heart as she watched Zor disappear around a corner.
She didn’t mean for the fight to go so bad, and she should have
never have left his room.


Zor went back to his room after he had
finally calmed down. He wanted to apologize to her. He should have
held his tongue better. He should have never have accused her of
still having feelings for that human male.
What the fuck was he
He regretted almost every word he said. Most of all,
he was worried that he scared her with his temper.

He opened his bedroom door hopeful that she
was still there but she wasn’t. He laid down on his bed alone,
trying to get the sleep he had been lacking. He tried his hardest
to fall asleep but he couldn’t. He couldn’t shake the thought that
she might not come back, and that this might be the end of them. He
couldn’t let that happen, so what was he going to do about it?

Zor completely understood why she was so
angry. He should have told her what he did, or at least not lied to
her about it. He perpetuated the lie by having others help him keep
up the pretense that Jeremy was still on board the ship. There was
no way he could let this be the end of them. He couldn’t picture
his life without that woman. He got up and left to walk around the
spaceship unsure of where he was going.

He walked by the room that she had shared
with the human male, just to see if she had gone there. He knocked
on the door but she never answered. He needed to apologize to her,
the burden of it was heavy on his chest. He cracked the door to see
that her suitcase was just thrown on the bed but it looked to be
full. Seeing that still packed gave him hope that she was planning
to come back to him, or at least that she wanted to.

He closed the door and continued walking
around, hoping to see her somewhere. He got down the hallway that
led to where Talia lived and saw her knocking on the door. He
watched her glanced up but hadn’t seen him, though he could see her
clearly. It looked like she had been crying for quite some

It broke his heart. He turned around quickly
to leave before she saw him. All he wanted was pull her into his
arms and comfort her. She was seeking out her friend, not him. She
probably wouldn’t want to see him right now. He wanted to apologize
to her but that would have to wait until she was ready. He walked
back to his quarters but knew he wouldn't get any sleep until she
was back home and in his arms.


Zor woke up in a cold sweat at the dream he
Emily stood there with the human male on a ship, tormenting
Zor in a holding cell. He was forced to watch Emily kiss Jeremy,
she left him over the fight they had.
Zor could remember the
nightmare clearly and there was no way he would let that happen, he
got up and ran down to the bar to see her working. He smiled from
the relief and called Henry out the door.

“How is she doing?” Zor asked as soon as
Henry got out of the bar.

“She’s hurt, Zor, give her time,” Henry

“Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?” Zor

“Don’t rush her and she might, you broke her
heart, Captain,” Henry said accusingly.

“I know. I need to speak with her,” Zor
stated as he tried to go back into the bar.

Henry stopped him. “Not now you don’t. I’ll
get you a six-pack then you just go back to your room. You’re both
still on fire, you don’t want to do or say anything you both might

“Yeah, you’re right,” Zor stated.

Henry went back in and grabbed him a six-pack
like he said he would. Zor went back to his room and chugged every
last beer until it was all gone. Then he got on his bed and pulled
Emily’s pillow close to him and fell asleep, wishing she was there
next to him.

Chapter Fifteen


Emily hadn’t heard from Zor since they had
the big fight. That was almost two days ago. She barely slept
without him by her side. She worked hard not to burst into tears.
Her friends pulled her over to the bar and made her spill the beans
about what happened.

“So let me get this straight. The hottest man
on the ship wants you and only you. He also doesn’t want other men
touching you. He asked you to quit your job so he could take care
of you, and he got rid of the abusive ex-boyfriend that made your
life a living hell. Do I have all the facts right?” Talia asked
sarcastically when she had come into the bar the next night to work
her shift.

“Um…” When she said it like that it made her
look like grade A idiot. “You forgot the part about him lying to

“He did it to protect you and he did
apologize, right?”

“Yeah, but it was a decision he should have
included me on. I wanted to see Jeremy punished myself.”

“So you aren’t mad that he punished Jeremy,
just that you didn’t have a hand in it?”

“I…guess that’s it.”

"That’s lame. I am sorry, Em, but it sounds
like you totally screwed up.”

“I have to agree with Talia on this one,”
Sarn said.

Em looked up and saw Henry nodding his
agreement too. “Fuck.”

what you can do to fix
the problem,” Talia said while she took Emily’s tray out of her

“I can’t leave yet. What about my shift?”
Emily looked over at Henry as she was being pushed by her friends
out the door.

Henry gave her a big smile, “Honey, you’re
fired. Go find the captain and put him in a real good mood for us.
No one on this ship can stand to be around him while he’s in this
sorry state.”

Emily giggled with relief. She hated to quit
on Henry because he had become a good friend to her, but that
decision was taken out of her hands, she was fired. She giggled
again as she walked down the ship’s corridor. She hoped Zor would
accept her apology. She would get on her hands and knees and beg
him. That thought had her feeling aroused as well. She picked up
her speed almost running back to their room.

No one was there. She checked almost
everywhere on the ship except the engine room and the command
bridge. She headed to the command bridge first. She passed a couple
of crewmembers who barely spoke to her. She walked onto the bridge
and found Zor yelling at one of his men.

“I don’t want to leave anything unchecked
when we land at the next spaceport. I want every new passenger
checked twice through security.”

“I’ll take care of it, Captain.”

“See that you do. You’re dismissed.” Zor
didn’t look at the poor man that he gave his orders to.

“You were a little hard, weren’t you?” Emily
asked from the doorway.

Zor turned in surprise. “Emily. What are you
doing here?”

Emily moved a little further onto the bridge
and all the other occupants chose that moment to stand and leave.
It was just her and Zor. Neither of them were saying anything,
which was a bit awkward.



They had both tried to speak at the same

“You go…”

“Go ahead…”

Again they both tried to speak at the same
time, but this time they both broke into laughter at the situation.
The tension eased a little and Emily felt more comfortable coming
all the way in. She stood about three feet from Zor and looked up
into his eyes.

“I love you,” Emily whispered with a shaky

“What did you say?” Zor was in shock. He must
be hearing things.

She cleared her throat. “I am in love with
you. Completely, head over heels in love with you.” When he simply
stood there staring at her, she continued, “I am so sorry for the
things I said. I don’t love Jeremy and I don’t give a crap where he
is. You’re all I care about.”

Finally reality sunk in, Zor wasn’t dreaming
or imagining this. Emily was here, telling him that she was in love
with him. He should say something now.

“I am so sorry for lying to you. I promise
never to lie again. You are everything to me. My heart, my soul. I
am nothing, worthless without you. I love you completely.”

He opened his arms and she practically jumped
into them. “I will never let you go. Even if we fight and you throw
things at my head, I will never walk away from you again,” Zor
swore to her.

She giggled as she pressed kisses along his
chin and cheek. “Good, because if you try to leave me, I will tie
you to the bed and keep you there for days.”

He grabbed her hips pulling her hard against
his arousal. “Mmm…tying me to the bed sounds kind of kinky, baby.
We haven’t done that yet.”

Then his lips took hers. At first it was
worshipful. He cupped her face to hold her still while his tongue
licked her seam in teasing swipes. Finally he pushed his tongue
into her mouth and their tongues dueled. A groan elicited from both
of them.

He backed them up and sat down on the
captain’s chair. One hand released her face and reached down to
undo the front of his pants. He sprung free fully aroused and ready
to go.

Emily struggled with her shorts. She fumbled
and cursed, which had Zor laughing. She looked at him in

“A little help here, please.”

Zor gripped her shorts with two hands and
pulled hard. The thin, flimsy material ripped apart in his hands.
He threw it to the ground and pulled her up to straddle his lap. He
pulled the tiny top up over her head along with her bra in one
quick motion. He made a growling sound at seeing her plump breasts
exposed. He leaned forward and took a nipple into his warm mouth.
He sucked on it hard, making her juices flow even more.

“Zor, please,” She begged, wiggling her
entrance against his hard tip. She wrapped her arms around the back
of his neck and held him closer to her.

“Need to make you ready,” he told her, moving
to the other breast.

“I am ready, I am!” Emily couldn't take it
anymore. She had to have him inside of her. She took him in her
hand and positioned him. Then she lowered herself down on him until
he was fully seated inside of her. He was shocked at her bold

“Emily, baby.” Zor tried to get himself under
control but his heart was beating rapidly and he couldn’t seem to
slow his desire for her.

She gripped the back of his head using his
hair to pull his head back and his eyes looked up into hers. “I
love you, Zor, and I want you right now!”

That was it. Zor couldn’t hold himself back
any longer. He gripped her hips with both his hands and raised her
up then slammed her back down onto his penis. He repeated it over
and over. He nearly came when she ground herself against him. He
wasn’t going to last much longer.

He thrust himself up into her and let his
semen coat her insides. “Yes!”

One more thrust and Emily exploded within.
She actually saw stars. They held each other close, still
connected. He wanted to hold her like this forever. She was his and
he would fight anyone who dare to threaten her.

“I love you, Emily.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter Sixteen


“I’ve ruined your uniform. I’ll buy another
one for you.”

“It’s okay.”

Zor stood there holding the ripped straps of
clothing. She had to put on his shirt over her worktop. It luckily
reached to her knees covering her. “I can get you another uniform
before your next shift.”

She gave him a smile. “It’s not necessary.
There won’t be another shift.”

He stopped to look at her with confusion.
“But your job…”

“I don’t have a job anymore.”

“Emily, you don’t have to quit for me. I will
find a way to deal with the jealousy.”

“I didn’t quit, Henry fired me.”

“He what? I’ll have a talk with him.”

“No, don’t. I don’t care about the job. I
care about you.”

“But the job made you happy.”

“No, you make me happy. Spending time with my
friends makes me happy. That was just a job that paid the

“If you still want the job, I’ll talk to
Henry. It’s my fault. I couldn’t control my jealousy. I hate
feeling that out of control.”

She walked up to him and wrapped her arms
around his waist. He rested his chin against the top of her

“You know me and the other waitresses never
let them really touch us. Even when they reach inside our shirts.
We move a distance from them to keep them off our skin. Not one of
my customers has touched an actual body part.”

“I do know that, but something in me snaps
when a male reaches for you. I fear the reaction as much as I do
the motive. My father was an extremely controlling, jealous, and
abusive man. He would have my mother follow his ‘rules’. If she
wasn’t home by a certain time or if she was talking to someone on
the computer phone, he would demand to know who she was talking

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