Light to Valhalla (46 page)

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Authors: Melissa Lynne Blue

BOOK: Light to Valhalla
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is the meaning of this?

Alex thrust
the ribbon bound pages out for her inspection.”

Regina stopped short, flicking a startled gaze between Alex and the papers

I found these letters in your desk.”

Understanding followed by g
uilt flickered through his mother’s face as her
eyes shifted
from the wad of letters to


, dear
, I have no idea what you could be referring to

His mother never called him dear.

took a tiny step back toward
main hall, but Alex refused to be deterred and quickly followed.
ve been keeping these?
” he pressed


’s eyes narrowed as though contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth
Finally she
“You deserve better

“Deserve better…

swirled through his head, intensifying the ache throbbing behind his temple
“Speak sense for once, mother
was good enough for Richard
How is it any different with me?”

Her face hardened, eyes narrowed with familiar menace
“You would never understand
You’re just like your father.”

Ignoring the familiar barb he moved onto the next question eating at his brain
“Did you hav
anything to do with
Charley’s accident

He advanced on his mother, holding her eyes to his with a cold glare
“Someone intentionally damaged her saddle and she was seriously injured heading out for a ride this morning
Dr. Carson is seeing to her now.”

Regina gasped, thoroughly affronted

think I’d harm her?  You
cannot be serious.”

“I am deadly serious
Did you have Charley’s
girth strap tampered with?”

True hurt lit his mother’s eyes

I will not hear
any more
of this
… this… utter nonsense
I admit
to keeping a few letters, but murder, Alex?  Do you think so little of your own mother?

Without waiting for an answer she swept regally
past him
, head held high.

With a heavy sigh
Alex slapped the letters against his palm, unable to fully decipher or discard his mother’s bizarre behavior
He walked across the hall
into his study safely stowing Charley’s letters in the bottom drawer
of his desk beneath a pile of ledgers

He ambled back to the hall
and hailed Hastings
Handing the butler
letter he said, “Find some sealing wax and then have this delivered to
the magistrate with
all possible haste.”

“Yes, my lord.

Ever efficient Hastings took the note and turned crisply away

“And, Hastings?”


Make mention of this to no one
I want to be informed of any suspicious staff behavior.

“Of course.”

Alex sighed and returned to his study
to await the physician, mind whirling with the events of the morning

Not an hour later the good doctor appeared in the hall with a pleasant smile on his fatherly face
“As far as I can tell your wife is
absolutely fine, my
A few bruises but nothing that won’t take care of itself.”

Thank the L
ord for that, Doctor.

Alex pumped the man’s hand
thanks to you for coming so quickly.”

“No trouble at all, my lord
I don’t believe any harm came to the child your wife is carrying
, but,” the doctor shrugged, “it may be too soon to tell
If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to send for me.”

The walls collapsed in on him with suffocating force
Alex stumbled back, yanking
tightening like a noose around his throat
Charley’s pregnant? 
Alex did nothing but stare dumbly at the physician for the full space of a minute
And she didn’t tell me?

“My lord, are you feeling all right?”

-fine, Doctor
Thank yo
u, again, and I’ll inform you if
any further concerns arise

Lost and adrift Alex bid the doctor farewell and strode up the stairs with a heavy heart
He had no idea what to make of the news or how he was supposed to react
Part of him wanted to be excited, while other parts of him were bogged in the mire of his botched marriage
Should he bring the subject up or give Charley time to tell him?

pondered the predicament, wondering if
life could get any more mud
died, and slipped into her
She lay
cocooned in the bed sheets,
, brilliant r
ed hair contrasting
with the more pallid color
of her skin and the linens
In an instant fear consumed him
Fear for Charley
Fear for their unborn child, but more than anything…  Fear of losing her


“I’m here, love.

He covered the distance of the room in three strides and dropped at her side
“How do you feel?”


She yawned
“Very, very tried.”

“Sleep, sweetheart.

He brushed the hair from her forehead
, pressing a light kiss upon her brow

“My saddle broke.”

“I know
Jefferies found a deliberate cut in the leather.”

Her eyes flew open and she shuddered

I don’t understand this, Alex
Who would want to hurt me?

She groaned, throwing an arm over her eyes

Will this never be over?

Not to worry, love
I’ll protect you, I promise.

He shift
ed closer to her on
the bed
, gathering her in his arms, holding her for a long moment
“I’m going to see
as soon as I leave here.”

Her arms tightened around his neck
“Don’t go.

her side, dragging his arm across her middle
“Stay with me for a while.”

Alex swallowed around the lump
perpetually stuck
in his throat, and stretched on the bed beside her, snuggling her against his chest
He needed no further urging and would stay for as long as she allowed
Tension eased from his
Holding her was so right
So perfect
He could never live without her

He tilted his face into the curve of her neck and slid a
hand over her still flat belly
eclipsed some of the fear
plaguing his spirit
It was so hard to believe a baby lay in there
A tiny spark of life
created in love, to be loved
He envisioned his wife flushed and happy, round with their growing child
with joy and hope
He wanted to
be there for every moment

The realization
of all he’d miss if he rejoined his regiment
hit him with a pang
He’d miss the birth of his child
First steps, first words
He’d already missed everything with Jack
Hadn’t even known the boy existed.


Alex sat abruptly, looking to the door
laid eyes on the lad since his arrival at
had merely entrusted him to the care of a nurse, and set off to make some sense of life.

Alex rose
from the bed, leaving a slumbering Charley to her rest
He quietly left the room and
trudged down the hall to the o
ld nursery
He hesitated
outside the door
be frightened of him?  Perhaps the boy was sleeping and Alex should just leave him be.

“Coward,” he muttered
“Afraid of a two foot tall child.

Squaring his shoulders h
e drew a
There came a time when a man must face all his demons, and in the face of yet more impending fatherhoo
d the time to face Jack had most definitely arrived

Alex twisted the knob
and swung the portal open
is heart quite literally fell out thro
ugh the bottom as h
e fell in love for the second time in his life
sitting at the miniature wooden table
the miniature person he called
his son

His son

and pride
surged through Alex, and he had to grip the doorjamb to keep from crashing to the floor


the powers
those words were growing on him, but
he didn’t
have the first clue how to be a father
Not a good one anyway
He’d never had anything
more than a piss poor example
, and i
n the back of his mind he’d always had a picture, an illusion, of what his children’s lives would
be like—a mo
ther to buffer his downfalls was foremost on that list
Instead he
himself completely alone
in the endeavor

The little boy looked up, uncertainty and more than a lit
tle fear in
his huge blue eyes

“Hullo, Jack,” Alex said, throat
with emotion
He moved slowly into the room, kneeling before the child, and extending a hand palm up

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