Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1)
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She beamed. "Great. We'll have to set up a double date when everything settles down."

I gave a slight nod, and then she left. I sat back in the recliner and took a deep breath. After everything I'd been through, I couldn't wait for life to return to normal. I'd been through so much since the days Victoria and I had planned on running away to start our own pack. Now I was well-versed in running packs.

My phone buzzed. It had been going off nonstop since my TV appearance. I checked my texts. Fifty-six new ones, but not one from Victoria. I replied a quick thanks to all the ones expressing appreciation for my safe return.

I checked the time. Her last class was long over. She'd emailed me from the library earlier saying she'd stay there and wait for me.

Hopefully she'd had enough time to study, because I couldn't stay away any longer. I had her new phone and car, and couldn't wait to give them to her.

I hurried from the Faeble, waving a quick goodbye to Tap and some others I knew before making my way through the woods to my place. I got in my Hummer and headed for campus. It shouldn't have surprised me, but people kept stopping me on my way to the library. I tried to be appreciative but quick.

When I finally made it to the library, more people surrounded me, expressing their gratitude for my safety. I felt bad for being annoyed.

At long last, I made it to the study rooms, where everyone was too busy to notice me. I found the room she was in and went inside.

Her face lit up when she saw me. I made sure no one was looking in the room and then I wrapped my arms around her. She squeezed back tightly. "How are you?"

"I've had the worst day."

"I'm sorry." I sat in the chair next to her and took her hand. "I have some good news."

"You're here. That's all I need."

"How about a phone?" I pulled out her new phone. "It's all set up and ready to go. I preloaded it with my number in the contacts." I couldn't help smiling.

"You've just made my day." She threw herself into my arms.

"That's not all," I assured her. "Your new laptop is in my car and we still need to pick up your car."

Victoria squeezed me tighter. "I can't thank you enough. Fleeing from the Jags isn't something I could've done on my own. I have a little in saving from working at the club, but that wouldn't last me long." Her voice cracked.

"Shh." I rubbed her back. "It's going to be okay now, and I have more good news."

She looked at me, wide-eyed. "You do?"

I nodded. "Gessilyn's working on a spell to restore your memories. She sounds pretty confident about it. We just have to give her some time to prepare it."

Victoria threw herself against me again.

I kissed the top of her head. "Everything is going to work out. Are you ready? I paid for your car to be dropped off at my house so I could check it out first."

She took a deep breath and sat back, her eyes shining with tears.


"These are happy tears. After everything I've been through, I just can't believe—" She shook her head. "Listen to me. You've been through so much more, and yet you've done all this for me."

"I'd do anything for you."

Her lips shook. "I don't deserve that."

I pressed my fingertip against her mouth, wanting to kiss those soft, sweet lips. "Stop. You deserve everything I have and more. Let's get going, but we're going to have to take a back way. You'd think I was a celebrity the way everyone's acting."

"You kind of are. Everyone spent so much time handing out fliers and trying to find you."

"I saw some of those. It's kind of weird seeing my face on them."

"Everybody was disappointed you weren't in class today."

"The college won't let me come back this week. Come on." I helped her pack her things and led her a back way to my Hummer. A few people stopped me, but it wasn't the constant barrage I'd received on the way in.

We finally made it, and on the drive to my place she asked, "What kind of car is it?"

"Definitely not a Jaguar."

"I appreciate that." She laughed. "What is it?"



"Yeah, I want to see if you get it."

"Okay. Beamer?"

"Try again."



"You've gotta give me a clue."

"Where's the fun in that?" I struggled to keep my expression straight. It was so nice to be teasing her again.

"Will you at least tell me if I'm guessing in the right ballpark?"


"Ugh." She blew on her hair, just like she always had when she was playfully irritated.

"A Fiesta?"

I laughed. "Now you're in the wrong ballpark for sure."

She sighed. "I really don't know that much about cars."

"We're almost there now." I pulled onto the dirt drive.

"You'll tell me?" she asked.

"If you guess it."

"Have you always been this annoying?"

"Me? Annoying?" I asked in mock offense.

"I'll take that as yes. And I'll just wait to see it."

I snickered. "One thing I will tell you, you've always been fun to tease."


We went the rest of the short drive in silence. When we got to the gate, I unlocked it with a remote and waited for it to open.

"Do I get one of those?" she asked.

"A gate?"

"No." She shoved me. "A remote."

Excitement ran through me. "If you want one."

She squeezed my hand. "I do."

I pulled through the gate, remote locked it, and then pulled up next to the Bentley.

Victoria glanced at the white car and over at me. "Whose is that?"

I raised my brows.

Her mouth gaped. "I… You got me… Really?"

"You think I could let those jaguars outdo me?"

"But a Bentley?"

"You'd prefer something more expensive?" I teased, trying to keep my voice steady.

She put her hands up. "No. Not at all."

"Let's check it out. I just want to look under the hood real quick and you can take me for a spin."

"This is unreal."

"No, having you back from the dead, that's unreal." I leaned over and finally pressed my mouth onto hers again.

Chapter 30




The cold wind flung my hair into my face. I pulled it away and stepped into a deep puddle, covering my new pump. I took a deep breath, tightened my coat around me, and shook my foot off.

I glanced up at the darkening sky. The full moon was already coming into view in the horizon. There wasn't much time. Gessilyn had finally found the last rare ingredient for my true love's kiss spell and it would expire in less than twenty-four hours from the time she mixed it. But Toby was due to turn into a werewolf soon, and as much as I adored him, I couldn't imagine puckering up to a wolf.

Another breeze picked up, this time sending soggy leaves against me. I hurried toward the Waldensian to drop off my backpack and change my clothes.

A bear and a lion jumped in front of me from behind an SUV, roaring and screaming.

I jumped back, heart pounding.

They held out bags. "Trick or treat!"

"Go away, Landon." I rolled my eyes.

"You're no fun. Oh, look. Here come the Ferdinand twins. Let's scare them." He and his friend ran off.

I shook my head. Halloween, a full moon, and a spell to bring back my memories. What could possibly go wrong?

Despite having just eaten at the all-you-can eat place, my stomach growled. At least my bones weren't aching as bad as they had during the last two full moons.

My phone vibrated.

Toby: U no how 2 get 2 the Faeble right?

Victoria: Yeah. B there soon.

Toby: Hurry.

Victoria: I am.

My heart raced. I'd had to stay later than expected in the library because I'd run into Massaro, who thought that was the perfect time to lecture me about how important the next day's quiz was. If I hadn't already thought him cruel, having such an important quiz the day after Halloween would've proven it.

I ran inside and was attacked with silly string from both sides. The two guys aiming at me burst into a fit of laughter.

"Thanks." I pulled it off and threw it on one of them before heading upstairs.

Sasha stood at our vanity wearing a tight black body suit with a tail. She was painting something on her face. "You going to the party at the Beta Kappa Pi frat house?"

"No, I have other plans."

She turned to me and frowned. "You never do anything fun."

"Sure I do."

"Fine, I'm sure your mystery guy is great, but I never see you anymore."

"We'll go somewhere fun soon. I promise."

Sasha turned back to her makeup and gave herself whiskers. She put on a headband with black pointed ears. "It's obvious I'm a cat, right?"

"Best one I've seen yet."

She beamed. "What are you going as?"

I doubted anyone was dressing up at a bar for paranormal creatures. "Nothing."

"On Halloween?" She shook her head. "I think I need to drag you to the frat party. I heard they have bobbing for apples in a tub of vodka."

"Maybe I'll stop by later. I'm going to a bar."

Her eyes widened. "I didn't know you had a fake ID."

"I have connections." I stuffed my backpack in my closet under some clothes. Toby had bought me the most expensive laptop available, so I never left it where it would be easily found.

"Nice. Well, you
to dress up for Halloween. Come over here."

I shook my head and backed away from her. "Really, I just need to change my clothes." I kicked off my shoes, setting the soaked one next to the heater. Then I turned to my closet, trying to figure out what exactly one wore to a spell that would restore her memories. I settled on skinny jeans and a scoop neck shirt—all black for the holiday.

Once I was dressed, I turned around to ask Sasha something, but she lunged for me, painting something on my face.

She smiled. "Perfect."

I groaned. "Thanks."

Then she put some necklaces with bats and pumpkins on me. "Now you at least look like you tried."

My phone buzzed.

Toby: U almost here?

Victoria: Yes.

"Thanks, Sasha. I have to go."

"Have fun. Stop by the party if you get a chance."

"Sure." I found my midnight blue running shoes and put them on. With the Faeble being in the middle of the forest, I would need them. I grabbed a coat and hurried down the stairs, managing to avoid another silly string attack.

Outside, I double-checked that my car was locked up tight and then headed for the woods, pulling my hood up over my head. The wind had picked up and blew raindrops against me.

Once in the cover of the forest, I found it easier to run. The trees kept the ground from getting too wet. Before I made it too far, a gray and black wolf ran over to me, keeping up with me.

"You again?" I asked. "I hope you're in the mood for a run, Alex. I can't stop today."

He howled.

I felt a little better having him there. Somehow, he always managed to find me out in the woods when I needed a friend. "I'm headed to the Faeble. Hopefully that isn't too far from where you're willing to run." I should have felt dumb talking to him like he could understand, but he'd sat through my ramblings enough times, he actually felt like a friend.

Alex howled again.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He let out another sound and turned to the left.

"I'm going this way, buddy."

Alex turned over to me and took the cuff of my coat in his mouth. He gave a muffled bark.

"You want me to go this way? I'm in a hurry."

He pulled on my coat.

"Okay, as long as we don't get too far off the path to the Faeble."

Alex let go and ran off. I followed, since he wasn't too far off the path. Part of me wondered if I was crazy for following the wolf when I needed to get to Toby before the full moon reached its point in the sky.

I was about to turn and go a different way when the Faeble came into sight. My mouth dropped. "How did you—?"

The wolf turned to me and stared. I got the feeling he was proud of himself.

"I don't know how you did that, but thank you." I rubbed his head and then ran inside. The place was filled with Halloween decorations, costumes, and festive music.

Tap came over to me and arched a brow. "I didn't realize you came ready to party."

I'd forgotten about whatever makeup Sasha had put on me. "I'm not. It's a long story."

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