Love Resisted (Entwined Hearts #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Love Resisted (Entwined Hearts #2)
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“Soph needs to make sure Dane knows she’s sorry,” I answer Pea.

“Why?” she asks apparently confused.

“Fuck, I wish I knew.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a moment. “Things have happened, in her past, stuff she had never told anyone. We think what’s happened to Dane ties into that shit.” Pea gasps, her hand over her mouth. “What happened to Dane though, no matter if it came from her past or not, in no way is this her fault,” I say looking at Con, who lifts his chin in assent. I look back at Pea. “She will tell you. Today Pea. But she needs to talk to you alone. She can’t relive that shit again with the guys.” Pea nods and we sit in silence. Everyone processing their own thoughts.

A few minutes later Soph appears. Her eyes are sad so I move across to her. “Babe?” I ask softly. Her lips tip up just slightly at the corners and I pull her into a hug.

“It’s okay, Dane told me he doesn’t understand why I would blame myself. I told him you’d explain and that for now, I just need him to let me apologise. Now I need to speak to Pea. Will you still talk to the guys for me?” she whispers.

“Of course, whatever you need. Always,” I tell her and let her go.

She turns her attention to Pea. “Pea, can we talk? Maybe in my old room?” Pea nods silently and follows Soph.

When they’re gone, Con looks at me and cocks his eyebrow.

“Come on then, let’s get this shit done,” I tell him.

An hour later, and a lot of fucks thrown about. Another coffee table smashed by Con this time with a little help from me. Two cups thrown against the wall courtesy of Dane, and they know everything.

“I know this is a fucked up situation. But I got to say, my girl’s a fighter. She picks up and carries on, and not in a way where she tells you she’s okay but shit is bubbling under the surface. No. Not Soph.” I shake my head and smile. “Gotta be honest brothers. She’s fucking amazing. What’s she’s been through, she isn’t surviving, she’s fucking conquering. Taking the shit she’s lived through and making it her bitch. I couldn’t ask for more.”

“I always knew she was something special,” Dane says and my head snaps to him, my eyebrow cocked.

He holds up his hands. “Just saying, brother.” Then he winks at me.

Soph and Pea suddenly walk back in the room. Pea’s eyes are red-rimmed and Con immediately goes to her, holding her to him. Soph comes to sit next and I tag her round the neck bringing her in close while kissing her head and closing my eyes taking in her honey scent.

“Soph,” Dane says quietly from the side of me. Soph pulls back and looks at him. “Never apologise for that shit again.”

Soph’s body locks, and I’m about to get pissed. But then she relaxes as Dane says, “You never have, not once in your life as far as I can tell, done anything to hurt anyone. The shit that happened was not, and never will be, tied to you or leave a mark on you. From this point onward no matter what happens you need not blame yourself. ‘Cause that shit will eat at you until there’s nothing left but guilt.”

When he’s finished speaking Soph grabs his hand. “Thank you, Dane,” she says smiling.

That’s my girl, my fighter, my warrior, my saviour, my forever.


“Mmm.” I feel the heat between my legs and my sleepy state is shot to shit when lust and ecstasy take over. I’m not complaining. Waking up to Saul’s face between my legs is the one thing I’ll never complain about. I close my eyes and let the feelings overtake me, enjoying his tongue, swirling around and lapping at my sex. His hand travels up my inner thigh until it meets his tongue, slowly he brings two fingers to my opening and stimulates my senses as he thrusts them into me. Sensuously moving them in and out while sucking on my clit. “Ahhh,” I groan, writhe and squirm, lifting my hips off the bed while gripping onto his head and pushing him closer. I hear him chuckle which sends a vibration through me, then he assaults me again. I barely have time to breathe before my body flares and I find my release. As I let out a breath, Saul moves upward prowling over me like I’m his prey, I watch his arm muscles move and flex, and my body vibrates at the sight. He stares down, his eyes lidded with a fire burning behind them and then he smiles.
The smile.
The one that always gets me. His dimples pop out, both of them. It’s a rare sight, and for a moment I just take him in. All that he is. All that he ever was, and everything he will always be to me.

Without saying a word, he leans down and kisses me, slipping his tongue into my mouth and I can taste myself on him. I’m so consumed by his kisses that when he enters me it comes as a surprise and I can’t stop the groan I make down Saul’s throat. But it doesn’t stop his domination of my mouth for even a second. He thrusts his hips back and forth while still controlling my mouth. Reaching down with one of his hands he pinches my nipple which makes me gasp. Saul pulls his mouth away from me with a cocky smirk and then bends down and starts biting my neck.

“Harder, faster,” I whisper, but he doesn’t speed up. “Saul, harder, baby.” I ache for him in a way I can’t explain. Suddenly he sits back on his knees and grabs my ankles, placing them over his shoulders, then he stares at me for a second.

“Hang on, babe, this is gonna be hard and fast.” His eyes burn into me as I bite my lower lip readying myself for him. Without another moment being wasted, he slams into me. Hard. And it’s delicious. I close my eyes again and without losing momentum Saul says, “Look at me, babe. We’re doing it your way, so you better watch me fuck you.” I feel my sex spasm at his comment. Keeping my eyes on him as he pounds into me. His balls smacking my arse. He brings one hand from my ankle and rubs my clit with his thumb and that’s all I need to hit the edge and topple over again. My body’s in a frenzy. So much so that I feel like I need to pull away from him or I might explode but, of course, he doesn’t let me go. Continuing to own me completely.

Then he finds his crescendo throwing his head back and growling out, “Fuck, Soph.” I feel him swell then release into me. I watch him as he drops down over me, balancing his weight on his arms. He kisses my mouth softly and pulls back saying, “I’m just gonna go clean up, babe. I’ll come back for you in a moment.”

I nod and lay there thinking about everything. In all the craziness that now surrounds me he is my centre. He keeps me grounded, and he makes me believe that a good life is worth fighting for. I know
will always be worth fighting for.

Once we’re both cleaned up, he slides back into bed beside me wrapping his arms around my body, keeping me safe.

“Saul,” I whisper.

“Right here, babe,” he replies and I smile.

“I love you,” I tell him and he stills around me. He’s told me he loves me, but this is the first time I’ve told him. I guess he wasn’t expecting it. Even though deep down he has to know I’ve always loved him. I feel his arms relax and he huffs out a breath.

“Wanted to hear those words from you for years, babe. They’re not words I’ve heard very often, could probably count on one hand the amount of times.” He stops as my breath hitches at his statement. “Even those times would’ve all been from you, Pea and Con as friends. And I know you haven’t said them to any man. Ever.” He stops again. I don’t say anything because he’s right. “I’ll always treasure that you’ve given me that.”

I lay there thinking about what he’s said before sleep claims me again.




I watch Soph drift back off to sleep, her breaths puffing in and out quietly. I feel my heart clench. Some fucker wants her, wants what belongs to me. And not to cherish, but to try and break.

That shit ain’t happening.

I have to stop the growl that’s forming in my mouth in case I wake her. Instead, I withdraw from the bed and go to the en-suite bathroom. I grip the sink basin and take some deep breaths composing myself. Yesterday after we told everyone the shit that had been happening, Soph and me went to the Police station and gave our statements. She told them her history and gave them the letter. They said there wasn’t anything they could do, the investigation is ongoing, for now. But without witnesses to both Soph’s and Dane’s attacks they have no leads, and there was no address or name on the letter tying it to Soph directly.

“Fuck,” I moan out loud then inwardly curse myself as I don’t want to wake Soph. Creeping back into the bedroom and chucking some clothes on, I leave Soph peacefully sleeping and make my way downstairs hoping Dane is up.

Entering the kitchen, I see he’s awake and sitting reading the paper. “Couldn’t sleep either?” I ask pouring a coffee and taking a seat.

“My head was throbbing,” he replies not taking his eyes off the paper.

“Dane, don’t let that shit lie. If your head keeps hurting you need to go back to the doc,” I tell him and he lifts his eyes to me cocking his eyebrow.

“Yes, little brother,” he says with a smirk and it’s my turn to cock my eyebrow and roll my eyes for good measure.

“Actually I’m glad you’re awake,” I tell him and at my change of tone, he puts his paper down and gives me his full attention waiting for me to continue. “I want Soph safe.” He nods at my statement. “It’s pretty obvious there isn’t anything the police can do. I know you know people. I know when Soph was attacked you looked into it. I don’t know the full extent. Con told me, but he didn’t know the full extent either.” I watch him. His eyes are scrutinizing me.

“I didn’t tell Con everything for his benefit.”

“Well, the time for keeping shit to your chest has passed brother. Now is the time to share.” He nods at me again. “When I was younger I lived in foster homes, you know that. I guess by now you know most of my history. I told Soph and gave her permission to share. She said she had, so you know.”

“I do.”

I shake my head. “We both had a shit childhood, I wish I could’ve been with you so we could have got through it together.”

Dane smirks at me. “Same, although I think you had the tougher time,” he tells me. I feel confusion cross my face and he must see it too as he goes on to explain. “It’s easier to be treated like shit by people that don’t care, rather than people who are supposed to love you.” I feel my muscles tense at his words.

“True story,” I reply.

He continues without pausing. “So while in these foster homes, I never made any bonds with the adults, but I did with some of the kids. There are a few I kept in contact with over the years.” I watch as he swallows. “Some of them I’ve lost contact with.” And I know he’s talking about Elizabeth as Soph has filled me in. “Anyway, most of those bonds were with boys who grew into men with jobs and families. A couple were with boys who grew into men that don’t follow rules…any rules.” He stops and stares at me. “Those men, I sometimes turn to for help with things.”

I lean forward and talk quietly because I can hear Soph starting to move around upstairs. “Well, I want to put a plan into place which might mean talking to those men. Whatever I have to do to keep Soph safe. That means – anything.” Dane chin lifts me.

“Consider it done. And Con?” he asks. “I wasn’t going to involve him, but I’m worried that Pea is a target. This Patrick knows where Soph used to live. He must know how close they are, if you’re a target then it stands to reason we all could be.” Dane rubs his chin. “This shit is fucked up,” he mutters.

“Yep,” I reply.

“What are you two mumbling about?” Soph questions while grabbing a coffee. She puts her coffee down on the table and pulls her chair out to sit down, but I grab her placing her on my lap.

She leans into me and whispers, “Morning Caveman,” before giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.

“We were thinking about hitting the gym,” Dane tells her and I look at him confused.

“But you can’t Dane, you only came out of hospital yesterday!” she exclaims.

“Tink, this isn’t the first time I’ve been concussed or in the hospital. I’ll be fine,” he tries to soothe her.

“But…” she gets out before I stop her.

“Babe, shhh, leave him be. He’s a grown man, I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”

She sulks and makes to get off my lap, but I clasp her around the waist so she can’t move and Dane smirks.

” she says making her point by ignoring me while I suppress a laugh. “When you say
who did you mean? You, Con and this doofus?” she asks jabbing at me and I can’t stop a chuckle this time which gets me a glare.

“Yeah Tink, I thought we’d go over to Pea’s, drop you off and grab Con.”

She nods her head then adds, “I can probably stay here by myself now. I think I’ll be okay.” I stiffen in my seat and I know she feels it when she continues, “But I like to spend time with Pea, so I’m sure we’ll have fun.”

I relax and she slips her hand across her lap to hold my hand, squeezing it. I start stroking my thumb across the back of her hand, my non-verbal thank you.



BOOK: Love Resisted (Entwined Hearts #2)
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