Long, Lonely Nights (19 page)

Read Long, Lonely Nights Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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“Let’s go.”

Tina turned her head with a questioning look towards Jenna, but her friend was in a heated discussion with Riley. Logan pulled her into his arms almost as soon as they made it to the edge of the dance floor. He didn’t even wait to get the beat of the music. It wasn’t really a slow song, but he turned it into one. He held her with one hand at the small of her back, and the other under her hair at the nape of her neck. No one had ever danced this way with her. It was a little controlling. Which Logan was—very controlling. He directed her to lean her head against his shoulder.

“Just relax,” he said.

She pulled back. “I can’t relax like this. Talk to me. Say something.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Tell me where you were born. Do you have any siblings? Stuff like that.”

“Why this sudden desire to know more about me?”

“It’s just small talk. I can’t just stand here and not say anything.” Tina fidgeted.

“You could, if you would relax and lean your head against me.” He sighed. “I have two sisters. I’m the only boy. Both of my sisters are older than I am. Linda is forty and Lisa is forty-two.”

Tina frowned. “How old are you?”

“Thirty-nine. What about you?” Logan asked.

She grimaced. “You know you aren’t supposed to ask a lady her age.”

He smirked at her.

“Okay, I’m thirty-one.”

“You’re kidding, right? You don’t look much older than twenty-one or so.”

Tina laughed. “Thanks. That’s always good to hear.”

“Glad I could make your night.” He smiled

The song ended, and Tina realized he hadn’t told her where he was born or where his sisters lived. She would find out more later. They were just about to exit the dance floor when a muscular man asked her to dance. She looked at Logan, but he shrugged.

“Whatever you want to do, honey.”

Honey! Where did he get that? She frowned at him before allowing the guy to walk her back to the dance floor. He pulled her a little closer than she would have liked, but he didn’t push it.

“So, what is your name?” she asked.

“Jack. What’s yours?”

They exchanged pleasantries, and she found out he worked in sales. He was thirty-seven and liked sports. Big news there, she thought.

She did notice that his cologne smelled familiar, but she couldn’t place it. There was such a mixture of scents in the room; she couldn’t tell for sure if it came from him or one of the men around her. She supposed she could lean in a little closer to smell, but didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. The music ended, and he led her to the booth as she directed. He waited for her to sit back down and gave the men an odd look.

“Maybe we can dance again later,” he said.

Tina smiled. “Maybe.”

Jenna returned from the dance floor with a nice looking guy. He smiled at them and introduced himself as Clark. He told Jenna he would like to dance again later, and she smiled and agreed. Riley frowned at her, but didn’t say anything. Logan shrugged when she looked at him. A few minutes later, Jenna grabbed Tina’s hand and declared it time for a bathroom break. The men insisted on following them.

“Someone has to watch the table and our drinks, don’t forget,” Jenna said sweetly.

“It’s only a few feet behind us,” Tina pointed out.

Logan drew table duty and Riley escorted them to the bathroom line. He took a stand along the wall, watching them as they waited in line.

“What is going on with them? I mean, how can we dance and have a good time with the two of them frowning around us,” Jenna said. “And Riley is a complete ass. He’s trying to tell me who I need to dance with and who is ‘off limits.’”

“He’s looking out for you is all. They are both over protective. I’m just glad I’m not going to have to put up with Logan forever. I still don’t know what I’m going to do to keep him from staying with me at night. I can’t have him staying in the same house as I am at night,” Tina said.

“Why not?” Jenna asked.

“Because, I can’t resist him.”

“So, what’s wrong with that? Enjoy yourself for a change. There is nothing wrong with a little hanky-panky with your neighbor.”

“The problem is, it will be short-term, and I don’t know if I can handle that. He’s gotten under my skin. I’m not the kind of woman he is use to, and he will get bored with me soon enough. I have to live next door to him, Jenna.”

“How far under your skin is he?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I just know that being in the same room with him is like being in a room charged with electricity. My hair stands up. I get all excited just thinking about it. It’s not natural.” Tina shivered. “See. Just thinking about him does that.”

“It is natural when you find someone that is right for you. Don’t throw away the opportunity to experience something you may never get the chance to do again. Go for it, Tina. He obviously likes you to go to so much trouble to protect you.” Jenna squeezed her hand.

“I don’t know. We are so different,” Tina explained.

“Yeah, and they say opposites attract.”


They finally reached the bathroom. After washing their hands, Jenna confessed she was having trouble with Todd again.

“Todd came over again the other night and scared Mom, with his cussing and all, outside. I called the police and had him removed from my property, but I’m a little worried again.”

Tina shook her head. “You need a restraining order against him, Jenna.

“Maybe so. I’ll think about it.”

“Whatever you do, don’t let him in your house.”

Jenna shook her head. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan on it.

“You’re having as much trouble as I am,” Tina said.

“Yeah, maybe, but I know who my stalker is.”

Riley escorted them back to the booth where Logan was waiting for them. Tina drank the rest of her ginger ale and sighed. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was. Riley volunteered to go for more drinks. Tina said she just wanted water. Jenna agreed with water as well. Logan and Riley wanted beer.

“I want to dance,” Jenna said.

“Come on,” Tina said and pushed at Logan. “I’ll go with you.”

“You two are not dancing alone. I’ll go with you as long as we stick together.” Logan slid out of the booth and helped Tina out behind him.

The three of them walked to the dance floor and immediately began dancing. They ended up with two other guys dancing with them. A blond haired guy kept touching her as they danced. She didn’t like the familiar contact from someone she didn’t know and moved in closer to Logan. He responded by pulling her in close to him. Jenna did the same on his other side. Once the song was over, he led them back to the booth where Riley sat waiting. He had the two waters for them and a beer for Logan.

“Next time they want to dance, you’re going with us. I can’t watch both of them at one time. They had half the damn men on the floor dancing with them.” Logan took a pull from his beer.

“Did not,” Jenna said laughing.

Riley stood up. “Come on. I’ll take you to dance.” They disappeared into the crowd.

“Are you having fun?” Logan asked.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“You’re looking a little pale. Are you ready to go home yet?”

“I’m a little tired, but I’m fine. Whenever Jenna is ready is fine with me,” Tina said.

He draped an arm along the back of the booth. She didn’t pull away, but she couldn’t relax either. He was close enough in the booth that their thighs touched. She was aware of every muscle twitch or contraction. It felt too intimate somehow to have his fingers in her hair. He tugged it every once in awhile. She didn’t think he was even aware he did it.

Jack, the man from earlier, came over and asked for another dance. Tina looked at Logan. He didn’t smile, but he shrugged.

“Okay. I’d like that.” She scooted out of the booth after Logan did.

Jack held out his hand, and she took it, letting him lead her to the dance floor. He danced really well. He didn’t pull her in too close this time. Instead, he talked, asking her questions.

“Who is your boyfriend?”

“Oh, he’s not my boyfriend. We’re just really good friends is all.”

“That’s nice, but I don’t think he looks at you like just a friend. He acts like he’s claimed you,” Jack said.

“Oh, no. He’s just really protective.”

“Whatever you say.”

The song ended, and she started towards the edge of the dance floor. He tried to keep her on the floor.

“Just one more dance,” he said.

“Thanks, but I’m tired. I really want to sit down.”

He frowned. It looked as if he might get angry, but he smiled and escorted her back to the booth. He didn’t say anything this time, just glared at Logan and left.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Fine, thanks.”

A few minutes later, Riley and Jenna appeared at the booth. Riley waited while Jenna scooted across the seat, then said, “Jenna’s tired. How about calling it a night?”

“I think that is a good idea,” Logan said.

They finished their drinks before the men led them through the crowd and outside the building. There was still a small line waiting outside to get in. Tina glanced at her watch. It was barely midnight. She couldn’t believe how exhausted she was. She guessed stress would make you tired though.

Once they were on their way back to Tina’s, she relaxed. She wasn’t sure why she had been so tense at the club. It had happened after the last dance. Something had bothered her, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Now she felt better. Maybe it was all the people. She hadn’t been in a crowd in a long time. She drew in a deep breath and let it slowly out. Logan gave her a questioning look. She just smiled at him and looked out the passenger side window.

When they arrived back at Logan’s, Riley slipped out of the truck after reminding everyone to stay until he had checked everything out.

“How did he get my security code?” Tina asked with a frown.

“I gave it to him. He needs to be able to get inside and out in case something happens.” Logan watched out his side window.

“What about the key?”

“I kept a key when I had your locks changed. I gave it to Riley so he could check the house out before we go inside.”

Tina huffed out a breath and glared at him. He didn’t back down. In the end, she finally shook her head.

As soon as Riley reappeared and gave the all clear sign, Tina and Jenna were out of the truck and inside the house in less than a minute. Jenna dragged Tina upstairs to the bedroom to talk.

“You going to be okay here? Maybe you should stay with Logan at his house?”

“No way. I’m staying here. My stuff is here. I don’t want to leave it.”

“Don’t be stubborn,” Jenna said.

“The police have got to catch him soon. I can’t keep living this way.” Tina sighed and shook her head.

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