Licorice Whips (12 page)

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Authors: Bridget Midway

BOOK: Licorice Whips
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Chapter Eight



Sweet, dressed in black slacks with matching jacket, a crisp, white shirt and a red power tie, walked into the Zuberi Commercial Real Estate Company office. He could never be a submissive or slave. The tie wrapped around his neck felt too much like a collar. He hated the feeling. He kept pulling on the inside of the collar to give himself some air to breathe. He wondered how the hell Masaun could wear a tie all the time. For this meeting, Sweet would look his best.

The small building existed near the Oceanfront and sat sandwiched in between two tall buildings. He imagined the owners bought the small dwelling years ago before all of the construction happened down at the Oceanfront area and they refused to give up their spot. He had to respect their fortitude.

Sweet smoothed his hand down his tie. As long as he kept the events that had happened with Nikla and Leaf out of his head, he would remain calm.

Sweet’s thoughts had gone back and forth between his encounter with Nikla Dearwood and his sorry performance at The Dollhouse. He couldn’t keep his mind on Leaf while he thought about business, losing Melinda, and Nikla Dearwood, both a headache and a distraction.

After taking a needed deep breath, he gripped the doorknob to the white building and pulled the door open. The creaking hinges welcomed him more than the venomous glare he got from Nikla who sat at the edge of a chair like she wanted to jump up at any moment.

“So you actually did make an appointment, huh?” Nikla turned away from him.

“You thought I was kidding about wanting both spots?” Sweet kept his stare on her as he made his way to the receptionist desk that sat in the center of the cramped space.

Nikla never returned his look but did respond. “I thought you were trying to rattle me.”

“Trust me. I have other ways I can do that.” Just hearing the word “rattle” had him thinking of Nikla handcuffed to an overhead bar. He could almost hear the sounds handcuffs would make as they clanged against each other.

He cleared his throat to snag the attention of the woman with the gray beehive hairdo. When she looked up, he said, “I have an appointment. Sweet Hawkes.”

The prim, slight, mature woman adjusted her invisible frame glasses on her slender nose, then ran her hand down her neck like she wanted to smooth away her wrinkles. “Please have a seat.” She indicated the chair next to Nikla.

Although Sweet wanted to be disappointed, his pounding heart gave away how he truly felt. He didn’t like feeling this out of sorts around a woman he barely knew, except that she wanted to own and run her own business, and shut down his.

Sweet occupied the wooden chair next to Nikla that seemed as old as the building. It squeaked under his weight, but he welcomed being in a seated position. At six-foot-three, he felt like he had to duck his head due to the low ceiling.

He also enjoyed the aroma near Nikla. No longer smelling of oranges, she only carried a seductive jasmine scent. He took in a deep breath and his dick pulsed.

“I don’t think I ever had the chance to tell you thank you properly for the other day.” Nikla could barely look him in the eyes as she spoke. “I wasn’t at my best. It was embarrassing.” Her gaze connected to his. “I appreciate you giving me my dignity.”

His heart thrummed at her sincere speech. “I’m human. You needed help. I did what anyone else would have done.”

“I don’t think so.” She held up her hand to him. “Thank you.”

After a beat, Sweet accepted her gesture and took her small hand in his. Her soft flesh melted in his hand. He wanted nothing more than to pull her close and seal her apology with a kiss.

Before he could humiliate himself, he released her hand. “If you really want to thank me, you’ll stop protesting in front of my store.”

“I can’t do that.”

Sweet caught her tone when she said it. She sounded like she did this task for someone else, not because it meant anything to her. 

“You must be late for your appointment or incredibly early.” Nikla crossed her legs.

Damn. Now in her skirt and business jacket, she exuded power. Her skirt rode up her leg, showing off more of her luscious thigh.

When she finally looked at him in his eyes, he noticed her lips carried a faint pink hue that gave them an even juicier appearance than before. The makeup around her eyes made them look even bigger. If he didn’t think the chair would crack under the weight, he would have pulled the caramel beauty onto his lap.

“Why would you assume that I’m not on time?” He leaned back in the chair. When he heard a loud pop, he thought better of his decision and sat up straighter. “Aren’t you way early?”

“No. I’m on time.” She looked at her watch. “My appointment starts in a few minutes.”

Sweet furrowed his eyebrows. “If you knew me, you’d know I’m never late.”

“I’ve learned a lot about you, more than I should.” A sly smile spread across Nikla’s innocent face.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Had Nikla actually looked up information about him online?

Before Nikla could answer, the receptionist got his attention. “Mrs. Zuberi will see you now.”

“Who? Me?” Sweet pointed to himself. “Or her?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to point at Nikla.

“Both.” The receptionist stood and opened a door behind her desk.

Sweet didn’t know what kind of game Zuberi played with the two of them. He planned on being on top.

He stood and held his hand out for Nikla. He had to blink hard when she accepted it. The same woman who wouldn’t shake his hand days ago now had touched him twice.

Her soft, delicate fingers wrapped around his hand. He wanted so much to wrap her fingers around his cock and have her stroke him until he came.

His stomach tightened as soon as the thought hit him that this could be a diversionary tactic. Her soft touch could be a way to throw him from his game.

Nikla’s velvety touch sent a shiver down Sweet’s spine. He squeezed her hand as she got to her feet. Until she thanked him and removed her hand from his, he would have been fine holding her hand into the meeting...of course with her trailing behind him.

He had to get it out of his head about making her his submissive.

As a gentleman, he allowed her entrance into the office first, then he held out her chair. When he noticed the woman sitting on the flowered velvet couch, Sweet remained standing until he shook her hand. Then he sat in a matching flowered chair.

Much like the building and the waiting room, this office looked more like his grandmother’s living room. Mrs. Zuberi didn’t have a desk in her office. Just a flowered couch, two chairs, a coffee table, and two tall floor lamps. The Oriental rug under his feet brought home the familial feel.

Sweet didn’t expect to be meeting with this older woman, the namesake behind the successful local commercial real estate company. Looking at Nikla’s surprised expression, she looked a bit taken aback as well.

“You two want something to drink?” Mrs. Zuberi pointed to an avocado-colored full-sized refrigerator that sat in the corner.

“I’m fine.” Sweet smoothed out his business plan on his lap.

“Nothing for me. Thank you.” Nikla shook her head.

The older white woman, who he estimated to be in her seventies, reminded Sweet of one of his free-spirited aunts on his father’s side of the family. Graying blonde dreadlocks adorned Mrs. Zuberi’s head. She kept them contained under a brown-and-tan paisley scarf. The scarf matched the flowing caftan she wore. Her tan sandals sat on the floor in front of her. She kept her feet curled up on the couch. Very limber for a woman of her age.

Sweet decided to take charge of this meeting. “Mrs. Zuberi, I want to thank you for taking time to meet with me.” He started to open his folder.

“And with me.” Nikla pulled out her paperwork from her purse.

“I understand your time is valuable, which is why you must have scheduled our meetings at the same time.” Sweet nodded his head toward Nikla.

“No. I realized that lots of people would like those two storefronts I’m leasing downtown.” She shook her head. “That’s the one thing my dear departed husband did right while he was alive. He recognized an opportunity and took it. He also loved what he loved, like this building.” She raised her hands in the air like a retired showgirl. “He could have torn this place down when he had the two office buildings beside this place built, but he couldn’t give up the first office building he ever owned.”

Sweet nodded. To anyone else, Mrs. Zuberi sounded like a woman who respected her husband’s dying wishes. To him, she sounded like a well-trained submissive who complied with her husband’s instructions.

“To be honest, the day-to-day business dealings bore me. I have ignored all requests, and trust me, I’ve gotten plenty.” She picked up her coffee mug and took a healthy swig.

Sweet didn’t even know if she had coffee or tea in the mug. From her demeanor, he guessed that she probably had some sort of liquor in it.

“If you had no interest in leasing the spaces, why advertise?” Sweet started to feel like the woman had wasted his time.

“That was my son’s idea. He wants to take over the business one day. I told him I wanted to take over the leasing of the spaces as my last deal.”

“Good. Let me make it easy for you. We want both spaces. If you allow us to have both spots, you will only have to deal with one customer.” Sweet placed his business plan on the coffee table in front of her. “If you want to look over my numbers–”

“We? Us?” The woman pointed to Sweet and Nikla. “Are you two going into business together?”

Sweet didn’t even look at Nikla. “No. When I said we, I’m talking about me and my brother, Masaun. He’s my business partner.”

“How nice. I wish my boys would get along like that.”

Her statement confirmed what Sweet already knew. He had an incredible relationship with his brother. He just hoped that once he got this deal that Masaun wouldn’t be too upset with him for going behind his back.

“Mrs. Zuberi, I just want one space. The smaller one.” Nikla glared at Sweet. She started to place her plan on the table on top of Sweet’s.

The elderly woman waved her hand. “I don’t want to see your business plans. You two tell me what you want for both spots. And please, call me Bobbi. At my age, I want to feel young in any way possible.”

“Bobbi, I would like to run my own yoga and Pilates studio. I’ve been teaching classes for ten years.” Nikla sat up taller and even smiled as she shared her plan.

“Really? I didn’t know that.” Her admission made Sweet regard her differently. So that explained her workout gear the first time he’d met her and her exercise room in her apartment.

“And you thought I was someone else.” Nikla finally acknowledged him.

Her diplomacy and tact prevented her from saying that Sweet had damn near called her a trophy wife or mistress. She could have buried him in Bobbi’s eyes by casting him in a bad light. He would have deserved it for his assumption.

“I thought you had come from working out. I should have known that–”

“What?” Nikla cut him off and glared at him, preparing for a fight.

“I should have guessed with a body like yours that you took working out seriously.” Sweet stared at her for a long beat, long enough to notice a shade of pink flooding Nikla’s face.

Nikla dropped her gaze. That expression revved up his engine more than her scent and her touch. He shouldn’t have wanted this woman so much. He had to keep his head into business.

When he turned his attention back to Bobbi, she looked impressed by Nikla’s plan. He should have known this former hippie would have liked this touchy-feely business.

“I’m old enough to remember when yoga became big in the states. People thought that only hippies did this exercise.” Bobbi glanced at Sweet as though reading his mind. “I don’t think there are any other exercise studios in that shopping area.”

“There aren’t. I checked.” Nikla beamed as she showed how much she researched this venture.

Even though she seemed to be ahead with Bobbi, Sweet still had a chance.

Sweet glanced at Nikla before returning his attention to the woman who probably wanted amusement more than business. “My brother Masaun and I run a candy shop called Decadent Treats. I’d like to expand our current business.”

“So you want to get both units so that you can knock down a wall to make some sort of mega store?” Bobbi asked.

“No. I would make one unit our Decadent Treats store, and I’d make the other unit one where I would sell merchandise.”

“What kind of merchandise? Baking supplies? Party items?”

“Fetish toys and apparel.” Sweet made the declaration with confidence and kept his stare on her hazel eyes.

Bobbi blinked. “Oh. I know there’s not a store like that there now.”

“No, there isn’t.” He turned to Nikla.

This time she stared at him. She couldn’t break away as though fascinated by the idea of what he had to offer.

“Tell me more,” Bobbi said.

Sweet broke his stare from Nikla to address Bobbi. “I’m involved in an alternative lifestyle. I’ve noticed that there aren’t any places around here that sell quality equipment and toys to use within that lifestyle.”

“What kind of equipment, Mr. Hawkes?” Bobbi held onto her mug as she regarded him.

Sweet peered to the side and noticed Nikla hanging on his every word as well.

“Whips, floggers, dragon’s tails, crosses, hobblers, chastity devices.”

He noticed Bobbi’s eyes widening at that admission.

While he had her on the hook, he might as well keep going. “Cock-and-ball torture devices, dildos, vibrators, anal play training kits, nipple clamps. I haven’t even gotten to the clothing like corsets and collars.”

Nikla dropped her purse to the floor.

“Yes, shocking indeed.” Bobbi fanned her face. “I can honestly say that there’s not another store like that in that shopping center.”

“Or anywhere else.” Sweet leaned back.

“And no concern about selling items like that next to a family-friendly store?” Nikla asked.

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