Love Resisted (Entwined Hearts #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Love Resisted (Entwined Hearts #2)
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His mouth assaults my neck now while his other hand is still at my breast. My head falls back and I groan as I feel myself nearing release. Saul pulls back and I snap my head up to see his mouth in a smirk and his eyes hooded. Pulling me forward slightly he releases my arms, placing them on his shoulders.

“Hold on, babe,” he says and then grabs behind my thighs lifting me against the wall. Gripping me tight he looks up at me. “This is it, Soph. This is where I claim you. We do this, there’s no turning back. It’s you and me. Always. You’re saying yes too.”

I look into his eyes and I can see the emotion behind them. I can see the love, the passion, the power.

“Yes,” I whisper and look down between us, his cock resting at my opening. He doesn’t move. So I look back into his eyes.

“Need to take you bare, baby. Never done that before. Not with anyone.”

“Do it,” I moan. I’m on the pill, but I don’t need to go into details. I know he trusts me and if I say do it, then he believes that it’s okay. I look back between us and watch him ease his dick in slowly, filling me, rubbing against my walls. When he’s fully inside me, he stops. I can feel my body adjusting to him and I look back into his eyes to see he’s staring at me.

“I love you, Sophie. I tried to beat it back for years. But I can’t anymore. You’re it for me. Just you.” He doesn’t give me a chance to answer, as he kisses me slowly and starts moving in and out, back and forth, gentle and slow. He builds his pace rocking into me, but he never loses my mouth. He’s loving me, definitely not fucking. I’ve never had sex this way before. I run one of my hands into his hair keeping the other on his shoulder. He starts moving and grinding into me at a slightly quicker pace, rolling his hips and I groan feeling my climax coming. He must feel it too gripping him from inside. Suddenly from nowhere it overtakes me and as I’m coming, I can hear him growl out a release.

As we’re winding down, our breathing still laboured I open my eyes and look straight into his. He releases one of my legs, but still keeps me up with the other. Bringing his hand up to my face, he strokes my cheek with his thumb.

“I’m gonna sound like a pussy now.” He shakes his head and smirks. “Fuck it! You know I always listen to a particular song?” he pauses, waiting for my reaction.

I think for a moment gazing over his shoulder, then my eyes snap back to him. “You mean ‘The Reason’ by Hoobastank?”

He nods. “Next time you have a quiet moment listen to the words, babe…you’re my reason.” I feel my eyes widen and he just smiles at me and gently lets me down. I steady myself, my legs having gone numb and look around.

“Shit! We’re still at the dance studio. Eric!” I whisper shout.

Saul chuckles. “Don’t worry babe, he walked out. I’m pretty sure he knew what I wanted to do and has gone home. This studio is in the middle of nowhere and nobody’s due here today until 5:00 p.m., right?”

I nod, trying to gather my thoughts and make sure what he’s saying is true. When my brain catches up, I relax and start putting my clothes on.

“Damn shame,” Saul comments and I look over to him cocking my eyebrow. “You covering that sinful body up,” he replies with a grin. I could say the same about his, but I won’t. I’m not giving him a bigger head. Instead, I just shake my head and wink.

When we’re both presentable again, I ask, “What happened today? I mean, what made you just stride in here and fuck me?”

He moves into my space and kisses me softly on the lips then says, “We both know what we just shared wasn’t fucking, babe.” I close my eyes and feel another broken piece slot back into position.

“No, it wasn’t,” I respond. I can’t say anymore. I want to, but I can’t. Not yet. Not until he knows just how broken I am. Instead, I say, “Why did you come here?” I momentarily spot something pass over his face.

Disappointment maybe?

“I was at Murphy’s and this woman was flirting.” I still in his arms and he must feel me go rigid. “Don’t worry, babe, I didn’t flirt back.” I blink up at him forcing myself to smile. I realise I’ve never felt jealous with men I’ve dated before. Not until this very minute and I don’t like this feeling. It’s like a spring has just twisted my stomach and I want to hit something.

“Carry on,” I snap out and Saul just grins.

“Anyway, it made me wonder whether you were flirting with guys.” I look up at him to see his eyes are narrowed and I realise he’s feeling the exact same thing I just have.

“I’m not,” I tell him and his eyes flick to mine. “Flirting…I’m not flirting with guys.”

He nods and relaxes his muscles. “I wanted to come over here and make things crystal clear between us.”

I say nothing waiting for him to tell me what he needs to say.

“This? This thing between us? As far as I see it is a relationship. You’re my girl. There’s nobody else for either of us. Are you, all in?”

Looking at Saul I think about what I want in my future…what I
Stepping forward my lips nearly touching his I look straight into his eyes and whisper, “I’m yours.” The moment I say it he slams his lips down onto mine and lifts me up again bringing me over to a mat on the floor. He lays me down, and this time we don’t go slowly, this time we’re hot and heavy and sweaty. Saul doesn’t need to go back to Murphy’s he doesn’t need a workout after we’re finished.


I’m not sure how long I’ve been awake just staring at Soph sleeping. It’s creepy as fuck I know, but I just can’t seem to tear my eyes away from her beautiful form. We’ve been together for four weeks now. The first three we were feeling each other out. Unfortunately, not in the literal sense. This last week though, it’s been more than I could have ever hoped it would be. The promise of Soph is nothing compared with the real thing. She’s always been gorgeous, loving and strong. But now I get to have all that with one difference.
She’s mine.
She told me she was, and to give her credit she’s lived that statement this last week. Telling everyone that we’re now officially a couple and spending most of her time with me.

So why the fuck do I have this nagging feeling that something isn’t right?

I dislodge myself from her, roll off the bed and pull on my joggers, tagging a top as I leave the room. Walking into the kitchen, Dane is standing there with a mug of what smells like coffee.

He glances up at me and smirks. “Don’t you own a top?” he asks and I chuckle pulling my top over my head. Things have gotten better between us. We’ve formed an unconventional bond. It’s not strong, but it is getting there. I’ve realised Dane is a good guy. He’s trustworthy which is kind of a make or break trait for me. He helped both Soph and me sort out our shit and he loves Pea.

“Coffee?” he asks raising his mug.

“Yeah, sounds good. Cheers,” I reply sitting at the table as he places the cup in front of me. Staring at it for a second wondering whether to ask for his help, I glance up at him and think fuck it.

“Have you noticed anything off with Soph?” I ask.

Dane frowns and replies, “Why would I notice anything?”

“Mainly because you live with her,” I tell him through gritted teeth.

He laughs.

“How hard is it for you to get those words out without wanting to punch me,” he replies laughing again.

“Let’s just say it’s not easy, so just answer me arsehole.” His laughter vanishes and he looks out of the kitchen toward the stairs, probably making sure Soph’s not within hearing distance. He shakes his head at me then rubs his jaw.

“I’ve noticed. I thought it was this thing between you two. That maybe when you sorted yourselves out then she’d go back to the way she used to be. But I think now it’s more than that. She’s been different since she was attacked.”

At his words, I clench my hand around the mug, taking a deep breath trying to relax and loosen my fingers. I hate the reminder that I wasn’t here for her. I nod at Dane. “Thanks, man, I need to find out what’s going on. You know, make sure she’s okay?”

Getting up to go back to Soph I walk by Dane but he stops me grabbing my arm. I spin around and look down at him

“You need me to help, I’m there.” I nod again and go to move away, but he still hasn’t let me go so I look back at him.

“Not just with Soph. You need me, Saul? I’m there.”

Feeling strangely emotional, I swallow hard. Then decide to just let things work out how they will.

“I’ve never had a blood relative I liked. Never had one I respected, and sure as fuck never had one I ever thought I could love.”

Pausing, I shake my head. “Do now brother.” And I then pull him up by his arm and into a man hug, slapping each other’s backs then walking away without a backward glance. It’s not like I was going to hold him
. I’ve grown as a man, but I haven’t grown a pussy!

Moving back to Soph’s room, she’s still sleeping. She looks like an angel, but fuck she can be a little devil and I now know first-hand, no other fucker will ever get to experience that shit again. No-one but me. Smiling to myself at that thought, I then curl around her and fall back to sleep.




Bollocks…shit…fuckity, fuck…fuck!
I pace back and forth in the lounge. Dane has gone to the office and Saul is at Murphy’s.

Wait…will little Miss Flirty Knickers be there?

Should I go there to stake my claim?
I shake my head and realise I sound like a dick, Saul isn’t ever going to step out on me. And it’s not like if he wanted to I could stop it, I can’t be with him every minute of every day. Nope, I have to trust him.

Anyway, I have bigger problems right now and I’m shitting myself. And not because I’m worried Saul is going to get it on with a gym bunny. No. This is because I’m holding a letter in my hand. A letter which has made me feel like I don’t want to leave the house. I thought it strange when the front door rattled this morning. I was in the kitchen making tea and it sounded like something was put through the letterbox. It was odd because the postman had already been. When I got to the door, I noticed an envelope on the doormat. A handwritten envelope. ‘
Cherry Pie’
was scrawled across the front. As soon as I saw those words my blood ran cold and I started shaking. I’ve managed to calm down now and so only my hands are still shaking.

I can’t believe he found me.

How the fuck did this happen?

I can’t open it. I don’t want to see inside.

My phone chirps and scares the crap out of me. Grabbing it from the kitchen table I open a text from Pea.


You still happy to meet me at mine today?


Ugh…I’d forgotten we were going to the cemetery later. Dane and Saul are meeting us there and I’m still not sure what Con has up his sleeve, although I’ve got a good idea. No matter what is happening with me I’m not about to let Pea down, and I’m sure as hell not going to spoil her day. My shit will have to wait for another day. I fold the letter in half and put it in the front pocket of my joggers.


Course hun. I’m just going to grab a shower and I’ll see you soon.

Thanks. x


She’s still hormonal, but it’s been different lately. Less grumpy, bitchy, Pea, and more crying and emotional. I’m not sure which I prefer.

After showering and getting dressed, I’m pacing again. I need to leave in the next thirty minutes to pick Pea up, but even so I’m still freaking out.

What if he’s out there waiting for me like he used to do?

“Shit,” I moan and then call a cab.

Twenty minutes later the cab arrives and upon hearing the beep of his horn outside signalling I shouldn’t keep the driver waiting. Collecting my purse and keys, thankful that the front door doesn’t require locking behind me, I stand at the door and look through the peephole. For the first time in my life, I’m glad for a bloody peephole. However, looking through one is an entirely different thing. There’s nothing to see…not really. Unless he was standing right in front of the door, the peephole is pretty useless.

Yeah, sucks for me.

Taking a deep breath and hearing the cab driver beep his horn again impatiently, I open the door and almost sprint to the cab, listening for the door to slam behind me. Giving the cabby the address, I sit back looking everywhere just in case he’s waiting. My hands grip the door handle as though he might try and open my door from the outside, and it’s only when we’re about five minutes down the road that I begin to relax. Loosening my grip on the handle, but still not letting go.

On arrival at Pea’s, I clutch onto her doorframe like someone is going to grab me from behind. Ringing the doorbell, but keeping a look out over my shoulder, I wish I’d never given my key back. She takes so long to get to the door with her waddling these days.

“Hey,” she says while swinging the door open. I practically barge in pulling her with me and slamming the door to keep the world out.

“What’s wrong?” Pea asks grabbing me by the shoulders. I look around her hallway trying to buy precious minutes to think of something, anything to tell her.

“Soph!” she says again accompanying the word with a gentle shake.

Glancing back at her and smiling. “Oh, nothing. Just thought I saw someone, but it was my mind playing tricks on me again.”

“What? Who?” she asks still gripping my shoulders.

“I don’t know. Just someone. Listen, it doesn’t matter.”

She starts to reply, but her phone beeps a text.
Phew, saved by the bell.

“Oh, for goodness sake!” Pea moans. I whip my head around to see her rubbing her forehead while staring down at the phone in her other hand.

“What’s happened?” I ask wondering if I can take anything else today.

“Con’s just texted.” She shakes her head and sighs walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table. “He’s told me he can’t make it to the graveyard today.”

I genuinely feel sorry for her. Knowing he’s going to be there, but she doesn’t, and rather than bitching, which she would have done a few weeks ago, she just looks deflated.

“Why?” I ask realising I need to play along.

“Oh, he just said he needs to stay at work for a few hours longer than he expected. I know it’s a Friday so I can’t really moan, but this is her first birthday since we got back together. It means something to me, especially now Gran is laying in the grave next to her. Gran would be so happy for me. She loved Con and I wanted to go see them with him. I guess it doesn’t matter, there’s always next year. It’s not his fault.” She looks down at her phone resigned, all the fight has left her and I want to wrap her in my arms.

“What you doing now?” I ask trying to spy a glance at her phone.

She looks up at me and smiles. “Oh nothing, I just texted Con to tell him that it was fine. That I understand and love him. And, that I’ll see him later and we can…”

“Yep. Okay. I get it. You can stop now!” I say putting my fingers in my ears and Pea giggles.

“Come on, let’s get going. Con might not be here, but I still am,” I say grabbing her arms and hauling her up.

“Thanks, Soph, but we don’t have to rush. We can go later,” she tells me dismissively.


“Oh no…I can’t…I need to go do something later,” I splutter stupidly.

Pea draws in her eyebrows. “What do you need to do?” she questions. I look at her kitchen table for inspiration, but only women’s magazines litter it.

“I…err…I…n…need to wax my vajajay,” I say spotting an article on waxing.

What the actual fuck?

“O-kay…overshare much?” Pea asks, but she’s smiling again and her eyes have brightened.

BOOK: Love Resisted (Entwined Hearts #2)
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