Lily in Bloom (8 page)

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Authors: Tammy Andresen

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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No wonder she bore such a resemblance to Caitlin. Lily nodded at the other woman. Relief swept through her but it did not change the fact that Eric had never come to call. “How do you do, Mrs. DeMarco?”

“Very well, thank you, Miss Carter. I must say those are exquisite diamonds.” Lily touched the stone around her neck.

“Thank you.” She started to turn away but Kathryn caught her arm.

“You must tell me how you know Eric. My brother–in-law is so tight-lipped.”

“Actually, I met Caitlin and Eric several years ago when my family traveled to Boston. My brother James and Mr. Sampson are business associates.” Lily drew herself up.

“Please, there has to be more to it than that. Toby speaks of you reverently and has mentioned something about a great rescue. I am sure the two of you are more acquainted than you are letting on.”

Lily looked at the woman standing before her. At one time she might have been intimidated by her but today she was not. “Mrs. DeMarco, are you saying that you don’t believe me?”

“Of course not, but Toby...” Kathryn began.

“I am sure Toby would be happy to tell you the story.” Lily returned to her seat. She had the distinct impression that Kathryn was trying to needle information out of her. She saw Eric look down, a satisfied smile on his face.


Elise nudged Lily in the shoulder. Lily turned to her beloved sister-in-law, annoyed by the interruption.

“What is it?” Lily asked.

Elise only laughed. “It's you. You look absolutely stunning sitting there and Mr. Sampson has not been able to take his eyes off of you.” Elise exclaimed.

Lily glanced over to see Eric staring at her again. She simultaneously blushed and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Something in her responded to him.

“What do you know about Kathryn?” Lily asked Elise.

“Kathryn is married to Mr. Henri DeMarco, a wealthy French aristocrat now in his late sixties, I believe. Rumor has it his health is failing, but Mrs. DeMarco seems to spend a great deal of time abroad. It is also mentioned that she is unfaithful to her husband, frequently.” Elise, who didn't enjoy the theater nearly as much as Lily, was happy to gossip.

“Why do you think she and Eric are together?” Lily couldn't help asking, even though it revealed her jealousy.

“Toby is her nephew.” Elise shrugged. Lily nodded. It made sense.


The first act ended and everyone headed back out to the lobby to stretch their legs. Lily felt alive as she walked next to Tom and Danielle; the music had filled her heart. It helped a little that she had relieved some of her jealousy toward Kathryn DeMarco. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Lily found Kathryn directly next to her.

“I am sorry to jump out at you but I was hoping for a word.” Kathryn pulled her out of the crowd. “I didn’t mean to pry earlier. I hope I didn’t offend you.”

Lily muttered a noncommittal answer as she waited for the woman to get to the point.

Kathryn continued undaunted. “It is just that it is clear that you and Eric have some sort of relationship...”

Lily interrupted her. “What makes you say that?”

“Dear, he barely looked away from you through the entire first act.” Lily felt herself blush at Kathryn's words. “Anyway, I wouldn’t feel right if I did not explain to you what happened between Eric and my sister.”

Lily shifted uncomfortably. She was not sure she wanted to hear what Kathryn had to say. “You needn’t explain anything, Eric and I are simply acquaintances. Thank you, though, for your concern.” Lily turned to leave.

“Wait, I know you say that but I can see the way he looks at you. It is the same way he looked at Caitlin.”

Lily paused, turning back to the woman.

Kathryn took this as her opportunity to share the information she had wanted to give. “They were happy at first but when the baby came…Caitlin tried to make it work.” Kathryn sighed dramatically. “But once she became pregnant, the infidelity started. It broke her heart. Finally, she confronted him and they had a huge fight. We think they had an altercation. There were a number of unexplained bruises on her body. She fled the house and that was when she had the accident.” Kathryn paused, staring at Lily.

“It may almost be better this way. I don’t know how she would have continued in the relationship. Please, don’t make the same mistake my sister did.” Kathryn sighed heavily, almost theatrically.

Lily stared at Kathryn unable to process what she had just heard. She felt like she had stepped into the plot of an opera herself. Unable to hear anymore she muttered, “I have to go…” She hurried blindly from the lobby down a long hall. It was one thing to hear idle rumors from Isabelle and her friends but quite another to hear this story directly from Caitlin’s sister.

She did not look back and once the corridor turned so she could not see the lobby she began trying doors. She just needed a few minutes to compose herself. She could hardly believe what Kathryn had told her. Could there be any truth to it? She did not know a reason that Kathryn would lie. But she also couldn’t see Eric doing the things Kathryn accused him of.

Relief flooded her as a door finally pushed open. She rushed into a dressing room and closed the door behind her, grateful for the respite. It took a few moments for her to register a man and a woman locked in an embrace in the center of the room.

“Oh, I am so sorry. Excuse me,” she stuttered as she tried to find the doorknob again to leave.

The man turned slightly toward her and in an instant she recognized Mark.

Unable to speak, she turned to grab the doorknob, yanking it open. Clearly she heard Amelia’s voice say, “Lily, wait!”

Another wave of shock ran through her as she turned back to see Mark and her cousin standing together.

She stood speechless, or perhaps her words just crowded her mouth and couldn’t get out. She knew she should feel betrayed by Mark. But somehow, all she could feel was relief.

“Lily, I am sorry.” Amelia rushed forward, seizing her hands. “I would never do anything to hurt you. It’s just that, well, we fell in love. I know it is crazy and sudden but as soon as I met him, I just knew. I tried to stay away but…” Amelia’s words trailed off.

Mark stepped forward. He started to speak, then stopped, seemingly unsure of what to say.

She reached up and once again touched her mother’s necklace. She felt as though her mother was there watching over her. She reached out her hands to the two of them. With a sigh and a small smile she spoke. “James is going to be so disappointed.”

Amelia paused for a moment and then an enormous smile broke over her face. She hugged her cousin as hard as she could and then stepped back to Mark. Relief clearly showed on his face as well, but he hesitated.

“Lily, I’m sorry…” he started but she waved her hand. “What am I going to tell James?”

“We’ll talk to him together tomorrow,” Lily replied. “But now we should be getting back or James will be worried.”

The three of them left the room, hurrying back toward their seats. In the hallway a man stepped from the shadows with a look of satisfaction on his face.


As they entered the box, Lily was immediately reminded of why she had been seeking refuge in the first place.

Kathryn looked over at her as she entered but quickly looked away. Lily sat down, no longer paying attention to the opera unfolding in front of her. She was too caught up in her own drama. Kathryn had made some serious accusations about Eric. That his womanizing had driven Caitlin to her death seemed farfetched for the man who was such a dedicated father. But she had to admit, there was an inkling of doubt as well. Why would he kiss her and not so much as write her a note or come calling? Perhaps she was just like those other women in his life, a mere diversion. Well she was not going to be played the fool anymore! She knew she had to find a husband, but he was clearly not the man.

She snuck a peak at him. He was sitting watching the opera, looking more handsome than ever in his evening attire. Even sitting down, he looked muscular and virile. A lock of hair had fallen across his forehead and she wanted to reach out and push it back. She would not, she told herself, think these thoughts. She turned back to the opera, determined to pay attention.


As the show ended, the small group began shuffling out of the box. Lily said goodnight to the Handlers, promising to meet at their home first thing Monday morning to continue wedding preparations. This weekend, she and Elise were finishing some embroidery on Danielle’s dress.

As she filed down the crowded corridor, she could see Eric and Kathryn making their way through the crowd just in front of her. She pushed through the crowd until she was just behind them.

“Are you going to marry that girl? Lily was it?” Kathryn voice held a tinge of hostility.

Eric looked over at his sister-in-law, his face pinched. “Much as I would like to, I cannot untangle myself from your sister.”

Lily choked on his words. She now knew why he hadn’t come to call. Tears stung her eyes but she willed herself not to cry. His answer was definitive. He was not going to marry her. He still loved his first wife and there was no room in his heart for her.



dressed for Senator Winthrop’s ball. She chose her clothing carefully. She almost wore her diamonds again but decided against it since she had just worn them the night before. She picked a more understated sapphire, also from her mother. At every other event she had been announced with her family or with Mark. Tonight she was being announced alone. She was making a statement.

The night passed quickly. Lily found herself dancing with a myriad of men, many of whom seemed interested in courting her. James would be pleased but Lily sighed to herself. None made her feel the way Eric did.

 Lieutenant Colonel Andrews asked her to dance several times. It was obvious that his interest was more than casual. After the end of their third dance, he pulled her aside.

“Miss Carter, I must ask, may I come and call on you?” Andrews pressed her hand to his lips.

“Of course,” she smiled and batted her eyes but she did not give him too much encouragement. He did not make her heartbeat quicken. Besides, Elise had told her to play hard to get. She gently slipped her fingers from his grasp and began a dance with a new partner.

As the party began to wind down, Andrews started to push his favor and Lily began to feel pressed in. To escape his advances she ducked out while he was in conversation and headed toward the powder room.

As she headed down a corridor she passed a few ladies who smiled and waved. Some of them she had seen before and she returned their greetings. She was about to enter the powder room when a hand reached out for her arm. She jumped slightly but did not avoid the vice-like grip that encircled her upper arm.

“You are a very difficult woman to catch alone.” Colonel Kingsley stepped out from the shadows. “In fact, you are a difficult woman to catch at all. You have been surrounded all night. There has been a change in you, my dear. You look devastating but I rather enjoyed the quiet you. It is an appealing quality in a wife.”

Lily tried to casually step away but his grip was firm. “Well, thank you for the advice, Colonel Kingsley. If you will excuse me, I think I should be getting back or my family…”

“Oh, but my dear, you just got here and I was hoping to get to know you better. Tell me, about your home. Maine, isn’t it?” As the Colonel spoke, he was propelling her further down the hallway and Lily did not see any other guests about. She began to worry.

“Yes, Maine. Really, I should be getting back.” The Colonel stopped and Lily felt a glimmer of hope that he was going to do as she asked. Instead, however, he began to lower his head toward hers.

She tried to gently push away but the Colonel did not budge. He lips met hers in a hard kiss that frightened her. She pushed against him with her free hand as hard as she could be he did not move an inch and instead grabbed the back of her neck, trapping both of her hands between their bodies. She tried to scream but his lips bit down on hers even harder. They seemed almost cruel. He turned her and trapped her against a wall.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and as she struggled but barely moved against him. He opened her lips with his and thrust his tongue into her mouth. She began to feel sick and struggled more desperately and more uselessly. His grip was like a vice and his body a wall. Fear was rising in her to the point she was unable to think.

Suddenly, his lips were gone, though she was still pressed against the wall by his body.

“Take your hands off of her.” At the sound of Eric’s voice, Lily’s eyes snapped open. Eric had the Colonel in a headlock. The Colonel’s eyes bulged but unless he let Lily go, he could do nothing to protect himself.

“I have done nothing. Let go of me,” Kingsley gasped.

“You’ve done plenty.” Eric’s arm tightened and Kingsley gagged. “Let her go and I will let you go.”

In one motion, Kingsley freed her and Eric sent Kingsley spinning to the floor. Eric grabbed her hand and began pulling her down the hall, back toward the party.

“Won’t he follow?” Lily chocked out.

“Let him try,” Eric said through gritted teeth. He wrapped one arm around her waist and tucked her closer to his side as he moved more quickly down the hall.

Lily’s eyes stung with tears and a sob bubbled out of her mouth. Eric looked down at her. He swore softly as he reached a hand up and touched her cheek. “We need to find you a place to compose yourself.”

Just up ahead, a door stood slightly ajar. The couple stepped inside what appeared to be a study. Eric steered her toward a settee and pulled her into his lap as he sat down. He folded his arms around her and as another sob escaped Lily’s lips.

“I’m sorry I’m always crying around you. I don’t normally, I…” Lily fumbled for an explanation but his body pressed against hers was beginning to distract her.

“It’s all right, honey. Just sit still for a minute and recover yourself.” He pulled out a handkerchief and she began to dab at her eyes. She rested her head into the crook of his neck and closed her eyes. He smelled so good. His hand was running up and down her back and every nerve began to tingle. She lifted her head up and looked into his eyes.

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