Love Uncovered (Forbidden Fruit) (6 page)

BOOK: Love Uncovered (Forbidden Fruit)
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It was still raining when she woke the next morning.
Julie lay snuggled in Max’s arms and listened to the tapping of the rain on the cabin’s metal roof. Willing herself to stay in bed she drifted, lulled by the rain and Max’s deep even breathing. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she gave into the simple pleasure of burrowing under the covers with her husband and slipping in and out of sleep. When the limitations of her body forced her to get up, she tried to sneak out of bed without disturbing him. As soon as she moved, his arms tightened around her, pulling her back against the warm curve of his body.

“I’ll be right back,”
she whispered, kissing his cheek rough with stubble while she untangled herself from the covers and him.

“Better or I’ll hunt you down.” He didn’t bother opening his eyes, but she saw a smile tug on the corners of his mouth. She pause a moment just to enjoy the shape of his lips.
She loved his lips. When they first got together, she’d lie on his chest after they made love and trace the soft skin with the tip of her finger until he either caught her finger with his mouth or rolled her over to start all over again.

Without thinking, she extend
ed a finger toward his mouth, catching herself before it touched. Bathroom first.



On the way back to Max, she forced herself to ignore the coffee pot and last night’s dishes, choosing to snuggle under the covers with him instead. Max spooned around her, folding her in the covers and his arms.
But she couldn’t ignore the erection pressing into the cleft of her bottom. Twisting in his arms, she rolled onto her back and stretched her leg over his hips, opening herself to him.

Eyes still closed, h
e groaned and thrust his hips, the smooth hard length of him rubbing along her sex. How many times had they made love over the last forty-eight hours and she still wanted him. Amazing.

Her body perpendicular to his, s
he reached between her splayed legs and guided the tip of him inside her. She wasn’t quite ready, but she didn’t care. At this angle he hit completely different spots, stretching and filling her. Exciting her as he worked his way into her tight opening.

He caught her leg and pressed forward slowly with his hips, seating his cock deep inside her. Hooking an arm under her knee and trapping her other leg between his, Max spread her wide open for him. He thrust into her, hugging her leg to his chest and stretching her with each stroke.

“So good.”
He pulled and thrust, sliding out a few inches before pushing forward and settling himself even deeper. The delicious stretch of her legs spread open for him combined with the way his cock filled her, nudging her womb, drove her wild. She felt the familiar tightening start low in her belly. Before she had a chance to over think her response, he laid feather soft kisses along her leg and ankle.

“Don’t think, sweet girl. Just feel me inside you. Feel that.” He slid and stroked
, slow even movements that hit a sweet spot deep inside her and made her breath catch in her throat. His hands played along her calf, teasing the tender skin behind her knee and thigh. “Touch yourself, baby. I want to feel you come.” He punctuated his words with more kisses along her ankle and she tightened around him.

Julie slid her hand between her legs and touched the point where his cock entered her. “God, I love that. I love feeling you slip inside me.” S
he used her fingers, slick with her own arousal to circle her swollen clit. She rubbed the tight bundle of nerves, stopping every few moments to run her fingers over Max’s hard cock, touching the place where their bodies joined, and gathering her slick heat on her fingertips. He was so hard and she was so soft and wet, together a beautiful contrast of sensations.

Max hugged her leg and thrust and her breath came in a gasp as he buried himself in her. She
slid her fingers back and forth over her clit, flexing her legs and straining for an orgasm that seemed just out of reach. She was on the edge but she couldn’t quite let go. She let out a frustrated noise and Max bit her. Hard. He nipped the tender skin behind her ankle hard enough to leave a mark.

Ahh!” But even as she cried out her pussy clenched around the length of him. The shock and tightening was enough to send her spiraling into her orgasm. She arched, pulsing with her climax, as he relentlessly drove his cock into her, stretching and filling her as she continued to contract around him.

Keeping her fingers on the spot where their bodies joined, she watched the tendons in his neck strain as he gave himself over to his own climax.
When he came, she felt him pulse with her fingertips and her womb.




“If you keep doing that, I’m going to end up with marks all over my body.” Julie sat cross legged in the pile of blankets and pillows wearing nothing but her panties and a t-shirt and rubbed the back of her ankle where Max had bit her. The teeth marks were fading but still visible and she’d have a little bruise.

“Stay out of your own way and I won’t have to.” Max stretched out on his stomach, still gloriously naked, and peered at her sideways
. “I swear, Jules, stop thinking yourself out of orgasms and I’ll stop trying to shock you into them. If you’re really sure you want me to.”

Julie blew out her breath in an exasperated huff and gave him her best
you crazy man
look. “Of course I’m sure.” She was, wasn’t she? What kind of person liked to be bitten during sex? Well, there was always that whole vampire sex thing, so maybe a lot of people but not her. Not really.

“I don’
t know. The nibble equals instant orgasm isn’t exactly a deterrent.” He made snappy noises with his teeth, and she reached over to swat his bare butt. “We could try spanking if you’d rather,” he said shifting away from her hand. “No reason that shouldn’t work as well as the biting for shock value.”

“If you want, baby, I’ll be happy to spank you if that’s what you need. But I might need to get one of those paddles. I don’t want to hurt my hands.” She rubbed her palms together and grinned at him.

“Very funny.”
He snapped at her again and she scrambled to her feet.

“Come on,” she said, reaching for his hand.”Let’s go make something to eat so you have something else to nibble on.”


They made blueberry pancakes with the fixings her mom had brought for the kids.
The familiar smell of blueberries, sweet batter and buttery syrup made Julie feel warm and nostalgic. Even more so because of the soft rain that continued to fall outside, turning the cabin into a dry cave. Blueberry pancakes were a tradition from her own childhood that her mom insisted on passing on to the grandkids.

I wonder if they’
re eating pancakes at Mom and Dad’s house
, Julie thought.

For a moment, she
missed the kids with a deep ache in her heart, but she wasn’t ready to go home yet. The rediscovered intimacy with Max felt new and precious, and she wasn’t willing to do anything to jeopardize it.

“These are fantastic
,” said Max around a mouthful of syrup drenched pancake.

They’d taken their plates and mugs of coffee back to their bed on the floor. While she’
d finished the pancakes, Max had started a fire in the fireplace. It wasn’t large enough to throw off too much heat, but it made the room feel cozy and their bed feel like a nest.

She took a bite and the warm tart taste of blueberry burst on her tongue. “Oh God,” she groaned. The pancakes were crisp around the edges and soft and buttery in the center. Max drenched his with syrup, but she liked hers with the barest of drizzles, just enough to sweeten the berries that studded the pancakes.

“We’re gonna need more of these.” Max had almost finished his first plate, stopping just long enough to drink the coffee she’d made. He was still naked, a fact she’d teased him about while they were cooking. He’d simply turned around and called her a chicken for getting dressed. As if a t-shirt and panties counted as dressed.

There are still some on the counter. If you want more, you’re going to have to make them. But I’d put pants on first if I were you. Grease burns and all.” She grinned at him and took another bite of the truly fantastic pancakes.

“No way.
Today, I’m a nudist. No clothes, no how.”

Alrighty then.” She watched over the rim of her coffee mug as he polished off the last of his pancakes.

“Do you want more?” He stood naked as the day he was born, holding his empty plate and mug.

“Definitely.” She caught her lower lip between her teeth and looked him over like he was something to eat, letting her gaze slide up his body before meeting his eyes.

“I meant pancakes or coffee. You are insatiable.”
His voice held such affection and she leered at him playfully. “I love that about you, by the way.”

“No coffee or pancakes just yet. I’m not done with these.” She held up her half eaten plate to show
him, and he turned toward the kitchen. “Nice ass.” He gave his butt a little shake and stalked off to refill his plate.


It rained all afternoon, casting the room in shadows. Max and Julie finished the pancakes and most of a second pot of coffee. They read and napped, shifting around in their nest of pillows, but not venturing farther than the bathroom or kitchen for a refill on the coffee. Max kept the fire going and the flickering firelight made their nest glow warm in the dim light of an overcast afternoon.

True to his word, Max
stayed naked all day. Which is why Julie was looking at her husband’s butt as he stood on the deck looking out over the lake. She’d woken from a nap to see him and his butt standing outside in the rain. She opened the door to the deck and he turned to meet her, raindrops shining in his hair and a smile lighting his face.

“Oh good, you’re up. Come here
. Hurry.”

“What are you doing out here?  It’s raining.”

“Not much.” He was right; for now it looked like the rain had slowed to a drizzle. “Come on, before they fly away.”

“Before who flies away?”
She stepped out onto the deck in her panties and t-shirt and hugged her arms around herself against the slight chill and wet. Max made room for her at the rail and stood behind her, pointing across the lake. Even in the cool misty rain she could feel the heat of him along her back. She leaned back a little, letting her head fall against his chest.

“Over there.” Max pointed across the lake and she followed his arm with her gaze until she saw the
pair of huge birds perched at the top of a dead tree.

It couldn’t be, but with their brown bodies and white heads, the birds sure looked like bald eagles. She strained her eyes, squinting to get a better look through the drizzle. The white on the heads didn’t quite go the whole way around the neck. Not eagles, but what?

.” Max crossed his arms under her breasts, hugging her to him and making her already damp t-shirt ride up a little. “They mate for life.”

Wow,” she whispered, not sure why she was worried about being quiet. They weren’t likely to spook the birds from the deck. “They’re huge. Do you think they’ll nest around here?”

“Who knows? I haven’t seen them here before and usually they come back t
o the same area year after year. Maybe this is a new pair just starting out.”

“That would be so cool – to see them here
every year.” She nestled in his arms, and he tucked her head under his chin. They stood silently watching the birds until the drizzle turned into a light rain. Julie turned in his arms and stretched up to kiss him lightly on his rain wet lips. “Let’s go in and dry off.”

She reached for his hand
to draw him inside, but he stopped her, this time claiming her mouth. He cradled her head in his hands and kissed her softly, tenderly while the rain fell around them. Her t-shirt clung to the curves of her body and the rain ran off her upturned face.

“Stay out here with me.
” He breathed the words against her lips. “I want to see your body naked in the rain, feel the water on our skin. Come on, Jules. When are we going to have a chance to do this again?”

She started to say no, they couldn’t make love outside, but they had – more than once – and it had been amazing.
He knew where her scars came from both inside and out. Suddenly hiding herself from him seemed crazy. She step away from him, grabbed the hem of her wet t-shirt and pulled it over her head, dropping it in a heap on the deck. Her panties followed, and she stood naked and unashamed in the rain.

It ran in rivulets over her skin, off the tips of her breast
s, trickling down her legs like a teasing caress. Feeling brazen and powerful, she closed her eyes, raised her arms and tipped her head back to catch the rain on her face. She heard Max laugh with pleasure and then gasped as she felt his mouth, hot and demanding on the tight bud of her nipple.

She let her han
ds drop to his shoulders and held onto him as he cupped her breasts and suckled her, hard and insistent, alternating from one breast to the other. When he released her nipple, warm from the heat of his mouth it immediately tightened to a hard point under the prickle of the cool rain. Hot and cold, soft and sharp, he went back and forth, teasing her as the muscles low in her belly tensed and the pleasure built.

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