Lily in Bloom (12 page)

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Authors: Tammy Andresen

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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Her fear must have trickled into her voice because Tracker grimaced. “I had to go through with the kidnapping; it was necessary. But I will do everything I can to see you safely back home.” He spoke softly but firmly and Lily wanted to trust him, although she thought it was foolish to do so. Men began stirring nearby them and Tracker rose, pulling her up so that she could get ready for the ride ahead.


The day was endless. The sun rose in the east and to the south of them and continued to travel overhead, indicating to Lily they were heading northeast. She had missed the first part of the journey and did not know their original direction but to her estimation, they were heading to Maine. They rode, stopping only briefly to water the horses and eat a few bites or pack food and then continue on. They saw no one and passed through no towns and Lily began to wonder how she was going to get out of this mess. The men around her spoke very little. It meant she could learn nothing about them or where they were heading. It also meant that they also already knew the path they were taking and would likely continue to avoid civilization. As the hours passed she grew more apprehensive. Tracker’s promise of help seemed unlikely at best and as he rode behind her, saying nothing, she thought that she should try to come up with another plan. But as she wracked her brain, she could think of little that would help her out of this situation. She was never left alone, had no weapons and little idea where she was. Lily sighed to herself, but she felt Tracker behind her chuckle.

She wanted to turn and vent her frustration on the man she considered her jailer but couldn't. “Relax,” he whispered in her ear.

“You talkin' to that girl again?” Slim's voice cut through her like a knife and she shrank back.

“Hey, Slim, she sure does look like a boy in that git up, don't she?” another voice called. “I saw her in that dress though and she didn't look like no boy. No way. She looked damn good.”

“Shut up, Curly,” a third voice called. “You heard the boss.”

“Yeah, Curly. He don't want her touched. That is why he sent his lap dog to watch her.” Lily heard Slim's voice coming from her right, and glanced briefly to catch a glimpse of the man. He was staring directly at her, leering in a way that made her blood run cold. He was a thin and wiry man with gray hair pulled into a ponytail. His eyes were hard and when he smiled, Lily could see that he was missing several teeth.

Tracker said nothing, but pushed his horse slightly ahead of the group and whispered in her ear. “Don't look at them. Keep your head down.”

Lily did as she was told, fear filling her insides until she could feel every nerve tingling. With sick dread, she saw the full extent of her situation. There were maybe five or six other men besides Tracker. Although one seemed willing to follow orders, at least two were not all that interested in delivering her to the Colonel. Could Tracker hold them off? Even if he did, what was to be said about the man who awaited her at the end of this journey? What could be said about Kingsley who had first attacked her, then had her kidnapped and kept company with men like these? Reaching her mystery destination seemed no safer than traveling with these men.

Her musings were interrupted as the group came to a halt. Lily could see Slim and who she thought was Curly talking at the back of the group.

“Rings, take her.” Tracker turned to a man on her left and Lily felt wild panic growing inside her. At least with Tracker, she was safe from immediate attack.

“Rings will keep you safe. I need to talk to the other men.” Tracker stopped and lifted her easily from the horse, standing her on her feet. Rings reached down and just as effortlessly picked her up, settling her on the horse in front of him. She felt like a sack of feed.

“Slim and Curly…” Tracker words came out in clipped tones. “Double back and see if we are being followed.”

“Are you kidding me? How far we gotta go?” Curly shot back indignantly. “I'm sick of this saddle. I want a rest.”

“You'll go until you can't go any more or until you find sign of someone,” Tracker returned evenly.

“Isn't this supposed to be your job?” Slim spoke more deliberately and although she didn't lift her head, she could feel his eyes burning into her.

“I have been ordered to stay with the girl at all times. You know that. You have to keep lookout this time.” Tracker shrugged.

“Just trying to keep me away from that girly, aren't you? Come on, Curly. Let’s git goin' so we can git back.” From beneath the brim of her hat, she saw Slim turn and ride his horse back the way they had come. Curly followed.

Tracker turned back to rest of the men. “Anyone else who doesn't want to follow orders?” They grumbled but said little else.

Tracker turned his horse and headed in the opposite direction of Slim and Curly, tossing his bedroll on the ground. “Make camp here. I'll be back in a little while.” He rode off without another word.

Rings dismounted from the horse, then pulled her down, handing her some hardtack. “Eat this then go to bed. And don't try nothin funny.”

“I, ah, need a minute alone.” She did as Tracker had instructed her and didn't make eye contact.

“Go behind that bush.  You got one minute and I'm comin' after ya,” Rings’ voice graveled out.

Lily did as she was instructed, wondering if there was any chance she could escape. She hadn't been behind the bush thirty seconds debating whether or not to run when she heard Rings moving toward her. “You're too quiet, girl. Whatcha doin'?”

“I'm almost done,” Lily called back. Rings was clearly keeping a close watch on her and she doubted she would get very far. She would have to wait for a better opportunity.

Lily came back around the bush and sat down to eat her hardtack and lay down. Her stomach grumbled. She had barely eaten anything, but she ignored it. These men weren't going to give her anymore food and she didn't want to draw any more attention to herself. Besides, she was exhausted and she lay down on the bedroll. Without Tracker there, however, to give her information or to make her feel safer, she found she could not sleep. The men lay down and seemed to fall asleep around her except for Rings, who sat up leaned against a nearby tree.

Finally, he spoke. “Go to sleep, girl. You're gonna need it.”

“Somehow, it's hard to relax.” She replied, the sarcasm evident in her voice.

She heard him chuckle. “You'll have to learn to curb that tongue when you're married.”

Lily didn't reply and as the minutes ticked by she felt herself relaxing and until she finally fell into an uneasy sleep. She woke often, clearly unable to relax into a deeper sleep and her dreams were vivid and frightening. She knew she was asleep but it felt so real. She was in a field seemingly alone but somehow she knew people were lurking out of sight. She started in one direction, only to see the grass moving in an odd way. Frightened, she turned in another direction and saw a shadow approaching her. Lily felt her body tensing. She spun around again when suddenly Eric was next to her. He put his arms around her and whispered in her ear. “Don't worry, I'm here. I'll keep you safe.” She felt the tension from her body melt.

“Eric.” The name sighed from her lips and she fell more deeply asleep.


Lily woke early. The sun was not yet over the horizon and she wondered for a few moments where she was. Reality came quicker every day as did her dream of the night before. She turned quickly. Had she been rescued? Tracker lay behind, roused by her movements. “Sorry, it's only me.” He gave her a small half smile. “Who's Eric?”

Lily scowled. She couldn't help it. She was angry with herself for seeming to give everything away and disappointed that her dream was not a reality. “My fiancé.” She answered simply.

“Ah, yes, Eric Sampson. I guess it hadn't occurred to me because I assumed your marriage had been arranged.” One of Tracker’s eyebrows arched in a silly expression which made him look like a normal person and not a kidnapper.

“It was. Although the circumstances are a bit... complicated.” She shrugged and shook her head.

“Really? I wish I had time to hear the story.” He responded and lightly patted her hand once.

Lily hesitated, wanting to ask him some questions but unsure of how to proceed. He beat her to it.

“I'm sorry to leave you last night. It was necessary,” he whispered.

“Why?” she whispered back.

“It is dangerous for both of us if you know too much. I will tell you that we are not that far from Portsmouth and that we are headed into Maine. I will try to slow our progress to allow your brother and fiancé time to catch up to us.”

“They're following us?” She felt hope rising in her chest. She wanted more than anything to be back with her family and back with Eric.

“Yes, I believe they are. You may have to faint today, to slow us down. Can you do it?” Lily nodded and tried to keep from smiling. “Just fall into me when we take a midday break.”

Tracker let her have a few minutes to herself then gave her some more hardtack and some berries he had picked on the trail. She thought to herself that it wouldn't be hard to faint. She had hardly eaten anything and she had a nagging headache that hunger and a lack of water fed, in addition to a lump on the side of her head. As she approached Tracker's horse she groaned to herself. Two days in the saddle had made her sorer than she could have imagined and the thought of climbing back onto a horse made her insides tighten. She would give anything to be back home.

One thing was for sure, if she made it back, it didn't matter to her if Eric felt the way she did. Lily was going to put everything she had into her marriage and hope for the best. She couldn't imagine marrying anyone else and the thought of never seeing Eric again made her realize how much she cared. She would put any trepidations she had aside. It didn't matter if he still had feelings for Caitlin and the infidelity that Kathryn had accused him of was only an accusation. Even if it were the truth, she would do what she could although her heart twisted painfully at the thought. Kathryn seemed less than trustworthy at best. It suddenly occurred to Lily that Kathryn must have been in on the kidnapping. The men would have never have let her go otherwise and Eric, as well as herself, would not have gone out onto the patio without being baited. That woman had been the bait. No wonder Kathryn had been so eager to talk to her while they were at the theater. Filling Lily's head with poison. Kathryn was trying to keep them apart.

As they mounted up, Slim rode up beside them. “Mornin, girly. How did ya sleep?”

Lily pulled down the brim of her hat and tried to ignore him. “Sweet thing like you needs her beauty rest.” He leered at her. “You gotta wedding to git ready for.” He cackled at his joke started to move on and then stopped. “The boss wants you pure and you better hope to hell you are or there'll be hell to pay. Don't think Tracker's gonna save you. Spreadin' for him don't change nothin'. I got my eye on you.”

“I'm not the one the boss is worried about,” Tracker returned quietly, one eyebrow raised. 

“Well, the boss ain't been seein' the way you're always talkin' her ear off.” Slim gave her one last leer than rode on.

“I don't like him.” Lily spoke quietly.

“You shouldn't. He is dangerous, even in this crowd.” Tracker kicked his horse into a trot and the day's ride began.



screamed as the men picked up the pace. She began to worry she wouldn't have to fake fainting and she may do it before she was supposed to. The summer heat was beating down on them and the trees only seemed to hold in the humidity. She had had very little to drink and she felt herself growing more and more dizzy. The only thing that kept her going was the thought that her family might be somewhere behind her.

Tracker said little and she was sure that Slim's comments had affected him. Tracker didn't want Slim to become suspicious.

Around noon, they stopped near a small river and Lily looked at it longingly. She would give anything to do as she had done as a child and wade into the water. Perhaps, however, she could get a drink.

Tracker set her down and she began to sway on her feet. It was half acting and half real. She was exhausted. As Tracker stepped down off the horse behind her, she let her knees buckle from under her and she began to fall backwards. It suddenly reminded her of the incident with Toby and made her more homesick than ever.

Tracker caught her easily and she lay motionless in his arms enjoying being laid down on the ground. It might be nice to take a break.

“That girl faint?” she heard someone ask.

She could feel the men coming to stand over her and the need to run began taking over her mind. It took every ounce of energy to lay still while they stared down at her. A hand grabbed at the collar of her shirt and traveled down the fabric to the first button. “You bound em',” she heard Slim say and then someone knocked his hand away.

Curly's voice was next. “Who's gonna know if we just have a little fun?”

A hand grabbed at the top of her pants. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster and tried to keep her breathing even. She had to trust Tracker.

“The boss will,” she heard Tracker say quietly.

“He doesn't have to know it was us. She looks loose enough to me. She probably done it with a bunch of guys.” Curly was sounding more excited by the second and at that instant she felt someone pick her up. Lily almost screamed but held motionless.

“I'm getting her a drink of water,” she heard Tracker say over his shoulder as he carried her to the river. She could have cried with relief but another voice spoke close to her ear.

“You’re awfully friendly with that girl. I think you should give her to me. What do ya say boys? Tracker gettin' too friendly?” Slim turned to the other men.

“Leave it Slim,” another voice called, “bosses orders.”

“Don't leave that girl alone, Tracker. I ain't seen one as pretty as her in a long time and what the boss don't know won't hurt him.” Slim touched her hair and Lily's skin crawled.

“You don't think he would know?” Tracker never raised his voice but it always made its point.

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