Letting Go (18 page)

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Authors: Meg Jolie

BOOK: Letting Go
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“Did you?” she teased. “Think about us, I mean?”

He rolled his eyes at her. “Do you really want to know? Because I’ll tell you right now, you were the focus of my first fantasy and almost every other one after that since I was like eleven.”

“Eww,” Quinn said with a giggle as she lightly smacked his chest.

“Okay,” he amended, “if I lied and said I was at least fifteen, would that make you feel better?”

“Yes,” she said as she puffed out a laugh. “A
bit better.”

He pulled her in and began to nibble his way along
her collarbone. She giggled as she pushed him away.

None of that right now. I wasn’t kidding. After last night, I’m starving.” She stepped aside and reached for the bag.

“I should’ve been out getting you breakfast,” Luke said.

“No, you were sleeping. I’m used to waking up early. Coffee?” She handed him a cup. Then she pulled multiple croissants out of the bag as they both took a seat at the small table. She placed one on a napkin for each of them. “Oh, they’re still warm.” She moaned when she took a bite.

“You moan like that and tell me
not right now
?” Luke teased with raised eyebrows.

She waved her croissant at him. “Try it and you’ll understand.”

He grinned at her as she took a bite. “
, yeah, these are awesome,” he agreed. “How many did you get?”

“Half a dozen,” Quinn said as she reached for her second one.

He laughed. “How hungry are you?”

“Hungry,” she assured him. They ate in silence but after a few minutes, a small giggle erupted from Quinn. “Were you serious? Was I really your first fantasy?”

Luke groaned but didn’t deny it. “Of course I was serious. I can’t remember a time when I haven’t wanted you.”

She nodded, smiling as she chewed.

“In fact, senior year, when you and Mason…” He trailed off as a scowl appeared on his face.

Her eyebrows shot up. “You knew about Mason?” Mason was the only other person besides Jake, and now Luke, that she’d been with. They’d dated most of senior year and even into their freshman year of college.

“Yeah, I knew about Mason,” Luke said. “I wanted to tear him to pieces.”

did you know?” Quinn demanded.

Luke shrugged. “Guys talk
too, you know. Before you get all huffy, don’t even try to tell me that you didn’t tell Jemma and Lily and probably even Carly. It’s kind of a double standard if you talk and then really expect him not to. I mean, he and I were friends. He was bound to tell me. Even if I didn’t want to hear it.”

He was right so she didn’t argue. “I know. It just still seems wrong,” she pouted.

He laughed. “See, double standard. But don’t worry. It wasn’t like he was bragging it up or anything. We were friends, he mentioned it.”

Quinn cringed.

“Damn was I jealous,” Luke admitted. “Even back then, I thought you were the hottest girl out there.” He winked at her. “I thought so then, still do now.”

Quinn shook her head. “Talking about it, it’s so crazy. I was so head over heels for you in high school. I never had the faintest idea you felt the same way.”

“Yeah, looking back, I really should’ve said something,” Luke told her as he stuffed the last of his croissant into his mouth.

Quinn wasn’t sure how to answer that, so she remained silent. If Luke had confessed his feelings all of those years ago, he would’ve made her so happy to hear it. But if he had, she never
would’ve been with Jake. She never would’ve had several wonderful years with Jake that had resulted in Carter.

The other side of that
was that she might’ve missed out on at least a little of the heartache she felt after Jake’s death.

“You know, Luke, I’ve thought about that, a lot,” she
finally admitted. She took a sip of her coffee and then set it down. She lifted her gaze to meet his. “I think things worked out the way they were meant to. I mean, how many high school relationships last? Not many. But now, we’re older. We’ve been through a lot. I know without a doubt that you are one of the most important people in my life. You always will be.”

He smiled at that. “So you’re glad we didn’t start anything back then?”

“Maybe. We were young. We probably just would’ve found a way to ruin things back then. Not just a dating relationship, but we might’ve ruined our friendship.”

that’s not going to happen now.”

It wasn’t a question so Quinn just smiled.

“Okay, enough of the serious talk. What time do you want to hit the slopes?” Luke asked.

“Soon,” Quinn said. “I do need to shower first.”

“What a coincidence,” Luke said as he stood up. “So do I.” He reached for her hands, tugging her to her feet. “You know where I’m going with this, right?”

Color spilled into her cheeks as Luke walked backward, slowly leading her to the bathroom.

“I’ve never…
you know
…” she said, as she wrinkled up her nose in embarrassment, “in the shower before.”

“Never?” Luke asked as his lips twitched into a grin.

She shook her head. “It seems kind of complicated. Or at the very least…slippery.”

“If you want,” Luke said teasingly, “I’m sure I could help you figure it out.”

“I do,” Quinn said as she grabbed onto the hem of his shirt. She tugged him toward her. “I definitely want you to help me figure it out.”




“Hey little buddy, how are ya doin’?” Luke asked. He paused, presumably listening as he gazed out of the window in their room. “Oh, yeah? Huh, you don’t say…”

Quinn smiled
as she tiptoed out of the bathroom the next afternoon. She knew that Carter was filling Luke’s ear with nonsense on the other end of the line. But listening to him, the floodgates that had been holding back every feeling she’d ever had for Luke were blasted open. Those emotions crashed to the surface, crushing her with the certainty that she loved Luke wholly and completely. The feeling went far deeper than the crush she’d had on him when they were younger. She knew she loved him in a way that left her wanting to be with him for the rest of their lives.

“Well, I’ll bring mommy home to you real soon.
huh, okay…sure…We miss you too…See you soon little man!”

Quinn laughed when Luke finally disconnected.

He turned to face her, a sheepish smile on his face.

“I didn’t realize you were done getting ready. I would’ve let you talk to him.”

“That’s okay. Did you have a nice conversation?” she asked, still smiling. She loved the way Luke interacted with Carter. What she loved most were the moments she caught Luke when he was unaware.

He smiled back. “Oh, heck yeah. He told me thank you for taking his mommy
away. He had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. They let him stay up late, watch raunchy movies and eat ice-cream. He said I could steal you away any time I want. Oh, but he does miss you, of course.”

“He said all of that, did he?” Quinn asked, playing along.

“Well,” Luke said, “if I understood what he was saying, I’m sure that’s what he would’ve said. Actually,” he admitted with a shrug, “I just wanted to check in with Mom to see how he was doing. He’s been great, by the way. She said he wanted the phone. So, we had a little chat.”

The chat had been adorable. Quinn pulled Luke into a hug, surprising him.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked as he hugged her back.

She nodded as she released him. “
Thank you for being so sweet to him.”

“Well, yeah, of course
,” he said.

I really miss Carter but I’m kind of bummed the weekend is over.” Two days away had gone by quickly.

“Me too,” he admitted.
“So you had a good time?”

She nodded. “I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.
You could not have come up with a more perfect idea for a weekend away.”

“I’m not looking forward to going back to separate houses.”

“I know,” Quinn agreed. She glanced at their luggage. It was packed, sitting by the door. They’d skied
all day Saturday and then spent the evening in bed, watching movies, eating dinner and enjoying a repeat of the night before. That morning, they’d spent a few hours on the slopes but now, they were getting ready to head back home. She was anxious to see her son but grateful for the time with Luke. The weekend had been exactly what they both needed.

“I meant what I said,” Luke softly
told her. “I want you to pick out a ring. I want to spend every night with you.”

She nodded as she gazed up at him. “I want that too.”

“Alright,” he said seriously, “next weekend? You and me? We’re going to hit every jewelry store in town until you find exactly what you want. And if there’s nothing in town, we’ll head out of town. Is it a date?”

Quinn’s heart took off, racing happily in her chest. “Yes, absolutely. It’s a date.”



























“It’s gorgeous!” Quinn cried. “Luke, isn’t this ring absolutely gorgeous?”

Luke nodded. “Sure. Yeah, it’s great,” he said. It was big. That’s all he knew for sure.

Carly blushed as she knelt down to squeeze Carter into a hug. “I know. I was so surprised!”

Quinn glanced at Luke again. They were
surprised. It was the weekend after their ski trip. Carly had shown up at Quinn’s, before noon on a Saturday. She’d arrived unannounced and completely unexpected.

Luke had come by not much earlier than Carly so he could have breakfast with Quinn and Carter. They had planned on dropping Carter off with Margo and Pete for the afternoon while they went to, finally, look at rings.

Carly’s ironically timed visit may have put a kink in those plans.

“So…? Now do we get to meet him?
” Quinn asked.

Carly nodded
as she settled onto the floor next to Carter. He handed her some wooden blocks and then went about stacking his own. “Yes. Next weekend. I just wanted to come home this weekend to tell everyone. I wanted Mom to be as prepared as possible.”

“How did she take the news?” Quinn asked.

Carly’s expression become apologetic. “Actually, that’s why I’m here. I haven’t talked to Mom and Dad yet. I wanted to tell you first. And…I was wondering if you’d come with me when I told them?”

Quinn glanced at Luke. This
put a kink in their plans. He gave her a small smile and a discrete nod to let her know it was okay.

“Sure, I’ll go with,” Quinn said.

Carly sighed. “I know it’s ridiculous but I could really use the moral support. I know Mom’s going to grumble because we’re both still in school. And because she isn’t happy with his major. And mostly she’ll grumble just because she’s Mom and that’s what she does. And I know none of that should bother me as long as I’m happy. But it gets to me. I can’t help it.”

“I know,” Quinn said sympathetically. “I get it. She makes everything ten times harder than it should be.” She could vividly remember how scared she’d been to tell her parents about her pregnancy. Carly had been right there, by her side supporting her. She would do the same without hesitation.

“I thought if I came home to break it to her before she meets Nolan, it’ll give her a week to get used to the idea.” Carly was fidgeting with the fringe on the throw pillow.

“When’s the wedding?” Luke asked.

Carly’s expression softened again. She held up her hand, admiring the carat sized rock that glimmered on it. “Not for awhile. We plan on a long engagement. We’re thinking the summer after this one. After we graduate.”

Quinn contained her sigh of relief. Carly had been with Nolan for
awhile but somehow, it all seemed too soon. She kept that opinion to herself because she realized how hypocritical that sounded. She and Luke hadn’t been dating nearly as long as Carly and Nolan. She was more than ready to marry Luke. Especially after their weekend away. Telling him she loved him seemed to solidify everything.

This was huge news for her sister. The last thing Quinn wanted to do was barge in with similar news of her own.

“Do you want to go over there right now?” she asked.

“Can we just hang out here for a bit so I can
mentally prepare?” Carly wondered.

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