Lost and Found (6 page)

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Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart

BOOK: Lost and Found
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Her lawyer
Peter Sullivan, an older, balding local lawyer
her briefly on their first meeting. If she lashed out in anger and tried to lie or cheat Richard, she’d have to find another lawyer. Maybe some lawyers played that game, but he believed in fair play. That got her attention, but not her SUV back. It was pointed out that the house, the vehicles,
credit cards were
after all,
in Richard’s name. The joint bank account had
ten dollars
left in it. Smart man, he stashed his money somewhere else.

had a savings account with a few thousand in it—one her mother set up for her years ago. She bought her older junk yard
for a few hundred dollars. It ran and got her from point A to
B. Richard agreed to child support and minimal spousal. Although not generous,
it was enough for
to buy food and pay rent. Ryley would go back his
on weekends,
weekdays he would live in Gardiner with
. The agreement was created by lawyers and signed in a cold
sterile legal office on a bleak day filled with torment, blame
and a fine line between anger and love. How did it turn so ugly?

She wiped her face with her ripped shirt and left Lily’s room
this time
she didn’t shut the door. She hurried to the master bedroom next to Lily’s, the one she’d shared with Richard. Nothing had changed. The same light green floral duvet covered the large bed flanked by the same oak night tables. The wide dresser was still flush against the wall
she’d shoved it five years ago.
was drawn to the large bare windows, no curtains, just the way
once preferred.
her rented house came complete with blinds and heavy drapes to shut out the world.

She glimpsed her
stained eyes in the dresser

s large mirror. Limp
dark hair. And her ruined blouse—thanks to Richard.
rested her forehead against the mirror and squeezed her eyelids shut. “We

re as good as divorced. What were you thinking
Maggie?” She pushed away
gazed at the
stranger in the mirror
and was shaken from her confusion by the soft murmur of voices downstairs. She dropped her torn shirt on the floor, yanked open the closet door
and reached for a bright red sweatshirt stacked on the shelf. Richard was right
she’d left many clothes behind.

Maggie pulled the warm sweatshirt over her head and dashed down the stairs into the dim living room. How late was it? Maggie stumbled and grabbed the railing when she heard Ryley laugh. Pots banged and clattered, utensils rustled as she watched from the shadows
Father and son illuminated in the kitchen. Richard hovered beside Ryley. They were chatting, laughing, and Ryley was chopping what? This wasn’t her quiet shy boy. He was relaxed and joking with his
. Ryley never joked with her. He hadn’t laughed since…well
since she couldn’t rightly remember.

Ryley didn’t help in the kitchen
Maggie did all the cooking for him. They had a routine
eat, homework, watch TV,
then bed. And whatever this was with Richard, there was no place for her.

“Hey, are you making dinner?” She tried to sound happy.

They both looked up. Richard blinked
and she wondered for a moment if he’d forgotten she was here. Unease filled the room.

“Umm, I should go.” She pointed to the back door. Her hand shook. Where did she put her coat?

“Maggie.” His voice was soft and low when he touched her shoulder and rubbed his hand down her arm. “Stay for dinner.”

She looked up. Awkwardness lingered. He dropped his hand and stepped back. A fork clattered on the counter. Maggie blinked. “Richard
I should go.” She dropped her gaze to the floor. She couldn’t look at him. She stepped around Richard and attempted a smile for Ryley—something that felt more like it was painted on.

“Are you staying
Mom? We’re making tacos.” He held a wooden spoon hovering over the fry pan and looked almost hopeful, for a second. Then something flashed in his eyes that had him stepping back. That carefree easiness he’d had moments ago with his
before she walked in, was gone. He appeared nervous and uneasy.

Was it just her? A knot tightened in her stomach
and she felt the dark basement swooping up to drag her back to the pits of despair. She couldn’t bear to lose another child. She reached out and hugged Ryley. He was stiff and pulled away. She looked down before she spilled any more tears. She forced a fixed smile again for Ryley. “No, not tonight. I got to go. But you have fun with your
.” Maggie turned and froze. Richard held her coat and helped her into it. This time his hand didn’t linger.

I’m going to walk your
to her car. Turn off the burner till I get back.”

“Okay Dad.” She heard a relaxed carefree ease back into his voice as if everything was all right. So of course
wondered if it was because she was leaving.

Richard’s hand touched the small of her back when she walked out into the dark night. The porch light glowed softly lighting her way as Richard walked her to the car. He didn’t say a word as he opened her door. Then
rested his hand on the roof of the rusty car. “Maggie
about earlier…”

She couldn’t bear to hear regrets. “Please Richard
I just need to go
let me go.” She climbed in and pulled the door closed. Starting the car
she watched him step back before he turned
a second
and walked back in the house. Maggie drove away and glanced in the rear view mirror just as the porch light went out, feeling a dreadful loss. Except this time
the loss was different, and she didn’t know why.

Chapter Five

A pop similar to a gunshot vibrated underneath her car just as Maggie pulled into her driveway. She pressed the brakes and stopped as the passenger front end tilted down. Maggie clutched her keys and pushed open her door. But could do little more than glance at the dilapidated
in the shadows and
how it didn’t seem to sit quite right. Daisy barked and scratched from inside the house. “Just a minute, I’m coming
panic.” She unlocked the door and was welcomed by a licking
wagging Daisy who pranced against

stumbled and pushed Daisy with her knee as she flicked on the outside light. Daisy continued to step in front of Maggie, her tail wagging
and her muted brown eyes attempted to pour guilt in Maggie’s heart. “Sorry girl
I know I left you too long.” With both hands
she rubbed Daisy until she purred like a cat. “Now let me get the flashlight and check out this mess.” This time Daisy dogged her heels when Maggie went outside. She wondered if maybe she’d driven over a big inflatable toy. That would explain the pop, but she couldn’t remember if Ryley had any.

She shone the flashlight on the front of the car and
underneath. “Well crap.” The front end on the passenger side leaned heavily
so far
it nearly touched the ground.

“Everything all right
Maggie?” June
old neighbor
walked her poof ball of a mutt up the street. She was a kind
haired woman who knew all the dogs and their owners on this secluded cul-de-sac. Always stopping to chat and offer home baked dog cookies
Daisy. She
loved animals and
was known as the cookie lady to all the dogs
’ owners
on the street. Three times a day
she set out for a walk with a
bag full of fresh baked dog cookies. Daisy had this inborn sense of knowing exactly when June was coming. She’d bark and jump up and down to be let out. Then she’d race out the front door skidding to a halt in front of June
wait for her well-earned treat. On more than one occasion June had remarked, “Don’t you feed this dog?” But as Maggie thought to herself, I’d do the same thing if someone took the time to bake fresh treats for me.

Only now in the dimness of this cold December night, June was not her warm friendly self. It was the way she approached Maggie and absently reached a shaky hand into her pouch for Daisy’s cookie. Daisy leaped around excitedly gobbling down the cookie
then sat and waited for more.

“You doing okay
found it helped to focus on someone else. June shook her head and glanced up the street.
shut off the flashlight and touched June’s shoulder, “June, what’s going on?”

“Oh Chester’s under the house again.”

Then she remembered hearing June call out for the cat
last night

“How long’s he been under the house?”
dropped her hand when the older woman’s shoulder appeared to stoop. Lines on her creased face appeared to have deepened.

“Two nights. I call him
but he won’t come. I’m getting so worried, he hasn’t eaten
and it’s getting pretty cold at night.”

bit her inside cheek
so she couldn’t say anything about the cat and his spoiled childlike behavior. Although she had nothing against cats,
preferred dogs
were unselfish by nature and rarely caused the same worry. Chester was at least
twenty pounds
lazy days and overeating, and in
could stand to go a few days without a meal.
sighed. June’s health wasn’t great, and another night of worry…well
hated to think what it would do to her.

“I’ll get the cat out.”
said it with a sarcastic edge in her voice. But June’s face brightened
so she apparently didn’t pick it up.

“Are you sure dear? I mean she’s all the way under the house.”

nodded. She didn’t trust her voice or what might slip out.

Side by side
with both dogs following
and June walked to the old woman’s
two houses down
. This time
June’s stride was light and peppy as if that little bit of hope was all she needed.

“Oh thank you so much
know I called the
department, but they said they don’t come out for cats under houses. They said
not to
it’ll come out when it’s hungry. That’s terribly rude
don’t you think
Maggie dear?”

She jammed her teeth together to hold back what she really thought. Truth be told
it was along the same lines as the fire department. Except now she had to get the cat. “You’re right
not very nice of them.”

Chapter Six

The foundation of June’s bungalow was old fir post and beam. Maggie’s stomach flip flopped
and her hand trembled when she accepted the flashlight June handed her. She dropped to her knees and slid away the lattice board
the opening to the crawlspace. She peeked into the pitch black, but could see nothing. Her heart pounded
and for a minute
she found it hard to breathe, but that was after her imagination dumped a preview of what else might be under the house. “Shit, don’t go there.” Maggie tapped the flashlight to her forehead. “Get those thoughts out of your head. Fucking cat.” For a woman who never swore, she was surprised at how easy it slipped out.

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