Let Me Go

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Authors: Michelle Lynn

Tags: #The Invisibles

BOOK: Let Me Go
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Let Me Go

Copyright © 2015 by Michelle Lynn

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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are the product of the author’s imagination or are either fictitious or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


Developmental Editor/First Copy:

Nichole Strauss, Perfectly Publishable


Second Editor:

Emma Mack


Cover Design:

Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Cover photo: © istockphotos.com


Interior Design and Formatting:

Christine Borgford, Perfectly Publishable

Let Me Go

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23


My Thanks

About the Author

Books by Michelle Lynn

around the corner, gripping the pavement from the sharp turn onto our street. I mindlessly daydream about the hot blonde that strolled into the shop with a broken air conditioner five minutes before I clocked out. Her short skirt, tight T-shirt, and flirtatious eyes made me circle back around for a second look. I may not have sealed the deal today, but she’ll be back tomorrow and I plan on grabbing her phone number. My tires screech to a halt when my bumper almost plows into a black Infiniti parked at the end of our driveway.

As my body flies forward and slams back into the black cloth seat, I catch a pair of long tanned legs. Legs I haven’t forgotten from two days ago when she surprisingly showed up here looking for an apartment. After a quick tour by my roommate, Chrissy, she decided to rent the vacant room. Having a smoking hot roommate in the bedroom next door, with one wall of separation is a guy’s wet dream. Too bad I promised my roommates, Dex and Chrissy, I’d look, but my hands would stay tucked in my pockets. Watching those legs break the distance to our doorstep changes my thinking though.

Since I can’t park in my normal spot, the garage, I throw the Mustang in park and climb out. Shutting the door, I jog over to the piles of boxes sitting on the driveway. Why is all her shit strewn around? You’d think someone with an Infiniti would have a damn moving truck plus some hired hands to move the crap into the house.

I pick up a box labeled bedroom in girly handwriting and then stumble back from the unexpected weight. Holy mother, what the hell does she have in this box? Then on cue, she jogs down the steps of our house. “Oh, you don’t have to help me.” She pats my arm with her hand and breezes past me. “But I would appreciate it,” she hollers back. Fuck me, her voice is sweet stirred with a lace of seduction. I’m second-guessing that promise to Chrissy that I won’t fuck the roommate.

Marching up the stairs in our smaller three-bedroom house, I blindly veer to her bedroom. She’s the furthest down the hall with the room already furnished with a double bed and generic brown dresser left behind from our neighbor turned landlord, Mrs. Fletcher. When Mrs. F decided to move to her lake house, Chrissy grabbed at the opportunity to rent across the street from Brady and Sadie. Definitely not wanting to stay with a couple about to make their dash down the altar, I opted to move in with Chrissy and Dex. However, I’m not sure which option was better, there’s a good chance Chrissy and Dex will say their ‘I do’s’ first.

The rent is cheap, especially now that Paige snatched up the last room. Chrissy just started school, Dex is about to graduate, and since I dropped out over a year ago, I probably have the most money out of the three of us. Which isn’t that much, so I have to make this roommate situation work. Then I wonder if Paige is trustworthy and if I should move my secret stash of money out from all my hiding places in my room. Maybe finally open that bank account I’ve been delaying. Just as I’m debating, she strolls in, dropping a box and a loud bang bounces off the walls.

“Whoa.” I bend down to pick up the items sneaking out of the box. She runs over to catch something rolling toward the window. Being the gentleman I am, I rush to pick it up for her. I’m blind to what exactly I’m holding until it’s in my hand. “Oh, shit.” I laugh, eyeing her.

A pink flush travels up her cheeks in seconds and she steals it from my grip. “I’ll take that.” She hides it behind her back, as though the embarrassing situation never happened.

I purposely lean in close, and her flowery scented perfume makes my dick twitch to life. “It’s okay, Paige, just remember on those late nights, that there’s something a hell of a lot bigger a few steps down the hall.”

When I step away, I notice her back straighten and I’m afraid I’ve offended her instead of my intention to make her want me. “You know what they say? Those who brag are the ones with the small ones.” She holds up her damn pinky in the air.

Not about to allow her to have the final word, I close the distance once again. I slowly push her pinky back down and her breathing hitches.
That’s right baby, I know you have a thing for the bad boys.
“Let’s get one thing straight before you move in. I don’t exaggerate, I don’t lie and if you ever do get lonely, come on down and find out.” Then I leave her standing in the middle of her room probably about to collapse on her bed and finger herself.

I stop at my room to change from my mechanic’s uniform into a pair of jeans and T-shirt. When I open my door, Dex is carrying another box up the stairs. Chrissy follows close behind with arms full of clothes. “Why don’t you help us out here?” Chrissy sneers and I lift my eyebrow at her.

“I carried a damn box up and went to change really quick. Lay off.” If the new girl wasn’t the hottest piece of ass I’ve seen in a long time, I would have hightailed it out of the driveway before she saw me. Shitty—yes. Truthful—always.

“Well, there’s more down there,” she calls out over her shoulder, entering Paige’s bedroom.

“Thank you all so much. The moving guys wanted a crazy amount of money to move everything actually in the house.” She weaves by Chrissy and stops for a second when she comes face to face with me at the top of the stairs.
That’s right honey, get used to seeing this every day.
“Thank you, Rob.”

I say nothing, but motion with my hand for her to go down the stairs first. She smiles and does just that, giving me the view I hoped for. Her ass is perfect and I can almost imagine my hands molding her flesh.

By our fourth trip, I spot Brady and Sadie crossing the street, and I inwardly cringe because the faster these boxes make it into the house, the less I’ll be able to admire Paige’s legs and ass trekking up those stairs. I must confess I’ve been the polite guy, always letting her go first so I can follow behind.

Exhausted from the manual labor, I sigh when I spot six more boxes. “How much stuff can you possibly have?”

“Oh, those go in the basement. Chrissy said I could store some stuff down there. Since you guys have dishes and everything, I don’t need my kitchen stuff.”

“I’ll grab those and rush them down the stairs now.” I practically fall to my back when I lift the box I’m assuming contains the dishes. “Son of a bitch, who packed your shit? No wonder the movers wanted so much money,” I joke, but her face turns down before her lips straighten. For once in a long time, I wish I could shove words back in my mouth so her smile wouldn’t have disappeared.

“I did.” She picks up another stack of clothes and plows into the house before I give in to the foreign urge to apologize.

When Brady and Sadie reach the driveway, they automatically stuff their arms with Paige’s crap and follow the lead into the house.

“What’s up, Rob?” Brady nods his head in my direction. “You ready for tonight?” Our band, The Invisibles, have a show lined up. It’s been awhile since we’ve played and I’ve missed losing my twisted memories with my guitar. Due to everyone being so busy, our shows are few and far between these days with practices even farther apart. It’s why I’ve been toying with joining another band, but after the last time I deserted the guys, I’ve been hesitant to bring the topic up. Brady saved my ass when I returned to Western after touring with Krypto, and I’m not going to make him regret his trust in me.

“Yeah, my fingers have been itching for the strings.” I veer my attention to Sadie. “Hi, Sadie. You like having the house to yourself?” She smiles, and Brady laughs, making me wonder what I’m missing.

“You have to be kidding me? She’s so lonely. I used to be enough for her, but she misses her girls.” From Brady’s voice, I’m thinking there’s more worry in his words than he intends for us to hear.

“No, that’s not it.” She adamantly shakes her head at me. “It’s just when Brady’s not home and I am, it’s quiet.” She shrugs and I’m kind of like Sadie, nothing is worse than a house to yourself.

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