Lily in Bloom (16 page)

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Authors: Tammy Andresen

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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Tom interrupted for the first time. “How did you know he wanted to hurt you?”

Lily paused, collecting her thoughts. “He thought I had fainted, he made a reference to another woman, like me, that he had killed or maybe Tracker brought it up. Something he said told me that he would do the same to me if he had the chance.”

Tom nodded and, this time, when she looked up the dark expression that had colored James’s face had spread to Eric. Taking a deep breath, she continued.

Lily glossed over the endless riding and skipped to the night Tracker left her with the gun. Eric was gripping the side of his chair, his knuckles growing whiter by the second.

“When Tracker left you, he came to us. He told us that he would deliver you to us here at the inn,” Eric’s voice sounded rough with emotion.

“I’m glad you believed him.” Lily’s own voice nearly broke with emotion.

“He was convincing.” James quietly added.

Lily nodded and continued her story. She told them how Rings fell asleep and she slipped into the woods. She got to the part with Slim and she stopped. She didn't know how to share this part.

“What happened, Lily?” Eric's voice was soft but there was an edge.

“I don't think I can, it was too...” She couldn’t find the words.

He moved from his chair, and sat next to her on the bed. James started to stand but stopped when Tom put his hand out. Eric held her hand. “You can tell us.”

James cleared his throat. “It's all right; let her finish another time. We know enough to form a plan and we should start putting some pieces in place. Besides, Lily looks like she could use some sleep.” She nodded, relieved that she did not have to share. Eric was glaring at her brother but she couldn't concentrate on what was happening. Once she stopped talking, she could feel the exhaustion creep in and she was already falling off the edge of consciousness into sleep.



of where she was or what time it was. She sat up and looked around but could find no clues. Her mouth was dry and she was relieved to see water on the nightstand.

“Feeling better?” James’s voice carried out of the corner and she started to smile, relieved to hear her brother. As his face emerged from the shadows, the tension in it was palpable.

“James, what is wrong?” Lily ignored his question, in favor of her own.

He shook his head. “Just trying to keep you safe and get you home and married.” The last word came out of his mouth as a sneer.

“I thought that was the point. I was to be married.” Lily felt her anger rising.

James’s face twisted. “Not to him. Look at this mess.”

“This is not his fault. It's the Colonel's. You should know that.” Lily's voice was rising.

James stood, a retort on his lips, when three firm knocks came at the door. He stomped across the room and yanked it open to let Tom and Eric in.

Tom smiled his good morning but no one smiled back. Eric came over to kiss Lily on the forehead and James jerked him away. “Until you are married, you are to keep your lips off of my sister.”

Eric turned. He had remained silent with James but Lily could see he was drawing himself up, ready to challenge her brother.

Tom stepped in between them. “Why don't I stay with Lily while you go down to breakfast?”

Lily started, “Breakfast? How long did I sleep?”

Eric softened immediately. “About fifteen hours. Feeling better?”

“Much,” she wanted to wrap herself around him to get lost in his embrace.

James cut in. “I don't want to go to breakfast with him.”

“Oh, good, then Eric can stay with Lily and we'll go down. Then I can tell Mrs. Embry that Eric is still asleep. It will stall her coming to make up the room and give me an excuse to bring up breakfast.” Tom’s logic was hard to argue with.

James’s mouth opened but he closed it and started out of the room. Before he stepped out, however, James turned to Eric. “You know what you promised.”

Once the door closed, Lily looked at Eric. She wanted to ask him what was going on but, more than that, she wanted the comfort of his arms. She launched off the bed and skipped the two steps to him. He caught her up in a hug and buried his head into her tousled hair. She had fallen asleep before she had had time to braid it.

“I must look terrible.” She giggled self-consciously but didn’t let go.

He chuckled back. “You look amazing but we have got to start feeding you more.” He touched the hollow in her cheek.

She turned her head so his thumb was against her lips then placed a small kiss on it. She looked at him and then leaned in to kiss him but he put his hand up to stop her. “I promised James that I would not.”

Lily snorted. “I don't care what James wants. What is the matter with him?”

“I told you, he thinks I am to blame and that you have not chosen well. If he could, he would find you another suitor.”

“But our engagement had already been announced, how could he?” Lily felt herself beginning to panic.

“It’s his right. I don't know how you would be received in society. I am trying to appease him as best I can,” Eric's lips narrowed into a line. Lily knew it was not a role he was used to. He was usually a man in charge. She had seen it in his interactions with other men.

“Thank you. I know it must be difficult to deal with him. I love him and I am trying not to strangle him!” Eric laughed and she smiled, too. “Eric, are you sure you want to marry me? I seem to be bringing you an awful lot of trouble.”

“Lily, this is not your fault and neither James nor Kingsley is going to stand in the way of our marriage.” Lily felt his tension as his arms tightened around her. She knew she had been hoping for a declaration of his feelings but his commitment was something. It would have to be enough.

“Do you think we should run away?” she asked quietly.

Eric looked at her with surprise. “I didn't think it would be an option. It would alienate your brother permanently and you might lose all of your family.”

Lily looked at him and all the fear she had been trying to suppress rose into her eyes. “I need to feel safe. I don't think I can feel that until we are married.” He rubbed the back of his hand along her jaw line and their lips moved toward each other. A knock at the door pierced the room. It was not the three knocks from before and it was too soon for Tom and James to be back. Fear rippled through Lily as Eric motioned for her to hide under the bed. She climbed under, holding her breath.


The knock came again and Eric went to the door. “Who is it?” he asked sounding perfectly calm.

“It's Mrs. Embry, I know that Mr. Carter said he would bring up breakfast but I thought you might like it now.”

Eric slowly opened the door, he appeared to be checking to see if Mrs. Embry was, in fact, alone. “Thank you Mrs. Embry. So kind of you.”

She giggled, not unlike a schoolgirl, and Lily had to suppress her own laugh. Mrs. Embry was talking a mile a minute as Lily heard the other woman set down the tray. She was asking him how he liked the room, how he liked the inn, the town. Eric told her how wonderful it was and thanked her for the hand-delivered breakfast. She left with another girlish giggle and Lily was reminded how charming Eric was on top of being incredibly handsome. No wonder she was contemplating running away with him.

Just as she was about to crawl out, she heard a voice that stopped her cold.

“Is Mr. Sampson alone?” She heard Rings' voice clearly through the door.

“Do you know Mr. Sampson?” Mrs. Embry asked.

“We have a mutual friend. I hoped that our friend had arrived.” Rings was clearly on his best behavior. Even his accent was diminished.

“Well, sorry to disappoint you but he is alone.” Mrs. Embry didn't sound like she had warmed up at all.

“He hasn't been takin’ extra meals?” Rings was getting more insistent.

“No, he hasn't,” Mrs. Embry snapped.

“Not the brothers neither?” Rings asked.

“No. They usually come down together but this morning Mr. Sampson slept in. Now if you will excuse me, gentlemen,” she paused on the word. “I have work to do.”

Lily could hear Mrs. Embry's retreating steps then she heard Jack. “Where in tarnation is that girl?”

Bags chimed in, “Do you think Tracker hid her? He's got a soft spot for that little filly.”

“I don't know where he coulda hid her. He's off with Slim, lookin' south. Who'd be taking care of her?” Rings seemed genuinely confused.

“Maybe Slim killed her,” Jack suggested.

“Could be. Slim's like that and Curly bein' dead, somethin' went down. What Slim says about it don't seem right,” Rings seemed to be thinking hard.

“How long do we gotta wait?” Bags asked.

“Till they leave or we get orders otherwise,” Rings’s voice was fading out, as they walked away.

Lily breathed a sigh and started to climb out from under the bed. Eric met her as she got halfway out and picked her up. She didn't realize she was shaking until she met his still body with her own. Lily tried to speak but her teeth were chattering so hard she couldn't get out the words. Eric tucked her head under his chin and held her tighter.

Three hard knocks came at the door. Eric set her down on the bed. He had to pry her arms from around his neck. “I have to get the door. They will worry.”

Lily lay on the bed, unable to control the shaking. She told her muscles to stop but she seemed unable to stop them. James and Tom entered the room and James’s face went from the angry black look he now wore to chalk white, “What happened?” he whispered. He reached out his hand and stroked her temple as Eric relayed the conversation they had overheard.

“Why did she react like this?” Tom asked. “What did they do to her?” She could see the panic in Tom's face rising. While James, being the oldest, had always been more of a father figure, Lily and Tom had grown up as siblings and friends. She hated to see him so upset.

“No, nuh uh no,” Lily finally stuttered, shaking her head. She sat up, still shaking her, breathing ragged. She took three deep breaths and the shaken lessoned. “It isn't what they did to me, it's what I did.”

“What are you talking about?” James’s words were a little harsh but there was a gentleness to his voice.

“When Tracker left, he gave me a gun. At first I thought it was to protect myself but then I realized I could escape. When I had been traveling for about an hour, Slim and Curly found me. They said it was part of the plan. They would leave, Tracker would follow, and I would escape. Slim said he was going to kill me. I couldn't see. I raised the gun and fired. I heard this cry...I...” Lily couldn't speak anymore the shaking took over her body.

“You killed Slim.” James sounded shocked

“No, Curly.”

Eric came over to the bed to wrap his arms around her.

James turned around and in an instant jumped at Eric. Eric, looked momentarily surprised but quickly recovered and knocked James off his course. The two were evenly matched in size, both being over six feet and broad shouldered. James slammed into the desk, then turned to make a second attack. Tom jumped in front of his brother in an instant and Lily sprang off the bed to launch herself in front of Eric.

“This is your fault!” James hurled his words across the room.

Eric's face twisted in pain, he clearly thought James was correct.

Lily shook her head back in forth without realizing she was doing it. “No,” she said softly, then louder. “No, James. This is not his fault. It is the fault of my kidnappers. It is fate. Eric has no control over this.”

These words seemed to only infuriate her brother. “Why are you standing up for him? What is it about him? Because he is handsome? Rich? His first wife came to an abrupt end and you are about to do the same. You don't think this has something to do with him? Well I know it does!” James turned toward the door and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

Lily stood there stunned. She knew little about Caitlin's death but James seemed to think he knew more and that Eric was responsible. It was one thing to hear Kathryn say it but her own brother was entirely different. She turned her face to Eric's and it was again tortured. She put her hand on his cheek. “What happened to your wife?” she asked softly.

He looked at her in surprise. “You're not going to blame me?”

She smiled. “Everything I have seen with your son and with me tells me that you are good. I think you at least have a right to explain your side.”

Eric smiled back and rubbed her cheek. When he smiled like that, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Lily had a sinking feeling that it didn't matter what he said. She was hopelessly in love with him.

Tom cleared his throat. “I know you want to clear this all up but Eric needs to do some last-minute preparations so that we can leave tonight. The sooner we get out of here, the better we all will be.”


Tom turned away and busied himself at the desk while Eric said goodbye. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear. “I promise I will tell you everything that happened with my first marriage soon. You have a right to know before we get married. Then you can decide if you still want to go through with it.”

Lily pressed her body closer to his, “I'm sure I will.”

He leaned down and kissed her. “Just wait until you hear it all,” He let her go and walked out the door. She was left feeling empty and alone.

Tom cleared his throat again and Lily turned and smiled weakly at him. She drifted up next to him and laid her forehead on his shoulder.

“It's going to be all right, Lil'. I don't think Eric's transgressions are that terrible.  James is just being protective. And now that we have you back, we are not going to lose you again.” Tom stroked her hair as he talked.

“Where is Eric going?” she asked.

“To purchase clothes for you, I think.”

“Won't that look suspicious?” she asked.

“Usually your friends don't notice when only one of us leaves. When they do, we have gotten pretty good at shaking them long enough to complete our business. Much of what we have been doing doesn't give them much of a clue as to our plan and since they still don't know you are here, I think they are only half-heartedly following us. Truthfully, I think that they think you are dead and that it doesn't matter what we do. They'll know tomorrow that you are not.”

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