Read Love Song Series Box Set Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Love Song Series Box Set (38 page)

BOOK: Love Song Series Box Set
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I watch as Reed talks to his Dad, anger boiling inside of me. I know he loves his Dad, and I’m glad he was able to share this day with him, but I made it plain that his father’s new girlfriend, Tessa, was not supposed to come. My eyes narrow on his back as he gives her a hug. She’s the same bitch that almost ruined Will’s life and still does her best to fuck with him every chance she gets.

Don’t get angry. That’s what she wants.”

I turn my head to see Becca sitting down on the lawn chair beside me.
“She shouldn’t be here.”

Becca and Will married only a month after Brandon and Aunt Bethy did.
They’re marriage wasn’t based on love though; they did it to keep Becca’s parents from gaining custody of their son, the same son that Tessa did her best to make sure Will never knew about. To say Becca and Will had a rocky time at first would be a major understatement, but they’re happy now. In fact, they are deeply in love.

She made a mistake. I’ve made a few of them myself.”

I know about what Becca and Dad did to my mom.
I was probably twelve when I first understood what happened, and I hated her and Dad both. I probably spent a month giving him the silent treatment, and I refused to go anywhere I knew Becca was likely to be. That was hard, considering she was married to my mother’s cousin, the same cousin she thought of as a brother.

Finally, my mom sat me down to have a talk.
She didn’t try to explain away what they had done. She made no excuses and didn’t plead with me to forgive them. Instead, she told me that there was nothing for me to forgive. They didn’t do it to hurt me; I wasn’t even alive yet. Then, she shared some wisdom with me, something that I hold close to my heart even today.

Love isn
’t all about the good times; it’s not about being perfect all the time. If you look for perfection in the people you love, you’re going to constantly be disappointed. When you love someone, you have to do so unconditionally. You do your best to forgive them if they deserve it, then you have faith that they won’t make the same mistakes over and over again. Most importantly, you accept their past. No matter how ugly it is, it’s what made them the person that you love.

I look over to Becca and see her looking toward the spot where Will is standing.
Their son Logan and his wife are standing beside him, and their daughter lies sleeping against her grandfather’s chest. Becca looks happy, but there’s something in her eyes that says all is not how it should be.

Is something wrong?”

She jerks her head toward mine.
“No, I was just thinking.”

I stare at her for a moment, trying to decipher what
’s going on. “You want to share what you were thinking about?”

She looks down, staring at her lap.
“I just have some stuff on my mind. Nothing important.”

I stay quiet for a bit, waiting for her to say more.
When I realize she’s not going to, I lean into her, nudging her with my elbow. “You know I love you. Don’t you?”

She smiles at me.
“I know you do, sweetheart, and I love you too.”

So do I,” Reed says as he plops down in the chair on the opposite side of me.

Considering that you just married her, you better.”

He leans forward, just enough to look at her.
“I do, even when she’s being a bitch.”

My niece is never a bitch,” Will says, walking up to us.

He may be my second cousin, but he has always considered me his niece.
“You tell him, Uncle Will.”

I will, but first, I have to talk to my wife.”

Becca looks up at him before slowly getting up from her chair.
“Is something wrong?”

He shakes his head.
“No, I just need to talk to you for a second.”

They don
’t even stop as they head toward the building Dad uses to store extra parts. “I wonder what’s going on with those two.”

Reed places his arms on my shoulder and pulls me into his side, only the arm of the chair separating us.
“Whatever it is, they’ll work it out.”

I hope so.”



I slam the door as soon as we step into the building, then feel around the wall until I find the light switch. When the light comes on, I see Becca staring up at me with unshed tears in her eyes. “What the hell is wrong?”

She shakes her head.

Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her in close.
“You’ve been acting off ever since we got here.”

I’m just tired.”

I blow out a frustrated breath, not wanting to play this game.
“Bullshit, Rebecca. Now tell me why you’re upset.”

In a quiet voice, she says,
“Tessa’s here.”

My body tenses, and my arms tighten around her.

You haven’t seen her?”

Hell, no.” If I had, her ass would be gone. “What the hell is she doing here?”

She’s dating Reed’s dad.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Even after all these years, that bitch is never far from our lives. She calls my cell, the shop, even the home I share with my wife. She shows up every fucking where we go; she even made an appearance at my eldest son’s wedding. For the first few years, I ignored her. Then, I tried talking to her; well, talking isn’t exactly the right word. I would yell at her until she’d get lost for a few days. Now, I’m back to pretending like she doesn’t exist.

Just ignore her.”

I tried,” she whispers.

What the fuck did she do to you?”

She pulls back and turns away.
“She said that she and Reed’s dad are getting married.”

That’s wonderful fucking news. Now she’ll leave us alone.”

I watch her shoulders shake and know she
’s crying. “Why are you upset? It looks like you’d be happy. She’ll be out of our lives for good.”

She twirls around, tears streaming down her face.
“You don’t understand. Now, she’ll be around all the time.”

I step forward and pull her back into my arms.
“What the hell are you talking about?”

She is going to be Jenny’s mother-in-law, part of our family.”

Well, fuck!
“Reed hardly sees his dad, so I doubt we’ll be seeing her that much. If anything, she’ll be too busy with her new husband to care if she sees us or not.”

She said…” she starts, but goes quiet without finishing.

What the fuck did she say?”

Now, she has a reason to be around you as much as she wants.”

No damn way.
“You listen to me. That woman is not a part of my life anymore. She hasn’t been in years. The fact that she’s going to be related to Jenny doesn’t change that.”


But, nothing. She is nothing but a bad memory.”

Becca looks up at me, tears still trickling down her cheeks.
“But, she’s still so pretty. She still looks the same way she did when you were dating.”

What?” What the fuck is she getting at?

She hasn’t had three kids, and she doesn’t spend her days changing diapers.”

What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

She jerks away, moving to the other side of the room.
“Look at me. I still haven’t lost the weight I gained from Jackson. Hell, I haven’t even lost all the weight I gained when I was pregnant with Holly, and she’s nearly seven.”

Baby, you’re beautiful.”

She shakes her head manically.
“I’m forty pounds overweight, today is the first time I’ve put on make-up in months, and my hair is turning gray.”

I walk toward her, looking at my beautiful wife.
“First of all, your body is fucking amazing. I’ve never seen or felt anything like it in my life. As for the make-up, you know I don’t like that shit anyway.”

When I reach her, I pull her close and run my fingers through her hair.
“And, Rebecca, your hair is not gray. It’s still just as golden brown as it was the day I first kissed you.”

She sniffles, wiping the tears from her face.
“I don’t tell you, but I color it. If I didn’t, I would be completely gray.”

Do you honestly think I would give a shit if all of your hair turned gray? Fuck, baby, it could all fall out, and I’d love you the same.”

She looks into my eyes, searching for the truth.
“I know you’ll always love me, but will you always want me?”

Always,” I whisper as I lean down and place my lips on her. “I’ll want you until I die.”

How can you know for sure?”

I shake my head at the frustrating woman. Running the backs of my fingers down her cheek, tipping her chin up, I meet her tear stained eyes with mine before taking her lips in a gentle kiss. Moving my fingers from under her chin, I cup both cheeks in my hands, holding her lips to mine. She
’s stiff as a board, but I’m slowly coaxing her out of her shell. Keeping every move gentle, I kiss my wife like she’s the most precious thing in my world, because she is. If only she could see what I see.

Finally, she releases the breath she was holding and melts into my body. Her sweet little tongue sneaks between her lips, and the tension I didn
’t realize I was holding eases away. I lean into her further as my tongue meets hers. Her arms wrap around my neck, and she pushes up on her tiptoes to deepen our kiss. My passion meets hers, and all of my thoughts are focused on proving how she affects me. I rub my hard cock into her, pulling a gasp from her lips.

Feel that, baby? You do that to me,” I say while I kiss my way down her neck to her shoulder. “Only you,” I confess before licking the sweet spot where her neck and shoulder meet.

Will…” she breathes.

Hmm?” I murmur against her skin, my lips, teeth, and tongue teasing every inch of her neck while I deftly reach behind her to release the zipper of her dress, leaving it gaping in the back, so my hands come in contact with her smooth skin. Becca slowly starts to unbutton my dress shirt, rubbing her fingers over my chest. I release the tie at the back of her neck, letting the soft material of her dress pool around her feet, and my girl stands there in nothing but her lingerie and heels. My cock throbs with want. Her arms circle around her middle, and her chin falls to her chest.

No, don’t you hide what’s mine from me,” I command, pulling her arms away from her body. Her eyes swim with tears again, and it nearly brings me to my knees. How did it get to this point? How did I not notice how insecure she was about her body? Fuck. I feel like a tool. It’s my job to make her feel beautiful, treasured, but somehow, someway, I failed her.

Her bottom lip trembles as I take it between my teeth, sucking it into my mouth before she can react further. I kiss her passionately while I release her breasts from her bra. My fingertips run down her spine, and she shivers under my touch. Stepping away from her enough to finish taking off my shirt, I look around our surroundings. Not really adequate for what I have in mind, but I
’ll make do. I lay my shirt out on one of the worktables then pull Becca back into my arms.

I kiss her fiercely, putting every ounce of love into it. She pulls away, gasping for breath. I take advantage and kiss my way down her body, circling her nipple with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth then dragging my tongue down the silky skin of her stomach. Becca sucks in her breath.

Hooking my thumbs into her panties, I pull them down her thighs while I continue to kiss down her stomach, the scar from her c-section stark against her milky skin.
“Please, Will, don’t,” she pleads, trying to back away from my touch, but the workbench stops her retreat.

Don’t. Becca, you are gorgeous. I don’t know what the fuck you see when you look at yourself, but what I see is sex on heels.”

There is nothing sexy about stretch marks and scars.”

I gently run my lips across the scar that is proof of how our youngest came into the world.
“This? This is the sexiest fucking thing ever. It’s undeniable proof of our love and life together.”

I can tell she wants to argue, but I
’m done with that shit. I quickly stand and lift her onto the table, my shirt protecting her bare skin from the rough surface. I take her lips again, punishing her negativity with my kiss. Pushing her knees wide, I free my cock from my pants and step between her legs. Grabbing her behind the knees, I pull her ass to the edge of the table and tease her folds with the head of my cock.

’s head falls back, and she moans softly. “More please.”

I sink into her pussy slowly.
“I love the way you feel around my cock,” I murmur. “So hot and wet. And mine.”

I drag my cock out inch by inch, not rushing us to the finish line. No, I
’m worshiping her body, relishing how perfectly we fit together. I capture her nipple between my lips and lave it with my tongue as I continue to drag out her pleasure. Becca’s head falls back on her shoulders, exposing the long line of her neck. I cup my hand around the back of it, resting my thumb just above her fluttering pulse.

Will, I need…” Her words are cut off when I thrust into her hard, and then they’re replaced with a moan followed by a hissed, “

’s so responsive. I’m barely holding back my release, watching her lose herself to me. I give her exactly what I know she needs, thrusting relentlessly into her tight sheathe. Her pussy clenches around me. “Fuck, baby, you do that again and I’m not going to last,” I warn.

Her eyes meet mine, and she smirks before squeezing me again, taking my words as a challenge and not the warning they were meant to be. There
’s my girl, feisty and confident in her sexuality. Not wanting to be outdone, my fingers slip to where our bodies are connected, collecting the wetness there then swirling it up and around her clit. Her breath catches, and her eyes glaze, losing control of those perfect pussy muscles as her orgasm crashes down around her. Her nails scrape down my shoulders, the pain she gives in her pleasure the catalyst to my own release. I bury myself deep, my orgasm almost painful as my balls draw up, and hot jets coat her walls.

Using the hand at her neck, I pull her lips to mine, and we eat at each other, my hips slowly moving in and out of her drenched folds.
“Rebecca, I fucking love you. I love this body that gave me three beautiful children. I love everything about you.”

I love you too, Will.”

BOOK: Love Song Series Box Set
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