Lost and Found (9 page)

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Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart

BOOK: Lost and Found
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Maggie sighed and peered into his steely blue eyes, wondering if maybe he already knew.

“I’ve been taking sleeping pills occasionally when I have trouble sleeping.”

“I see. And?” He said nothing else
and his hands stayed right where they were, as if holding her in place. “I accidentally took one yesterday before meeting you at your lawyer’s office.”

“I don’t understand how you accidentally take a sleeping pill? Unless you’re taking something else too
and you mixed up the pills.”

Maggie blinked and swallowed the lump that jammed her throat
. Richard

s fingers gripped her shoulders
and his eyes widened as if he could read her every thought.

else are you taking?”

he really did know. “
for anxiety.”

Maggie!” He stepped back and pressed both hands on top of his head. “Ahh. What are you doing? How often are you taking them?” He was getting louder, more demanding, as he firmed his lips into a fine white line. “Where are they?”

She couldn’t speak and stood frozen when he stormed down the hall to the bathroom. It wasn’t until she heard him rummaging in the bathroom that she could move.

“What are you doing?

He dumped toiletries, bottles,
makeup all over the counter. And he lined up five prescription bottles. Lifting each up and read each one. “Dr. Martin is who prescribed these?” He glared in
a way
at another time
she’d have taken a step back from the doorway she stood.

I want you to leave. Those are mine. Put them back.” Whose voice was that? It was so weak it cracked when she spoke.

But he didn’t put them back. He lifted the toilet seat and emptied the first bottle into the toilet. She didn’t realize
was her screaming as she grabbed his arm trying to reach around him to rescue the remaining pill bottles beside the sink.

Richard blocked her and emptied all the pill bottles into the toilet and flushed. He threw the empty bottles into the trash.
felt every ounce of energy leave her. She leaned against the doorframe and wept as she slid to the floor. Then he was on the floor sitting beside her
and he scooped her onto his lap as if she were a child and held her.

pushed against his shoulder—his arms. But this time he didn’t let go. Why hadn’t he done this before?

“Shhh, I won’t let you take these. And this doctor who prescribed these
I swear I’ll have his medical license revoked.”

Sitting on
his lap,
gave in and allowed him to hold her, to rub her back, but none of
eased the knots twisting up her insides.
When she jerked upright, she wondered if she’d dozed off.
She’d lost track of time
her ribcage, her hands sweaty as if she’d had too much caffeine. Only today she’d had none, just a glass of white wine with Diane. She knew the demon had returned. All the signs were there, the familiar anxiety, which soon would give way to panic. He must have sensed what was going on inside of her. After all
he’d know the signs on someone more than she.

you need to tell me
often you were taking those pills?”

His chin rested atop her head. She could feel his warm breath feathering her hair as he spoke. Could he feel how fast her heart pounded? At one time
he used to know what she was thinking. But things changed, life changed with all its damn tests. And their foundation was not the solid storybook she once thought. But he was here now. Her breath caught in her throat. If she told him the truth
he’d use it against her
keep Ryley away from her. She pushed his arm down and scrambled to her feet.

“I rarely took them.” She wouldn’t meet his brutal gaze when he stood.

“Look at yourself
you’re already agitated, sweating…” He grasped her chin and tilted it up so she was forced to look at him. “Don’t ever forget you can’t hide
lying eyes. Not from
me.” He pointed a finger so close to her nose she’d swear he touched her. He narrowed his eyes
was sure a flash
of lightning
passed between them.

swatted his hand away. “I want you to leave, now.”

Richard shook his head and looked away. Then held his hands up in what appeared
to be
surrender, backing up. And he left.

She heard the door close
truck start
and his tires squeal as he drove away.

Maggie stood in her dimly lit hallway
alone for what felt like an eternity, trying to steady her racing heart. Then she
crept to the kitchen, but she wasn’t hungry. Regret and loneliness were her bitter companion
and so were the tears and piles of misery that burdened and
her down. Why wouldn’t it leave?

gentle nudge against her thigh
so patient
filled with unconditional love
stared lovingly up at
her with
what appeared
to be
worry filling her murky brown eyes. Maggie glanced at the open back door. “I’m so sorry
my girl, I forgot about you.” She hugged her dog and then followed Daisy out the open door, this time not wanting to see anyone.

Chapter Ten

“I’m sorry
I’ll not renew this prescription.”

If he’d sucker punched her
it would’ve been kinder. She felt her face heat
and her back broke out in a cold sweat. A lock of hair dangled in her face, she scooped it back
feeling tangles in her windblown hair. She must look a wreck. She’d tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep, and at this moment
as she sat stooped in the plastic chair shoved in a corner of the doctor

s sterile examination room, she felt old and haggard. It wasn’t the pills—it couldn’t be. This was Richard’s fault and his emotional roller coaster. Why wouldn’t he leave her alone?

“I don’t understand. You prescribed these for me.”
She k
new her face had to be two shades of red.

“Maggie, I suspect you may be having withdrawals. That’s why you’re not sleeping. I told you when I prescribed these
they were temporary to get you through a bad time and help you cope with an unbearable situation.”

Dr. Martin’s aging round face resembled an inscrutable poker face. Gone were the kind eyes and gentle caring bedside manner. And she realized this was the first time he didn’t ask, “So how are you really doing
Maggie?” Leaning against the door with his arms crossed
this short hefty man darted his eyes across the room, he seemed to look everywhere
just not at
. He pulled out a pen shoved in the pocket of his long white doctor

s coat and bent over his desk, scribbling something in her file.

“It was Richard wasn’t it? He called you. Didn’t he?”

Dr. Martin let out a heavy sigh and clicked his pen
popping it back in his coat pocket before facing her
and this time staring at her with a hardness she’d never seen before.

“Maggie, look at you. If I’d known you were going to abuse those pills
I never would have prescribed them.”

gripped the edge of her chair.

scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to
. She ripped it from his hands and stared at the unusually
handwriting with a name
, Dr. Sheila Murphy,
and phone number. Maggie blinked and gazed up at

“Call her and make an appointment. She’s a psychologist
and she can help you.” He wasn’t looking at her again. “Okay I think that’s all.” He gripped the door handle
opened the
door, and paused. His cheeks colored a bright pink when he glanced at
, and for a second she was positive she saw something—pity

before he left
closing the door behind him.

Maggie opened her mouth taking a deep breath and stood on shaky legs. She couldn’t
to walk out into
crowded waiting room, past the reception area—
his nurses, because they’d know what he’d said
and she knew they’d think her an awful person. Was there a back door? She wanted to find a way to slink out of here unseen, go home and hide. Even though the doctor was the liar, not her. He made her feel as if she was someone of no importance. He’d never
not once
told her to be careful with those pills. In fact
he was the one who pushed them on her. She remembered now, she didn’t want to take them. He told her she needed to, because her health was more important.
clenched her fists
him to hell. She wanted to make him tell the truth, share the blame.

She swiped
at the
tears streaming down her cheek
tucked her purse under her arm
and hurried out
the nurse
eyes widened before looking away. Maggie scooted out the door of the clinic, and reached in her purse for her keys before stopping in the middle of the gravel lot. She blinked and gazed at the half dozen cars parked. Hers wasn’t there.

“What are you doing
took the bus. Remember
” She smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand. Her car was the broken heap in her driveway. She started walking to the bus stop around the corner. She dug in her purse for the change she need
when her fingers touched the piece of rose quartz she had tucked in the bottom. She pulled it out and clutched the treasured gift. “Why didn’t I think of that sooner
” Maggie smiled for the first time in days when she realized who she needed to see.

Chapter Eleven

Maggie spent the
last of her spare cash on a cab to catch the
two forty-five
ferry over to Las Seta. She’d loved this crossing. At one time she’d loved a lot

half a dozen people on the passenger only ferry as it docked. Sam, a southern gentleman, tall, fit, and extremely handsome in his worn blue jeans and jean jacket
and one of the most caring men she’d ever met
was waiting

Sam grabbed her hand as she climbed over the side of the small boat
and before she could pull back and step away
Sam pulled her close and hugged her. “Maggie it’s good to see ya.”

The southern drawl remained the same thick musical lilt filling her with some measure of comfort. He didn’t question her. But when he pulled back
he gazed at her with soft blue eyes that reached inside her heart. Maybe he knew why she was really here.

“Marcie’s bathing the baby. She sent me down to get you.” He secured his arm around her shoulder
and led her up to his black jeep
one he moved
to this reclusive island
on the barge. Sam’s jeep was most likely the only licensed vehicle on the island.

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