Letting Go (22 page)

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Authors: Meg Jolie

BOOK: Letting Go
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“I think someone needs to take a course in Manners 101,” Quinn grumbled.

Luke smiled a little too brightly. “But your mom seems to love him.”

“I know, and now, somehow, it doesn’t seem all that shocking. Now that we’ve met him,” Quinn flatly stated.
She shook her head. Her disgust was evident on her face. “Did you hear the bit about giving my parents a discount on the cost of the wedding reception? They’re insisting that it’s held at the resort but then they plan to charge my parents for their half.”

Luke burst out laughing
but it wasn’t full of humor. “Your mom didn’t even blink. In fact, she looked impressed. Like she thought it was a real favor to them.”

“I get that they’re running a business,” Quinn said, “but it’s their son’s wedding, too!”

“Well,” Luke sarcastically replied, “they are throwing in the wedding suite. For half price.”

“How generous,” Quinn said as she rolled her eyes.

“I know. Did you see the dirty look he gave us when your dad mentioned we went to Eagle’s Ridge a few weeks ago?”

Quinn shrugged. “The resort his parents own isn’t a ski resort. It wouldn’t have been the same. I tried telling him that Eagle’s Ridge was kind of like our place. That we have a lot of fun memories from when we were kids.”

“He didn’t seem to care,” Luke said as he finished off his beer.

Quinn glanced over her shoulder. She could barely make Carly and Nolan out through the crowd. As soon as she was satisfied that they were still a safe distance away, she turned back to Luke.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I think Jesse is ten times better for her than Nolan. All of these years, I thought the two of them were just messing around. But now, I think there really was something between them,” Quinn said glumly.

,” Luke agreed. His eyes were on Nolan and Carly. Quinn glanced over her shoulder again. Carly was watching Nolan with absolute adoration.

“When I went upstairs with her, when she was changing, she was so excited that Mom and Nolan hit it off.”

A dejected look crossed Luke’s face. “Yeah, well, when you were upstairs, Margo took me aside. She let me know, without a doubt, that she thinks you and I are making a mistake. She thinks we’re moving too fast. She also said she thinks I’m taking advantage of you because you’re so vulnerable right now.” He kept his voice low. He hadn’t wanted to bring this up here, now, but he couldn’t keep it inside any longer.

“Luke! That’s not true and you know it!” Quinn said, keeping her voice just as low. “I am not vulnerable.” She sounded offended at the very thought of it. “Jake’s been gone for almost a year and a half. But that’s irrelevant. She’s just flat out wrong. You know that don’t you?”

He nodded but Quinn could tell the comment bothered him immensely. “Yeah, I know.”

“I never should’ve told her about the house last night. I just wanted to help Carly out. I thought it would be good to take some of the heat off of her because she was so worried. If I’d had any idea how tonight would play out, I never would’ve said a word. Because now—”

“The heats on me,” Luke finished for her. He didn’t seem angry about it. He just looked resigned. “At least it didn’t come as a complete surprise. Not after overhearing her comment last weekend. She really doesn’t want us together.”

Quinn leaned over, resting her shoulder against his. She wanted to say something comforting but she was interrupted.

“Isn’t he just amazing?” Carly asked. She flopped into the booth opposite Quinn and Luke, startling them both.

Quinn pulled her gaze from Luke to look at her sister. Without answering Carly’s question she said, “
Where is he?”

Carly motioned with her head. “He’s playing some guy that showed up. They’re playing for money. He said he might be
awhile so I should just take a seat.”

“Oh,” Quinn said as she forced a smile.

“Mom loves him, don’t you think?” she asked. She leaned across the booth, beaming at Quinn and Luke.

“Yes,” Quinn said with a little nod. She forced a smile. “She sure does.”

“And Dad, too,” Carly added on. “I have been so worried for so long. And it was all for nothing! If I would’ve known how well it would go, I would’ve brought him home last year. Before we left, Mom told me we should start wedding planning as soon as possible. She said she wants everything to be perfect for me.”

“That’s great, Carly. I’m happy for you.” She was happy for her sister. Despite what she personally thought of Nolan and despite how Margo had been treating Luke, Quinn was happy that Carly was happy.

“You should see his parents’ resort, Quinn. It really is beautiful. I think I’m going to have my dream wedding, after all. With the mountains in the background, it’s going to be so gorgeous.”

“I’m sure it will.
Just…let me know what I can do to help. Maybe one day over break, Dad can keep Nolan entertained and we can really start planning.” Quinn hoped their dad wouldn’t mind the task. She was certainly not going to volunteer Luke for the job.

“Oh,” Carly said as she cringed just a bit, “we’re not actually staying through the week.”

“You’re not?” Quinn asked. “I thought you were home for all of spring break.”

Carly shrugged. “Nolan thought a few days would be enough. He wants to head out Sunday night. That way he can spend the rest of the week at the resort.”

“That makes sense,” Quinn said. “I guess. I mean, if you two are here visiting your family now, it’s only fair to split things up and go visit his.”

Carly fidgeted with the label on her bottle, peeling it off and then pressing it back in place again. “He’s actually going alone.” She smiled brightly but Quinn was sure she spotted just a little bit of hurt behind that smile. “It’s spring break, you know? They’ll be really busy. He didn’t think it would be a good time for me to come along.”

“Why don’t you just stay here then?” Quinn asked.

“Because we drove together. I didn’t realize he didn’t plan on staying the week until we were almost here.”

“You know, if you want to stay,” Luke said, “Quinn and I can drive you back next weekend.”

“We can,” Quinn agreed. “It seems silly for you to drive back and then spend the entire break by yourself.”

Carly’s gaze floated over to where Nolan was wrapped up in his game. “I’m not sure. I’ll have to see what Nolan wants me to do.”

Quinn felt her eyebrows shoot up at that. Since when did Carly ever check in with a guy to see how he wanted her to spend her
free time?

“Well,” Luke said, “the offer is there. Think about it.”

“I will,” Carly agreed. “I do appreciate it. You know you really are a sweetheart. So didn’t listen to what Mom says. She was probably just blowing off steam.”

Quinn glanced at Luke. His expression had hardened. “What do you mean?”

Carly gave him a sympathetic look. “Nolan overheard your conversation.”

Luke’s cheeks reddened. Quinn wasn’t sure if it was in anger, embarrassment, or both.

“Mom had no right to talk to Luke,” Quinn said and Carly nodded her agreement.

“Nolan listened in, huh?” Luke asked. He took a gulp of beer and looked away.

“I’m sure he didn’t mean to,” Carly said. “I’m sorry Mom was so awful. She had no right to tell you that Quinn would be better off without you. Or that you’re bringing complications into her life that she doesn’t need.”

Quinn turned to Luke. “She said all that? I thought she just told you I was vulnerable right now.”

“No,” Luke said quietly. “She had a hell of a lot to stay about everything.
I just didn’t want to get into all of it here.”

“Well she’s wrong!
About everything
,” Quinn forcefully told him.

For the first time, she realized just how tense Luke was. She’d been so preoccupied, trying to wrap her mind around the strange turn of events with Nolan, that she hadn’t been paying much attention to Luke. Now
that she was, she realized how miserable he looked. She reached for his hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. He managed to force a sad smile in return. Of course it was important to him that her family accepted him. She was livid that her mom had gone out of her way to let him know that was not the case. She vowed then and there her mother would be getting an earful first thing in the morning.

“Of course she’s wrong,” Carly assured
Luke. “You’ve known our mom long enough to know how she gets. Now that she’s okay with Nolan, she needs to have something else to be bothered about. For the moment, it’s you. But you know it’ll pass.” Luke gave a noncommittal shrug because he wasn’t so sure. “Besides, no one else thinks that.”

Luke’s gaze sliced past Carly, to the other side of the room. He frowned as he shook his head. “Oh, I think you might be wrong about that.”

Carly turned around to see what Luke was looking at. Quinn leaned over, so she could see past Carly. She groaned when her eyes met Tabitha’s. She was Luke’s ex-girlfriend and they’d already had a run in about Luke. Quinn cringed because if she had to guess by the cold way Tabby was glaring at her, she was primed for another run in.

“Is this going to be one of those nights that go from bad to worse?” Carly wryly wondered.

“I’m afraid it might be,” Quinn agreed.

“When did those two become friends?” Carly asked as she spun back around in her seat. She wore a frown on her face. “Betsy and Tabby? They know each other?” She looked to Luke.

“Yeah, they do,” he confirmed. “Back when Tabby and I were dating, and Jesse and Betsy were seeing each other on and off, we all went out a few times. I guess now that Tabby’s been back in town for awhile, they’ve been in touch.”

“You know, maybe we shouldn’t tempt fate. Maybe we should just get going. I think it’s too much to hope that those two will act like mature adults and just leave us alone. I mean, Betsy clearly hates me, though I don’t get why. It seems like she had Jesse wrapped around her finger for a long time. And Tabby…” She shrugged apologetically. “Well, judging by that scowl, I’d have to say she’s not too crazy about you Quinnie.” Carly rose from her seat. “I’ll go tell Nolan we’re going to get out of here.”

Quinn worked her way into her jacket. “I’m glad we’re leaving, actually.”

“Me too,” Luke said. He took Quinn’s hand, leading her toward the door. They weren’t even half way there when Tabitha stepped in front of him.

“Not now, Tabby.” He tried to sidestep her.

“I told you the rumors were true,” Betsy said as she appeared beside Tabitha and gave her a nudge.

Tabitha shook her head. “I know you told me. I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t think he’d do something so tasteless.”

“If one of the Johnson sisters is involved, it’s bound to be tasteless,” Betsy assured her.

Quinn looped her arm through Luke’s. “Come on.”

He took another step but Tabitha stepped directly in front of him, stopping him again.

“You finally get to screw your brother’s wife. Was she worth the wait, Luke?” she asked. “She doesn’t look like she’d be worth it. Then again, I suppose the ones that look so sweet and innocent are really the ones wild in bed. Did your brother do a good job of breaking her in?”

For the first time in his life, Luke wanted to hit a girl. Not just hit her but pummel her.

“Shut up Tab,” he growled, keeping his voice low. He didn’t want to draw any more attention to their group than they already had.

“What a way to disrespect your brother’s memory, Luke. It just proves how jealous you were of him all along. Are you
he’s gone now? You can just walk right in and take over his entire life,” Betsy said. “Things sure worked out well for you.”

“Or didn’t you wait?
” Tabitha asked. Her head was cocked to the side, as if she were truly curious. “We’ve all been wondering if this has been going on for awhile. Did this start right under Jake’s nose? Have you been screwing your brother’s wife all this time? Because that’s sure as hell what it looks like.”

Carly saved
Luke from his moral dilemma. The crack of her hand slapping into the flesh of Tabitha’s cheek sent Tabitha flying backwards.

“You are a horrible. Evil.
,” Carly hissed as she stood over the top of her. She spun on her heel. “And you,” she said to Betsy, “aren’t any better. It’s no wonder Jesse dumped you in the end.”

Before anyone could say anything else, Carly grabbed a hold of both Luke and Quinn
. She propelled them out the door, into the crisp March evening.

Nolan ambled out behind them. “You all really know how to cause a scene, don’t you?” he asked.



















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