Letting Go (27 page)

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Authors: Meg Jolie

BOOK: Letting Go
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Luke had successfully taken over the business. Quinn had started working and loved the flexibility of her new job.

She had noted a definite change in her mother.  She had seemed to finally accept that Luke wasn’t going anywhere, even if it had taken her daughter getting married to finally accept that.

Margo’s attitude had improved even more when Quinn and Luke announced they were expecting a baby. The arrival of a
nother grandchild seemed to take precedence over anything else that may have been on her mind.

If Quinn was excited about the baby, Luke was positively ecstatic.
As far as they had been concerned, life had been perfect. They hadn’t exactly been trying for a baby but they’d decided right away to stop being careful. They were blessed with good news almost immediately. When Quinn pulled into the parking lot for their second appointment, Luke hopped out of the truck to greet her.

Carly head back to school?” he asked.

“She sure did,” Quinn said

He placed his hand on her stomach for a moment. “Only
six more months left!”

,” Quinn said with light sarcasm. The August heat was wearing on her.

Her hair was pulled back in a knot at the back of her head. A few curly strands fluttered free. Luke tucked them behind her ear.

“Hey, you’re not the only one counting down the months,” he teased.

Luke’s hand wrapped around hers. He swung their hands between them as they crossed the parking lot.

“Did you have a hard time getting away?” she asked.

He made a face. “Always, but I left anyway.”

They made their way to the desk to check in. Quinn took a seat and Luke scanned over the stack of magazines sitting on the table. Nothing caught his interest so he dropped himself into a chair next to Quinn. They’d only been seated a few moments before the nurse called them back.

“That was fast,” Luke muttered.

“And rare,” Quinn muttered back.

The nurse covered all of the routine questions. Luke listened intently as Quinn answered. Everything seemed to be going well. She had morning sickness this time around, but it had been tolerable. She wasn’t going to complain.

Luke looked at her sympathetically. He knew first hand just how bad the morning sickness had gotten at times. Quinn never grumbled about it. She knew it was worth the payoff. Initially, they had thought her new job would be convenient if Carter got ill and she needed to be home. They soon found out that it was Quinn who needed the sick days.

This pregnancy was so dif
ferent from her pregnancy with Carter.  Between showing already and how horrible she was feeling, Quinn had convinced herself they must be having a girl this time around.

When the doctor came in, she scanned over Quinn’s chart. She gave a few recommendations regarding her illness and fatigue.

“Are you ready to hear the heartbeat again?” Dr. Henderson asked. Quinn and Luke both said they were. She pulled out the fetal monitor and put it in place.

The small exam room was instantly filled with the
sound that made Quinn’s own heart swell with joy.

“Oh…goodness,” the doctor said. A crease had appeared between her eyebrows.

Quinn’s heart suddenly slammed against her chest. She did not like the startled look on her doctor’s face.

“What?” she demanded. She squeezed Luke’s hand because a burst of fear had suddenly shot through her. There couldn’t be a problem with the baby. There just couldn’t be. Not after everything they’d been through. Didn’t they deserve some happiness? Happiness that lasted longer than this?

Luke caught Quinn’s panicked look. “What is it?” he asked. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand, offering what little comfort he could. “What’s wrong?”

“Well,” the doctor said slowly, “as far as I know, nothing is wrong. Your babies’ heartbeats are plenty strong.”

Neither Quinn nor Luke said anything for several long, drawn out, heart-pounding, mind-blowing seconds.

?” Quinn said the same moment Luke said, “

The doctor nodded as she listened intently a few more moments.

“Where did the other one come from?” Luke demanded. “I mean, since the last appointment?!”

Dr. Henderson laughed. “This early in the pregnancy, it’s not uncom
mon for a second heartbeat to go undetected. Especially if one baby is in front of the other. But now, there is no doubt that you have two little ones in there. The heartbeats are nice and strong.”

“Two?” Quinn echoed.

“Two!” Luke agreed. His grin was huge, though his expression showed his shock. “Two,” he said again, trying to let the words sink in.

“Yes,” Dr. Henderson said as she pulled the fetal monitor away. “Congratulations. You’re having twins.”

She finished the rest of the exam, though it was a blur for both Quinn and Luke. She asked if they had any questions, they didn’t. Not yet. But Luke assured her that he probably would fairly soon. She smiled as she reached for the doorknob. “I’ll leave you two alone now. I’m sure you have plenty to talk about.”

A stunned smile spread across Luke’s face
as she closed the door behind her. “I guess it’s good we bought a big house.”

Quinn blinked at him in
astonished surprise. “I guess Carly doesn’t get her own room after all.”

“Because we’re having twins,” Luke repeated yet again. No matter how many times he said it, he still could barely grasp it.

He glanced at Quinn. She swiped away a few tears with her free hand. The one that Luke wasn’t still clenching tightly.

“Oh, Quinnie,” he said softly. “Please tell me those are happy tears.
I know this might be tough. The first few months after they’re born, I mean. But it’ll be worth it.”

She nodded, smiling. “I have Carter and you. Now we have two more babies on the way. I
think right now, in this moment, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”

Luke slipped his arms around her. He speckled kisses across her cheeks and then nuzzled her neck. She giggled and then pushed him away.

“I think we need to get out of here,” she whispered.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “I think I feel the desire to start nesting. It’s kicking in. We’ve got a lot to do. We have a second nursery to prepare!”









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