Love or Money? (21 page)

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Authors: Carrie Stone

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction

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Zara shook her head in disbelief, slowly climbing the stairs to help Steve with the children. She couldn’t help but think about how easy it was for things to be going on right under a person’s nose and them not even being aware.

For some reason, the thought made her shiver.


Felicity was mid-way t
hrough typing an email to an ex-colleague when the doorbell rang. She rolled her eyes in irritation. She’d purposefully ignored the three phone calls from her mother and although she’d been rather surprised to hear from a cautious sounding Zara, she surmised that her ‘quick pop over’ was an excuse to try and talk her around the falling out with Glenda. 

Quite frankly, it was one morning that she could have done without the distraction. She had a list of things she wanted to tackle – not to mention keeping her mind from thinking of Owen. Zara was bound to ask her once again if they’d been any news. She sighed
, heavy hearted, and walked into the hallway to open the door.

“Morning, come in”
she said swinging the door open. “Did you bring the..”

She stopped short, surprised at the sight that greeted her. Sy
lvia stood on her doorstep, red-faced and puffy-eyed. “Sylvia?” she took in her friend’s downcast appearance; the glossy and refined finish that she’d become accustomed to seeing replaced with ratty hair, bare skin and a jogging suit. It was a far cry from the coiffed and preened Sylvia she’d laughed with only a few weeks previously. “What’s happened?”

Sylvia eyed her peculiarly, a small gasp escaping from her lips and she felt unsettled.

“You mean you haven’t seen it?” Sylvia asked, her eyes starting to fill with tears. “I thought you’d seen it. I – I came to apologise” she said voice quivering.

Seen what?” Felicity replied, confused. 

Sylvia tried to speak but no words came out. She burst into tears as a shocked Felicity looked on, oblivious to her friend’s dilemma.

“Shh. Don’t cry. Come in and sit down.” Felicity’s curiosity was instantly forgotten as instinct took over and she put her arms out and gently guided Sylvia into the hallway.  “Whatever it is, I’m sure it isn’t that bad.”

Sylvia followed her meekly toward the kitchen, heart pounding through fear. Her anxiety was building. She had assumed Felicity would have seen the papers. She hadn’t known why she’d been drawn to come to her house and apologise but part of her wanted her friend’s acceptance and understanding. It had only dawned on her the previous day that Felicity had been more into Dan that she’d suspected, especially after coming across an old email that she’d received weeks ago.

She had been so cocooned in her own situation that she hadn’t properly absorbed the part where Fee had hinted at finally getting over her feelings for her gardener. It had made the guilt of her own one night stand with Dan ten times worse.
  The evening of The King’s Head and her original suspicions had suddenly hit home. Felicity and Dan had been more than just a night of fun. On both sides.

Her betrayal aside, she didn’t know who else to turn
to. Her phone had been ringing endlessly. People she had thought were friends had been leaving messages of support but they’d seemed tinged with judgement and gossip. Even her family hadn’t acted in the way that she had hoped. To make matters worse, Phillip wasn’t answering her calls. 

She hovered by the dining table, knowing that she had to explain the situation immediately. Her stomach twisted with nerves. She felt her hands beginning to tremble. Felicity turned to her, handing her a tissue. She seized the moment, Felicity’s kindness overwhelming her.

“Fee, I slept with Dan. We were both drunk in The Kings Head and it only happened once. It was the biggest mistake of my life. He never told me he’d been seeing you. I naively assumed you and him only had a one-time thing too. But now, it’s all over the papers. They’re claiming I’m pregnant with his baby but it’s not true and I have proof. Phillip has left me. I don’t know what to do. I’m so sorry, Fee. I’m so sorry.” Her words were rushed and clumsy and she instantly wished they hadn’t tumbled out in such a direct and hurried manner.

She watched as Felicity looked up in alarm, her eyes widening in shock. The colour had drained from her face and she took in a sharp breath. She looked crestfallen.

The sound of the doorbell drilled through the hallway, rattling both women as they eyed each other awkwardly, neither daring to move. Felicity bit down on her lip, not trusting herself to speak. Her throat felt suddenly dry and scratchy.  Her feet were rooted to the spot, thoughts of Dan coursing through her mind. The doorbell rang out again, breaking the silence. She forced herself to remove her shocked gaze from Sylvia and walk into the hallway.

She opened the door slowly, trying to gather her emotions and calm her palpitations. Glenda and Zara stood before her.

Hello, love” Glenda said bashfully, holding out a box of chocolates. “Peace offering?”

You ok?” Zara took one look at Fee’s face and knew that something was amiss. 

Glenda nudged Zara with her elbow as Felicity glanced from her mother back to Zara and swallowed hard.

Come in.” She took the chocolates gently from her mother’s outstretched hand and smiled. “I’m pleased to see you.” She meant it.

Zara was the first to walk toward the kitchen and Felicity heard her friend’s sharp intake of breath.

What the hell is she doing here?” Zara said angrily, pointing to a shamefaced Sylvia standing awkwardly in the corner.

Glenda remained quiet, looking from Fee to Sylvia. It was ob
vious the women had been in mid-conversation. They were avoiding one another’s eyes. 

via looked at Zara pleadingly. “Zara please let me have a chance to tell you the full story. Glenda, you too.”

Zara cut her off with a sneer. “
You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re a wretched excuse for a friend after what you’ve done to Fee. Everybody knows that you don’t sleep with your friend’s castoffs. Whether Fee wanted him or not, you should have respected the friendship enough never to have crossed that line!”

Come on ladies, let’s not argue.” Glenda said calmly, taking a hold of Zara’s arm and pulling out a chair for her to sit.

Someone needs to tell her though. It’s dreadful what she’s done.” Zara said, narrowing her eyes in Sylvia’s direction.

That’s enough, Zara” Felicity snapped frustrated, walking closer to Sylvia. “Sylvia and I have spoken it through and everything’s been resolved. She’s apologised. I don’t need you coming here and creating further drama.”

via looked at Fee in surprise. “Fee, do you mean that?” 

Glenda looked at her daughter curiously. She looked strangely calm and serene.

“I do.” Felicity said, taking a deep breath, unsure how to explain herself. She was aware of all three women watching her intently.

I can’t say I’m happy that you slept with Dan, but it’s done. I can’t change it. Besides, he’s taken up enough of my thoughts over the last few months. I don’t want to fall out with you over him. He’s proved himself to be the type of man I’m lucky to have had an escape from.” She shrugged her shoulders, thinking of Owen and knowing that he would never cheat on his girlfriend with anyone, much less his client and then his client’s friend. “I’m sorry to hear about Phillip.”

Ignoring Zara’s shocked expression and her mother’s discreet but proud glance, she squeezed Sylvia’s hand sympathetically. She knew that Sylvia wasn’t the type of woman to do something as foolish as sleeping with Dan intentionally. It was an unfortunate situation that had now backfired on her. She couldn’t imagine what she must be feeling if it had been laid bare in the newspapers.

Sylvia broke down unexpectedly into a tormented body wracking sob that took all three women by surprise. Glenda was the first to be beside her, patting her back. “Now, now, it’ll all blow over. They do say that today’s news is tomorrow’s chip paper, dear. Sit down and I’ll make you a cup of tea. You don’t want to be getting upset – it’s not good for the baby.” She motioned to Felicity to put on the kettle.

Even Zara had the good grace to lower her eyes and feel ashamed for judging. She had forgotten Sylvia was also pregnant. She got up and grabbed a scented tissue from the mode
rn metal dispenser. “Here you are” she said handing it to Sylvia. “I’m sorry I was harsh.”

Sylvia smiled wearily through her tears. She was shocked to the core that Fee had taken the news so lightly. For a moment she had thought that their friendship was over. She blew her nose into the tissue tha
t Zara had kindly fetched her. “I’m the one that needs to apologise to you all. I never meant to cause any harm.” She looked toward all three sets of compassionate eyes staring at her and felt herself welling up again.

“Would it help to talk about it?”
Glenda offered warmly.

“Maybe we can help you?”
Zara encouraged gently as Felicity nodded her agreement.

Sylvia nodded
. “Yes please. It really would.” She sighed with relief.

Finally, she’d found people to share her burden with. Oddly enough, it was those she would
have deemed the most unlikely. Clearly she wasn’t as alone as she had thought. Felicity forgiving her had given her a surge of hope. But would Phillip find it in his heart to forgive her too? 

    She desperately hoped so.

Chapter Twenty


Glenda glanced a fourth time at the polished black granite worktops and double width range cooker. Complete with a bespoke free standing island, the kitchen was reminiscent of something she had seen in glossy home magazines. There was even a hint of cinnamon and freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air. She tried to stifle an ecstatic grin.

Shall we have another look at the lounge?” Bill asked, cutting off the estate agent’s enthusiastic sales pitch. 

Actually I wouldn’t mind another look upstairs if that’s ok?” Glenda replied timidly, looking at the agent for approval.

The thin, gangly man nodded,
gesturing with his hand. “Please go ahead, help yourselves.” 

Bill led the way toward the modern curved staircase with Glenda following
, drinking in the classy and luxurious décor. She couldn’t believe that a property of this size and glamour could fall within their budgeted allowance. As soon as the agent was out of earshot and they had made their way to the top of the stairs, Bill turned to her.

Well, what do you think?” he asked excitedly. “I saw your eyes light up in that kitchen.”

I love it. A cream range cooker! And I can’t get over the size of the lounge. Did you see the chandelier? That alone is worth a small fortune.”  Glenda stopped herself for fear of getting carried away.  She could only dream of living in a house so beautiful. She was certain there had to be some kind of mistake. It seemed far too good to be true. “Do you think they’ve made a whoopsie on the price?”

Bill chuckled. “
No, it’s about right for this area. The others that I’ve lined us up to view are also three bedroom and in this price range.” He pulled out the crumpled property print offs from his pocket, handing them to Glenda.

It’s funny though as I have to say, based on the photo and specs of the four options – this was my immediate favourite. That’s why I asked to see this one first. I had a feeling you’d like it.”

Glenda grinned. “
Well you were right. I can really see us living here. It’s got a very homely feel even if it is rather grandeur.”

Bill looked at Glenda with narrowed eyes and a wry smile for a moment before clappi
ng his hands, making her jump. “That’s it then. The decision’s made. I shall tell the agent there’s no need to view the others. We’ll take it.”

Glenda gasped in surprise, cov
ering her mouth with her hand. “Really? You don’t want to see the others first?”

Bill shrugged his shoulders. “
All I want is for us to have a happy home and this place seems to have captured you. There’s no point wasting time on viewings when your heart’s set on this. Anyway, did you see the size of the television and the black lazy boy chair? That’ll do me, thank you very much.”

Following Bill back down the stairs, she observed the plush teal carpet underfoot, wondering how a house so majestic hadn’t been snapped up sooner. She couldn’t wait to tell Fee, especially as it had three bedrooms. Granted
, Fee would probably deem it a rather ordinary home, but Glenda had never lived in something with more than two bedrooms and never with a chandelier! Felicity could even come for an overnight visit with Zara and the children. The thought thrilled her.

The agent had his mobile in hand as they rejoined him in the kitchen. He looked at Bill expecta
ntly. “Is everything in order? Are there any further questions I can help you with?”

We’ve had a discussion and we like the property very much.” Bill said, glancing at Glenda. “If an eighteen month contract is agreeable with the landlord, then we’d very much like to go ahead with a rental proposition.”

The agent perked up significantly
and rubbed his hands together. “Fantastic. In that case, let’s make our way back to the office and we’ll sort the finer details.” He switched off the kitchen lights and indicated for them to follow him out of the property, closing doors on his way.

heart leapt and Bill linked his arm through hers, guiding her supportively. She couldn’t help but wonder how a day that had started on such a dramatic note had ended on such a high. At one point, she hadn’t even known if she’d be making it to Cambridge to house-hunt. 

Thankfully, after Sylvia’s breakdown and all three of them doing their best to cheer her up, she’d seemed a lot calmer and accepting of the situation. From what she said though, Glenda didn’t hold out much hope of Phillip wanting her back. Shame. She knew how hard it was bringing up a child alone and she wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

“You ok?” Bill asked, breaking into her thoughts. 

Oh sorry, I was miles away.” Glenda chided herself and got into the car beside him, taking one last glance at the property they were soon to be calling home. She smiled happily.

After we’ve finished up at the estate agents, let’s go into town and get a bite to eat?” 

That’ll be nice. I suppose we should start getting to know the area, seeing as we’ll be locals soon” she joked.

Too right. This time next year, we’ll be hosting dinner parties for our neighbours.”

Glenda chuckled, secretly delighted at the idea. She’d always wanted to host a dinner party and with the range cooker she was certainly inspired to be more creative in the kitchen.

Bill started up the car, waiting for the agent in the Audi in front of him to reverse. He pulled out slowly behind him, putting the car into second gear. Glenda glanced out of the passenger window, feeling joyful as her new home faded into the distance. She was already thinking of which bits she’d need to pack to put the finishing touches to the property. 

She found herself wishing the next three weeks away….


The front door bur
st open and Zara heard the girls’ high pitched squeals followed by Steve’s tired sigh. She placed the final pack of babygrows into the small storage unit and closed the drawer. The nursery was almost complete. 

Hiya, I’m upstairs” she called out as the children made their way nosily up the staircase. She heard Steve’s slow, even steps behind them.

i came bounding into the room. “Look Mummy what I’ve got. One for me and one for Daisy.” She held out two soft toys with floppy ears and bushy tails. Abbey joined her and Zara noticed a small doll in her hands.

Did Daddy get you those presents?” Zara asked curiously. They were tight enough on funds without Steve splashing out on toys so close to Christmas.

Steve appeared in the doorway
with his hand behind his back. “Yes, I did.” He came over to her and planted a delicate kiss on her cheek. “I got a little something for you too.” Removing his arm from behind his back, he held out a small gift bag.

Zara took it eage
rly and peeked inside; she couldn’t recall the last time Steve had surprised her with a gift. “Perfume! And my favourite brand too. Oh Steve, you shouldn’t have.” She took the box from the bag and began to open it hurriedly. It had been a couple of months since her last bottle had finished and with funds so limited, she hadn’t wanted to spend on something so frivolous.

I noticed you’d run out of your last one and I know how much you like it.” Steve trailed off looking bashful and Zara couldn’t help but feel a great surge of love for him. It didn’t matter about the money, the girls were glowing with excitement and she felt equally as special.

Thank you. It was a lovely thought.” She kissed him on the lips.

Right girls, dinner will be ready soon. Go and play for a while until I call you. Daisy is watching television – go and give her her present Lexi.”

The girls didn’t need telling twice, they were off like a shot – running from the room.

“Did you have a good day, babe?” Steve asked, coming up behind her and putting his arms around her expanded waistline, nuzzling her neck. She giggled. “Yes, it was fine. It turned out ok in the end.” Steve breathed heavily against her ear and she felt him pushing himself up against her.

Steve, not now. I have to get the dinner on.” 

He laughed,
kissing her on cheek instead. “I can’t help finding you sexy.” He backed away from her and shrugged off his jacket. “How about we get a takeout instead? Saves you cooking.”

Zara looked at him in surprise. Could they realistically afford a takeout? She purs
ed her lips. No they couldn’t. “As much as I’d love to say yes, we shouldn’t splash out on things we can’t afford.” 

Steve grinned. As unsure as he was at raising the subject, he couldn’t wait to finally be able to share his news with Zara.
  He was tired of seeing her constantly worrying about money.

He’d been nervous the previous day when Catherine had called him into her office. He hadn’t been expecting the praise she’d given him, or the permanent contract with more than generous basic salary, plus commission rate. She’d said he’d caught the eye of both area and team manager as having a natural flair for the role and they were interested in keeping him as an asset. He didn’t need much convincing; he’d signed the contract there and then. Combined with the considerable amount Felicity had loaned to him a few days previous
ly to pay off their debts, he couldn’t help but feel a lot more optimistic about the future. 

We’re getting a takeout.” Steve said adamantly. “Decide what you’d like and I’ll go and collect it. Anyway there’s something I want to talk to you about after dinner.” 

Zara noticed a twinkle in Steve’s eye and her enquiring mind went into overdrive. What was he up to? Why the presents and the insistence of
a takeout? Something was definitely going on.

What do you want to talk to me about?” she asked curiously, noting a playful smile on Steve’s lips. Yet she couldn’t help but notice his anxious left foot tapping the floor. If she didn’t know better she’d say he was nervous. 

It’s something important so I’d prefer to save it for when the girls are in bed.” He looked down at the floor and she felt her excitement fading. Steve wondered anxiously how his wife would react when he told her the truth. He hoped Felicity had been wrong in suggesting Zara thought he had been playing away.

“I see.”
Zara chewed on her lip thoughtfully. Could this be something to do with the trip to Manchester. And Catherine? Her pulse quickened and she was overcome with light headedness.

Steve instinctively noticed the change and stepped forward, kissi
ng her once again on the lips. “It’s nothing to worry about, babe. I promise you. I would never do anything to hurt you. In fact it’s good news but I’d prefer to tell you the whole story.” 

From the way he looked into her eyes with sincerity and honesty, Zara knew that there was something big that Steve had been keeping from her. It made her heart sink a little.

“Now, let’s get the takeout ordered. What do you fancy?” 

Zara tried to be enthusiastic as she followed Steve downstairs but she couldn’t shake the unsettled feeling that she’d been left with. What had Steve been up to? What did he mean that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her - surely that meant he had a guilty conscience?

What could possibly be good news if he hadn’t shared it with her sooner?

Part of her didn’t want to find out – she had a feeling she wouldn’t like it.


Felicity re
-read the text message she’d typed. She’d already spent far too long debating whether to send it. She saved it to drafts and put her phone aside. It wasn’t so much that she was scared of the rejection - she’d certainly had enough of that in her lifetime to know that she could bounce back. It was the reaching out. If she sent it and he replied, she would always wonder why. Did he do so because he truly wanted to? Or simply out of politeness? That wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to feel special, to have made such an impact on his life that he couldn’t live without her – to know that she’d occupied his mind enough to drive him to distraction – just as he did hers. If Owen really wanted her, wouldn’t he be the one to make contact? Wouldn’t he be feeling the way she was? 

She picked up her phone again and deleted the drafted text, annoyed at herself for allowing him to take up so much of her evening.

If it hadn’t been for Sylvia’s unexpected visit and the subsequent drama that followed, she was certain she’d have been happy enough working on her new business plan. Just like she’d intended. Still, at least she’d made peace with her mother. She hadn’t realised how much she’d missed her until she’d watched her fussing over Sylvia – trying to make her situation seem tolerable. Seeing how excited she was at the prospect of spending the rest of the day house-hunting in Cambridgeshire, Felicity had softened toward the idea of her mother moving. If it was going to make her happy, then all she could do was support her. 

The shock of Sylv
ia’s news had been quite a wake-up call; she had spent the afternoon thinking more about her life and what she really wanted from it. It had reminded her that things could change so suddenly and turmoil could come at any time. She felt grateful for her blessings, something that she’d always taken for granted before.

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