Love Always, Kate (28 page)

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Authors: D.nichole King

BOOK: Love Always, Kate
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Behind every great writer is an amazing team of support: family, friends, beta readers, CP's, editors, marketing people, cover designers, formatters, submissions teams, and everyone else at the publishing house. This is my chance to say 'thanks,' and I sincerely hope I don't leave anyone out!

First and foremost, I thank God, for without Him, none of this would be possible.

Secondly, my family. To my husband, David, for his encouragement to chase my dream, his analytical thoughts when I had problems figuring something out, his willing ear, and the fire he lit under me to start sending out query letters. I couldn’t have done this without you!

To my children, David Michael, Brennan, Natalie Anne, and Abigaylle, for making me smile when the story wasn’t moving like I wanted, and for finding things to do while Mommy worked. You four are the best!

To my parents, siblings, and-laws for being among the first readers and for being there when I had good and bad news to share. Thanks for letting me count on you!

Thank you to my friends and various beta readers who read through my stories with a keen eye. Your thoughts have been very helpful, as well as your encouragement and kind words. Holly Hendrian, Tonille Burrows, Heather Jelsma, Kim Jackson, Landon King, and I hope I'm not missing anyone, I appreciate you all very much. Your insights have been invaluable.

A special thanks to Heather Jelsma and Angela Rothfus for helping me put together my website! Seriously, I wouldn’t have one if it weren’t for you!

I've been blessed with some amazing critique partners (CP's), and I can't even begin to express my thanks for the hard work they put in making my stories shine their brightest. Sunniva Dee: You were the first non-family/non-friend to read my work, and not only did you fall in love with it, it spawned a great friendship. Your honesty and thorough eye has made me a better writer, editor, and has made my manuscripts look more polished than I could ever have done on my own. Temperance Elisabeth: You know how to ask the right questions in the right places to make
 my stories come alive even more. I appreciate your fine eye for details. Your comments always make me smile! I'm so grateful for our newfound friendship!  Laura Carlson: I don’t know how you do it, but you seem to always know what my story needs to make it sparkle! Thanks for loving LOVE ALWAYS, KATE so much. You are a gem, friend. Virginia Pierce: You've inspired me! And your comments on LOVE ALWAYS, KATE were perfect! They meant the world to me, and I look forward to growing as friends and writers.

Thank you to my editor, Toni Rakestraw, for going through this novel with a fine-tooth comb! It’s much appreciated!

Thank you to
Limitless Publishing
for taking a chance on me! Jennifer O'Neill, Jessica Gunhammer, Dixie Matthews, Olivia Oswald, and everyone else who had a hand in getting my book out there, you're all amazing!

And of course to the readers! Without you, there'd be no books! So a huge, sincere, round of applause for each and every one of you! You're the best!


Love Always,




About the Author


Born and raised in Iowa, d. Nichole King writes her stories close to home. There’s nothing like small-town Midwest scenery to create the perfect backdrop for an amazing tale.

She wrote her first book in junior high and loved every second of it. However, she couldn’t bring herself to share her passion with anyone. She packed it away until one day, with the encouragement of her husband, she sat down at the computer and began to type.
Now, she can’t stop.

When not writing, d. is usually curled up with a book, scrapbooking, or doing yet another load of laundry.

Along with her incredible husband, she lives in small-town Iowa with her four adorable children and their dog, Peaches.



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