Lily in Bloom (9 page)

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Authors: Tammy Andresen

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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“Thank you,” she breathed as she stared at his face. He was so handsome and his lips were so beautiful and so close.

He smiled at her. “You’re welcome.” He brushed his thumb over her parted lips and she felt her lips tingle and her body getting hot all over.

“I should be getting back. My brother is looking…” Even as she said this her eyes drifted to his lips again.

He kissed her slowly and fully. His lips took hers again and again each time with more pressure and passion. Desire rose up inside of her. She was unaware of being laid down on the settee or of being shifted underneath Eric but as his weight settled on her she pushed her body against his, longing to be closer.

She felt his hand undoing the buttons on the back of her dress as it loosened and he pulled it slowly down, rubbing her breast under her shift. Lily moaned with desire and his lips kissed a trail down her neck and over her collarbone. His lips moved lower and began to kiss her clothed breast as he cupped it. She gasped as her body grew hotter.

Lily rubbed against him wanting to be closer to him and her hands were tangled in his hair.

His lips came back up and met hers again, the kiss becoming more intense. His hand had grasped her ankle and started sliding up her leg, only her stockings and pantaloons between them. As his hand reached her thigh she moaned again, lost in the sensation and longing for more. She wanted his hand to keep going but she was unsure to what end.

Eric's hand, however, stopped and she felt him pull them both up to sitting.

“I think I should get you back to your family.” Eric kissed her neck a few more times and then placed a small quick kiss on her lips as if he was intending to break contact.

“Hmm,” Lily said as his lips met hers one more time. She was sure he had wanted the kiss to be a farewell but she wasn’t thinking, she was feeling, and she met him with all the passion she had. As the kiss deepened and lengthened Lily felt her body begin to hum and vibrate. She began to feel frustrated by all the clothing between them.

Eric suddenly broke away. “Lily, if I don’t stop soon, I’m not going to be able to and you’re going to find yourself no longer a virgin and a wife.”

Lily blinked a few times as reason slowly returned. His words sunk in. Would having her as a wife really be so bad? “Oh, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

She stood and yanked her dress back into place. She twisted her arms behind her to begin doing the buttons. He reached his hands to help her but she pushed them away.

“Thank you for helping me with Colonel Kingsley. I think I should return to my brother now.” She turned away from him as she closed the last button

“Lily, please…” Eric’s voice pleaded but Lily did not want to hear it after his rejection.

“Perhaps you should call me Miss Carter,” Lily walked out the door and Eric followed. She wasn’t sure who she was angrier at, him for kissing her or herself for allowing it.


As the pair approached her family no one spoke. They clearly had been worried about her extended absence. James looked absolutely livid.

He stood as they approached, not saying a word. Anger marred every angle of his face. Lily drew herself up.

“Where have you been?” James growled. His eyes rested on her face and then her lips and Lily’s hand unconsciously rose to cover them.

“Something very serious has happened.” Eric’s hand touched her back ever so slightly but Lily arched to avoid it. She did not want his sympathy.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” James voice held a low fury. “This is outrageous, I should…”

Eric held up his hand. “Lily was accosted by Colonel Kingsley. I know you have questions and I would be happy to answer them but first I think you should take Lily home. She has had a very trying evening. I will be by first thing in the morning to answer all of your questions.” Eric nodded to Lily. His eyes were filled with sadness but Lily turned away. His regret did not change anything.

“I told you to stay away from him.” James grabbed her arm as the family made their way to the exit.

Lily yanked her arm out of her brother’s grasp. “You heard him. I was attacked and he saved me. I heard you James. Eric Sampson is not a suitor of mine.”

James looked more pacified but he added. “I want an account of your evening.”

He turned and headed toward the front doors where the carriages waited outside. Lily stomped behind him.

She could add her brother to the list of people she was angry with tonight. The rest of the family fell in behind her. Amelia slid up next to her and whispered into her ear. “Sampson is one fine figure of a man.”

Lily scowled at her cousin. “I don’t want to talk about him.”



and ready before anyone else in the family and sat eating breakfast alone.

James entered the breakfast room, scowling deeply. “Mr. Sampson would like to speak to you.”

“You will allow it then?” Lily sneered as she spoke the words.

“As long as you meant what you said about Sampson not being a suitor.” James studied his sister.

“He isn’t.” Her back straightened, her words resolute.

 James nodded, satisfied. “As for Colonel Kingsley, you are not to leave my sight. I don’t know what this man is after but it is not good. I don’t think you should even take trips to the powder room alone. Understood?”

She nodded and rose to meet Eric. As she entered the room her heart pounded in her own ears. His presence always addled her brain but today she would not let it.

“Good morning, Mr. Sampson.” Lily sounded stiff to her own ears.

“Lily…” Eric started but Lily cut him off.

“Miss Carter,” she corrected.

His lips pursed. “Miss Carter.” He paused. “I let the situation get out of control. I never meant to hurt you. I know that you are marrying Mr. Summers and I want to wish you all the best.”

Her eyes narrowed. He knew about her brother’s plan all this time? “I am not, nor was I ever, going to marry Mark. I don’t know what kind of man kisses a woman he thinks is engaged, that he has no intention of marrying? But perhaps it would be best if we did not see each other anymore!” Lily stood abruptly then walked out the door. His face was pinched as she left but she refused to let that sway her. It was not good for her to be in compromising situations with a man who would not marry her.


As her initial anger cooled a lump of dread filled her stomach. She had said horrible things to him and, worse, had told him to stay out of her life. While she had told herself that he wasn’t going to court her, a hope had always flickered deep down and she had extinguished it herself. She sat with her head down in the church pew, praying to God to show her a clear path to help both her family and herself because right now she couldn’t see it.

She was so engrossed in her prayers that she did not notice the many furtive looks that came her way or the whispers that surrounded her as she walked out of the church.

 Amelia stood talking to a group of women and did not make it back to the carriage with the rest of the family. When she entered, she looked troubled.

Elise sat next to Lily. “I am surprised you didn’t take this opportunity to mingle more. Or speak to some of the men you met last night. Actually, I'm surprised they didn't seek you out.”

“Many of them were scared away I’m afraid,” Amelia said in a low voice. “There is a rumor that you have been... compromised.” Amelia took a deep breath and reached for Lily’s hand. “Last night at the ball.”

James’s face turned a few shades of purple. “What are you talking about? She wasn’t compromised. You can’t tell me that kissing the Colonel…”

“It isn’t kissing in the hall that she is being accused of. It has something to do with being alone in the study with an as of yet unidentified man.”

Lily felt cold fear wash over her. If the rumors hadn’t been true she could have dismissed them and held her head high but they were true or at least partially so.

“Sampson,” James gritted out from between his teeth.

Lily turned to tell her brother that she had not been compromised but his face was black. “Not one word!” And they rode home in silence.

Amelia continued to hold her hand but Lily stared out the window. She would never be able to find anyone to marry her now and she had told the one man she had any feelings for to stay out of her life. She would die alone and miserable, she knew it.

When they pulled up the drive to the house, a carriage was parked outside. They entered the house to find Colonel Kingsley standing in the parlor.

James, already in a foul mood, did not even pretend politeness. “If you value your life, you will get out!”

James advanced, making a formidable looking opponent. Kingsley stepped back a half a step before drawing himself up. “Please, I wish to make my apologies and explain my actions. I have been in the army too long and have forgotten how to treat such a gentle creature. I am sorry, Miss Carter, for any scare I may have caused you. I have heard the rumors surrounding you, untrue I’m sure, but I wish to help.” The Colonel held out his hands in a sign of peace and James stopped advancing.

“Step into my office,” James said.

Lily stood rooted to the spot. “How could he possibly help?” Her heart was hammering in her throat.

“By offering to marry you,” Elise said with a grim note to her voice.

“You don’t think…” Lily knew her brother was furious with her but to engage her to a man who had tried to attack her?

“He wouldn’t.” Elise grabbed one of Lily’s hands. Lily reached for Amelia’s with her other but Amelia was nowhere to be found.


Across town Eric was sitting in his study contemplating having a drink despite the early hour.

He ran his hands through his hair. Why couldn’t he stay away from Lily Carter? Because she’s perfect and beautiful and he wanted her more than he had ever wanted any other woman.

She was perfect. He couldn’t imagine a better mother for Toby. She was kind, compassionate, and she made him want to be a better man. The problem was, he wasn’t a better man. He had done things that could put her at risk. And marrying her would mean he would love her. His own heart was at risk.

A knock at his study interrupted Eric’s thoughts and his butler entered. “Sir, there is a woman her to see you and she claims it is an emergency. Her name is Amelia Baker.”

A frown marked Eric’s face but he signaled for Amelia to be let in.

“What can I do for you?” he asked.

“Let me get right to the point. Lily is in trouble. There is a rumor that she was compromised last night at the Senator’s ball.”

“Kissing in the hallway is a forgivable offense. It will just take a little time.” Eric dismissed her words. He refused to be drawn in to Amelia’s scheme.

“Not kissing in the hallway. Isabelle Johnson mentioned something about the study, actually.” Amelia stared pointedly at Eric as she said this.

He straightened in his chair. “Nothing happened,” his voice was flat.

“I am sure that you are right. Lily is a good girl but society will not forgive her for what they think she has done. And worse, Colonel Kingsley is at our home right now trying to help Lily out of her predicament.”

“James would never...” Eric began, then stopped. Cold fear gripped his chest.

Amelia knelt down in front of him and grabbed his hand. “Please, you can’t let her marry him. You have to do something.”

“There is little I can do. It's James who…” Eric began. Amelia’s eyes pleaded with him. They looked so much like Lily’s. It was almost as if Lily herself begged him to help her.

“You know perfectly well that if you proposed, James would accept. I know he has issue with you but his options are very limited now. If you do not, Lily will become a destitute spinster or the wife of Colonel Kingsley. I have heard stories and I'm afraid for her.” Amelia did not get up.

“More afraid of Kingsley than of me?” His mouth twisted painfully. He knew the rumors and he was almost certain Amelia had, too.

“Kingsley wears cruelty like a cloak. I don’t believe the rumors about you. I have seen you with your son. I don’t know why you don’t want to court my cousin but I can tell you that you will not find a more loving and caring woman to help you raise Toby. She would lay down her life in a second for him. She already has. She would stand by you no matter what.”

“You have the same eyes as your cousin.” Eric closed his own eyes. “My first marriage has left its mark. I don’t know how to overcome it.”

“It wasn’t a good mark, was it?” Amelia asked quietly.

“No it wasn’t.” Eric’s hands pressed into his eyes.

“Lily would never do that to you. Please, please don’t let Kingsley do this to her,” Amelia begged one last time.

Lily’s image floated into his mind. Her blue eyes, her gorgeous lips. The sweet smile that so often touched them. He couldn’t let Kingsley destroy that beauty. He only hoped he himself would not do the same.

“All right. Let’s go.” Eric quickly got up and strode purposefully for the door.


Lily sat in the courtyard, staring off into space. How had things spiraled so out of control so quickly? Yesterday she had been ready to find a husband and save her family and today she was the ruin of them. She heard someone come up behind her but she didn’t turn. She was too ashamed to face her family.

“I want to talk to you.” James’s voice was cold.

She turned slightly then. “I’m sorry. I’ve let you down. I’ve let the entire family down. I don’t know how… I don’t know how I let things go so astray.” She took a deep breath. “If I have to marry Colonel Kingsley, I will.” She felt a sick dread in her stomach at the words but she didn’t flinch or show any outward sign of emotion.

James’s shoulders slumped slightly then he sat himself down next to her. “You are not marrying that man if I have to throw myself in front of a train. He is a snake. But, I don’t know how we are going to get out of this.”

The butler stepped out onto the courtyard. “Eric Sampson is here to see you, sir.”

Lily jumped and James stiffened. Then he stood quickly and headed for the doors. He turned back to his sister, “Don’t move.”

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